The Betsy.. \240just on Ocean drive and 14th street. Sadly I did not have great Miami Beach weather. \240Temperature was mild at 75 but the wind was howling (very unusual) so it made beach sunning impossible. \240

This is the watermelon salad at the Betsy. I had one almost everyday. \240So simple but so delicious. \240Thick slab of center core seedless watermelon, heirloom cherry tomatoes, thinly sliced jalapeño, shaved radish, feta cheese. All floating in an amazing raspberry vinaigrette.

Blakeney hotel bar sandwiches
On 1/29, I flew overnight to London. Nice flight = no drama. I arrived at 9am and then had a car drive me to Blakeney, a 3 hour drive through some beautiful English countryside. \240Starving when I got there so went immediately to the bar for one of the hotels great HAM AND COLEMANs sandwiches.

The granary bread so filing I would dare anyone to eat a whole sandwich.

The old Blakeney Hotel is one of my favorite places in the world. \240A Faulty Towers experience you just cant miss. \240Wonderful rooms and service and superb food. \240My rental house for the next 3 months is a 1 minute walk from this excellent place. I plan to eat here many time a week, for either lunch or dinner.

Sea Scape
My home away from home (if I actually had one). It is just perfect. \240As I said, it is just up the street from the hotel and the quay. \240The village has many restaurants, a nice grocery store and…. That’s about it!
Some pics of Seascape:

Looking out one of my living room windows (living room and kitchen on the 2nd floor so lots of light and views). The 4 bedrooms are on the ground floor. The stairwell from ground floor to top is a bit narrow and steep. \240I hope I survive it. \240

View from living room window toward the ocean

Walk from my house to the Blakeney

Looking up from the Blakeney to my house

Looking out a kitchen window west to the Pastures at the top of the road.

Incredible modern kitchen. \240Newly remodeled and fully equipped. Hoping to cook a few meals! \240It’s been so long since I made a meatloaf or a beef stew! Dining room table the perfect stew table!

Cozy sitting room

Really thrilled with this big kitchen.

The bedrooms are on the small side with queen beds but very modern new bathrooms.
On day two, Vic and Jen invited me over to their house, only a 10 minute drive away, to attend their quarterly Ramblers meeting. \240Vic and Jen have been super active with the Ramblers for decades. They alternate between a weekly hike on either a Wednesday (about 5 miles) or Saturday (longer walks 6 to 8 miles). \240Their chapter has about 90 members. They usually get about 25 or so on each walk. \240This meeting was to plan the walk leaders for the next 3 months. The leaders are responsible for pre-walking the planned hike to make sure it is passable, talk to local farmers regarding access through their fields, make sure adequate parking etc. etc. \240Sounds like a lot of work to me! \240I learned about the most interesting app called What Three Words. \240The Ramblers use this app to inform each member about the starting point of each hike. \240As this is a very rural area it is difficult to just give an address! \240The entire country (not sure if this is world wide) is mapped and charted into 3 meter squares and each given a 3 word code. \240If you go to the app and enter those 3 words it will give you the exact directions to the start of the walk. Isn’t that incredible?!! \240For instance, my house here in Blakeney is at “craftsmen collapsed fenced”. \240If you have this app you can enter those words and it will show you exactly where Im sitting 😁

This is Vic and Jens beautiful living room. \240The group was intent and the woman, Jane, who ran the meeting kept things rolling - even yelling at me to shut up for talking to the lady next to me 😳! \240I am looking forward to joining on these walks as often as I can.

Yesterday, Jen took me on a shopping excursion to the nearest town Holt! \240I just love this picturesque village. It has everything that one can need. I was a bit lost in the grocery store, not recognizing any brands or packaging. That is going to take some getting used to. \240In town I still managed to get a beautiful pair of short Wellies, some cute bedroom slippers and a ton of other stuff I probably don’t need, great fun!

Today we drove north to Brancaster. \240We had a brilliant lunch at the White Horse. We overlooked the coast and enjoyed a beautiful day.
Well, I am looking forward to seeing all of you who are coming to visit me! \240Cynthia, of course, David and Cathy, Zoey and Jeff and Pam and Ed! \240There are so many wonderful places along the North Sea coast that we can explore. \240It is really breathtakingly beautiful here and I am so thankful to have this experience in my life. \240I will not post often, every couple of weeks at most, but I will update you on my adventures.
Much Love,