Saturday- Colin’s Birthday Party!
We went to VR yesterday for my birthday party. We played Beat Saber, Sky Front, Cowbots v.s. Aliens, and Battle Magic. Afterwards, we went and had pizza and cake at Blaze.
Clark’s birthday party!
Clark had a great birthday! He started the day off with getting Duck Donuts before going to school. He brought cookies to his class to celebrate his birthday. After school, we went to Uncle Julio’s for a birthday dinner. Then Clark opened all these amazing gifts!
Clark: I had the most amazing birthday ever! Mounds of presents by my feet and I got amazing presents from everyone! Two 👍🏻
He also got a special song by “Ray Ray the Rapping Rabid Rabbit” and a sting ray 😊
Clark’s Party!
Saturday at Augmentality Labs
Rob took Colin, Phi, Israel and Daniel to Carowinds!
They had a good time, but some of the rides were closed unfortunately. They left our house around 8:30 am and got back at 9:30 pm. It was a long day!
Clark stayed with me and had a fun time going to Urban Air with Juwon for Juwon’s birthday 😊