Hello my dear friends and family

A quick catch up on my life the past few weeks. \240I know everyone knows of my calamity in New York City on November 30th. My fractured shoulder is healing up but the rotator cuff is still giving me fits and causing a lot of weakness on the right side in all normal daily activities. \240I have NOT been terribly good with my “at home” physical therapy exercises after leaving Los Angeles on 1/15. \240Now that I am settled in Blakeney for the next 3 months I will be more diligent and I will start seeing a therapist who will whip me into shape.

So after a miserable start to my 7 week stay in Los Angeles (thank you Jeff for sheparding me through the first couple weeks when I was helpless) I ending up having a really wonderful stay. \240Spending time with the family was lovely, Christmas was different… but perfect. \240We had a bunch of fun and ate at some great restaurants. \240Amie came for a week and chauffeured my around, as did Simon and Cynthia. \240I had a bit of a dramatic episode in my 1st rental house when it became invaded by rats, yes rats. Gross. Long story.

After leaving LA, in much better shape than when I got there, I made my way back to Miami Beach to consult with my doctors, dentists, realtors and legal beagles. \240I stayed down in my new (soon to be) neighborhood of lower south beach at the Betsy Ross hotel. \240It was really exceptional. Exceptional location, exceptional bar and restaurant and service. \240Only down side was the valet service for my rental car. \240SOOOO..slow and expensive.

The Betsy.. \240just on Ocean drive and 14th street. Sadly I did not have great Miami Beach weather. \240Temperature was mild at 75 but the wind was howling (very unusual) so it made beach sunning impossible. \240

This is the watermelon salad at the Betsy. I had one almost everyday. \240So simple but so delicious. \240Thick slab of center core seedless watermelon, heirloom cherry tomatoes, thinly sliced jalapeño, shaved radish, feta cheese. All floating in an amazing raspberry vinaigrette.

Blakeney hotel bar sandwiches

On 1/29, I flew overnight to London. Nice flight = no drama. I arrived at 9am and then had a car drive me to Blakeney, a 3 hour drive through some beautiful English countryside. \240Starving when I got there so went immediately to the bar for one of the hotels great HAM AND COLEMANs sandwiches.

The granary bread so filing I would dare anyone to eat a whole sandwich.

The old Blakeney Hotel is one of my favorite places in the world. \240A Faulty Towers experience you just cant miss. \240Wonderful rooms and service and superb food. \240My rental house for the next 3 months is a 1 minute walk from this excellent place. I plan to eat here many time a week, for either lunch or dinner.

Sea Scape

My home away from home (if I actually had one). It is just perfect. \240As I said, it is just up the street from the hotel and the quay. \240The village has many restaurants, a nice grocery store and…. That’s about it!

Some pics of Seascape:

Looking out one of my living room windows (living room and kitchen on the 2nd floor so lots of light and views). The 4 bedrooms are on the ground floor. The stairwell from ground floor to top is a bit narrow and steep. \240I hope I survive it. \240

View from living room window toward the ocean

Walk from my house to the Blakeney

Looking up from the Blakeney to my house

Looking out a kitchen window west to the Pastures at the top of the road.

Incredible modern kitchen. \240Newly remodeled and fully equipped. Hoping to cook a few meals! \240It’s been so long since I made a meatloaf or a beef stew! Dining room table the perfect stew table!

Cozy sitting room

Really thrilled with this big kitchen.

The bedrooms are on the small side with queen beds but very modern new bathrooms.

On day two, Vic and Jen invited me over to their house, only a 10 minute drive away, to attend their quarterly Ramblers meeting. \240Vic and Jen have been super active with the Ramblers for decades. They alternate between a weekly hike on either a Wednesday (about 5 miles) or Saturday (longer walks 6 to 8 miles). \240Their chapter has about 90 members. They usually get about 25 or so on each walk. \240This meeting was to plan the walk leaders for the next 3 months. The leaders are responsible for pre-walking the planned hike to make sure it is passable, talk to local farmers regarding access through their fields, make sure adequate parking etc. etc. \240Sounds like a lot of work to me! \240I learned about the most interesting app called What Three Words. \240The Ramblers use this app to inform each member about the starting point of each hike. \240As this is a very rural area it is difficult to just give an address! \240The entire country (not sure if this is world wide) is mapped and charted into 3 meter squares and each given a 3 word code. \240If you go to the app and enter those 3 words it will give you the exact directions to the start of the walk. Isn’t that incredible?!! \240For instance, my house here in Blakeney is at “craftsmen collapsed fenced”. \240If you have this app you can enter those words and it will show you exactly where Im sitting 😁

This is Vic and Jens beautiful living room. \240The group was intent and the woman, Jane, who ran the meeting kept things rolling - even yelling at me to shut up for talking to the lady next to me 😳! \240I am looking forward to joining on these walks as often as I can.

Yesterday, Jen took me on a shopping excursion to the nearest town Holt! \240I just love this picturesque village. It has everything that one can need. I was a bit lost in the grocery store, not recognizing any brands or packaging. That is going to take some getting used to. \240In town I still managed to get a beautiful pair of short Wellies, some cute bedroom slippers and a ton of other stuff I probably don’t need, great fun!

Today we drove north to Brancaster. \240We had a brilliant lunch at the White Horse. We overlooked the coast and enjoyed a beautiful day.

Well, I am looking forward to seeing all of you who are coming to visit me! \240Cynthia, of course, David and Cathy, Zoey and Jeff and Pam and Ed! \240There are so many wonderful places along the North Sea coast that we can explore. \240It is really breathtakingly beautiful here and I am so thankful to have this experience in my life. \240I will not post often, every couple of weeks at most, but I will update you on my adventures.

Much Love,


Two weeks in beautiful Norfolk England and I have been loving every second! \240My Blakeney Village cottage is cozy and couldn’t be more perfect. \240The weather has been exactly what I expected for February… cold and rainy - grey and miserable! \240That is why I planned to spend February here! \240I wanted to experience a real British winter. \240But no worries. \240I stay snug as a bug in my arm chair, watching my wood stove eat up the logs.

I have’nt done much of great interest other than read some good books, watch some dreadful TV and eat some marvelous food. \240I have been trying to get a good walk in everyday along the Quay (pronounced Key here) trails but most mornings are just too cold and wet. \240I have begun working with an excellent physiotherapist who pointed out immediately that I have let my right shoulder to sink down and fall way forward! Uhg.. He is very good and he took me off all the weight bearing excercises I had been doing and switched me to only 3 movements designed to bring my shoulder back to the proper position. \240Working hard at that. He also recommended that I walk with two sticks which really works the shoulders. \240I haven’t done that for years but it really has been working to pull that damn shoulder back.

Other than seeing Vic and Jen every couple days for a nice meal or a shopping trip to Holt I have developed a lovely routine of exercising in the morning and then puttering around the house (mostly doing laundry which is no easy chore when your washing machine is also the dryer!). \240Then about 2pm I walk down to the Blakeney for a late lunch and a couple hours of reading in luscious peace and quiet and friendly atmosphere. \240Oh course, I’m dear friends with the bartenders , Adam and Patrick.

best fish and chips in England!

Celeriac and Blu Cheese soup! Yummm

Or if not too hungry, a warm cheese scone with sweet butter!

Last weekend Vic’s daughter Susie and her daughter Seren drove up from London for a visit . So lovely to see them.

We had a yummy dinner at the Blakeney on Saturday night. And an even better Sunday lunch there as well. \240Roast beef and Yorkshire puddings. \240God I have been eating so much!

Seren, who will graduate high school this spring is an amazing artist with wonderful developing talents! \240I predict a fine arts career success. \240Below are a couple of her portraits from her portfolio. \240She is currently applying to Universities through out the UK. Scotland being her first choice I believe.

amazing self portraits

Portrait of Susie. I love her style

After our huge Blakeney lunch on Sunday we took a walk across the road from Vic and Jen’s house to Bayfield estate where they have a great antique store and a garden center. \240After all the rain we have had the pathways were lush and green!

Lots of water everywhere!

Snowdrops abound whispering that spring is just around the corner!

At the Antique store Susie had her eye on a great bird cage!

And Seren really lucked out at seeing this amazing leopard fur coat! \240If I had seen it first would would have had a fight over it!

The large shop has many wonderful antiques and I am glad that I don’t live here!

Monday morning Susie and Seren headed back to London and their routine. \240We plan to get together again while I am here. I loved their adorable puppy Bertie, a cockadoodle? I believe. \240Now if we can just get Jen and Seren to smile in one of these pictures!

Next up on Monday! \240Vic invited me to join his monthly “current affairs” group meeting. \240This is part of his (and Jen’s) involvement in the University of the Third Age a brilliant organization for seniors to stay connected and involved in the world around them. \240I was a bit nervous to attend but I thoroughly enjoyed the 2 plus hour discussions on US politics (of course), Gaza, government regulation boards and several othe topics. \240The 10 members who showed up today were between 60 and 88 but everyone participated to the fullest and some incredible opinions were expressed. I loved it and look forward to next months meeting. \240WHY DON’T WE DO THIS IN THE US???

So Vic and Jen came down with a touch of a cold on Tuesday so I spent a full day doing errands I had been putting off…. Such as:

A manicure and pedicure in Sheringham! \240Also dropped off and picked up my dry cleaning.

I joined Vic Healths Club in Sheringham. They have a great pool and a full gym so I will have no excuse to not exercise on the dreary rainy mornings.

I stopped at the Holt Medical Practice to register as a temporary resident.. just in case I need their services at some point.

I did lots of shopping in the closest village of Holt that has just about everything you might need. I just love this town.

Did my grocery shopping at the Holt Budgeons market. \240Starting to find my way around and find substitutions for brands I am use to. Sort of fun.

Oh, BTW this is my cute VW POLO. My rental has apple carplay which helps a lot navigating between villages. \240I do really well driving on the left!

I made a delicious practice meatloaf this week. \240I am inviting Vic and Jen over for a meal next week and I wanted to make sure I could still make it.

One last food picture! \240Decided it was time to break away from my daily Blakeney lunch and went to another local pub called the Kings Head. \240It was not as warm and familiar as the the Blakeney bar but the food was exceptional. \240I started with Minestrone soup (best I ever had) and then this tender chicken breast with bubble and squeak (mashed potatoes and cabbage) Wonderful!!

Last but not least. I miss CNN. \240I miss MSNBC. \240I miss getting Hulu. \240I am reading my US news as much as possible but just not the same. \240British news is fairly vague, more human interest stories than real news. \240I’ve finally found SkyNews and GBnews which seem to have more analysis and I am learning a lot about British politics. \240I certainly don’t miss seeing Trumps ugly face all day!

More soon. Love to all


Hi! I hope everyone is happy and healthy! \240My last couple of weeks have been incridibly calm, fun, relaxing, drama free and informative! \240The weather is still miserable for the most part but it does make you look forward to spring.. fingers crossed it will be sooner than later. \240It’s made my morning walks quite chilly if not impossible!

I’m an official member of the u3a!

Very excited to be given an honorary membership. I attended the Current Affairs group two weeks ago and this week I was invited to attend the Thinkers group.

Small Thinkers group, about 11.

Edward, the host and this month’s presenter, wrote and delivered a paper on the history and politics of Rwanda and the current Tory plan to send immigrants that arrive illegally off to Rwanda to live! \240Completely insane, quite possibly illegal and being opposed on most every front…but that’s another story. \240Edward has years of experience in Rwanda and other African countries so his personal stories were awesome. \240I am so utterly impressed by this amazing organization, the University of the Third Age. The UK wide, highly organized group (think like the Rotarians in US - local chapters but country wide administration). \240It is for any seniors who want to remain intellectually involved and inspired in todays changing world. \240Different from other senior groups that organize speakers to come in and give lectures on interesting subjects, this group requires the senior that hosts each subjects monthly meeting (about 50 different subjects from gardening, music, history, psychology, poetry, art and politics to learning Spanish and French, singing, opera and swimming!) to research and present a two hour program on some aspect of their groups focus. \240Quite a big project to undertake at ANY age!The members are from all walks of life and bring the fresh perspectives of their experiences. \240Anyway, I could go on and on but as I said, I’m so impressed and wish we had this level of senior involvement in our country (other than being a politician 🙄!).

The sun 🌞! Looking from my kitchen window to the Quay

Finally! \240A sunny day. This is last Saturday 2/24. \240Only about 45 degrees but beautiful in the sun. I’m going for a walk to Cley by Sea along the sea walk trail!

But before my walk…. I really do do my 20 minute exercise routine my PT requested I do. \240See Cynthia, I \240do them!!

Beautiful out. \240I’m walking with Nordic Walking sticks to work my shoulder. \240This was recommended by my therapist and it has really strengthened my muscles.

This 4 mile round trip walk is just delightful. \240The sun brought out every Blakeney resident I think!

The marshes are serene and have their own special beauty.

These old abandoned boats are so picturesque. Birds everywhere in this estuary.

The little Blakeney bakery was hopping today! Check out the mud. \240Yes, it’s been raining.

On Sunday, we had reservations at the Wiveton Belle restaurant for a Sunday roast special. \240It was so dang delicious and beautifully presented. \240I thought the Blakeney hotel had the best roast but I’m afraid this topped that! Sadly, Jen was still getting over her bad cold (which Vic had last week) and couldn’t join us. \240Vic and Jen’s good friend Sue Sellens joined us in this indulgence. I can’t believe I didn’t get a photo of the 3 of us. I was too overwhelmed by the food!

There she is!This is Sue Sellens I mention above (on the left) and another Sue, who drove us to yet another u3a group meeting. \240They asked me to attend the Jazz group and so happy I went. \240What fun and what a big group of people who sure KNOW Jazz!!

I just love this villages name, it just gives me a giggle every time I see it. \240The next village a mile away is Little Snoring🤣 The group meeting was held in Great Snoring Village Hall. Thoth of course

OMG, makes me laugh!

Official Village sign

Tim, who was the presenter this month did a grand program he called Links. \240What he did was link different Jazz musicians from 1936 Duke Ellington through current day by connecting band members that played in each of the featured artists bands. \240Not explaining that right but it was so interesting and made sense. \240So much history about these fine jazz artists. Jeff, you would have loved it!

Unfortunately, Ted (and his sound man 😄) \240had a few technical difficulties during the presentation but they handled it!

Well, another memorable moment of this past week, which I have no photo of, is that I went swimming at the Reef lap pool and did OKAY! \240First time I have done laps since leaving Miami in October and certainly since I broke my shoulder. \240I made it for about 40 minutes and was able to do the crawl and back stroke with minimal restriction. \240I probably over did it because I was very sore the next day but I am so thrilled to be back in the water. \240I’m going to try to do a couple times a week for the next 2 months so I will be ready for my return to Miami Beach. \240I am hoping that I can avoid rotator cuff surgery! \240That would something terrific.

Causton Church. Beautiful in the rain.

And to be really gloomy.. the old cemetery in Causton. Seems appropriate since Cynthia arrives tomorrow and my peace and quiet will be over 🥲

Haha! Only kidding. I can’t wait to see her and all my guests coming to visit in the next 8 weeks. \240I hope to show everyone why I love Norfolk so much.

More soon!

Happy Birthday Simon! 23 years old today.

Another two weeks in beautiful Blakeney! \240Cynthia and I are enjoying the village and all it has to offer even though the weather continues to be fairly miserable. \240It has warmed up a bit but the winds, clouds and rain persist. \240A sunny day is a very rare sight! \240Still, there is plenty to do, fish and chips to eat, books to read and quiet afternoons drinking wine at the Blakeney so never a boring moment really.

We did some silly things like shop for Fascinators in Burnham Market! \240Cynthia found a stunning dress to wear to her son’s wedding in June but I have been forbidden to send a photo of that!

We have taken some beautiful long walks when weather permits. \240We go to the gym in nearby Sheringham often and I am up to 40 laps in the 25 yard pool! \240Hoping I can get back to my previous 70 laps before I get back to Miami but that may be a stretch 😐. \240I see the physical therapist once a week and he declares I am doing remarkably well. Such good news.

One afternoon we drove over to Norwich, about an hour from Blakeney, and the largest town in Norfolk. \240It is rich in medieval history so we hired a guide to walk us through the old parts. The guide was excellent and we learned quite a bit! Vic and Jen were surprised to learn many new facts and discover hidden gems about a town they have known for decades. \240Getting a guide is always a great idea!

The Norwich Cathedral was huge so we didn’t have time to tour it (also we were freezing) but it’s worth a return trip to do.

Many 1600’s home and buildings still occupied today!

The river Wensum runs through the city.

Another Lovely excursion.

Of Course my very favorite activity here is when Jen invites you over for Sunday Roast! \240She is such an amazing cook and does carrots and leeks like no one else in the world!


This past Wednesday we joined an official Ramblers Walk! 6.3 miles through fields around Burnham. \240I almost died! 6 miles is far and I am out of shape. \240It was a fairly decent day so a wonderful outing. \240About 20 members showed up - lots of new people to meet and chat with.

A big group, people walked at various paces so we spread out quite a ways.

We stopped about half way at this remote little chapel for a brief rest and of course, some tea. These Ramblers are some tough seniors! \240I was put to shame by how fit these regular hikers are and how fast they walk!

I am very official looking with my walking poles and my yellow Paramo jacket!

One evening this past week we had extremely high tides! This is just outside the Blakeney Hotel about 7pm. \240That is my little black VW parked there by the cones! \240They came to find us as we were having dinner to warn me I would need to move my vehicle VERY soon. The water came over the banks of the Blakeney quay and covered the road!

This was very dramatic and exciting.

We had some clearing and warm weather for our outing today! \240Vic and Jen took us to the horse races! \240I had only been to a horse race track once when I was in my 20’s but I have always enjoyed watching on TV!

Fakenham Racetrack is only about 30 minutes from Blakeney. \240Churchill Downs it is not but it was still an exhilarating experience.

I booked Day Member tickets so we got premium tickets and had a lovely meal at the Lancaster Room restaurant where we could view the races and place our bets!

Race #1. I bet on one winner and 3 losers. Ahh well.

Nothing too fancy but a great room right on the track where we could eat, drink AND watch the races.

My first ever bet! \240Knew nothing about the horses but bet on names I liked. Not the best strategy 🙄

Vic was our bookie as he was experienced with the protocol 😁

Sorry for another food pic, but the best beef Bourgogne I’ve ever had!

Races over! The old hags were very tired. \240I lost about 50 pounds but had an amazing Day!

I’m very much looking forward to David and Cathy arriving on Sunday. \240Cynthia will still be here and I can imagine what new adventures we will get into.. as well as a few stew games.

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day to all.



Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

David and Cathy arrived on March 17th! So excited to see them and catch up on all the news about our families and the latest Crawford gossip! After their long flight and a long drive from London, We took Dave and Cathy around village to get oriented. \240They unpacked and settled in to their lovely room at the Blakeney. Once again, another delicious dinner in the restaurant.

The next morning we took them to see the Hides (called blinds in US) to do some bird watching and get a glimpse of the North Sea.

It was a gorgeous sunny day, for a change, \240so the hides were crowded with enthusiastic Birders.

On Tuesday, we had an authentic English High Tea in the Look Out room at the Blakeney. Wonderful view of the marshes from this second story room.

Vic and Jen joined us. What a spread! So very British.

I mean, come on! Look at all those desserts 🧁! Jen took home 3 boxes of desserts to give away! My favorite was the scones with clotted cream and jam. Who needs dessert after one of those and a couple finger sandwiches!

Late afternoon stew games. I love my new stew book and crown stickers that Amie gave me for xmas!

Cathy was the first winner!

Dave got the princess crown as second winner!

And Cynthia beat me out with a roll off score of 600 on the 3rd! Damn.

The next day was a great excursion to nearby Binham Priory. An ancient cathedral built in the 1200’s by the Benedictines. Parts are wonderfully preserved.

Lovely picture of David and Cathy

So much English tax money goes to preserving these old cathedrals and estates. Money well spent in my estimation!

Look how tiny Cynthia is compared to the scale of these columns. Sadly, neither Cyn or I took any pictures of the front of the cathedral or inside! Got distracted because we were ready for lunch!

Ahhhh, but David did! \240

On leaving Binham I asked Dave if he wanted to give driving on the left a whirl! Look at his concentration and his white knuckles!

Sorry about my finger 😆

Cynthia and Cathy were less than enthusiastic about the idea of Dave driving and quickly became annoying back seat drivers!

Even whiter hair after this adventure!

Fortunately, we made it back to Glandford Barns to check out a few galleries. David got the hang of it easily and became our official driver for the rest of the trip.

I did a bit of shopping!

Next on the list was Holkum Hall. Unfortunately, the house was not yet open to the public for spring but we got to walk the grounds to see the magnificent estate and the 100’s of deer roaming the property.

After Holkum, we had a brilliant lunch at The Victoria pub. Cathy had the ham pie with a chicken cabbage roll! I don’t know where they come up with the endless types of pies they make in England! Delicious.

To work off that huge lunch, we got our hiking boots on and did the 3 mile round trip out to Holkum Beach for another view of the North Sea.

What is it with my finger getting in the way!

Perfect walking weather and it was a terrific day.

Cathy tries her hand at a selfie but only partially successful.

Cathy’s eye.

I think we are up to, maybe Thursday now, and the great adventure of the Blakeney point seal trip. \240We certainly did NOT have perfect weather for this jaunt to the North Sea. Cold, windy and on the way back, very rainy! We were all bundled up so we still had a great time.

About 30 people and dogs on our boat.

It was fun to be on the rough waters. \240We saw about 20 seal on the point. We saw one seal actually eating another smaller seal which was gross. But.. they turn somewhat cannibalistic because of lack of food.

After the seals we had another round of stew and I finally won! We walked around the corner to The White Horse Pub for some drinks and a meal! Dave rather enjoyed the non-alcoholic beers on tap sold locally! He looks like a proper Brit!

Friday, Dave and Cathy’s last day! Too quick a trip! We took a trip to Blickling Estate. \240Anne Boleyn was born in this ancient home. \240Touring the rooms is an extraordinary trip back in time. We all very much enjoyed it.

Entry and main stair case.

I liked this picture of Cathy looking out to the gardens.

Saturday we are booked at the Morston Hall for a 7 course lunch! \240I took no group shot 🙁 which is disappointing. \240The meal was incredible. I usually do not like preset menus in fancy restaurants but I loved every course except the oysters.

Waiting on Vic and Jen

Back at the Blakeney. \240Dave and Cathy are packed up and ready for their 4pm pickup back to London. They fly out in the morning so are staying in an airport hotel tonight.

My favorite bar team! Taylor, Jez and Adam! They are learning to love Americans! We are the very first American travelers the Blakeney has hosted!

Waving goodbye to David and Cathy!

Sunday! \240Vic took Cynthia and I on one of my favorite walks of my life. Only 3 miles but through the pristine Glaven Valley just out Vic and Jen’s back door. \240It was so lovely and really peeked our appetite for…

Jennifer’s invite to Sunday Lunch!

OMG. No one does a Sunday roast like Jen! \240This Sunday it was a lamb roast. \240Last week was Chicken and the first Sunday was beef. Roast crispy potatoes, carrots and the best leeks in the world…. Apple crumble for dessert and lots of wine. \240What could be better. I will surely miss these very special occasions!

Vic poured this magnificent French red. \240LOOK for it!

So, sadly, Cynthia leaves on Friday morning for home..NYC! \240How strange that will seem after quiet Blakeney! \240We have had a wonderful month together. \240We did so many things but our favorite times were drinking and reading on chilly afternoons at the Blakeney bar and watching hours of good and bad TV in our little nests at my cottage, The Sea Scape.

Our usual seats at Blakeney.

Our nests at home. Facing the TV with iPads, books and phones at hand. \240Lovely way to spend an evening anywhere in the world.

Very excited to to see Zoey and Jeff this Easter Sunday. \240Only one more month on the road . \240Getting a bit sad.


I really can’t believe how fast the past three weeks have gone by! \240My time in the UK has been filled with wonderful \240experiences. \240Since I last sent a Journo entry (almost a month ago) I had a super time with Zoey and Jeff from April 1st to the 10th. \240We did a bunch of great things and I think they very much enjoyed their stay in Blakeney.

The weather stayed the same chilly, windy and rainy Norfolk climate that I have experienced since I arrived on February 1st. \240You get used to it and I know I will miss it on some of the sweltering days back in Miami Beach in July!

Zoey and Jeff had not been back to England since 1993 when they came with me to attend Vic and Jenny’s daughter, Jane and Garth’s, wedding. \240Z & J weren’t married till the next year.

A great visit to the Blickling Estate.

Many wonderful dinners at the Blakeney Hotel.

We were underwhelmed by our visit to Sandringham Estate. \240But it looks like the new King is trying to modernize the decor since his dear Mother died last year.

The King was actually in residence when we visited!

Our next excursion was to Holkham Hall. Built in the 1760’s it is a magnificent estate which puts Sandringham to shame.

Holkum houses one of the finest private art collections in the country.

The rooms are over the top.

Rubins, Van Dykes, all the masters in one private home. The 6th Duke of Leicester and his family still live in this magnificent home.

While Zoey, Jenny and I did more local sightseeing and a lovely lunch, Vic led Jeff on a long 48 mile bike ride along the narrow Norfolk roads. \240I can’t believe that Vic, at 84, can manage these long rides. Bravo Vic. You are way fitter than I. I just hope I can manage to get out of chair at 84!

Enjoying a well deserved pint of Guinness after their long ride.

Zoey, Jeff and I also played quite a few games of stew! Guess who was the big winner?

Five games in a row! \240I wiped them out! Jeff threatened to break my fingers… not sure he was kidding. \240They weren’t happy loosers!

We got to witness some of Blakeney’s occasional super high tides. \240This was just after the eclipse and the tide came over the road and up the side of the hotel!

Such a cute couple!

We visited many great pubs and enjoyed great wines. Jeff took to driving on the left in a second and chauffeured us all over the county. I was thrilled!

My very favorite Bar Man at the Blakeney,Adam, brought his family around to meet us. What a gorgeous family.

Holding baby Ezra’s and having him smile at me was highlight of my day. \240It’s been years since I’ve held a 4 month old!

The next night the tide was even higher! \240This is while we were having dinner at the hotel. \240The water was right up to our window!

Waving good bye to Zoey and Jeff. \240They went off to spend a few days in London before flying back home. \240In London they had the chance to have an evening with the rest of the Cocker clan! \240Susie and Roy and Jane and Gareth met them at their hotel for a meal and some laughs. I bet they all talked about us old folks and all our foibles haha 😆

A fine looking group of 50 something’s 😆

I had about 5 days to take care of ignored email, my PT exercises, swimming at the gym, laundry…. \240All those normal day to day activities. \240I really do love to have my friends visit so it was Pam and Ed’s turn to arrive for their Blakeney \240experience next!

A beautiful walk out to the North Sea after another trip to Holkum Hall and a big lunch at the Victoria Pub. I look like a midget next to ED!

Jenny and I in her garden. \240She’s almost smiling!! I think I might burn this yellow jacket.

Pam B looking young and beautiful amongst the apple blossoms.

Pam and I had a very special visit to Binham Priory. \240We walked in on a church choir rehearsal that was just magnificent. I took a video but it didn’t turn out 🙁.

One more marvelous Sunday roast lunch at Morston Hall with Vic, Jen and our friend Sue. Delicious as always. \240I sure will miss this special occasion.

It was a wonderful week with Pam and Ed. \240We ate too much but that is what you do here.

Everyone always looks a bit more British by the time they leave

And, of course, we played stew. \240Pam B was sure of a win when she was over 3000 points ahead but I pulled another miracle and declared 5’s and got it! \240That brought me to 9800 and to a win! \240Hey, when you are hot your hot 🥵!

Pam and Ed are now in London for a couple days.

I am buckling down and packing. \240SO SAD. \240I can’t believe my 3 months in Blakeney is almost over. \240It was even better than I imagined it would be. \240I loved my little rental house and rental car. I loved making so many friends at the Blakeney Hotel. I bet I see a few of them in Miami one day. \240Mostly I loved spending time with Vic and Jen and sharing so many lovely walks, meals and Norfolk adventures with them, and with all my guests. \240I know I will be back here many time before kicking the ole bucket….. at least I hope so. I feel calm and peaceful here. The marshes and fresh breezes are so wonderful. I have even loved the miserable weather!

But it is time to go carry on with life in Florida. \240My new condo will be done in August and I have a lot to work on there. \240I promise a Florida recap in a month or two. I have been traveling now for seven months. \240I wonder how I will feel settling down in one spot? \240Maybe I won’t like it. \240We shall see. \240Much Love to all.


Mexico City 2025