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Taling Chan


We started the day by getting a taxi across to Taling Chan Floating Market - definitely worth the trip! Lots of lovely little stalls selling wonderius snacks and nic-nacs. The locals cook food from their boats in the river and it’s served up to customers on a floating dock. You have to take your shoes off and sit at very low tables on the floor. Perhaps a tourist trap - but it was a brilliant experience and it really wasn’t that pricey - 2 meals and 2 bowls of rice were £2.60 ($4.33). A lovely trip!

We then headed out to The Sky Bar early evening, 64 floors up. EXTREMELY expensive but the views were amazing. Quite surprising at how many skyscrapers Bangkok has. We had 2 drinks each and it was EXTORTIONATE. Lots of the bar was very open, minimal glass or railings..... questionable for some!!! After our drinks we swiftly headed back down to earth for some delicious street food and ate on the steps outside (where we feel we belong in this city!)

Food today included meat on sticks, shrimp, pad thai, cheese balls, seaweed balls, noodles, spicy shredded pork salad, shrimp curry paste and steamed buns.

Floating Market

Feeding time!

Humidity is something else here!

Sky Bar

Bangkok by night

Back to ground zero for some delicious street food!