The #BoysOfBahamas have arrived! And, naturally, the yacht club bar was hit immediately to celebrate this reunion of some best pals in “God’s Playground” for a week!

Spent the day at Staniel: provisioning, swimming with the 🐷 🐷 🐷, diving the Thunderball Grotto, drinking beers, and wading with the 🦈 🦈 🦈:

After dinner and drinks at the yacht club, we got serenaded by Wheels and Chris:

Sailed over to Cambridge Cay today for some sun on the sandbar and more of that unbeatable torquise aqua.
Fun sail and good time swimming around the boat for the rest of the day:

Yesterday was spent getting to Cambridge and today was spent hanging at Cambridge... primarily on the sand bar at low tide:

Timed the departure to clear the shallow entrance to Cambridge at high tide and made it out safely on our way to Wardrick Wells (my first time there!).
And I can’t believe Mak and I didn’t come in the past because it’s a stunning anchorage and if you get a ball close enough to the park HQ you can easily swim to the beach. 🏊♂️ 🏖

Wind was light and seas were calm so we took the Exuma Sound over to Highborne Cay this morning.
Had an absolutely glorious sail, which was real tough on the boys:

After a post-sail dip (mandatory operating procedure), G and I went in to restock the beer supply. This island life is rough!

Then hit the bar for dinner and the Staniel Cup Finals game. Another day in paradise. 🙏
Weighed anchor at sun up to get a good start on the day (and hopefully so Wheels can hit the links on Paradise Island).
Ultra-light winds so had to motor the whole way there, but it was still a great ride. Even snagged a little lunch on the way:

Dudes on mermaid watch (well, I guess it was coral watch but that doesn’t sound nearly as fun):

Since it was the #BoysOfBahamas last night, we made the most of it. Starting with the Poopdeck, of course:

Then dinghied over to Green Parrot under the bridge and met Wheels for dinner and more drinks (he made it for a round 🏌️):

Then back to the boat for a night cap and we hit the sheets. Great f’n day. 🙌
Last day with my dudes. We packed up, hit land, and said our seeyas. What a time it was!! ⛵️⚓️🏖🍻