Currently sitting at the airport getting ready to head to Montreal Canada. It has been a eventful three days, with extreme walking, bussing and also training!. Jet lag has finally hit and it’s slowly killing me and I can’t seem to sleep at the right time. Time zone is also killing me with friends sleeping while I’m awake exploring the other side of the world.
Chicago has been amazing and it taught me a few valuable lessons of life. Firstly school is important as without education you won’t get far in life. Secondly life just needs to continue to move on so new developments can be made.
They say life is like a \240box of chocolate. So it should be random! Many different and random experiences have been felt and it has made me think hard about the decisions that can help make and impact my life.
Definitely feeling home sick but who knows the trip has been dope and there always been something to do! Praying that God can have a few things that go my way soon :/