It was a pleasant 5 hour journey with no bad weather
This was a one night stop & a one horse town. The only thing I can really say about it is that we had our first gelato here & I didn’t take any photos! As you can see though we are making progress south & still hoping that summer comes to Italy soon 🤞.
It was a pleasant 5 hour journey with no bad weather
Another place that should have been a one night stop but wasn’t sadly due to horrendous gales. We spent 3 nights here in this soulless 60’s built marina resort on a very pretty headland in the middle of nowhere. On the positive side though we are now further south on the Italian west coast than we were last year to cross to Elba so from here on in it is all uncharted territory (for us).
Punta Ala was a very expensive marina, quite exposed to the elements (so very noisy during the storms) \240& there wasn’t much to do. We did lots of jobs & because we were side to berthed for once I was able to give the starboard side a really good clean. We took the canvas off the cockpit (hoping that summer might arrive) & we cleaned & polished things that very much needed it.
We did get our new bikes out for an inaugural ride which was lovely. Despite the very steep hills & wet bumpy ground they did ok & we were able at least to see a bit outside the marina (prison camp) when it wasn’t raining!
New mini light (as a feather - a heavy feather) \240e-bikes & a view
The view from the \240beach at Punta Ala & us
Pretty landscape without us & for once blue skies!
The rocks & Elba in the distance
Leaving Punta Ala not a day too soon & in sunshine
Summer seems to have arrived in Italy at last we have clear blue skies not grey & it’s warm enough for shorts 😄☀️☀️.
We arrived here in Santo Stefano, Monte Argentario 3 days ago. A pretty promontory almost island which was an island until the 1700’s. Santo Stefano is a pretty port on a bloody steep hill & it is really hard to get out of town.
We tried to go out on our bikes to explore outside the town but the main route out was closed and all other routes had steep steps everywhere - not great for our little bikes!! We gave up - which is a shame but at least we saw lots of very tiny cobbled streets & steps. It really is a mountain.
Yesterday we went on a boat trip (we like a boat trip). We took the ferry (a bit like the Wightlink Ferry) \240to Isola Giglio as foot passengers. A small island 15 miles out which was delightful. Again very steep hills but with a very pretty port fronted with shops & restaurants & a population of less than 2000 people (excepting tourists). The water around was crystal clear (but with quite a few jellyfish). We had a delicious lunch & wandered around the pretty streets.
Today we head to Rome & a berth on the Tiber river in Fiumicino where we will stay whilst we discover Rome. We are leaving Tuscany & entering Lazio region ( which we thought was a football team!)
A hitch hiker on the ferry back to Santo Stefano
Arriving in Santo Stefano
Another torrential downpour with thunder & lightening, I am sheltering in a doorway!
Lovely sunrise
Delicious prawns from the amazing fish stalls on the front of the port - fresh as they come
Looking from VA to Santo Stefano
Porto Giglio from the big hill
The crystal clear waters of Isola Giglio
Giglio Castello - too high to walk to in the heat
Yummy crispy octopus
A mixed starter to share with anchovies, octopus & delicious bean mash (like hummus)
Possibly cider possibly wine - but something local we couldn’t quite work out! It was quite nice though 😜
Me & a ferry
Me & Porto Giglio
We made the very long 7.5 hour journey here yesterday. It was long but stress free & not a lot happening other than a few other boats to see. We are now moored in the River Tiber close to Rome - wow 😮. I have never been to Rome (Andrew has) so it’s very exciting to get this chance to see one of the worlds great cities.
First our mooring is great - it is very cheap (compared to most) & we are only 30 minutes by train to the centre of Rome and there is a nice restaurant 10 steps away 😍.
So today we went into Rome to visit Vatican City & see the area around a bit. The train into Rome was easy & cheap, the getting around Rome a bit less so. We walked a bit & then got a taxi (further than I thought). We had a pretty poor lunch outside the Vatican City \240(bad pizzas) but expected as much - fuel to keep us going nothing more.
Our pre-booked tour of the Vatican Museums, Sisteen Chapel & St Peter’s Basilica was great, long but 👍. We had a 3 hour guide to the best bits of the Vatican - perfect. It really is incredible to see Michelangelo’s & the other major artists work \240in situ. On the downside, it was & I suspect always is incredibly busy but I am so glad we went. Anyway best seen in photos so here we go ………
More tomorrow when we return to Rome for part II
St Peter’s Basillica from behind
Belvedere Palace
One of many many Roman Statues in the museum
The very pretty octagonal courtyard with statues that Michelangelo apparently plagiarised the faces for his paintings
This one he used for the face of God
The very famous Loacoon Statue
Neros bath & amazing original Roman mosaic floor
Piazza San Pietro - where the pope blesses everyone who shows up on a Wednesday & Sunday
Inside St Peter’s Basilica & Michelangelo Dome - very high & very big
Michelangelo sculpture done when he was just 21 - impressive
Just to prove we were here
Swiss guards - trained to kill apparently
We are still chilling on the River Tiber whilst we ‘do’ Rome. It’s an exhausting but fabulous city with so much to see. We have been in to the city for 2 more days taking yesterday off for a break (wisely) & now we think we have seen most of the best bits.
Rome is of course rammed with tourists & we found that getting in early is best to get a bit ahead of the crowds. We also learned that every major attraction should have been booked up before we got here. We hadn’t pre-booked anything so we have had to pay more to get in to the things we wanted to see. Despite all of that it has been AMAZING 🤩 & worth it.
So Day 1 we did Vatican City which was covered in my last post. Day 2 we did Campo di Fiore, Piazza Navone, Sant Ivo Alla Sapienza, The Pantheon (Wow!), the Trevi Fountain & Piazza di Spagna. We had a lovely lunch close to the Spanish Steps & then we headed back (not before squeezing in a gelato 🍨).
Day 3 we visited everything in the Ancient Centre, Circo Massimo, The Palatine, The Forum, Trajans Forum & Markets Museum & last but not least the Colloseum - all fabulous. There is so much more we could see here but it all becomes a bit overwhelming so I think in 3 days we have done it justice.
Tomorrow we move on again heading down towards Naples. Rome you were great 👍.
One of three fountains in Piazza Navona
Sant Agnese in Agone & Piazza di Navona
The obelisk & fountain 2
Unmistakably the Pantheon ceiling - more than 2000 years old!!
Inside The Pantheon
Outside the Pantheon
Original Fiat 500’s & Andrew - my Mum had one of these when I was 3 - look how small they are!
A mafia wedding on our way to the Trevi Fountain
The Trevi Fountain
So many people but still amazing
Very famous steps
Circo Massimo
In the Palatine - huge area filled with Roman stuff
Palatine Hill looking towards The Colloseum
The Forum
Farnese Gardens Aviary
Inside the Temple of Romulus
The Trajan Forum
Streets of Rome
I think this is The Colloseum 🤣
Inside the Colloseum
Guess who & where? 🤣
Arch of Septimus Severus- based on Marble Arch or is it the other way round 😃