Christmas Eve!

Opening The Busi Family gift as our one present that the boys get to open on Christmas Eve 🎄

The tree before we went to bed!


The boys were up at 7:00 am, so we were too (despite going to bed around 1:00 am 😴) But it was great to see them excited!

Opening Stockings

Clark showing off his Gingerbread House while waiting for everyone to be ready to open presents

Clark lining up his gifts! \240🎁

Opening the first present from the Gladman’s 🥰

Opening presents from Auntie Debbie and Uncle Chuck

Colin opening Clark’s present to him 🥰

Clark opening Santa’s present! 🎅

Colin opening his present from Auntie Debbie and Uncle Chuck

Opening presents from Grandma and Grandpa!

Opening a present from Mom and Dad!

Colin’s present to Clark 🥰❤️

Another gift from Grandma and Grandpa!

Big present from Grandma and Grandpa!