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A huge catch up is required! We’ve been very busy since our previous post in Da Lat.

We met my friend Shauna and her boyfriend Freddie in Phu Quoc - where we went in November. We had a wonderful time on the island, we got bikes and spent lots of time exploring and lazing around beaches. It was wonderful to see them!

After Phu Quoc I zipped off to Thailand to meet my friend Hannah for a quick 4 night trip! The resort was wonderful and very relaxing. Albeit a lot of travel time! But it was worth it.

On my return, Shauna and Freddie made their way down to HCMC for their final few days in Vietnam. We had a weekend with them which was good as we didn’t have to worry about work. Hannah joined us on the Sunday evening for a couple of hours before Shauna and Freddie left for home. Reunited for a short space of time indeed!!!

We then had a few days with Hannah as our last guest!

It’s been a super busy 6 months and we’ve thoroughly enjoyed every single guest. We’ve now got 2 months left here before we pack up our little lives and head back to the UK. Public school will be ending in the next 2 weeks, and we will then begin summer school which will be at our work Centre Tuesday - Friday mornings. Will be a nice change from hectic public schools! We officially finish on the 5th July and leave our apartment that day too. So we’ve got to plan where we want to venture to for a few days in Vietnam.

Phu Quoc;
