A very long overdue journal!! My apologies!

Alex’s parents arrived last weekend, and time is just flying by! We had a lovely first night and took them for drinks at a rooftop bar and out for dinner. I was struck down by a horrible bug which started on the Sunday, I thought it was a hangover but it turns out it was Acute Pharangitis! I had to take days off work and was very poorly. All better now though! Whilst I was sick Ana & Luis still managed to get out and about and sight see and I was better by the weekend to join them. I think they’ve seen more touristy sights in 2 weeks than we have in 4+ months!

We have booked our trip to Malaysia and we all leave this Friday for 2 weeks. It’s the TET holiday here, like new year, so no school for 2 weeks and there will be huge celebrations across the country. There are flowers and lights and banners all over the city - it’s very beautiful. It’s like a spring version of Christmas (described to me by my 5th graders today!)

Our trip will begin in Kuala Lumpur for 4 nights and then 10 nights in Penang. Little bit of city, lots of beach!!!!

4 more days of work and then we’re off.

Lots of photos below to catch you up to speed!!! They’ve gone in a funny order again and I don’t know how to fix it - you get the gist.

The Opera House


Skydeck bar

More TET decorations at my Monday school

TET decorations at my Tuesday school - amazing effort!!!!!

Real fish!

Morning sunsets

This little boy spoke to my for the first time in 4 months in this lesson, he raised his hand to answer a question and it was a HUGE milestone for both of us!!


The Castillo’s at the rooftop bar