Nothing like starting an adventure with a mai tai! I’m off to Auckland via \240Honolulu on Hawaiian Airlines.....barely made check-in and only because Marcia came and helped me pack and get out of the apartment! Love you Marcia!


About to take off, Honolulu to Auckland!

My companions in flight, listening to Eckhart Tolle read his “The Power of Now”....” my identity is a fiction of the mind,” and Pete Buttigieg his “Shortest Way Home.” \240Taking a break to watch the beautiful and moving “Tolkien”......aware of the precious gift which is my freedom, my life, the miracle of consciousness and manifest existence. \240

! Auckland!

Yesterday - \240my first day exploring Auckland.


Yesterday, a beautiful day hiking on the Tutukaka Coast east of Whangarei, the Whale Bay track.

Russell, Northland, New Zealand

A wonderful day of sailing in the Bay of Islands aboard the Vigilant with Nick and Natalie, out of Russell, Northland, New Zealand. \240