Clark enjoying the pool at the Belleau’s 😊

These are a few pictures of Rob and the boys having fun in CA before I came out (they left early on June 15th and flew to LAX. Brian Belleau was nice enough to pick them up at the airport!)
Clark enjoying the pool at the Belleau’s 😊
My parents made us breakfast and we walked the dogs. We went to see the Hunt’s in the afternoon. It was a great visit!
Then we came home and I got my nails done by Vivian ❤️. My parents made us a yummy dinner. It was a good day!
We had a fun day at Laguna Beach! We went to Ruby’s for lunch
My dad bought donuts and Rob and I grabbed coffee from 85 Degrees. We took the dogs for a walk in the morning and afterwards hung out at the house playing with Legos that Bobby gave us and Mexican Train Dominoes
Our neighbors are taking care of Abercrombie and sent us these 😊
Fun morning with the Belleau’s!
First morning at the Springhill Suites! We had great views. Colin beat everyone at Kombo Clash. Brittney picked me up and drove me to the office.
Views from the room!
Loki and me at the office ❤️
Rob and the boys picked me up at the office in the afternoon and we met up with the McCarys at CPK! We had a great time!
I left Rob at the hotel and drove up to the office. Had a full day of work and did a happy hour at Miguel’s with the team. I got back to the room around 7:00, and Rob and I took a walk around the convention center. We were so bummed to be there without ComicCon going on!
Checked out of our nice room with the great views. (Of course the sun came out the morning we are leaving! 😜)
We checked out around 11:00 and headed up to 60 Grit in Temecula. I had a work meeting and then we continued up to Redlands to see Dawn, Dad and the boys. Then Dad, the boys, Rob and I headed over to Debbie’s ans said goodbye to Dad. We stayed the night at Debbie’s.
We started the morning playing Ticket to Ride European Edition with Colin and Debbie in the morning. Rob and I left the boys with Debbie and Chuck and took off to Pasadena around 10:30. We had a great brunch at La Grand Orange!
Then we swung by Trader Joe’s to get Natasha flowers and then stopped by her house to meet 3 week old Kaia! Zara warmed up to Rob and Rob was nice enough to play with her while we talked.
Natasha very generously gave our boys BOTH $100 Amazon gift cards - so generous!
Then Rob and I killed time at Congregation Ale House \240(he beat me at Ticket to Ride 🙄) \240
We left, picked up a cheese cake for Trisha’s birthday (we were celebrating early😊) and got to Trisha’s around 5:30. Rob was greeted by all of the cats!
Trisha and Jeff made us dinner and Jeff offered to drive Rob to the train station. So Rob and I said our goodbyes 😞. I am always so impressed by Rob’s adventurous nature and his willingness to Inconvenience himself if it benefits someone else. He didn’t want me to have to drive to LAX, so he took the train and flyaway bus to catch his flight ❤️
I stayed and chatted with Trisha until 11:00 pm and then went to my parents house to stay the night. An earthquake woke me up at 1:30 in the morning!
Woke up at my parents and texted with Rob a bit (he got home to NC in the middle of the night last night). I left around 9:00 to grab a coffee at 85 Degrees and headed to Debbie and Chuck’s to pick the boys up.
Then we headed to Dawn’s to pick up the wire that came out of Colin’s braces. Daniel fixed it for Colin! The boys played a few rounds of Battlefront with Daniel and then we took off to pick up food at Cuccas. We brought the food over to the Belleau’s and after lunch the kids went swimming and played video games 😊
Videos showing the silly kids 😊
Video of Colin and Clark opening their gift from Natasha ❤️
We left there around 4:30 and swung by Barnes and Nobel to get some puzzles and games to do at my parents’ house. We also picked up pizza and spent the night at my parents’.
Had a quiet morning at my parents. Colin and I played the new game we bought at Barnes and Nobel.
Took the dogs for a walk ❤️
Then my parents, the boys and I went to Cassie’s parents’ house to swim. The boys had a blast!
Then we came back to my parents’ house, got cleaned up, had dinner ans went to the Quakes stadium to see the fireworks 🎆 It took us 45 mins to get into the stadium 😳 and the entertainment consisted of this band - but we still had a good time
I had to work today. My dad took the boys to walk the dogs