Ft with my home girl


Beach hair don’t care

Smoothie bowl round 2


Math class
Back to school we go! Today we had our first day back to normal school schedule in almost a week. It started off with math and since it was such a beautiful day we headed down to the beach for class. Hands down the best math class I’ve ever had as we got to have cool off breaks in the ocean while we then went back to sitting in the sand in our bathing suits while learning. Super cool experience. After class we had to do our swim test if we wanted to go swimming in the ocean. We just had to swim out to Nicole who was about 150m out and then swim around her and back. We all passed. After the test we went back to the hotel for lunch. Chiara and I were craving those delicious smoothie bowls once again however as today was a national holiday they were closed but there was another place which we ordered from and got a smoothie bowl. This place was definitely not as good and the portions were so small so we were still hungry when we headed to second period. After English most of the girls met up and we headed down to the beach. On the way tho I picked up a Greek salad from this little Greek place and it was the best Greek salad I’ve ever had. A lot of the kids and teachers came down (we can’t swim unless a teacher is there) to the beach and we spent a couple hours there listening to music, tanning and swimming in the ocean. The beach is honestly my favourite place in all of Barcelona it’s so clean and warm and i just love the sand and ocean. Fun fact the beaches in Barcelona are artificial and were created for the olympics yet they’re rated one of the top beaches in the world. Anyways we had to had back after a while for dinner and we all wanted to shower first of course. For dinner we headed back down to fresc co the all you can eat buffet. It was the exact same food as last time and it was all cold (this was another pre booked dinner). After we ate we headed black for study hall which we had from 8:30-9:30. It was good as I just completed my math homework for that day during this time. Then we came and got ready for bed and I just got off of FaceTime with Reagan. Don’t get me wrong I have made so many new great friends here but I still miss people from home. Anyways it’s late now and I should head to bed.
Ft with my home girl
Beach hair don’t care
Smoothie bowl round 2
Math class