Late start but we have everything loaded and ready!!
Had to hit up the amazing Shane’s Rib Shack and get the best chicken tenders!!
Sleep Stop
In Illinois! \240Scariest bridge ever!! \240It was solid metal grate the entire bridge across the Ohio river.
Yum!! \240We tried 4 flavors and ended up buying a pint of one it was so delicious!!
We ventured to Grants Farm. Former home of Ulysses S Grant and now owned by the Busch family. They have a huge wildlife preserve and we even got to see some of the Budweiser Clydesdales!!
We finished the night with an amazing dinner at Charlie Gitto’s Italian.
Coffee and empanadas for breakfast! \240Bacon, egg and cheese -so delicious!!
Made it to Colorado Springs and found The Well-a food hall with amazing selections!!
We met up with Patrick and Izzy at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo for the day!
Started the day with doughnuts from Lamar’s and coffee from Dutch Bros!!
Got to eat dinner where Izzy works tonight! \240The green Chile and fried ice cream were amazing!!
The Bunkhouse Grill for lunch and even had Rocky Mountain Oysters!
The Cheyenne Botanic Garden was quite unique and also free!!
Lauer-Kraut for breakfast this am. Kraut burgers, chicken noodle soup, chili, and the piece de resistance-Sinnamon Rolls!!
We had a nice last day visiting with Patrick. It was great seeing his place and being able to get him a few fun and also practical gifts for his place!!
Back in Abilene getting some shut eye headed to the Topeka Zoo today.
Got to see Vision today at the zoo. Tuckers other son and Fritz’s half brother. Poor thing had to wait for his pool to fill since a guest dropped their watch in his pool.
A revisit to the zoo and we got to see the Bird Aviary today and lots of owls! The hippos were sleeping today :)
The aquarium is absolutely amazing!! \240So many interactive and unique experiences.
One more stop at Pappy’s on the way out of town. I had to buy 6 cookies this time!!