I have this app and want to see if you get the entries.
We are still here, but our luggage is not. \240I was going to attach a picture of our luggage but they picked it up early. \240
One of the nice perks of the cruise is they pick up two pieces of luggage each for a total of 4 at 50 pounds apiece and deliver it to the ship and then send it back home after the cruise concludes. \240The downside is that you cannot send your medications or anything including alcohol (shampoo, conditioner, etc) and since we will be gone 6 months, we will have to check a bag anyway to Los Angeles.
Speaking of meds, the insurance company came through and allowed a waiver so we can get all the meds for the entire trip. \240So, that is one less item on the to do list.
I will be attaching our itinerary sometime the week of the 8th as well as emergency contact numbers. \240However, we should be able to get telephone calls and texts on our phone as usual unless there is no service.
Here is our itinerary at this time. \240As you might imagine, it is subject to change. \240If any of you would like to join us for any segment, we would love seeing you. \240Counting down….

It is Monday morning and I think we are ready for the trip! \240A few last minute meetings with those who will assist us with bills, animals, taxes, etc for the next six months.
An interesting development occurred last night. \240Jeffrey was in the phone with a maternal cousin and found out that she is on the same trip we are but she boarded in Miami. \240We are looking forward to meeting her…her real name is Snow Whyte! \240She told Jackie about a Facebook group for the cruise and I joined it and asked about Mah Jongg…they have a few sets on board and the woman I spoke with plays American style, so I will bring my card… We will see if I can join in a game and who knows, I may teach them Chinese😀

For those like me who are geographically challenged, here is the map of our cruise. \240

Luggage is ready! \240All packed for our 7 am flight!✈️😛. We love you all and will miss you! \240Remember we have WIFi and our phones…would love for everyone to keep in touch!❤️❤️

We are on our way to Los Angeles where we will be met by the cruise line to take us to the Beverly Wiltshire. \240We will meet with my college roommate, Betsy and go to the La Brea tar pits and then early dinner. \240Tomorrow we embark on our cruise!
Also, we met a lovely couple from Savannah on our flight, Arlene and Rich, who will also be on the cruise! \240

Our hotel!
We made it! \240Beautiful room❤️. Breakfast tomorrow and onto ship at 10:30!

Breakfast this morning at the Beverly Hills Wiltshire. \240Who are all of these old people?🤣

These are provided every day


Extension of balcony

Guest bathroom

Living area


Master bathroom..no bathtub😢
We are on the ship in our room! \240Leave for the islands at 7:00 pm.


Flowers delivered but unknown sender?
Day 2: \240I had a little sea sickness (just a little nausea) but all is well this afternoon. \240We went to a lecture on Captain Cook and his untimely demise…(appears he may have been eaten!) and had lunch where we met the administrator of the Facebook page for the passengers. He was wonderful and a nice lunch companion. \240Ross is watching the game and I went to the needlepoint class and am making an eyeglass holder.

Also, signed up for Polynesian jewelry classes. \240Will post the results. \240So far, so good! \240Ross worked out…not me, yet…maybe tomorrow 🤣. They do have mahjongg time and will also try to go tomorrow. \240

Just placed on our door as a gift to cruisers that needle point❤️

Today has been an interesting day. \240We are moving westward, so we lost an hour yesterday. \240No big deal, except our phones have not caught up, so it is a little confusing.
This morning started off with Ross going to medical. \240He had acquired a sore on his leg prior to leaving and today, it was a hole! \240He went to the doctor and they diagnosed a bite of some kind. \240They cleaned it out, gave him antibiotics and will see him again on Thursday.
I went to play some mah jongg and realized that I do not know the intricacies of the game but won two games. \240The other players were very nice and it was very enjoyable.
We then went to the casino and I am down 16.00 and Ross is down a little more. \240But, we still have time to lose money or maybe get lucky!
Jackie and Jeffrey called us (we have a weekly call set up) and that was a very nice way to end our day.

Today started with a short work out and then breakfast. \240Ross slept in as the boat was rocking today so it was very soothing. \240After breakfast, I played Mah Jongg and won a few games. \240It is nice as everyone is very pleasant. \240Lunch and then Casino. \240Ross is down a little and I am up 70.00! \240Ross had a good workout while I went to my first Polynesian necklace making class.

Dinner tonight and then Ross is going to see a comic and as always I will go to bed early. It has so far been very relaxing, food has been very good and we got to FaceTime with Brenton, Stephanie, Levi and Jackie over the last 2 days so it has been wonderful!
Forgot to take a picture of the currents…Today was a quiet day on the Pacific Ocean. \240Weather is getting warm so we were able to eat outside. \240I did a little gambling and lost a little but still up 29.00. \240Mah Jongg was fun but I may skip tomorrow. \240One more sea day and then Kona. \240We are still trying to figure out where to go but it will be an adventure. \240Ross’ leg is healing nicely per the doctor and all is well!

Last sea day before Kona tomorrow. \240It was a beautiful day with perfect weather. \240Ross had a massage and I was on the pool deck doing my needlepoint and I met a 90 year old oncologist who is now retired from surgery as well as the teaching college where he taught. \240His name is Achmed and he introduced himself as 100% Palestinian and I said that I was 100% Ashkenasic Jew…and then said Hello Cuz! \240He told me that I look like a Sephardic Jew…🤣. \240He regaled me with stories and we had a lovely conversation. \240He smoked cigars and reminded me of my grandfather (Popoo) as he had a very dry sense of humor. \240As he told me, he is an atheist, republican, born Muslim living in the United States (he is an American citizen) who is prejudiced against everyone! \240 My type of guy! \240
Ross and I then had lunch and I went to the casino while Ross rested. \240Now, I am down 60.00…. Not going the way I want it to🤣but I am having fun and the dealers are beginning to know me.
Then, we had a wonderful surprise as we met Jeffrey’s cousin, Snow White…yes, that is her real name and her father named her after her mother wanted to call her Taiwan. \240lol! \240She was wonderful and we had a good conversation at the high tea.
Finally, the day ended with a Mongolian BBQ featuring the executive chef cooking outside. \240It was very good and Ross also had Lamb which he said was excellent. \240The food has been very good and we are looking forward to getting off the ship tomorrow.

Day in Kona. \240We have visited before so just walked around. \240Very hot day but we took in the Royal palace and had an amazing Thai lunch.

Tomorrow Hilo. \240We will probably just meander as we did today.

Today was a very relaxing fun day. \240We took a taxi to downtown Hilo and went to the local Farmer’s Market where we purchased some loose tea .

The tea with the pea flower is supposed to turn colors when steeped. \240From green to pink to blue due to acidity. \240We will see but it smells scrumptious. \240We then walked the downtown area \240and came across the Tsunami Museum.

It was fascinating and the Professor who started the museum was there to give us the opening salvo. \240He came up to us and explained that when the first settlers came to the islands to provide the whaling islanders the chance to have religion in their lives, there was an open rebellion against the settlers when they tried to ban the 2 B’s. \240 Can you guess what it was? \240(Hint: \240alcohol and sex)🤣🤣🤣. Not much changes in this world! \240
We then went to lunch and had ice cream for dessert. \240Overall, a very good and relaxing day❤️. \240Btw: \240for those old married couples, Ross and I were discussing how surprised we were that we are finding each other again without all the stressors. \240We are amazed at how much we love still being with one another. \240But, as a caveat, Ross, says we still have 170 days to go!!!!😬.
Tomorrow, Kauai! \240Aloha🌺

Kaua’i!!! \240Started out this beautiful morning with breakfast outside and then reading and relaxing on our deck as we docked.

We did not have any excursions planned so walked approximately one mile to a shopping area where we found a collectibles shop which was an interesting place to wander. \240Then, lunch and walked a mile back to the ship. \240Quiet day.
The one interesting thing we found was there are wild chickens all over the island that roam free.

This is the reason as cleverly told by someone with the sense of humor like Ross 🤣

Honolulu! \240We started this morning with a nice breakfast at a luxury mall in Waikiki. \240It is built around several large banyan trees.

This is in the middle of a 3 story mall!

We then took a trolley car tour which was okay. \240Ross said the driver made him sleepy 😴🤣
Then ate lunch at Cheesecake Factory. \240Now, back on ship. \240Have another 5 sea days so if I do not add to the Journal…it just means we are relaxing!❤️. \240Next stop on Monday is Rangiroa, French Polynesia!
We are in the middle of the Pacific Ocean somewhere between Rangiroa and Hawaii!

The past few days have been peaceful at sea and we are very fortunate to have good weather.
I made the second Polynesian craft two days ago…the bracelet to match my necklace.

And, today, I make a fish hook necklace. \240I may give it to Tyler if he likes it or if not, I will give it to Levi and tell him it is a gift from the Demi-god Maui🤣
Last night, we crossed the equator and the ship had a ceremony (see the paper for the history) where those who had never crossed the equator by ship had to be initiated. \240They made them kiss a dead fish and then poured cold ice water on them. \240Neither Ross nor I took in this ritual as 1. We have crossed before on our way to the Galapagos and 2. No way are we going to kiss a dead fish 😂🤣

Tomorrow is the last sea day for this part of the cruise and Monday is snorkeling. \240I am hoping to take pictures with Kim’s underwater camera…we will see, knowing my skill at photography…do not expect much assuming I do not break the camera.
The doctor has cleared Ross to snorkel, so we are on!

Sunday Brunch at Sea with a string quartet!

Click the picture above to listen….
Watching football and relaxing! \240Early day snorkeling in Rangiroa tomorrow morning. \240Hopefully, will have pics🐟🐠📷

Click on the picture above for our welcoming committee at the dock
We are in Rangiroa, French Polynesia. \240Absolutely gorgeous. \240We went snorkeling this morning in what they call the “Island Aquarium” as the amount of fish around the reef is astounding. \240Of course, it does not hurt that they feed the fish (probably the best fed fish in the world😂). \240The “aquarium” is right off the island and the water is very clear. \240The fish do not mind you invading their territory at all, but one did nip my leg….must have looked like food.
Kim bought me an underwater camera that is waterproof up to 50 feet. \240Below are some of the pictures I took. \240The camera worked perfectly and any errors are operator error. \240The nice thing is the camera sends the pictures to my phone so I can upload them for y’all to see. \240Enjoy!

We then walked a little and sat under the shade of a tree and watched the water. \240Then, walked to another beach made from coral remnants.

Click for a meditation moment❤️
We are now back on the ship and tomorrow dock in Papeete. \240( pronounced pap a etay)🌺

We are currently in Tahiti. \240Started this morning going to the large market. \240It is quaint and very similar to the straw markets in the Bahamas.

We then walked around the downtown area and as Papeete is the capital…it is busy. \240On our way back, we decided to grab a tour. \240First stop was a grotto:

Then, onto a temple site:

Then, onto a waterfall. \240It began raining very hard and we got soaked…however the falls were memorable.

The final stop was a monument that depicts where Captain Cook first landed in Tahiti. \240Your was very long and a lot of driving. \240They had to double back because part of the road has been closed since November due to rock falls. \240Our guide says it will probably reopen in March.

Now, lunch somewhere in town and back on the ship. \240Tomorrow, we are in Bora, Bora for two days.🌺❤️

Bora, Bora! \240What a gorgeous island! \240We started this morning with an island tour called the Le Truck tour.

The entire island has one road and it just encircles the island. \240No stop signs and no stop lights. \240No hospitals. \240If you have an emergency, they fly you by helicopter to Tahiti.
Bora Bora has a natural lagoon with only one entrance and one exit from the Pacific Ocean so in 1943, the US came and built a small fortification with housing called barracks.

After seeing the barracks, we were shown how the people in Bora Bora bury their dead as there are no cemetaries on the island. They build a shelter in the front yard and bury them there. \240

Then, we had our first stop at a family’s home who makes Tahitian tye dyed fabrics. \240Click on the videos below to see how it is done as well as the “models” (one of them is me) and look at the wrapping around the male model. \240He could not speak English very well so that is why I assisted in a small way😆. The cool thing is they make all the dyes from vegetables and flowers (the blue from the pea flower so it is used for something other than tea!).

The wife actually bought this one for her husband🤣
There are numerous five star hotels in the island and a lot of them have overwater bungalows such as below:

This one actually was built by Marlon Brando and Jack Nicholson built one right next door!
Then we went toward the mountainous side of the island.

I told Levi this was Te’Fiti’s mountain. \240(You have to know Disney’s Moana!)

If you look closely, you will see a cave on the mountain. \240The birds on the island sleep there and all fly out in the morning.
They have a public beach with white sand made up of shells and coral.
Our final stop on the tour was the “famous or infamous “ Bloody Mary’s bar. \240

They put the names of all the famous people who have visited.

This is a poor picture, but there is a handle to the left of the fountain and to wash your hands, you pull the handle and water comes down the rocks!
After the tour, we walked to lunch where we came upon a lady named Lily who makes jewelry from black pearls. \240I bought the following necklace

It is made up of over 30 black pearls, woven coconut fibers and shell leaves. \240I told Levi it is a “Moana necklace 😂”. One of the locals was complimenting the necklace and said it was unlike the other necklaces with black pearls because it was definitely meant to be my necklace. \240I told her my children and friends would definitely agree!

We then went to lunch and Ross had a Mai Tai and I had a virgin fresh squeezed pineapple juice and coconut milk! \240Yum!
We are now back on the ship and the menu for tonight is a special Polynesian fish buffet and then a Polynesian show on the pool deck at 9:00 pm. \240If I can stay awake, I will send pictures. \240Tonight, we are docked in Bora, Bora and tomorrow we swim with Rays and Sharks!🦈 . By the way, thank you all for reading the blog. \240I am not seeing all the comments, but remember you can text us! \240We love and miss you all, but have to say this has been phenomenal!❤️

We stayed up!

Bora Bora! \240This is probably one of the most beautiful places we have ever visited. \240Today, we had a very unique snorkeling adventure. \240We swam, snorkeled or walked in a part of the lagoon which is very shallow. \240Black tip reef sharks and rays (very large rays) swim around you continuously. \240It was amazing. \240The pictures do not really do it justice, but it is an experience you cannot forget!

This is how close they go to you!

This is a picture Ross took while I was petting a ray. (The top of it)

Pufferfish seen on the coral reef where we snorkeled after the sharks.

Quality is bad but I hope you get an idea of how it was. \240Sharks and Rays everywhere and did not care that you were there❤️.
Two days now at sea and then Pago Pago (pronounced Pongo, Pongo as the Samoan language does not have a g in its alphabet and provinces the g as an ng). \240So, probably no update until then.😬🐠🦈

Sailing toward Pago Pago. \240Ross won a jackpot!👍👍🎊💵💰

American Samoa

We came in after a storm last night and when we got off the ship, went to the buses for a tour.

As you can see, the buses are actually F450 chassis with seats inside. \240Natural a/c and very religious people. \240We arrived on Sunday and nothing was open except a small market as the entire island goes to church. \240The largest denomination is Mormon, but they celebrate all forms of Christianity.

Once we were in our way around the Island (one road, no stoplights).. the scenery is beautiful.

They do not have professional guides, so we were given facts by a Samoan woman and her young protege. \240We learned that the Island has @70,000 inhabitants on the islands and 5,000 of them work in the Mai. Industry which is the Starkist Tuna Factory. \240There are no farms, so most of their diet is fruits derived from the tropical plants. \240They do not have any illicit drugs on the island, but do have a major alcohol problem and the jail is used for those islanders who drive while intoxicated and/or drink and get into fights. \240Some of the islands have curfews for the teens so they do not get with “bad company.”
American Samoa is a US territory but do not vote in the presidential election. \240Our guide told us that is the way they want it because the Island is owned by the people through their ancestors and they do not want to be under the presidential laws. \240They are very protective of their culture and only speak Samoan in their homes in order to maintain their language and customs. \240They have cemetaries, but they also bury their dead in the front yard so no one can ever take their property.
The young go to school where Samoan and English are taught and each school has its own uniforms so that the police know what school a teen goes to if they play hooky or act out. \240The main form of punishment is handed out by the family who is told of the child’s misdeeds and the mother in the family hands out physical pumishment using primarily shoes.
The tour around the Island took a few hours and the young girls performed a dance at our last stop. \240

Back then on the ship. \240We cross the international date line tonight, so we lose the entire day of Monday, February 5th!
Finally, to end this post…yesterday I received the hook necklace I made. \240I think Levi will like it!😂🤣

Ross wanted me to add details of our “tour.” \240It was adorable….As I stated, the bus tour consisted of 6 buses with a local bus driver driving each bus. The bus drivers take their bus home and it is their bus…(reason for the murals). \240The bus drivers and guide are not from a company and do not know each other. \240When the “mama” guide (all women are addressed as mama and men are papa) was introducing herself and her protege (each bus carried a older woman and her protege was either a daughter or school girl related to the mother), our bus asked what the driver’s name was? \240She responded “I don’t know” and bent down to ask him. \240Note: our bus driver has very long fingernails.
The mama then told us that the young lady would begin the tour, however, when the young lady started talking, the mother “cut in” and made her sit down. \240There were a total of 5 stops which they could remember only by looking at a white sheet of paper that had the names on it. \240After the market, they took us to the outcropping you see above \240that is called “camel rock”. \240Now, it actually does look like a camel resting \240on the other side but the reason you cannot tell is \240The stop was on the wrong side of the rock outcropping. \240🤣. So, on we go and the guide begins to explain that girls cannot wear tshirts or shorts as it is immodest but the boys can wear anything (of course) but she then proceeded to take off the wrapped skirt she was wearing to show us that she was wearing shorts underneath her skirt (so, there). \240Then, she tells the young lady to teach us a song… the English words are….lets go for a walk….too much talk….i love you and then the last line is in Samoan….i have no idea what it meant….but, i am not sure i want to know. 🤣
As we are heading to the refreshment and entertainment stop, the buses began to turn around on the small road because they thought they left somebody at the last lookout point. \240But, all was okay as they found him in a seat..they miscounted.😀
We get to the refreshment and entertainment stop and there is a Samoan in a traditional wrap skirt with a portable table and ice chest with bottle water, coconut water or beer for you to purchase. We are told not to get under the palm trees so you do not get hit with a falling coconut. \240Then, we had the young ladies dancing under the watchful eyes of the mothers. \240Then, the Samoan had a demonstration with a coconut on how to open it, when to tell it was ripe, etc. and informed us he was in the military but had come back home to help his community. \240(Our guide told us most of the young men go to the military or the NFL and work in the tuna factory if they can do neither). \240
Anyway, the male Samoan had to have been 6’ 2” and weigh at least 350 pounds and he then takes off his shirt and rolls the wrap up to reveal a very large tattoo that covers his stomach, legs and entire buttocks which he proudly displays by rolling the skirt and shorts up. \240He then explains the tattooing process and it is time to go after he asks anyone if they want to take a picture with him and his tattoo. \240Sorry, I did not partake in this.
As it was now time to leave, the mamas loudly told the bus drivers who were huddled under a palm \240tree to get up and drive the bus! \240There is no question that the women run this show and let the men feel they are king🤣. Have to say it was one of the more unique tours we have been on…

Apia, Samoa. \240An independent nation that gained its freedom from New Zealand. \240It is very different from American Samoa as it is more like a city until you get out to the mountains. \240There is even an American Embassy here.
The one place I wanted to go was the Robert Louis Stevenson Museum.

The museum is located in his home while he lived in Samoa prior to his death at age 44. \240He lived on the Island for 4 years and fell in love with the culture and vice versa. \240When he died, the Samoans buried him on top of the mountain.
He bought 350 acres in Samoa for 300 pounds and built his home for $18,000 dollars at the end of the 19th century. \240He was already wealthy from his writings and he came from money as his father was a civil engineer. \240He was suffering from either TB or Pleurisy and thought this climate would be better🤷♀️. \240Instead, he died within 4 years. \240His house was 2 stories and very large. \240He imported redwood from California to build the house.

His library

Bed he used to sleep in (a replica) situated in his library as he did not sleep with his wife due to feeling ill.

His wife’s bedroom and her actual clothes and trunk. \240She was 10 years older and had two children from her prior marriage. \240She was an artist and they did not have any children of their own.

Step daughters room. \240She had been married to a drunk and divorced him and lived with her mother and stepfather in Samoa. \240She also was an artist and had one son.

RLS mother. \240She moved with him and at first had a small room. \240She complained about the heat and size of the room, so they built this large room with a separate sitting area and anteroom for her. \240She still was not happy and complained constantly😆

Anteroom where the 8 year old slept and was home schooled. \240I bet he was excited about being next to Grandma🤣

Hospital room. \240He would not go to the doctor and his wife took care of him until he passed.

Large room downstairs. \240 Huge house!

Picture of the full tattoo I was referring to Yesterday. \240If they start the tattoo, they have to finish it. \240They do it in segments and allow each segment to heal before going further. If you get a chance, google the significance and process. \240It is fascinating.

Next, we drove up into the mountains to see the Papapapaitai falls…absolutely beautiful.

We then had a nice lunch at a local restaurant and tried Oka which is raw fish (tuna) in coconut milk. \240It was very good and refreshing. \240Capped it off with homemade ice cream called Koka Samoa which is like a light coffee flavor with coconut, chocolate pieces and some form of nut….delightful!

I know it does not look appetizing, but it is delicious.

We are now back on the ship and tomorrow is a sea day. \240Definitely need it after our long walk today. \240Then, day after tomorrow…Suva, Fiji❤️

Grand Palace Hotel

Suva, Fiji! \240The capitol of Fiji. \240Interesting place, but one time is sufficient🤣. We did get off the ship and were met by a band of Fijian policemen (and a woman) serenading the ship.

We then took a cab to the Grand Palace hotel to eat what was supposed to be an outstanding breakfast per the websites. \240This, I can say is not true🤣. The hotel is quaint and before the innumerable coups they have had, the Queen would come and stay at the hotel in the room with the front balcony. \240However, after one of the coups, Fiji decided that they were going to be a republic and renounced the monarchy.
Anyway, we sat outside on the terrace and wanted to order from the menu after Ross looked at the buffet. \240This was a mistake as when we ordered our breakfast, they just took it off the buffet and gave it to us at a greater cost!🤦🏻♀️
After breakfast, we went on a tour where the only seats available were in the back of a van.

The problem was that the seat I sat in was not bolted to the floor.🤣. I definitely exercised my abs as the roads are not paved well and I used Ross’ leg to keep myself from falling into his lap as the seats were facing each other. \240It was definitely an interesting experience.
We saw the Island and went to see the waterfall.

It was nice as it is actually 3 levels of cascades and people swim in it and under the falls.
We then went to a lunch place with a view of a lake and had a drink. \240Unfortunately, we were unable to talk with Levi today as the FaceTime would not work and Pensacola time is 5 hours ahead of us (plus one day).
Speaking of which, I included the currents above that talks about the date line. \240I found it very informative as I was not aware that the line can and has changed at the whim of the bordering countries.

We are now back on the ship and have 2 days at sea until we arrive in Auckland, New Zealand. \240We have seen Auckland, so we are going to take a ferry to Devonshire and the North Shore. \240Will write from there.📝🩷

Well, we are officially not going through the Red Sea and our new ports are in and around Africa. \240Certainly a change, but as always adventure awaits! \240The worst thing is the cruise line cancelled Brenton/Stephanie and Kim/ Debbie’s cruise, so they will not be able to join us. 😢. However, Jackie and Jeffrey still can😀. \240
Tomorrow we are in the Bay of Islands, NZ as we make our way to Auckland where the first leg ends for some passengers and some new ones arrive🐑
Bay Of Islands, New Zealand: \240one word description: \240beautiful!

We docked off the island and took a ferry to an adjoining town called Russell.

The town itself was called “The hellhole of the Pacific” in the 1800’s as whalers and ex cons came over and took control of the seaboard town with a lot of bars, brothels and fighting. \240It only ended when the British took over the Māoris with an alleged peace treaty.
We started the morning with a tour of a printing press from the 18th century when a bishop came over and befriended the Māoris by giving medical attention to the Māori chief’s wife and niece. \240The Māori were literate in their language and in order for the bishop to impart the religious wisdom, he started a printing press where the books were translated from Latin to Māori and help to bring religion to the masses.

Before we went on the tour, we had coffee and an exceptional pastry at the French cafe attached to the mission. \240The temperature was 74 degrees, sunny and the island is a bird preservation site, so the ambience as we sat outside was delightful!

btw: \240found out that the printing press business has given us a number of sayings that we currently use: \240uppercase and lowercase, mind your p’s and q’s, first impression and cut to the chase. \240Look it up as the background is very interesting. \240The tour showed us the original printing press from the 1700’s, the way the book covers were made from tanned hides ( which were soaked in urine from the whalers to make them soft), to how \240the books were produced and the pages stitched together.
It was a fascinating tour and interestingly, when the British routed and destroyed the island, the mission was not damaged due to the pleas of the Māori chief’s niece who was medically healed by the Bishop’s medical team on his ship.
After the tour, went to a local restaurant and had battered New Zealand oysters which were wonderful. \240Now, back on the boat and dock tomorrow in Auckland.🐑❤️

Auckland. \240A big city in New Zealand. \240As we had been here before, we chose to go to a smaller suburb called Devenport, just over the bridge to the North Shore. \240Quaint little town where the navy base is located. \240Town is primarily made of lumber houses from the Kauri tree as the lumber lasts for centuries.

The town is situated on a dormant volcano and the lake and lower part of the town is in the crater formed when the volcano exploded centuries ago. \240There is a beautiful lake in the crater.

Do you know what this is?

A sleeping black swan!
The lake has black swans and a plethora of birds. \240Just beautiful! \240As Devenport and Auckland are sailing meccas, the children of Devenport learn as part of the elementary school curriculum to sail! \240We saw a number of skulling lessons for older kids and young adults being given on the lake, including one boat, with an interesting captain in the front!🤣

Can you spot the captain at the front of the ship?
While we were there, I noticed that they had an outdoor Amphitheatre showing \240Shakespeare “A midsummer’s night dream” and we decided to get tickets for the evening’s production.

As it did not begin until 7:30 pm, we continued our tour and saw the city of Auckland from the North Shore.

We then finished the tour in town and had lunch. After lunch, we walked the downtown area and came upon an old theatre from 1915 which has been converted to a movie theatre.

We watched Argylle (do not pay for this🤣) as it was the only one on our timing. \240Cute but vapid. \240
As we ate a late lunch, we went to the amphitheater and watched Shakespeare in the open amphitheater.

It concluded at 10:00 pm and we made our way back to the ship. \240Nice production and a fun way to spend the evening with locals.
We are still in Auckland as picking up more passengers for the next phase of the cruise around New Zealand. \240Going to probably go into the city for lunch, but not planning anything particular.
Tonight, we sail for Rotorua! ❤️

Although the currents above says Rotorua, we actually docked in Tauranga, New Zealand which is about one hour outside Rotorua. \240As we had seen Rotorua, this little port town was a treat.

When you arrive at port you notice a mountain in front of you which is a dormant volcano. \240We decided to have breakfast in town and then walk. \240After breakfast, we went to Mount Drury park, which is a park covered in New Zealand’s famous “Christmas tree.” \240It’s actual name is the pohutukawa tree.

It is called the Christmas tree as it blooms with red flowers at Christmas time.

When the flowers drop, it looks like a red carpet apparently,

Although we did not see the tree in bloom, it is a beautiful large shade tree.
We then walked to a beach on the other side of the Island which is a surfing beach.

I walked a little way around the mountain and the scenery was breathtaking. \240Upon my return, Ross and I walked the downtown area, had lunch and walked back to the ship. \240Tomorrow: \240Napier, New Zealand❤️🗻

Napier, New Zealand…wow is all I can say!!!
First, a little history (if you do not read the currents). \240The town was devastated by a large 1931 earthquake. \240In fact, a new portion of land rose from the water and the port was expanded and that is where the airport is now. \240Our guide said they are still fighting as to whether the state, Napier or port owns the land.

Part of the land that rose from the water at the port.

After the devastation, the town rebuilt in Art Deco!

Fire Department Building

Lawyers since 1875!

By pure luck, today was the start of a three day festival appropriately named the “Art Deco Festival.”

The festival contains art, entertainment, food and wine tasting. \240The locals and others who come for the festival dressed in 30’s attire and drive vintage cars.

Ross getting old coins with some locals behind him. \240Love the man’s outfit!
The town itself is beautiful and we went to a bookstore and antiques stores where I got books (surprise) and Ross got coins(another surprise).

Then, tonight, we will get to see a special flyover from the New Zealand Air Force: \240the FlyBirds as we depart the city. \240Not for us, but part of the festival! (Although you will not have pictures, because the flyover was too far away🤣) However, I would recommend this town to anyone!!!!❤️❤️

Wellington, the capital of New Zealand.
We started out this morning taking a shuttle bus to the old government building.

This is in the center of town. \240It now houses law school professors.
We then walked toward the waterfront, but first saw a “Christmas tree” in bloom.

We headed to the wharf to see the Wellington museum.

The museum was very interesting and yes, Ross and I took our time and read about the history of Wellington and the continued fight with the Maori’s and the government over land.
We also learned that New Zealand gave women the right to vote in the late 1800’s when the ladies took a roll of paper to the government house and unrolled it showing 25,000 female signatures!

You start the tour of the museum by cleansing your hands in case any of the artifacts have negative energy.

We also patted the wandering dog, Paddy for good luck! \240Never can have too much!🤣

After the museum, we went to the gift shop (of course) and bought a book for Levi.

We have told him that we are in the place where Maui comes from…and we are so excited to read him all the stories.❤️
Then, we were hungry and found a restaurant called:

I usually do not write about food, however, this was one of the best meals we have ever had. \240Ross had Lamb back strap and I had a phenomenal hamburger. \240( I know a hamburger sounds boring, but like my father, I love a good burger). We also had peas in a cream sauce and dessert. All I can say is New Zealand beef and lamb has a very special taste and is extremely tender. \240Plus, the French fries were extra crispy without me even asking for them that way.😀
After lunch, we walked back to the shuttle and found an interesting building and then the Supreme Court building.

We are now back on the ship and arrive tomorrow in Christchurch. \240❤️

Although the currents says we were in Christchurch. \240We actually docked in a town called Lyttelton and took a shuttle to the town.

As you can see, the major export in the port is lumber that they send to China. According to our bus driver, most of the people work in this area but it is a very hazardous profession. But, they do something I wish the US would do…in order to sustain the forest, for every tree they take, ten more need to be planted🌳🌲
The town is adorable and as it was a Saturday, we came upon their town market. \240A lot like Palafox Market but in a much smaller scale.

We had breakfast as the vendors were setting up and then walked among the tents. \240Ross found an unusual pen (view the video)

And I went to a tarot card reader. \240I know…that is strange but something drew me to him. \240Probably full of crap, but what kept coming up was interesting. \240The first thing I had to do was pick 3 stones from a bag (Viking runes). \240They came out and the first one was the scales of justice…ok, a little weird, I know. \240He was trying to explain the sense of balance and fairness to me and I figured I would tell him I was a judge. \240(Only thing I told him). \240Then, he said the second stone was a “c” and did I know a person with a c name. \240I told him yes and he asked me the relationship and I told him it was my sister in law. \240He told me that she was having a rough time in her life and my friendship and love have been meant a lot to her and that we have a bond so that I seem to know when she needs me. \240(That is true❤️).
The next stone had the letter N and he asked me if I knew anyone with an N name and I told him not that I can think of. \240He said that I will meet her or him in the future and that I have not finished in my legal career. \240I looked at him and thought yeah, right.
Then, I shuffled the tarot cards. \240Picked 3…. Past, present and future from the deck. \240Past card: scales of justice…I just about lost it…he said do I need to explain your past? \240I said no, the law is in my dna!😂😂. The next card present was the service card and he said that I will meet the person with the N name in September and will use my legal knowledge to help a charity as my career in service is not through. \240(Again, we will see)
Final card: future: yin and yang came up (joy and gratitude). \240This is when I got a little freaked out… he starts out saying you know people in your life in a wheelchair or use a cane and they are having a difficult time and you need to be grateful for what you have!❤️ and remember the joy in your life. \240The card for present and past has water around them and he asked me if we live on the water. \240I told him yes, and he said that is where I was meant to be and remember to be grateful for all I have.
Overall, I enjoyed the reading and it made me remember to be grateful everyday for all of you in my life.❤️❤️❤️❤️. Always need a good reminder and if I meet the N person in September, I will fall out!🤣🤣
Then to top off the day, Mike and Terri Papantonio are on a separate Oceania cruise and happened to be in the same port. \240We saw each other and had a wonderful visit/reunion at the port. \240How small a world it is and how wonderful!

Tomorrow is Dunedin!🐑❤️

Dunedin, a very quaint town. \240We got off the bus to see a gorge just outside of town.

The ride was about 3 hours and we saw several sights.

We then ended at the Dunedin Train Station…an absolutely gorgeous building.

We then saw a beautiful building which ended up being an older court building.

Then finally, we walked around the Octagon which is the center of town and back on the ship. \240

Now, some restful sea days through the Milford Sound and the fjords…until we reach Sydney, Australia.🐨🐨 (slight problem:😢😢there is a storm in the fjords with 25 foot swells so no go…boo!)
We are in Sydney, Australia now stuck in traffic 🤣. \240I was having difficulty getting this site to sync…so, I have started a new journal. \240Please text me at 850-529-5295 if you have not received the link and I will send it to you❤️ as I will not be posting further on this site.