Sham Castle Ln

Day “-1”

Flying tomorrow and just the final packing to finish. Met with Martin this morning for our pre-flight checks and all is well.

Looking forward to the trip together, it’s just ten years since I had the idea to connect a series of places - some already visited and some on the wish list - by following the “E75” European road network route. \240We’ll be traveling by

  • plane - out and back only
  • train - as much as possible
  • bus - otherwise
  • ferry - if necessary

Here we go - setting off 0600 tomorrow for Vardø Norway.

Terminal 2, Inner Ring E, Hounslow TW6 1EW, UK


With thanks to Julia for the 06.00 lift

Postboks 201, 2060 Gardermoen, Norway

Oslo airport - not the worst place to spend a 4hr stopover

… although beer is £15 for 0.5litre … expensive even \240compared to £9 elsewhere in Norway

Pub 1 AS

Kirkenes just 20mins drive from the Russian \240border which is open for limited traffic.

It’s -11C with crispy snow on the streets.

Great to be here and starting the adventure proper

Airport bus

Local library has bi-lingual Norwegian-Russian signs


Quick tourist visit to view the border from Norway to Russia. Partly open for travel but mainly for local workers and people with close family on the other side.

At the border, it’s quiet with just an occasional car crossing. \240No obvious sign of the guards on either side, but they’re there

Old border crosssing now closed. \240Taxi driver says it’s a good place to cross illegally as not many guards around

Strandgata 14, 9950 VardΓΈ, Norway

We chose to travel by ship to Vardø today. It’s the true start of the E75 euro road route which is the theme of our trip. \240And the ship is the lovely Kong Harald, one of the Hurtigruten ships that sail daily from Bergen to Kirknes carrying wealthy tourists and local freight, cars and passengers from port to port round Norway.

The weather is variable sometimes sunny and bright but when it gets windy we really feel the cold. Fresh snow fell this evening in friendly Vardø, Easternmost town in Norway more than 70 degrees North. Definitely a fishing and tourist outpost and not dominated by contact with the eastern neighbours in Russia like Kirkenes we’ve just left.

Leaving Kirkenes harbour

Sunny moment between hail showers

First E75 sign at the start of the road by the harbour in Vardø, yards from the ship

Vardø harbour by night.

Big sign on building reads “make the North great again” amen to that :-)

RΓ₯dhusveien 25, 9845 Tana bru, Norway

Today we started to head South on the mighty E75 itself. The journey involves several buses as there is no single through service. We are heading for the Northernmost train station in Finland.

The route was along the coast road and stayed close to the icy shore with a succession of tiny villages and fab views across to mountains in the distance. Sunny but cold

At one point the bus braked sharply: half a dozen reindeer crossing the road - they get priority!

Tonight we are in Tana Bru a small town with only one place to stay.. Even at its most rural, Norway seems calm, and well-run.

Morning walk to Vardø Fort

Locals skiing their shopping baskets

En route


Lehtikatu 2 C, 96100 Rovaniemi, Finland

Today three buses took us

  • 530km (330 miles) southward (9+ hrs)
  • To reach the Arctic Circle (just)
  • From Norway to Finland

A brilliant sunny day started with the 06.30 local bus (as the only passengers) right outside our digs.

We changed buses at the border at 7am (Norwegian) / 8am (Finnish), either way it was \240-20C crispy dry and still. The official connection is made somewhere later but the friendly drivers arranged it to be more convenient.

The first rest stop was just a million times better than any motorway services. Freshly baked cinnamon buns with coffee in the heart of Sami Lapland.

Many rest stops and another bus brought us to Rovaniemi our first major Finnish town. What’s more it’s got a railway station all ready for our departure tomorrow.

Very glad to arrive ok, as this was a tricky day to plan and check.

Giisa Café, Utsjoki

Essential supplies

On the road

“Area of Reindeer husbandry”. Notice this area is apx 1/3 of all Finland

GreenStar Hotel JyvΓ€skylΓ€

Today three trains took us 749km (465miles) Southward (10 1/2 hrs) from the Arctic to Jyvaskala in southern Finland.

Much snow, many lakes and forests on the way, but now we are further south it is possible to walk on pavements without ice and some lakes are no longer safe for walking on (or racing your car as we saw in one place).

The Oulu-Pieksåmåki train was over an hour late departing. Finns seems aghast at the delay as we chatted on the chilly platform. However it recovered to be only five minutes late and we caught the third train on time. Wow.

As its Saturday night we had to sample a local bar which was complete with traditional loud heavy metal, lager and a bloke falling off his stool, the Finns are great but not necessarily after a few ;-)

Its been a train day, so sorry there’s a lot of them pictured and even the pasty is from the buffet.

By the way Finnish trains have several features not found in the UK

  • Double decker carriages
  • Kids play carriage
  • No dogs except in the dog carriage
  • Reservable compartments and a conference room

That’s enough trains (for now….)

The town was destroyed in 1944. \240I love the stylish 50s/60s rebuilds

About to depart Rovaniemi

Arriving Oulu - we spent an unexpected hour on this platform, although the sun did come out

Karelian pasty

Traditional food from the East of Finland

Kirkkokatu 5a, 00170 Helsinki, Finland

Just half a day travelling today (two trains, 342km, 212 miles) brought us to the great Finnish capital Helsinki. We find trams, rain and an astonishingly fab huge central (and quite cheap) apartment, our home for two nights.

Helsinki Central, now that’s what I call a station, note Ukrainian flag, the Finns have a huge Russian border

Proper local public transport

View from my new bedroom

This morning, before travelling, a brief explore of the excellent Alvar Aalto architecture and design museum, his style modern but in no ways brutal.

Also a small exhibition there about wooden prefabs shipped from Finland in their thousands in the forties and fifties.

Aalto’s chair designs from the 30s and Puutalo Company 50s instructions to assemble a prefab - it’s the Scandinavian way, brought to us now by IKEA stores.


Helsinki day - the sun is shining and \240the snow fighting a losing battle. Cafes are deploying their outdoor seating, a great day for exploring this lovely city.

Helsinki Cathedral

The National Library 1

National library 2 - now thats what I call a library

Third floor of the recently-opened Oodi Library - unbelievable really, full of equipment and work spaces as well as the books

Walking tour of Art Nouveau Katajanokka

We ended the day with well-deserved beers in what would have been my dear departed friend Kath’s local, in the Kallio district. \240Sivukirjasto bar was complete with board games which she adored and sold in her shop nearby. \240We played a game of Blockus. .

Taanilinna Hotell

Across the flat calm Gulf of Finland to historic Tallin, and not a stag party in sight.

For a bit of culture and exercise we walk to Kaguorg Park for the KUMU Estonian Art Museum partly for the exhibits and party for the new modern building - the cafe was pretty good too.

In the evening we headed for trendy Balti Jaam an area of re purposed industrial biddings being the station.

The Old Town is just fantastic and bigger than I remembered from last visit. Right now it seems pretty quiet at the change from winter to spring and free visitors

Ukrainian flags are everywhere.

Russian embassy spotted in just a typical cobbled side street. \240Simple crowd barrier in front much decorated with bunches of flowers and protests covering Ukraine Navalny and Georgia

LāčplΔ“Ε‘a iela 52b, Latgales priekΕ‘pilsΔ“ta, RΔ«ga, LV-1011, Latvia

To Riga on the superb \240Lux Express bus.

The Latvian border from Estonia \240is Schengen magic. The road kinks a little, to avoid the old border post but that’s all.

Weed-grown border control.

Latvia our second country in two days, not dissimalar to what we’ve seen of Estonia, just a touch less Scandi and a touch more \240empty derelict buildings.

\240But … what can be in that yellow and blue warehouse?

Riga seems big and bustling of all cities so far on the trip.

We explore the area of Art Noveau apartments which. I visited \240years ago, \240imaging what has now become true - the area is famous and there are tour groups. All the same, \240a fantastic selection of 1900-1913 buildings.

Art Hotel Laine looking good - formerly hostel Laine my happy home last visit

Popular with tours

Maybe \240more Art Noveau tomorrow when \240it’s \240sunny.

Ausros Vartu g. Nr. 20 daugiabuciu namu savininku bendrija

From Riga to Vilnius

In the morning some sunny wanderings and a visit to the superb but sobering Occupation Museum covering the Soviet period in Latvia 1944-1991. Easy to see reasons the Russian neighbors are not popular here.

Not Art Noveau but I rather like it, central Riga ?dept store?

Planning session en route

We are keeping to a three day plan-ahead system - so the map of Poland is out and European train timetable for the coming days after our two nights in Vilnius

Vilnius Central Train Station

A day in lovely historic, haunted Vilnius

So much to see it so easy to get around on foot. Contrasts:

  • Building styles: Old - Baroque, New - Soviet and later
  • Building renovation \240- perfect, partial and decrepit
  • Building presence - Churches: very many, Synagogues one remaining out of a hundred or so in 1941

The Gate of Dawn, a site of pilgrimage

Holy icon visible in window.

Vilnius Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church - renovation looks to have started recently

Former building of the Lithuanian SSR cooperative unions. 1979-86 rather nice I think

Street scene, Sv Ignato g.

Not so tidy here …

Public transport extra - afficianados only :-)

Ibis Warszawa Centrum

From Vilnius, Lithuania to Warsaw Poland

  • Two trains 575km (360 miles)
  • One time zone- now “+1”
  • 9 hours travel
  • 1 passport check - despite Schengen

We have really enjoyed our time in Vilnius it’s a great destination although not so easy to reach from UK.

Vilnius local cat statue - why??

The morning was spent in the market for an excellent breakfast and food supplies for the journey. We visited a free local museum (Martins’s idea honest :-)

Our route was through the Suwałki Gap, the short border between the two countries otherwise hemmed by Kalingrad (ie Russia) and Belarus.

Hanging around in rural Poland at Jastrzebna

Time on the journey for forward planning, considering our stopovers in the rest of Poland, Krakow and the Tatra mountains - yes please, then Slovakia, Hungary and onwards south.

Exciting to still have some uncertainty where we will go.

Warsaw exploring day: two trams, \24019,500 steps, and counting at 19.30. Trees are turning green and any snow is many miles behind us now.

It’s Sunday and everyone else out out too. Good to explore the “Old Town” early before it gets busy. \240“Quotes” because the whole lot had to be rebuilt after the wartime devastation of 1944-5.

Great views from the Palace of Culture a great big Soviet building in the centre of town. Also from the roof of the University new library by the River Vistula.

We cross the river to the hip/decrepit Praga suburb and visit the Absurd Bar - first cash only establishment of the trip.

Martin in Praga

Several less well maintained buildings have mesh round them above the pavement to catch the bits falling off

The city is \240full of history, much of which Poles don’t want to see repeated. As with most paces so far on the trip there are Ukrainian flags everywhere.

JΓ³zefa 14

To Krakow. Feels like: from Poland’s capital to Poland’s tourist capital. 293 (180 miles) in 2.5hrs - speedy.

We \240lodge in Kazimierz, the former Jewish quarter, away from the centre, \240less crowded. Old and now recovering to be hip and trendy (like ourselves :-)? There’s a mix of derelict buildings and modernisation. Lunch is hip in a formerly derelict synagogue. Discuss feelings about that …

We take an afternoon walk to Stare Pódgórze further from the centre and visit the site of the “Płasów labour camp”. Basically a wooded hill in a well built up inner suburb. It’s the history there that is chilling. The trees there cover a haunted site. \240Lonely Planet tells much, though google maps is ambivalent about it’s existence.

Płasów main gate site http://wystawaklp.plaszow.org/1EN.html

A quick eve walk to the main town square reinforces the “tourism capital” idea. Many visitors even on a dull showery mid-Apri Monday.

We cheer ourselves with a meal, beer and vodka at the excellent restaurant recommended by my dear brother in law. It happens to be a few doors down the street from our \240digs - well within staggering distance.

View from the apartment

Ronald Reagan Plaza

Krakow Exploring

We’re getting the hang of the exchange rate and have a fab breakfast for not very much before going out separate ways (5Żl/£). Martin explores the centre and more of nearby Kazimierz and its Jewish history.


I head to the mighty Nowa Huta a 30min tram ride to the suburbs. This New Steelworks suburb was a Soviet invention and later a centre for the Solidarity trade union that shook the Polish government.

I had a Solidarnösc Nova Huta badge acquired \240acquired on 1981 rapper dancing visit to Poland, just a couple of months before martial law descended. The festival organisers were pro-Solidarity and keen for us to take their message home with us. \240Hence visit.

Formerly Central Square

Old Polish lady

Pope Jean-Paul enabled building of this the first church in Nova Huta when He was the local Bishop. Not at all bad for the era

I expected to find Nova Huta in decay but the streets are tree lined and I walked miles exploring feeling quite safe. The place is certainly more prosperous and well-maintained than say Sheffield. And feels much safer than Rotherham :-)

KrupΓ³wki 2

To Zakopane and the Polish Tatra mountains. What a change “2C feels like -1” and sleet as we arrive. \240Takes us back to Jyväskylä in Finland (except we’ve forgotten to wear enough layers), the last place on the trip this cold.

We choose the slower train (4hrs 160km(!)) but it’s almost empty and we enjoy.

Zakopne has changed since I visited last \240(1981, 1994, 1997) but still very much recognisable, up and together and working well as a modern resort in the Tatra Mountains. \240Adorable.

Big planning and booking \240session this eve. We re-routed to travel via Budapest rather \240 Szeged. The Serbian railways are closed [for a big updating]. \240so we need to take \240advantage of capital-to-capital bus services

We now plan to visit Budapest at the weekend then Belgrade, Nis and Sofia. \240The latter all by bus/coach.

Accommodation and travel booked for the next nights in Slovakia’s mountains, Budapest and Belgrade.

Vila Borievka

To Slovakia from Poland

A \240day in the mountains starts with a with snow showers all morning in our-of-season Zakopane.

We board the mighty FlixBus to cross the border to Tatranska Lonnica,

Slovakia immediately seems less bustling and more of a backwater. It’s chilly as we finally get a view of the superb distant peaks.

Definitely a hint of classic alpine resort here in Tatranska Lomniska after the all that busy Polish bustle.

Anna and I love #accidentallywesanderson there’s more than a hint of him here.

ReΕ‘taurΓ‘cia da Gigi

To Budapest on four trains with lunch in Košice. 492km (250 miles).

Lovely to find yesterday’s daytime snow \240settled overnight. A relaxed breakfast by the tiny station then we’re on our way.

The booking office was manned staffed so we buy paper tickets. Nice change from Apple Wallet.

However … as a result we had long chats to one Slovak and three Hungarian ticket inspectors demanding to know why our seat reservation was for today but our ticket for tomorrow.

Perhaps this was a Slovak idea of a joke on crazy English travellers

Lunch at the excellent Restaurant da Gigi Košice.

Overnight snow

Trains for all!

Old Košice

… and new(er)

Only 60miles from Ukraine. \240Strangely there are few Ukrainian flags on show unlike almost everywhere we’ve been.

There were a pair of hi-viz social workers at the station guiding a handful of Ukrainian arrivals, but otherwise no sign of troubles in the east.

Barcsay u. 8

Typical Hungarian scene

Grass, sunshine, trees …. Train stuff

Arriving in busy Budapest the apartment so convenient but being in a busy city means we have no less than four keys plus one electronic fob.

It took a while for the apartment owner to appear to give us them. \240It’s significantly more complicated with an apartment \240than hotel check in.

Waiting, \240we couldn’t miss history on the doorstep


Apartment courtyard

Budapest day

A big busy city that wears its complicated history more easily than many we’ve visited.

Beer is as cheap as anywhere so far. Food divided roughly into meat-only and a surprising number of falafel/vegan places so all is good!

Many many big city buildings, crowded together except for wide tram-filled tree-lined \240boulevards.

Budapest Art Nouveau Gresham Palave completed 1906 on the Danube by the Chain Bridge - a contrasting re-visit

2024 Foir Seasons Hotel

1994 semi derelict

Hungarian Parliament

Metro Buda to Pest #accidentallywesanderson again.

Jelisavete NačiΔ‡ 3

From Budapest to Belgrade once more on the E75 road itself. Six hours by coach, including the border.

Proper passport control as we leave th Schengen area for Serbia, feels like being back in time, \240the opposite of Schengen magic entry to Latvia (10 Apr picture)

  • Off bus, queue, Hungarian exit stamp
  • On bus, drive 200m
  • Off bus, queue, Serbian entry stamp
  • On bus, wait ten minutes for guy in neighbouring seat with Ukrainian passport, delayed by officials

Arriving in Belgrade is a proper adventure. The bus station is in a very tatty area and we have a 30min walk with bags to Sweet House Skadar Lux. Some buildings here reminiscent of the worst of decaying South Yorkshire

Happily our host is waiting and we find the apartment \240is really well done out. Third floor overlooking a characterful street, close by a market and street of restaurants and bars.

Belgrade is overall most tatty city so far but with. Plenty of redeeming features. Nice walk to the castle and then good local food (and beer).

Back view

I like at apartments’ garages

Night view

Jelisavete NačiΔ‡ 6, Beograd, Serbia

Fab Belgrade exploring adventures

Long day with much serendipity. We see some top sights, also a fair bit of communist architecture in New Belgrade, and the mighty Danube close up

Astounding St Sava Temple

Public transport excellent (if sometimes ancient)

New Belgrade housing block’s enclosing schools parks and a tennis club

View from Zemin tower

Danube early evening

New City Hotel

Relaxed morning then bus to Niš “Nish”

Team haircuts

240km (148 miles) 3hrs on the E75

We find again that the bus station is in the \240grottymost part of town. Crumbling pavements and there’s nothing worse than a closed undercover market in a poor country

Eventuall, \240Niš turns it to be a communist-flavoured take on any European town. The hotel is “4*” but they don’t have city maps. The hotel bar is cheap and room fine.

No shortage of street Kiosks

We’ve now booked up all the rest of the travel and overnights, but still a week before we fly home.

Π¦Π΅Π½Ρ‚Ρ€Π°Π»Π½ΠΈ Ρ…Π°Π»ΠΈ, Old City Center, 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria

Sofia, Bulgaria - initial impressions: a bit run down, but interesting. We find a great place to eat and another bar we like in an arts cinema, \240so far so good

The mighty Flixbus have done us well, but today there is a Bulgarian bus which we accidentally catch at the exact same time as NišExpress their local incarnation . Once your luggage is in their hold there’s no turning back.

Compared to Flix: no WiFi, no poweri, no seatbelts and several unscheduled stops eg to deliver a few dozen eggs to the bus drivers dad waiting on the E80 slip road.

Motorway egg delivery

Great scenery on route, mountains and small towns. Long delay at the border for double passport checks. Lorries queued 5km either side of border.

S Serbia

We’re \240back in EU/Schengen/NATO and +2hrs time zone.


Morning in Niš - we’ve enjoyed Serbia and folks are friendly and happy to chat.

History brought up to date with an exhibition of pictures of the 1999 NATO bombing of Niš - aimed for airport, mostly hit town. One picture shows Gen Mike Jackson who I’ve met. NišExpress transport hub was destroyed


Sofia day - rainy

Sofia extremely varied and quite old fashioned maybe Poland in the early 90s.

Near the hotel pavements are positively dangerous with gaps wobbly metal covers and random bits missing. \240In the centre some bling and Chanel. \240In between, people getting on with life in a fairly scruffy kind of way.


My car from 1991

Protest at parliament - against electricity market changes(!)

Churches, Mosques and a Synagogue - latter with Big Security.

We find some interesting nooks and crannies and good places to eat/donk

The Fox book Café

More importantly after 24 days together Martin and I take out planned separate route tomorrow. He’s going to Athens and me to Istanbul. We’ve managed so well through the big distances, many accommodations and decisions. \240It’s going to \240be strange to be alone \240for a few days before returning home. \240.

Mercure Istanbul Bomonti

Separation day after 24 days together: Thessaloniki E75/ Istanbul E80

Martin makes great progress on E75 to Thessaloniki for a relaxing afternoon. Athens tomorrow.

Dave spends nine hours on the E80 bus then a hair-raising taxi ride to his AirBnb, I find it is double-booked viâ booking.com. By the time the “host” arrives I’ve booked myself into a proper hotel, another less-scary taxi ride away.

Honestly, \240Martin leaves me alone for five minutes and disaster strikes. \240This the only true foul up so far.

Bolstered by a free hotel drink, plus fresh baklava from the shop opposite (still open at 11) I feel happy with the outcome. \240Martin’s been to Istanbul before, but I really wanted to see it, so here I am.

Sofia: clear skies reveal mountains, bus, boulevard - nice

Scenery en route through S Bulgaria, just lovely

Arriving Istanbul

Airbnb: nicer on the outside

Crossing to a better part of town, shame but had to be done



Athens / Istanbul

Today Martin made it to Athens, completing the planned track down the E75 from Vardø, Norway👍 \240

Journal posts will continue until I’m home on 30th, it’s now quite a habit.

Today’s Journal map

ps technically there’s a strip of E75 in N Crete but as it happens we’ve already been there, so job done.

Meanwhile I’ve had a general explore of the busy busy busy city that is weekend Istanbul.

Local metro stop with scooter

Taksim Square

Honest advertising?

Bosphorus: Istanbul in two halves, Asia left, Europe right

Too sights for visiting tomorrow

Local street scene

Hazal BΓΆrek Salonu

Athens / Istanbul

Rainy Sunday in Istanbul and surprise: its the Half Marathon complicating access to the planned Sights. Huge queues give a taster of \240“over tourism”.

I retreat to an excellent non-tourist Hazal Börek cafe for a cheese börek and Turkish coffee from their special machine.

There’s so much to see here which isn’t a Top Sight all crammed in between shops, parks and houses.

Theodosious Cistern

Little Hagia Sofia built 536, reading area

Nuruosmanìe Mosque 1748-55, a huge single open plan room impossible to photograph

I could go on ….

Athens / Istanbul

Martin finds a Hoopoe in Athens and Dave finally makes some of the Istanbul Top Sights, Hagia Sophia and Blue Mosque.

I’m starting to get the hang of this bustling city which feels very non-European. Everywhere there are things on sale and people on the move.

I now have a favourite Meze cafe and favourite Baklava shop. The metro and trams are familiar but buses still a mystery.

Home tomorrow for me and Martin the day after.

Hagia Sophia Mosque

.. formerly a church

Blue Mosque - sublime

A gem: Rüstem Paşa Mosque 1560

Hydra / Bath

Martin enjoys the seaside but I’m home

A morning walk round the local area shows me a fantastic variety of shops. \240From a alley with a dozen or so phone repairers to a (real) Gucci outlet.

On the flight back I cross the E75 at Szged in Southern Hungary where we had our passports stamped many days ago.


Just one more - posh this one

Call the apostrophe police

View from the Terminal

Crossing the E75 for last time

Penultimate train

Sham Castle Ln

We’re both home now, Martin managing to catch his flight back - despite a strike on the Athens metro - and land early this morning.

What a great adventure together, so many sights travels and experiences.