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So, on Monday we are going camping! I am really excited, because it is my favorite camp site and I haven’t been there, kr been canping for over a year!😱😱😱 So today we are going to be packing like MAD, and I am going to be doing the laundry this morning before we go to church. Today will be the first time that Yannis gets to go to church,because today is something that they call Youth and Family Sunday. One of the practitioners takes the kids back to the prayer room and then they play games, color pictures, and they do very basic, kid level spiritual practices. This is not a normal church, it is a spiritual center, so this is their version of Sunday School, just more fun than most Sunday School probably is, and minus the bibles. In addition to YFS, they also do a young peoples blessing before every service. They say and youth or anyone who is feeling young can come up. So I usually go up, and I’m going to take Yannis with me today. After church, we pack like CRAZY and do lots of things to get ready. Since we leave Tuesday, we have to be done by Monday. But Mamma is working all day Monday, Moemoe and I will have a hard time oacking or getting anything done, because Yannis is there too. Mamma usually watches him, so the two of us can do the work. So there might be some smalll things that we can do, like taking things back and forth to the car. We could, however, take things to the car on Tuesday. But I am assuming that we will want to have at least the black bag that is attached to the roof of the car in place by the end of today. We use it to put bags and other things in. I will add another entry if more interesting things come up! Byee😘

P.S, these are photos from the last time we went canping there.

There is this really beautiful railroad attraction near the canping site where we went kast time. This is the old logging train that runs through the mountains. There is another one that runs three hours to Santa Cruz.