First full day at home! Rob it’s on top of it and created this schedule:
Colin is VERY into the schedule- \240he is very excited to keep the timer going and keep us on track 😊
Clark had the choice of game time today, and we did Telestrations 😊
During school time, Clark worked on his twos and threes multiplication tables, learned about minerals and rocks, and worked on some writing
Colin worked on math and a report on Ignaz Semmelweis Who came up with the idea that handwashing kills germs.
My text to the parents of Colin’s friends telling them that I thought we were going to be quarantined for a bit - no one responded to the text - I think they may have not believed that it was a possibility.
Day two! Even though it’s the weekend, We are keeping to our schedule.
Today I got to pick the game and I beat everybody at Ticket to ride 😊
The boys got very excited when Amazon delivered the presents that the Busi‘s bought for them
During school time, Clark worked on study island and Colin worked on his math
During quiet time, Clark built his new Lego
Day 3 .... First workday in Quarantine
We are starting to lose it ... 😜
Earlier in the day we use the Houseparty app with the Erickson family for the first time, and proposed a Lego build contest with the theme of “wearables”.
Colin presented on the subject he has been working on the last couple of days
Day 4......
No coffee 😔
The boys continue to do a great job studying various subjects ...
Colin played some of my favorite music for his piano practice ❤️❤️
Wyatt and Heather Brought us over some leftover birthday cake… It brightened our day 😊
The boys presented their Lego builds to Bobby and Gracie and everyone did a great job !
Abercrombie started the morning by grabbing water off the patio furniture 🙄
The boys did some science experiments with Rob and worked on their Spanish skills on Duolingo.
I picked Mexican Train dominos for our game this morning. I won the first round and Colin won the second round.
It turned out to be a nice day, so the boys played outside and we took a family walk
One of the school assignments that Rob gave the boys today was to put signs on every day items translating them into Spanish .... poor Abercrombie 😜
Rob also have the boys a good Lego challenge/science experiment
We played Ticket to Ride both in the morning and in the evening… I won in the morning, and Colin won at night. Rob will get his revenge soon ....
Rob and I also booked our Australia trip for July… Fingers crossed!
After our daily walk, the boys got some roughhousing in
Rob and I started Tiger King on Netflix 😳
Started the morning off working with my favorite coworker. I was happy to book a $42,000 order for Showbest for Sunglass Hut today!
I went to the grocery store and They were still completely out of toilet paper \240😳
We did take a drive to get bread at Great Harvest and fruit/veggies at Perkins. Then we stopped by the park and Rob hit some balls with the boys
We end of the night with eating pizza and watching Frozen two on Disney+ 😊
Played games ... Clue and a long game of Villainous ...
Rob finally won with Scar!
Later in the day we had a water balloon fight and went for a walk
Rob and I watched 2 episodes of Tiger King and stayed up to midnight. We are hooked!
Even though Rob stayed up late watching Tiger King, he was up at 6:30 and at Target by 7 AM so that he could find toilet paper. He got one of the last packages in the store 😳
The boys finish their letters to the McBroom‘s this morning
We went on a bike ride along the Woodcroft paths
When we got back home, we played Ticket to Ride. I barely beat Rob, and this was his response 😏
But then he realized that he miscounted his trains and he actually had the longest train and was the actual winner 🙄😜
Rob started the morning teaching the boys origami. They all did a great job!
We played Citadels and I upset Clark when I assassinated him😳 But he cheered up later in the game 😊 He came in second and Rob won the game
We went for a bike ride in the afternoon.
Clark had his piano lesson virtually at 6 o’clock at night and did great!
The boys Made my heart happy by wearing matching pajamas tonight 😊❤️❤️
Tuesday- First day of distance learning!
Colin was on 2 Zoom calls today (one for each of his teachers)
I also had a Zoom call with my team!
Colin Has been doing great at practicing his piano pieces
April Fool’s!
Rob went to Costco and Wegmens in Raleigh. I was at home with the boys and Clark dropped Rob’s laptop by accident while he was working on it and broke it 😩. It was 10 years old, but we can’t function on just my work computer so Rob bought a new one online at Costco.
Just for fun ...
Rob went to Costco to look for a computer to replace the one that broke. He realized that he wanted to get a desktop computer. Best Buy had the best deal, so that’s where he bought his new Apple desktop!
Rob also stopped by Early Bird donuts and brought us home some yummy donuts and apple fritters 🤤
Clark has been getting better and better at the piano!
We took a walk and played Sushi Go today.
We also finished Tiger King on Netflix.
We managed to get an order of morning buns from Boulted Bread by ordering it last night (they have been sold out every day this week), so we stopped by and picked them up around 10:00 this morning and drove to the NCMA. The grounds were open and we took a walk. We got upset at the boys for not listening very well, but it was still nice to be outside on a nice spring day
When we got home, the boys spent some time outside with the \240caterpillars 🐛
Later in the afternoon, I played Citadels with the boys and won 😊 Also, Rob rocked the push-up challenge
At night, we had dinner, popcorn and hot chocolate and watched Onward. Disney + just started streaming it today!
I cut the boy’s hair today 😊 I did a decent job for a first try!
And Abercrombie is still his handsome self
Also, Colin and Rob played Destiny
It was a beautiful day. Rob played football with the boys for a bit
We took a walk and talk to some of our neighbors along the way (Aaron with Wyatt and Stephanie with her girls)
We finished our game of Citadels (Clark won!) and Rob took off after lunch to have a social distancing date with Jay 😊
This is a good example of Clark’s daily lunch
There has been a lot of rough housing...
Rob went to Target on his way back from Jay’s house to get some supplies.
After dinner, we had an “ice cream Sunday” bar (Since we haven’t been able to go to Menchie’s)
It was a busy day at work for me, but I had time to cuddle with Abercrombie ❤️
Clark made a great scavenger hunt for us to do 😊❤️🥰
The boys sent out some Easter cards.
Rob helped them with their school work.
Clark is learning multiplication with Rob and some bad videos ...:
Colin is doing an awesome job keeping up with his work. He goes on zoom on Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays.
Clark has his first Zoom session!
Clark also had a Zoom piano lesson!
The boys learned how to draw Olaf!
We took a walk and got a book from the little library
Today we dyed Easter Eggs!
Also, we played Ticket to Ride and Rob beat me by 3 points 😩😏
We also played Telestrations 😜
Good Friday!
Our beautiful eggs 😊
We started the day off with a nature scavenger hunt
We delivered rice and school supplies to 3 refugee families!
Colin FaceTimed with Cannon
Rob and the boys played Villainous
And we watched Gary’s Sabbath Fireside Chat 😊❤️
We ended the night with Family Movie Night, and watched a Robin Hood on Disney+. Clark didn’t like the kissing 😜
The boys slept in and spent a good portion of the day playing on their own. It was an Easter weekend miracle!
I went to the store in the morning and got some hard to find items like turkey bacon and coffee 😊
Clark decorated some more eggs
And we watched a little bit of Lord of the Rings, which made Colin VERY happy😊
Rob picked up our Nothing Bundt Cake for Easter and pizza for dinner. I spent the day making scalloped potatoes and chicken stock for tomorrow.
We also had a Zoom call with Rob’s family. It was nice to see and hear everyone!
We took our afternoon walk and had a relaxing evening!
We ended the night with a story 😊
Easter Sunday!
The boys stayed in their rooms until 7:30 like we discussed the night before 😊 Then they hunted for their baskets!
Rob ignored my warning to not hide Colin’s basket in the dryer (because Colin would find it in under a minute), and that was the first place Colin looked 😜
The boys also found the games that Grandma and Grandpa sent 😊
Rob went early and got us yummy donuts from Early Bird donuts, and we also took some over to the Gladman’s and talked for a few mins (from 6 feet away) 😊
I made some yummy brunch - quiche and scalloped potatoes!
Easter Egg Hunt!
Rob suffers through another game of Villanious 😜
Our yummy desert!!!
And we ended the night watching “Santa and the Ice Cream Bunny” with RiffTrax
Monday ..
We played Tacos vs Burritos!
We also finished a Villanious game where Clark won with Prince John. Rob and the boys played a second game where Colin won with Stinky Pete.
While Rob went to Costco for us, the boys did .....
School work!
Another game of Villanious ... Colin finally won with Jafar today!
Colin and his reading buddy ❤️
Playing Kids against Humanity.....
Started the morning off with some video games!
Clark has his weekly Zoom session with his class
We took a bike ride in the afternoon (it was beautiful!)
FriYAY 😊
Started the day with chores and school work. We scored an order of Bolted Bread, and went to Raleigh to pick it up!
Then we took it to the NCMA. It was a beautiful day!
Clark did a great job on his comic book during the trip!
At night we played Ticket to Ride and Rob won 🙄😏 By a lot 😩
Rob went to Target in the morning to stock up on some essentials.
We played a super quick game of Villanious (where Colin won with Prince John) and we played Kids Against Maturity (where I won).
This is what a typical lunch looks like for the boys:
Our neighbor Cadence had an 8th birthday party parade where lots of cars full of friends came by to wish her a happy birthday from a distance 😊. We stopped by and gave her a small gift and wished her a happy birthday 🎁🎈🎉🎂
We took a walk and played ball tag. Then we set up a fort for Clark, where he ended up sleeping for the night
Rob, Colin and I played Ticket to Ride at night, and Rob smoked us again🙄😏. Another good day.
Sunday, and first annual Pence Decathlon!
Abercrombie did not participate 😜
I won Sushi Go!
Next was Mario Cart on the Wi...
Colin starting to get disheartened...
And full meltdown ...
Next was Citadels, and Clark won!
Clark also sang to Abercrombie...
Next up was Foosball ... Colin won that!
His spirit was lifted a little by that victory ...
Next was darts ... which Colin also won!
Then the amazing Rob set up a fun obstacle course😊
Clark’s run:
Colin’s run:
My run 😳
Rob’s first run:
Rob’s second run!
Colin won the obstacle course, beating out Rob by half a second!
Then we went on to Nerf Shooting - Rob won!
Then we did the run around the house. Clark did one lap (20 seconds!) Colin and I did 2 laps (Colin did it in 37 seconds and I did it in 38 seconds) and Rob did 3 laps (42 seconds!). Clark was the winner 😊
We took a nice evening stroll around 7:00, and saw an owl
The boys also entered a Lego build contest put on by Jackson Furnas and family. The theme was “Found in Nature”. Clark’s entry was called “Poison Ivy” and Colin’s was “Alligator”
After dinner, we played Villanious. Colin came up with a clever system for assigning characters since we wanted to be the same character. But in the end, we ended up picking our own for the most part 😊
I picked up a coffee at Bean Traders and took it over to Mick’s for a social distancing chat 😊
Afterwards, I picked up some delicious produce from Perkins Orchard 🌽 🍎 🍇
Colin and Clark did their school work. They have both been great about that.
Clark with the LEGO he built from his decathlon good sportsmanship prize.
The LEGO challenge of the day was “Something you can eat”. Clark made a blueberry
Colin made a watermelon slice and a sandwich
We finished the decathlon, and Colin ended up winning the whole thing!
We played Sushi Go and the boys played Pokémon
We took a walk (It was such a gorgeous day! )
I took lots of pictures of Abercrombie ❤️
We went out today! We got Early Bird Donuts. The Apple Fritter was HUGE!!
Clark enjoying his donut in the car 😊
Colin avoiding a good picture 😏
Then we went strawberry picking at Waller Farm! And we bumped into Jackson and his family (Figuratively, not literally)
Clark has his Zoom meeting with his class
These were the boys’ goals for today to earn afternoon screen time 😊
We went for a bike ride
Clark had his piano workshop. He did great!
This was his intro:
This was his song:
This is his teacher telling him he did an awesome !
At the end, his teacher asked what their thoughts were on the quarantine so far. This was Clark‘s response:
He did great!
I donated blood today!
The boys goals for the day 😊
It was a beautiful day for a walk!
We watched Muppets Most Wanted (it was my pick and Rob and Colin were going to riot if I picked Frozen 2 😜)
Abercrombie made himself comfortable during the process 😊
Rob, \240Being the awesome dad he is, \240created an escape room for the boys to complete today!
Then Colin strong armed us into playing the Firefly board game 😏
We also took a walk ❤️
We did the 4:00 o’clock zoom call with Rob’s family 😊
We wrapped up our game of Firefly.
We went to the NCMA
Afterwards, We picked up dinner at Mellow Mushroom and brought it over to the Chambers’ house! We ate outside in their new side yard, and Michael brought back eggs and bread from his trip to Tennessee and gave us some. It was a good night!
Abercrombie started his day off with his favorite activity - drinking water off of our patio furniture 🙄
The boys did their school work. I played a game of Ticket to Ride with Colin (where he whooped on me!)
Then, later that night we told Auntie Debbie about it, so she bought the app and played a game with Colin, Rob and Clark! Rob won that one 😊
The boys also helped me tag my light splitters for DDG
Rob and I made a yummy turkey burger on grilled \240Parmesan bread ... I don’t really remember what else we did on this day ...
Another day in quarantine... we played 2 games of Sushi Go and Rob played a game of Villanious with the boys.
The boys did the LEGO build, which was “Build anything and write a poem about it”. They both wrote amazing poems!
Abercrombie got some much needed love from Rob ❤️
Rob and I started to watch Too Hot to Handle. It is so bad, but it hooks you!
Colin won the LEGO contest today with his Moon Cheese poem and build! He was so excited!
Goals for the day
The birthday card we sent to Isla for her first birthday!
Clark had a piano lesson with Miss Le’Andra ❤️
Also, Clark lost a tooth today! (He actually pulled it out during dinner 😳)
It was a good day ... Mick came over in the afternoon to take our “Porch Portraits”
She also brought us Locopops and coffee ... our hero!
Clark has his last piano lesson with Patrick for the semester. He is ready for his recital!
Earlier in the day, Rob made an awesome Lego clock ... he was very proud of it (as he should be!)
Rob picked Nacho Libre for his Friday night movie. Afterwards, the boys were inspired to wrestle 😊
Lastly, the goals for today
Today was Clark’s piano recital! He did an amazing job! It was costume themed and he dressed up as Kyle Wren
Here he is watching his fellow performers
We gave him a small recital gift ❤️
I enjoy watching Gary’s Sabbath afternoon Fireside chats
We took a walk.
It was a bit of a lazy day. The boys messed around, and It look like Clatk’s feet were actually Colin’s and that he was bending over backwards 😜
The boys worked on Mother’s Day cards for their aunts and grandma
At night, we picked up Indian food from Lime and Lemon 🍋 (it was our first time there… It was really good! ). Then we took it over to the Furnace’s house and had a social distancing dinner! It was a lot of fun… It was the first time we had hung out with them and we all had a great time!
May the 4th be With You!
Clark is ready to start the day!
Abercrombie during his daily routine of eating and then asking to be let out to the back
It was a perfect day!
We started the festivities off by playing some Battlefront 😊
Best dad ever ...
Cinco De Mayo!
Rob encouraged us to walk 3 miles today!
Rob was an amazing dad as he always is and played Villanious and Taco va Burritos with the boys ❤️
Boy started off their morning with screen time at 8:00am sharp! (Just like EVERY) morning!
We washed our bedding, but someone wasn’t very helpful ...
Rob was a saint and played 3 games of Villanious in a row with the boys
We got an early start and got coffee and smoothies from Bean Traders (ordering online!)
Then we drove the 2 hours to Hanging Rock State Park! It was the first day it was open since the COVID-19 lockdown.
We had a great time! It was a little chilly, but not bad, and it was a beautiful day.
On the way home we got milkshakes from Cookout.
The boys wore matching PJs for me for Mother’s Day (even though Colin was tricked into it 😜) The boys played a game of Skylanders before bed
Mother’s Day!
Rob made my day special (as usual). He got up early and got us donuts (which was a feat because of the inefficiency of NC people and businesses...) But the Early Bird donuts were delicious!
He also made me a special Mother’s Day DVD/movie, which I loved (as I do every year).
Then we went for a walk (it was a gorgeous day)
Then we ordered lunch from Mediterranean Deli in Chapel Hill and Rob braved the public again to pick up the food. But it was delicious!
We FaceTimed with Auntie Debbie and Grandma/Grandpa and then took off to have a social distancing hang out with Jay and Deana at their house. The boys had fun with Adriana and we had a good time talking with Jay and Deana.
Then we came back home, I made chocolate chip cookies, and Rob and I watched an episode of Too Hot to Handle while he gave me THE BEST massage on the massage table. I was truly spoiled! It was a great Mother’s Day!
These were my Mother’s Day gifts from the boys 🥰❤️❤️
Rob did an amazing job teaching Clark about Lewis and Clark and even used the US puzzle to show where they traveled ❤️
Our video about what will remind us of Quarantine
Rob was our shopping warrior and \240hero yet again, and went to Costco for us ❤️❤️
Meanwhile, Clark and Colin both did a great job working on their school work
After his school work was done, Clark played a game of Villanious all by himself 🥺
We played Citedels and Rob beat all of us, which caused this sad reaction ...
Rob got a new battery for his car and installed it all on his own! Then he washed his poor neglected car ...
I took the boys over to Cannon’s house for a social distance play date. We got Locopops afterwards
It was another beautiful day, and we took our daily walk!
Rob went over to Jay’s to hang out for a bit and then went to Target. Still couldn’t find toilet paper 😞
Mick came over at 5:00 and we went for a walk around the neighborhood. It was so nice!
We told the kids that they were basically on their own today… That they needed to make their own food, set their own schedule, etc.
Rob and I took a walk around 8:30 am together while the boys had screen time and the weather was perfect
Rob still played Villanious and Destiny with the boys (even though they were supposed to be playing on their own today). He’s such a good dad 😊 I worked most of the day but watched a little Hercules 😊
We took a family walk at night and ordered Marcos pizza. It was movie night and Colin chose Bug’s Life.
Rob and I hung out for a bit on the back deck, enjoying the nice night and the bats flying overhead. (Rob, showing off his guns below)
Day of friends! The Gladman’s (our forever neighbors) came over to our place for social distancing donuts, and they brought us donuts from Monuts! Yum! 🍩 They even shared their HBO sign-in info with us so we could watch Westworld at home!
Right after they left, Johnny arrived!
Jon wanted to go to the bathroom and take a shower first off. Colin didn’t realize Jon was in the bathroom and thought it was me, so he slid my phone under the bathroom door to give it back to me. Jon was pooping 💩 and wondered why someone was pushing a phone into the bathroom. This was Colin’s rendering of the situation...
Meanwhile, Clark enjoyed some yummy watermelon 🍉 outside
After Jon had lunch, he wanted to get going on some tree work! Rob, Jon (and our neighbor Roy) cut a lot of wood, expecting to run it through the woodchipper that Jon had just bought in New Jersey. But .... Jon left the key 🔑 in the ignition and it fell out as he drove it down to North Carolina 😩
Johnny spent the night on top of his truck 😜
Saying goodbye to Jon
Boys playing Firefly by themselves in Clark’s room ❤️
It was time for a haircut!
We took a 4.5 mile hike at Umstead!
Clark took out the recycling
Clark also started back up with his piano lessons. He’s doing great on piano!
We also picked up some cupcakes from the Kupcake Fairy on our way back from Umstead
It was a rainy day. Colin and Abercrombie cuddled...
We took a walk in the rain 🌧 (it was just sprinkling when we went out)
Colin talked us into a 4 person game of Destiny (we started it at 8:45 pm, so we only played till 9:15)
I went to the store (Harris Teeter) around 7:30 pm.
It was a very rainy day
Colin did Duolingo with Abercrombie’s help❤️
Captain America working on some school work 😊
I got Bean Traders around 3:00 pm and took it over to Mick’s for a visit at her house. It was good to see her and socialize a little
Barley came to stay with us! We are dog sitting while the Hobbs’ went to Charleston to house hunt. Everyone was happy except Abercrombie 😜
Also, Rob went to Costco around 5:30 pm and brought home Indain food from Lime and Lemon ❤️
We finished the night with an episode of Westworld
We took Barley for a hike at Umstead. It was beautiful! Then we got food to go from Bad Daddy’s and milkshakes from Cookout (Rob is such a good husband... the car was hot and the line was long at Cookout, but he still did it for us, and then he didn’t even get his strawberry shake because they mistakenly gave him a chocolate malt shake! We all love him so much ❤️
Another Beautiful day! We started the day playing Citadels outside with Barley on the deck. Rob beat me out by a hair 😏
Later, we went out for a walk and as Clark was looking at the books in the little library on the path, Rob saw that he was inches from a copperhead. Rob started yelling at Clark and then I saw the snake and started to yell at Clark as well. But Clark just looked at us and didn’t move. He finally moved away from the snake (after what felt like an eternity). It was a miracle that he wasn’t bitten. We took this picture as the snake moved from where we saw him to the brush on the other side of the path.
Then we came home and finished Harry Potter with all the animals
Our last day with Barley 🥺
We took her for a walk
Colin spent a good 2 hours working with Jon and Edrian to get connected on Fortnite. Colin was very patient and good at troubleshooting. ❤️
Memorial Day!
We got out of the house by 9:00 am and picked up our order from Bean Traders. Then we were on the road to the beach!
The beach was busier than we were expecting, especially since NO ONE was wearing masks or social distancing. But we walked a ways and found a spot where there weren’t too many people. Unfortunately, we were so worried about not catching COVID-19 that Rob and I forgot to apply sunscreen and got burned 😩
It was a bit of a cloudy and blustery morning. But that didn’t stop Clark from getting in the ocean!
Colin was not loving the weather ...
But it didn’t stop this man from being sexy!
We went back to our room around 11:00 and got cleaned up and checked out. We walked along the boardwalk We stopped to get coffee (at a great place called Crush and Grind) and got the boys McFlurys and drove home!
We wrapped up the day with a game of Citadels which Clark won!
Abercrombie likes to be out on the deck with us ❤️
Out on our daily walk. Trisha called me and we had a “walking and talking” date.
The boys wanted to do something nice for their dad, so they bought him a new Citedels game .... Although, I think it was enjoyed more by them than their dad 😏
It rained for the first half of the day. We played the new Citidels game for the 3rd time since we got it, and Clark was not happy when Rob randomly picked his best card, School of Magic.
We took a walk when it cleared up. The boys did their school work.
It was movie night and Rob picked Our Neighbor Totoro. We watched it on HBO Max that we are “borrowing” from the Gladman’s, and we watched it with this guy
It was a bit warm out, but we picked up Joe Van Gough and Boulted Bread and went to the NCMA!
Yummy morning buns!
And choc chip cookies! 🍪
Colin was sad that I got after him ...
We have seen this face a lot during lockdown ...
But Colin got his revenge when he did this to his dad!
Then We came back home and played Citadels. Colin wasn’t happy with me for assassinating him a couple of times in a row ...
At night, we listened to the Colorado Benefit Concert outside on our deck. It benefited people in the music industry in Colorado, and had some of our favorite performers like the Avett Brothers, Dave Matthews, Gabriella Y Rodrigo.
We also saw our first firefly of the summer!
We started the morning by seeing a turtle 🐢in our front yard!
We decided to go to the beach! It was only 25,000 points per night to stay at the new Marriott Towne Place \240Suites in Kill Devil Hills. We got Joe Van Gough and hit the road! I worked along the way and after a 3.5 hour drive, we arrived! We got lunch to go and took it to the sand dunes.
We spent too much time in the room today (with Clark’s farts and Colin acting like either an 8 year old or 15 year old and never like an 11 year old) ....
Clark has his last Zoom of the year with his class
We did hit the beach around 11:30. It was a warm day but the water was COLD! But we still had a great time 😊
We came back to the room, made lunch and took some quiet time. We got pizza for dinner at Village Pizza of Nags Head. It was good!
Colin had his Zoom call at 7:00 and got the award for “Most Likely to be a Reading a GOOD Book” 😊 Yay Colin!
We went back out at 8:30. It was SO NICE OUT! My favorite time of day at the beach ❤️
I took the day off of work and we got coffee and then drove down to Cape Hatteras to see the lighthouse! Because of COVID-19, we couldn’t go up, but it was impressive to see from the ground!
Then we drove further south to check out the beaches. We found an empty one! But it was VERY windy. But the water was warm and the boys had fun 😊
During the drive we got both Dairy Queen and Duck Donuts, so we all had our share of sugar 😊
Rob wanted to stop at the bird sanctuary on the drive back, and we are glad we did ... we saw a turtle!
We went back to the room and had dinner and then went back out to the beach to enjoy my favorite part of the day at the beach - dusk. The boys tried their hardest to damage our calm by being loud, rough housing, and farting, but we still managed to enjoy ourselves 😊
We started the day by watching a little bit of Paw Patrol and playing a game of Citadels. Colin won!
We checked out at 11:00, grabbed coffee and hit the road. I worked in the room and on the road.
Abercrombie was happy to see us but sad that he didn’t get fresh water while we were gone ... For some reason our Cat Sitter’s are not good about that 🥺
Today Rob planned a day out for our family! Our first stop was the Eno for some fun in the river. The water was pretty warm! And it wasn’t very busy at all
Video of the boys having a water fight 😊
Then we went to Zen Fish and Jamba Juice. So good!!
Then Rob stopped at the record store to pick up the 2 Weezer records he bought me. He’s so thoughtful!! I’m a very lucky lady ❤️❤️
Then we all got a Loco Pop 😋 \240So good!
Clark REALLY enjoyed his 😊
Then we tried to return our library books, but they were closed on the weekend. We tried!
It was a great day hitting all of the Durham gems.
Rob made a delicious breakfast of Quinoa, turkey bacon, eggs, beans, and salsa. A great way to start the day!
Then we went on a hike at Umstead with Jay,Deana, and Adriana. It was a great time! We had a picnic lunch afterwards
On the way home we stopped at Dairy Queen 🥰 Yum!
We went on a bike ride around the neighborhood
Clark had piano practice
Rob and Colin went to Target, Lowe’s, the library, and pelicans
Morning video games
I went to my waxing appt!
Boys got great report cards, so we got them a small gift each
We went Blueberry picking!
Video of the boys blueberry picking
Also, Alex came to our house and gave Rob and I a massage!
We also decided to go to Asheville the next day ❤️
Trip to Asheville! We stopped by Bean Traders in the morning on our way out.
I worked in the car on the drive out. We grabbed lunch at White Duck Tacos and then went to Zen Tubing and floated down the river! It was the perfect weather for it!
Video of the first part of the trip
Video of Colin narrowly escaping a goose attack 😏
The goose!
We went back to our room for the rest of the day after our float. This is Clark enjoying the view after his shower
We started the morning with making breakfast in the room and leaving around 8:00. We hit High 5 coffee and then headed to the Blue Ridge Parkway. It was a BEAUTIFUL day!
First stop was Craggy Gardens ❤️❤️
Video of boys in beautiful scenery!
Then we drove a little further to a hike where we saw the remains of the Rattlesnake Lodge
Unfortunately Clark was running on the trail and tripped and fell towards the end. Here is his sad face and injuries once we got back to the car 🥺
After we got back, I worked and \240Rob and the boys played Horrified. Then we ordered pizza and I played Horrified with them (we lost that time 😳)
Then it was movie night! It was Colin’s pick and he chose Teen Titans Go to the Movies movie 😊 Rob bought it at Target earlier that day. We even had the traditional popcorn and hot chocolate \240❤️
Saturday in Asheville
Started the morning off with Hole donuts and Summit Coffee. Yum! We played Sushi Go while enjoying our goodies. I won! 😁
Then we drove to the Sierra Nevada Brewery, but it was only open for pick-up orders 😩
So we went to a nearby park and played Horrified. We won!
Then we went back to the room to make lunch. At around 2:00, we headed to the Biltmore! It was a gorgeous day out!
We had to wear masks into the house.
My handsome man ❤️
The boys loved the huge library!
Here they are impersonating the little statue in front of the fireplace. Colin wasn’t happy because we got after him about be nice to his brother \240😏
The pool!
Funny poster
After leaving the Biltmore (we saw 2 black bears in the distance on the way out!) we headed to dinner at Hillman Beer. It was sooo good. Colin loved the baked pretzels and Rob loved the beer and burger 🍔😊
Then we got ice cream at the Marble Slab Creamy.... so good!
Colin and I got Vortex donuts and coffee in the morning (but it took FOREVER). We checked out of our room at 11:00 and went to the gem mining place in downtown Asheville. Clark had a blast!
Then we left Asheville and tried to go for a hike to see a waterfall, but it was way too crowded. So we drove home and picked up Med Deli in Chapel Hill to take home for lunch. It was a fun day all in all!
Someone is glad we are home and needs lots of love and attention 🥰
Boys taking out the trash❤️
Colin made a \240Gelatin free s’more with the toaster oven! Yum!
Heather and Aaron was super generous and gifted us a $110 gift card to Fosters for taking care of Barley while they were in South Carolina. It bought a week of meals for Rob and I. Tonight we had the flank steak. It was good!
It rained most of today (and was cold!) but we still took a morning walk. Rob played lots of games with the boys today.
This is a video of one of my favorite sounds - Abercrombie thundering down the stairs in the morning. He always waits for me to get out of bed before coming down 🥰
The boys wore matching pajamas tonight 🥰🥰 They didn’t want me to capture that on video 😊
We went to the zoo!
Colin in the mist
Snow Foxes 🦊❤️
Video of how empty the zoo was 😊
After the zoo we went to The Eddy for an awesome dinner - the food was great, the weather was amazing and the view was spectacular! We all loved the fresh baked sourdough. It was a great day (that Rob planned and set up for us well in advance ... the zoo and the Eddy needed reservations. I appreciate Rob’s advance planning skills!)
Getting my hair done!
I started the day by donating blood. 🩸
We took a walk.
Colin played Fortnight with Edrian online.
Slow day 😊
Sunday - Father’s Day!
I picked up Duck donuts and we went for a walk. We took it easy for most of the day indoors and Rob helped Clark build his LEGO and played Dice Masters with Colin. He is such a good dad ... always putting us first ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Later in the day the boys played outside with water 💦😊
Rob got to play his jammy records, Like Eric Clapton 😏
Colin’s first day at camp! I dropped him off at the Hollowrock camp at 8:30, and then got coffee for Rob and myself on the way back 😊
Then we started Camp Clarky!
We started the day off with a bike ride. Clark did great!
He also did some school work and had piano practice via Zoom with teacher Patrick.
Colin had a good first day at camp! We ended the night with the boys playing Villanious
Colin’s 2nd day of camp!
Clark, Rob and I parked our car at the Woodcroft pool and rode our bikes down the trail with the bollards. Clark did an awesome job!
In the afternoon, Clark, Rob and I went shopping at Nordstrom Rack, Target and the mall and ate lunch outside at the Cheesecake Factory. It was a fun outing!
At the mall before going into Barnes and Nobel
Lunch at Cheesecake Factory
Clark leaving GameStop at the mall
When we got home, Rob’s Father’s Day gift arrived 😊
Abercrombie helped Rob and Clark rebuild the Mickey LEGO Train 😊
He also helped me with my work 🥰
Today was the day I negotiated a new position for myself as head of the retail team at EL!
It was also Colin’s last day of camp at Hollowrock.
Rob created a treasure hunt for Clark. He is the best dad!
Video of Clark opening the treasure ❤️
Then Clark was invited over to the Hobb’s house to play out front with various water toys. He had a lot of fun!
Videos of Clark’s water fun 😊
Rob also made a delicious salmon and asparagus dinner for us and an amazing blueberry cocktail. He’s the best!
We had a lazy morning and took a walk around 11:00. We had lunch at home and then headed to Gamers Geekery & Tavern where we played Azul and King of New York. We also got coffee and coconut cake to go from Asali Desserts. Yum!
Then I dropped Rob and the boys off at the lake in Apex and I went to Costco. Then I picked them up and we headed home!
We closed out our day by watching The Three Amigos (which was Rob‘s choice for movie night ) 😊
A masked Colin plays Azul
Clark starting to get upset while playing Azul 😏
My beautiful flowers from Costco
Lazy morning- ate breakfast at 10:00. Boys played Destiny together while Rob and I did chores.
Then we pack the boys a lunch and drove to Zen Fish and Jamba Juice to pick up lunch for me and Rob (and a smoothie for the boys). Then we drove to the Zeno river and had fun!
Videos of the boys having fun😊
Then we ended the trip with a visit to Loco Pops!
It rained yesterday so naturally Abercrombie had to scavenge a drink from the table we left outside 😏
I had an orthodontist appt, and I grabbed Monuts afterwards to bring home for the family!
When I got home Rob was playing Destiny with the boys (he’s such a good dad!)
This is Clark saying “no pictures”! 😊
Clark has his piano lesson \240🎹
I went to the grocery store around 5:00 while the boys had screen time and Rob made his homemade Mac and Chesse for dinner. Yum!
After dinner I took the boys for a night walk (at 8:30)
We saw a copperhead snake 🐍 crossing the street right before we got home! Clark was the one who saw him this time 😊
Video of frog catching
Video of boys being silly.
Sad boys playing Taco vs Burrito
Happy boy who won the game
Barley came for a visit! Abercrombie is yelling at me in this picture 😜
It was the third day of being a manager. It was a busy day!
We decided to celebrate Christmas in July! The tree Rob ordered came today (as did the rafts!) So we started to decorate!
Rob and the boys played Scatagories ( sp?)
More decorating! And Clark opened the first TsumTsum Advent calendar
Video of the boys decorating
Rob and I took a walk by ourselves while the boys stayed home. It was nice 😊
Day off from work!
Rob picked up coffee from Joe Van Gough for me ❤️
We played Bonanza. I won!
I signed the kids up for the Piedmont day camp for the week of July 13th. It felt good to do that 😜
We took a walk and Rob made origami Yodas with the boys 🥰
Colin played Ticket to Ride with Auntie Debbie and Uncle Chuck.
I picked up some food from Uncle Julios (chips, salsa, and a kids meal for Clark).
We watched the first 30 mins of a New Hope.
Clark decided that he wanted to sleep downstairs tonight 😊 Abercrombie can’t pass up a cot to sleep on!
Video of him making it hard to make the bed 😏
Rob and I ended the night by watching the first little bit of Hamilton 😍. So good!
Saturday! 4th of July!
We all got up early for some reason... so we decided to head to the river! We got to the Eno around 8:30 and hiked to the Bobbit Hole (With Rob hauling the bag that held all of our tubes and the pump!)
Once we got to the Bobbit Hole, we pumped up the tubes
Then we headed down the river! It was a beautiful day, and the water was perfect ❤️❤️
Videos of the trip ❤️❤️
Colin got so relaxed, he fell asleep for a sec 😜
Clark freaked out about spiders for the second half of the trip 😩 At one point he totally melted down when he thought one got on his tube. But he made it out okay 😊
We hit Cookout for shakes and chicken sandwiches for us and Taco Bell for Colin. It hit the spot! We were surprised that there wasn’t a line !
Once we got home, we got cleaned up and I popped out to Target. Unfortunately, all of their fireworks were sold out, but I was able to get some of the snap ”pop its”.
We watch the rest of A New Hope, and I made potato salad, baked beans, and turkey hotdogs for Rob and myself
We ended the night with a walk and then throwing the “pop it’s”. Also, Colin caught a frog 😊. 🐸
We had a lazy morning. Clark played with his Legos and had epic battles! 😊
We had lunch at home, then we left for Geekery Games and Tavern. We played Ninja Camp, Sushi Go, and Behind the Throne. I took off a little early to run to Costco and then came back to pick up the boys.
Playing Ninja Camp (and Rob looking crazy 😜)
Then we went to the Apex lake and took a walk around it. We love having so many beautiful places so close to everything!
This was the boys’ to-do list from earlier in the day 😊
Busy, busy day. Clark had his piano lesson, which he did great with! This is him doing his homework from piano afterwards ❤️
Dinner 😊
Colin’s dinner (I was still making his penne pasta 😊)
We played Kids Against Humanity... the boys had a lot of fun with the poop jokes 😜
Such a busy work day, but we got out in the morning to get Early Bird donuts and take a walk around Duke Forest
We also went to Atomic Empire where Rob bought a new game. Colin was VERY eager to learn and play it 😊
We took an early walk (around 8:30 am) and saw a turtle!
Colin was in a poopy mood because we made him walk before screentime ... 😏
Rob took the boys out to run some errands (Return library books, stop by Nordstrom rack and Barnes & Noble, and take a walk down a trail by Colin’s old school Trinity ). They got caught in a downpour during their walk!
Video of Clark braving the rain 😊
Thankfully, Abercrombie was home safe with me 😊
This is Clark modeling his new shirt from Nordstrom Rack
Breakfast Rob made for the boys (he also made a delicious egg casserole! He’s amazing!)
Clark on our daily walk
One of many bunnies we saw on our walk
I had the World Relief board meeting tonight as well as the Zoom meeting with DDG for Mike’s going away party. I spent a lot of today on Zoom!
Video of boys having a stick battle
Rob, always the greatest dad who ever lived, playing Scribblenaughts with Clark in the morning ❤️
Colin being a weird Pre-teen
It was a bit of a rough day. We had to stop the game of The Battle for Rokugan that we were playing because Colin was not acting right. But attitudes were adjusted and we were able to move on.
I took the boys to get Locopops and picked up dinner from CPK to bring home.
We had movie night and watched the Peanuts Movie (Colin’s choice). It was a good one!
We finished the night with a walk around the neighborhood and we finished the game of Battle for Rokugan and I won! 😊
Clark’s awesome drawings 😊❤️❤️
I picked up coffee and smoothies from Bean Traders to bring home for breakfast. \240Rob played with the boys 😊
Clark did a piano workshop in the late morning and then we went to the Geekery Gaming place in Apex and played Wingspan. Rob loved it, even though he came in last 😜 Clark did awesome and came in first!!
We had a good laugh when Clark said “ the one I drew” and I thought he said “the One-Eyed Drew” (like it was a type of bird) 😂
Clark with his Clark’s Grebe card 😊
I popped out to Costco while they played another game and came back to pick them up
Then we went to the Apex lake and walked the trail around it. It was warm, but not unpleasant.
“No pictures mom!”
Then we picked up dinner from the sushi restaurant by the Geekery Game place and took it home. It was good!
Colin got a ukulele today (Rob got it for him so he could play with my mom), and this was his first song: 🥰❤️
Video of boys opening a just-because- Quarantine present
Video of Colin surprising my mom with his new ukulele ❤️
Boys begrudgingly taking a walk. We let them bring water guns so that they could shoot each other while we walked, but they still complained 😏
Our new game of Photosynthesis!
Boys’ first day of camp at Piedmont! They had mix feelings.... Colin wasn’t looking forward to it. Clark was, but was concerned about spiders (he is on an \240Arachnophobia kick after the raft ride😏)
It was so nice to have the place to ourselves! Although I worked all day and Rob did chores and went to Target, it was still nice knowing the boys were having fun somewhere else 😊
Rob picked them up at 3:00 and took them to Menchies for a frozen yogurt to celebrate the first day of camp. Clark made a friend named Andrew and had fun building a fort and playing Poison Dart Frog. Colin Pretended \240like he did not have fun, but we can tell he had a good time 😏 He mentioned a kid named Elliot, but said he was a “friendenmy” 🙄
Rob and I took a walk around 8:00 and then we played a quick game of Sushi Go outside (while we watched Abercrombie to make sure he didn’t kill any bunnies who were out at dusk ... 😳)
Second day of camp!
The rest of the day wasn’t very eventful. I worked, Rob cleaned and the boys were home by 3:20.
We played a game of Coup (Clark won) and we finished our game of Photosynthesis (Colin won!)
Here Are some pictures of Clark at camp that we got after camp was done
Boys went to camp. Rob and I went to Trader Joe’s and Great Harvest Bread after dropping them off (and Joe Van Gough before 😊)
The day went by quickly again. Clark has his piano lesson at 4:00 pm.
Videos of Abercrombie being his stubborn, naughty, charming self ...
Pictures of us hanging out on the deck after dinner ❤️
Another day at camp! The boys had a good time. They took a hike and got their feet wet (Colin did it intentionally and Clark did it unintentionally 😜)
Another busy day at work. We got pizza for dinner and Rob picked up Bean Traders in the late afternoon.
Clark arranged his helmets in the process of cleaning his room 😊
We played Rokugan but didn’t quite finish. 😊
Lazy morning playing video games
Clark showing me his Legend of Zelda game progress. ❤️
Video of Scribblenaughts fun 😊
Colin being unhappy about me taking a picture of him while he’s being unhappy 😏
Rokugan ... I won again!
Wingspan finally came!!
Video of Wingspan excitedness!
It was movie night and my choice and I chose Nightmare Before Christmas (in the spirit of July Christmas )
I got A LOT of rest today! I slept in past 10:00 am and took a 3 hour nap 😳 Catching up on the sleep I lost during the week!
We had a lazy morning. Clark finished his puzzles! He did a great job!
I made a delicious lunch of Turkey burgers on toasted cheddar glaringly bread from Great Harvest Bread (not pictured)
Rob was the BEST DAD EVER and spent many hours creating a Star Wars themed escape room for the boys ❤️❤️❤️ They played it today!
Rob set up five rooms with different “puzzles” to solve. \240At the end they received a box of Destiny cards to open. \240Desperate times call for desperate measures. \240
Video of Rob showing off how the boys went about the first challenge 😊
Video of the boys on the last challenge
We had dinner and then took a late walk with Barley ❤️
Colin’s dinner
Walking Barley
We watched Julia’s wedding on Zoom. It started at 9:30 pm, so it was a late night for all of us. But we had fun 😊
I had banana bread baking, so we stayed up until 11:00 eating banana bread and playing Wingspan 😊. Here’s a video of that!
Started the day off with video games and a late breakfast.
Clark had his last piano lesson for the summer.
Colin hung out on the couch and Abercrombie enjoyed having a snuggle buddy. Abercrombie even gave him a bath 😊
After dinner we played Telestrations and had fun 😊
This is Rob’s amazing drawing of an alligator 🐊
Video of Telestrations fun!
Started the morning off with video games (as per usual 😊)
Boys had a water balloon fight to cool off.
Clark reading at breakfast 🥰
Clark playing with Civil War characters
We went to The Geekery Tavern and played Splendor (?) Then I dropped them off to walk around the lake and I went to Costco.
Colin was reading Fahrenheit 451 today. He almost finished the whole thing in one day!
Another busy work day. Rob took the boys to the Museum of Life and Science, Pelicans Snowball, and the library to FINALLY pick up our books.
My mom sent Colin a package of ukulele music, so he practiced a bit today ❤️❤️
Rob and the boys played Villanious. We took a walk around 8:00 pm.
Rob got coffee at Joe Van Gogh and brought it home for us ❤️❤️❤️
Lots of games played today. The boys played Villanious
Then played Horrified
Then we started a game of Roukugan after dinner
July Christmas!!
After opening gifts, we got dressed and took a walk (around 9:30)
We finished our game of Roukugan (Rob won 😏) and took off for lunch.
We drove to The Eddy and had a great lunch!
A Green June Beetle came to visit us and wouldn’t leave 😜
We stopped by Maple View Creamy for ice cream on the way home. Yum! \240The boys both got rainbow sherbet and Rob and I split a mint chip and Carolina crunch ice cream
We came home and Rob and I took a nap 😴
The boys played with their presents and we took it easy for the rest of the day. Rob and I took a quick walk on our own around 8:00.
Another morning of video games 😊 Rob went to Target and brought home Joe Van Gogh coffee 🥰 He’s so good to me!
Clark’s first day of camp (second go around!) He had an awesome time, And made a friend name Andrew (different than the Andrew he met the first time! ). Clark definitely need socialization… he came home on an energy high and was pumped up to tell us about all the fun things he did !
We took care of Wyatt for an hour or so.
Clark went to camp. Rob, Colin and I took a walk and played Roukugan. (I won!)
We got the Kiwi Boxes that Auntie Dawn sent to us! Clark made a “claw” arcade game and Colin made a paint spinner!
(Also, Rob and the boys got Locopops after they picked Clark up from school 😊)
I took Clark in to camp. Rob took Colin kayaking.
After getting back from Kayaking, Rob, Colin and I went to uncle Julio‘s for lunch \240 So good!!
Colin is reading Uncle Tom’s Cabin and being annoyed by me 😏
My handsome man hanging out with me 🥰
Colin, Rob and I stayed up to 11:00 pm playing Wingspan. It was way too late, but I won!
Today is Grandpa’s birthday! The boys both played a song for him 😊 Below are the videos:
My mom sent this video of my dad celebrating!
We set up a “surprise” Zoom call for my dad. It was late out time (9:00 pm) but we all ate cake together and sang to my dad 😊Brian even joined for a bit!
Rob started the morning off by grabbing us Duck Donuts and coffee… A great way to start the day! The boys and I took a walk while he was gone \240
Later that morning we started a game of Root. I made some healthy snacks 😊
We hung around the house today. Clark and I played Destiny and Abercrombie wanted in on the fun 😊.
But, it exhausted him 😜
Rob and Colin got onto the Pence/McBroom Zoom call.
It was movie night and Clark’s choice. He chose Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back. That movie has all of the quotable lines!
After we watch the movie, we took a walk around 8:00 pm. It was a beautiful night!
Here is a video my mom made with her ukulele group 😊
We played Dixit (that was a lot of fun!), Ninja Camp (again) and Imhotep. Colin won Dixit and Imhotep and Clark won Ninja Camp (by A LOT!)
Robs birthday!!!
I took the boys out to pick up their books from school (and get a Pelicans Snowball in the pouring rain😜) while Rob enjoyed an in-home massage from Alex.
Later that afternoon, we played a game of Wingspan. Rob won! (Although, he wasn’t being a gracious winner in the picture below 😏)
We sang Happy Birthday to the birthday boy, but his cake was underwhelming 😬
First day of school!
We actually start off the day with an early morning walk around 8 AM
Here are videos of the boys first day of “Distance Learning”
Hair appt!
Walk before it rained 😊
Clark with his morning ritual of eating breakfast while reading ❤️
Clark presented in class today! He did a great job!! \240(Video below)
We have the boys the Marvel Villanious game for having a great first week of school (and we needed some time to pack up for the mountains)
We went to the Geekery Gaming place in Apex and I hit Costco while Rob and the boys hiked Lake Apex
It was movie night and Colin chose Princess Bride. Such a good movie!
Rob was very happy because he FINALLY won the World Series in his baseball game 😜
Left the house around 9:00 am to drive to Asheville! (Roy is taking care of Abercrombie 😊)
Boys reading on the drive up ❤️❤️
We went straight to Duck Tacos for lunch then to the Biltmore (since we are annual passholders..... 😜)
Then we met up with Jay, Deanna and Adriana at a brewery. We took Adriana out for ice cream while Jay and Deanna got groceries.
Started the day off with a hike! We were out of the house by 8:30 am 😊
We came back to the house and I worked for the rest of the day (but took a short break to beat Colin, Rob and Deanna in Hearts 😜)
Rob and I had a “date night”, even though it ended up with us eating take out in our car because Asheville has surprisingly few outdoor places to eat ...
Clark enjoyed the hot tub with Adriana.
Today we checked out our rental house. We had a good few days together!
We started our drive home around 10:30. We stopped to see the last remaining covered bridge in North Carolina. It was pretty cool!
On the drive home, Colin and I did our Zoom calls on our 2 computers. We were being very efficient 😊
Abercrombie was happy to see us when we got home. We missed him too😊❤️
Friday !
We all piled into the rental car at 3:30 am and Rob drove us to Orlando! We stopped in Pooler for gas, coffee and smoothies 😊
We got to our hotel, Old Key West, around 2:00. We did a little school work and work work (for me) and then Clark and I made a Target run while Rob caught up on his sleep.
We went to Epcot around 6:00 and had a great time. It was pretty empty and we were able to get some good food at the Food and Wine Festival! It was a beautiful night and the lightening storm was beautiful. The weather was perfect. An awesome first night ❤️
We had breakfast in our room And then went to the animal kingdom! The day started off not too hot, but it was pretty hot by the time we left around 2:00.
We got to do all the main things we wanted to do in a pretty short period of time! We went on the dinosaur ride, the River Rapids Ride,, Expedition Everest, and the Pandora flight of passage ride. The boys also got to trade quite a few pins, so they were happy 😊
Boys looking miserable after being in the sun too long, in line for Everest 😊
Clark enjoying his snack of French Fries and water 😊
Video of some Animal Kingdom entertainment
We came back to the room and took a rest and then played Ettin (since Colin has been obsessing over it since we left home 🙄)
Then we headed to the pool!
Video of pool antics 😊
Video of Colin and his lizard friend 😊🦎❤️
We had breakfast in the room and caught the 8:30 bus to the Magic Kingdom! We actually had the whole bus to ourselves both ways! And the bus was waiting for us at the Magic Kingdom when we were ready to go. That never happens!
The park was empty! We went on:
-Snow White Mine Cart Ride
- Peter Pan
- Splash Mountain
- Haunted Mansion
- Tomorrow Land Speedway
- Space Mountain
-Tea Cups
Then we got trading cards and took off. It was pretty hot, but we did all of the above in about 3 hours.
Then we got back to the room, changed and drove to BJ’s for lunch. Then we came back to the room and took a rest. Then we started a game of Wingspan and headed to the pool. It was a full day!
Peter Pan was only 5 mins!
My favorite art work in the Peter Pan ride
Video of Splash Mountain (before it changes)
Videos of when we came back from the pool and a lizard ran into the room 😆 Rob caught the lizard in his shoe and we tried to get the lizard out 😜
Our 17 year anniversary! We started the morning off by finishing our game of Wingspan. I won! 😊. Then Rob cleaned up while the boys worked on school work (what a guy 🥰❤️)
Rob and I left the boys in the room and went to Disney Springs for an anniversary lunch! We went to the Boathouse and ate outside. It was a great lunch with my favorite person ❤️❤️❤️
We came back to the room and went back out to Hollywood Studios around 2:00. It was a bit busy, but we were able to go on Rockin Rollercoaster, Tower of Terror, Toy Story Mania, Star Tours, Smuggler’s Run, the new Mickey and Minnie ride and had dinner all before 8:00!
Clark was the spy in Star Tours!!
Not sure what face Colin is making here 😜
Video of us using the Force 😊
We went to Magic Kingdom around 3:00. It was pouring rain as we are waiting for the bus \240😊.
We got the trading cards first. After going to fantasyland to do one of the card spots, we went on Peter Pan first. Then we went over to the Tea Cups (we made the boys have their own tea cup since Rob and I couldn’t take the spinning \240😜). Then we went over to Dumbo Since Rob was nostalgic to go on it. Then we went on the Barnstormer roller coaster then onto Little Mermaid. After that we headed over to space Mountain and walked onto it \240 It was raining at the park so most lines are empty !
After space Mountain, we went onto the Haunted Mansion. Winnie the Pooh and Aladdin
One last trip into Epcot before the long drive home. \240Can’t ever get enough of this place!
We unpacked and cleaned for the first half of the day. Rob played Marvel Villanious with the boys while I caught up on some work. \240Later we took a walk at Umstead and enjoyed sitting down at Bad Daddy’s for the first time during COVID. \240Clark clearly loved it.
We spent a quiet day at home. I slept in until 10:45 😳 Rob and the boys played Root. We took a walk. Rob went to his softball practice and Mick came over around 8:00 for a chat 😊
School and work day.
Rob played Carcassonne with the boys and Clark was very excited by a good play he just made 😊❤️ Here is a video of that:
Clark’s drama “about me” assignment
After dinner, we finished our Wingspan game. Clark dresses up for the affair 😊
The boys finished school early and acted silly 😊
The Close Family (Cannon and family) made an impromptu visit and brought dinner over to our house and ate outside with us. It was nice to see friends!
Clark and Carris
Boys being silly
Katie came to visit!
Rob and I got to get away for a night! (To Chapel Hill)
We got our first vaccine today!! (We got the Moderna one). It’s hard to believe that it’s been a full year of this ...😳
First day of school after a year of being home!
First early morning in quite a while ...
It took Rob 45 mins to drop them off at school, but after he got home, we celebrated with lunch and margaritas at Uncle Julio’s!!
The boys had a good first day. Colin will just be going On Thursdays and Fridays. Clark will be going on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
Decathlon 2022!
This is a picture of Colin seeking solace from Rex after he lost in Down Force😜
But the day started off with Colin coming in first in
Colin also came in first in water ballon toss. And to really seal the deal for his victory, he bounced a water balloon off of my butt into the bucket of water next to me, and it never popped 😳😂
We took a break to go the the ECA Renaissance Fair, and had a fun time!
(Videos of Colin and Cannon and Clark and Cannon battling it out 😊)
Videos of the contest ❤️
Picture of Clark in front of his creation (before they knocked it down ….)🥰
We played Mario Party, and despite rolling -2 coins for his first 4 rolls, Colin came back to beat all of us 😩😜