After a lovely tea of some excellent steak given to us from Broderick up the road, we settled in now watch the Coronation Concert (after a bit of mucking around to tune into the station)

Left home at about 11am after we got all our jobs done. Had a great trip, Prado went really well. However we did weigh in and we are 320kgs over, thanks to the boat and all its stuff and the 3 dozen bottles of wine probably didn’t \240help either.
Stopped the other side of Swan Hill for a quick lunch, then powered onto Hay.
We are at the Sandy Point Camp Ground, just south of Hay. Lit a little fire which we enjoyed for a while.
After a lovely tea of some excellent steak given to us from Broderick up the road, we settled in now watch the Coronation Concert (after a bit of mucking around to tune into the station)
Had a little sleep in, we have both being going pretty hard off late. Left Hay at about 10am to head to Tullamore, around 400kms away.
Had a really good trip again, stopped at Lake Cargelligo for a quick lunch.
Came through Fifield when we stopped last year as a free camp behind the pub. It certainly was a very different free camp, but we still talk about how bad it was.
Came onto Tullamore and stopped in the back of the pub which is actually quiet pleasant. Went into have a drink at \2404.45pm, ended up having tea, met up with another ‘old’ couple who were driving a little Hillman Minx. \240We actually passed them somewhere out the road.
Back in the caravan, no TV so early to bed for us
Expenses - Free Camp but spent about $70 on tea and drinks.
The publican is letting us fill up with water though in the morning.
Came through Condobolin, which was Mums birthplace.
They have a spectacular collection of cars coming into Condobolin, we spent ages there last year so we didn’t stop there this time ( this only shows a very small portion of it - it goes for ages to the left) And they are doing heaps of infrastructure there at the moment.
Our camp at the back of the Tullamore Hotel
The back view of the pub ( that’s not our van by the way)
The bar and plentiful patrons
Tea was huge for Brian, mine was a deconstructed chicken burger so I was very comfortable with it.,
10th May
Filled up with water at the Tullamore pub before leaving then we headed off to the Pilliga Hot Water Baths, not far from Wee Waa. Up the road a bit at Nevertire there was a huge cotton farming area. Further up was the cotton processing plant.
Cotton crops, not very high but very level.
Part of the processing plant. We were amazed to see how they roll them into big rolls. They outer coverings are all different colours- maybe different colours for different grades??
Again we went on several back roads which were fairly good. Had a couple of rough patches but we didn’t have much traffic at all
Stopped for lunch at Coonamble at a little stop next to the information centre
Cosy little place, not very clean though
All tucked up in the shade
This speaks for itself, maybe the Darla should be changed to Susan!!
The silo going out of the rest area had birds painted over it
Got to the Bore Baths about 2pm - Brian had a little rest then we went for a swim. It was very warm but quite soothing. Brian got into a conversation with ‘a know it all, I’ve done everything man’ - there’s always one where ever you go
Quiet tea, then early to bed. I read for a while as I have 4 books lined up from the library and I’m not reading much. I’d better hurry up a bit I think
When we left home I put my Ugg boots on at the last minute. I’ve found them to be fantastic with keeping my feet warm - I can actually walk as soon as I get out of the car. It’s getting a bit warm now so they have now been replaced with thong’s unfortunately
11th May
Had a sleep in as we don’t have to be at Ana’s until lunchtime. Nice to have a bit of quiet time.
Jimmy is ringing trying to get us to go to the dam earlier but we have another 10 days before we are supposed to be there. We have things we want to do before we get there as we will be unlikely to be in this area again. So he’ll just have to wait.
Only had to go about 42kms to Ana & Jeremy’s but that took us a while as the road was very flood damaged and then when we turned of the main road we were on very corrugated dirt road for about 10kms, so going was very slow. Got to the house and Jeremy was home. Brian then realised his bit of pipe he uses for the sway bars had fallen off so the boys have gone back to see if they can find it on the road. ( No luck finding the pipe, lucky he had a spare🤣)
The boys went off in the truck doing boys stuff so I finally got to finish one of my books, only 3 to go. The dogs ( Cavaliers) and kittens kept me company. Ana came home about 4pm with their youngest Percy. Their eldest son is in boarding school in Sydney. We fed the horses, dogs and cats. Ana is an equestrian coach so her horses are pretty top notch.
Ana & Jeremy.
We lit the \240fire pit and had a couple of drinks around that. The day had been beautiful but it got very cool in the evening.
Nice big fire
Brian & Ana
And again
Jeremy cooked up some chops ( home grown) and sausages on the BBQ which we ate inside.
They have to go to Sydney tomorrow to see Toby so we called it a night about 10 pm
Up early to say goodbye to them as they were leaving at 7.45am and Brian wanted to see Ana’s horses ( as he & Jeremy got back too late last night)
Had a bit of breakfast with them and saw them off.
As we were packing up we noticed that there was a small water leak coming from one of the pipes under the van. Brian said he’d fix it when we got to Lightning Ridge.
We only had about 250kms today, so a nice easy day, except, the road were woeful. Lots of flood damage and parts they had fixed were very bumpy. We finally got here about 12 noon.
ONLY to find that the leak had now become a big hole, the wood box on the back of the van broke its hinges and had come open, resulting in all our wood coming out and being flung all over the road - hope it didn’t hit anyone!!! AND
One of the inner hinges \240on the door was broken so the outer door and the fly wire didn’t go together properly.
Lucky there is a hardware store here and after spending close to $70 we obtained all the necessary bits to fix things. Lucky Brian is a pretty handy guy.
So we are a bit sick of bad roads. Up until yesterday the roads hadn’t been too bad at all. Hope they improve when we move on Monday.
Lightning Ridge Outback Resort & Caravan Park - 3 nights - $117.00
Easy morning - when Brian went to find his spare Sox we discovered they had lost themselves. I had only brought 2 pair of long Sox as I thought he would be mainly wearing sandals. Somehow 1 pair have gone!!!
So back to our favourite little store once again. The remote control was being dodgy so 2 new batteries were required and a 2 pack of Tradie Sox. I’ll find the other ones now. 🤣🤣
Went to the pub to see an opal dealer about my ring that Rod had given to me about 53 years ago. They didn’t actually give me a value but we learnt that rings like that are set in 3 layers. The bottom is usually black to show of the colour, the second is a thin strip of the opal and the last is usually a resin or quartz covering. So the ring has not too much opal and probably is not worth a great deal.
During lunch we discussed how we are going to transport my scooter. We decided that putting it in the back of the Prado is too difficult and one or both of us is going to hurt something. So Brian came up with the idea of putting it in the van. So back to the favourite shop again ( they’ve got some funds out of us ) and he bought some ratchet straps and little saddles to put on the floor. I wasn’t really in favour of him putting the saddles \240on the floor but they are \240to bad. Bought the scooter in organise the ratchets and it looks like it will travel very nicely in here. And it’s much easier to put in and out. We’ll see how it travels on Monday.
From there we rode 2.5 kms to the hot baths \240And boy, were they HOT. Too hot really. You could only stand it for about 10 mins before you started to feel quite faint. Went in and out a few times then we’d had enough.
The big pool,that was incredibly hot
Brian cooling off in the ‘cooler’ pool having a chat naturally
Some information re the baths
On the way back I scooted along and reached 18km per hour. When we got home I said to Brian I had the wheel wobbles so my extra handy husband tightened a few things and everything now seems much more secure. Had a few rides around the park but we’ll go for another one tomorrow and I’ll see how it is. I am very impressed with my scooter and just love it. 💕💕💕💕 Brian can’t keep me off it.
Chicken Kiev for tea and now watching Essendon hopefully beat Brisbane Lions.
We stopped for a coffee which was actually quite nice.
We both had a bit of a restless night - no reason and most unusual for me so we slept in a bit and didn’t get up until 8.30am. I did read until fairly late, the book I’m reading - The Money Club by Fiona Lowe has really got me in. I’ve even got Brian hooked when I explain what’s happening
Woke up to lots of rain, so our plans for the day were a bit disrupted. We had planned on doing the Car Door Tours. \240There are different coloured car doors that you follow to look at different points of interest.
After the rain eased we rode the bikes down to Brian’s favourite shop AGAIN. He needed gutter guard( for the opera house nets), little cable ties to attach the gutter guard & a rubber reducing joiner for the drainage pipe in case it starts leaking again. He’s in his element in that shop.
Had to go to the Information Centre to get our maps for the the Car Door Tour and I got several comments re my scooter. I had to go along the edge of the road so I went as fast as I could to get off the road. Brian had trouble catching me.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Decided to go to the Bowls Club for lunch for Mothers Day. It was an enormous meal, far too big, even Brian had trouble, although he did eat part of mine.
Not a very good selfie. ,!!🍾🥂
This is what Brian couldn’t eat, although he did struggle through a bit more
There were lots of interesting artwork on the walls of the club which I thought were very interesting, all local work.
Came back to the van for a little nanny nap. After that we had a drive around.
Went out the road to see Stanley The Emu. He was built by a local artist & stands 18 metre high, crafted from old VW Beetles & satellite dishes atop steel girders. It was originally meant to go to Birdsville but it was too big and expensive to transport so it stayed in Lightning Ridge ( about 10kms out of town on the highway)
Bit hard \240to see it properly
Leaving tomorrow so packed up a fair bit tonight.
Light tea and early to bed.
Left Lightning Ridge about 9am, the weather had improved and looked like it would be a nice day.
Until we got up the road a bit and it changed dramatically.
As we proceeded further to Roma, the more the weather deteriorated. By the time we got here it was absolutely pouring. Brian got drenched setting up, I stayed under cover as much as I could. Had a quick trip to the Information Centre to see about the Cattle Sale Tour tomorrow and then came back to the van to bunker down.
Easy afternoon, even got to watch Eddie on Millionaire for a change.
Big Rig Tourist Park. - 3 nights @ $113.40. (G’day Park)
Early start, we had to be at the Saleyards at 8.15am for our tour. We found it extremely informative as we have sent cattle (and sheep) to market, so it was good \240to see what the actual process was.
Big Al was our tour guide, these men are ex workers from the saleyards who now volunteer their time to take these tours.
Big Al gave us an idea of what happens from when the cattle are bought to the saleyards, the pens where they are held, the auctioneering, the weighing and total price per beast & the final pens before they are picked up by transports to deliver them to their new homes.
In the pens waiting for the auctioneer
Pens were a bit muddy as we had heaps of rain last night.
Just waiting their fate !!! Although this market was a store market & not a buyers market which means most of these animals were going to farms or feedlots and not to the slaughterhouse.
The buyers.
The auctioneers, in the striped shirts, \240and his pencilers. They spoke so fast it was hard to understand them
Going through the weighbridge.
More sorting - majority of the workers were female and Big Al was saying that they start at 6am and don’t finish until sometimes in the wee hours of the next morning, without hardly a break. They must have good bladders!!
The trucks on the wash bay, 3 at a time. Takes about 4 hours to wash one truck and trailers.
Had a quick cuppa before we left, my hip was hurting a great deal from standing for so long. A sit down helped.
Went into town and bought some more more hinges for the door as the others weren’t looking real flash.
Bought a Scrabble set at KMart, I’m going to try and get Brian interested in something other than TV. Went to Toyworld first but discovered their sets were exactly double in price, so KMart got the sale.
Onto Woolies to do our first shop since we’ve left home. Didn’t need a great deal but we had run out of a few things, especially veges and fruit. Plus I wanted to buy a small pork roast for Brian’s birthday on Thursday.
After lunch, we had a bit of a look around, saw Roma’s largest bottle tree.( that was really exciting !!!) We thought we’d go to a museum that had a display of old farm artefacts but they wanted $20 per person admission and we decided we probably had most of what they had, at home. So we gave that one a miss.
Found out that Pete was staying at the Gun Club, he’s been at the dam with Jim & Jan for the last week, so we went around and had a couple drinks with him.
Home for tea and TV.
Tomorrow we’ll go for a ride in the bikes as it’s supposed to be a clear day. Today we still had bits of showers
Still here at Roma for one more day. Had a ride on the Adungadoo Pathway which was about 4 kms return ( although we didn’t return that way). We left from the Big Rig, which is where the information centre is. Roma is all about gas and oil deposits (mainly gas) so the Big Rig is an important factor to the town.
All set and ready to go
Pete had given us a couple cards for free coffee in a cafe in town so we used them. Didn’t end up really free as Brian bought a sausage roll and I had a g/f peppermint slice which was bloody beautiful,
As we rode down the street I saw a barber, so we went back but she was too busy at that time- we’ll go back later.
Back to the van for a little rest, then decided to go to the Big Rig tour. It was $18 each( pensioner discount!!) but was quite informative about how gas was discovered and how it was finally contained.
How the gas gas formed through the different levels from different ages.
Big Red - and it is very high
And again
We had the option to walk 13 stories up Big Red or take the lift, after much thought - ha ha , we decided to take the lift. This was the view from the top
Coming down the various levels
On level 2 there was a Treetop walk which was quite pleasant
The treetop walk
From there we rode back into town where Brian finally got his haircut.
Starting to get cool so headed back to the van
Left Roma to go to Carnarvon Gorge. If we had known earlier that our aches and pains weren’t going to be so good we would have cancelled this and got to the dam earlier. By the time I realised it was too late to cancel (only thing I have booked and paid for before arrival)
Beautiful but hilly and windy road in from the highway but it certainly is a lovely setting when we finally arrived
My poor brain is not working so wonderfully, I was supposed to get my Norspan patches in Roma and completely forgot. Tried at a little town along the way but they didn’t have them . Luckily I have a packet of 10 mg which I’ll have to use tomorrow. Perhaps they might be better anyway as I am experiencing a lot more pain.
Had a quite afternoon, went for a ride to look at the rest of the park, then got tea organised. As it is Brian’s birthday I decided to cook him a Roast Pork & veges. While this was cooking we went over to the communal firepit for a drink and a chat. Met some people from Tatura who know a couple that used to live in St Arnaud, John & Jenny Lovel.
After tea we played Scrabble, not sure it was Brian’s idea of a birthday treat though
No TV, so maybe a movie, then off to sleep.
Beautiful setting here
Note bad site, no grass though
Glamping \240tent with tank ensuite, looked nice
Plenty of natives around
Brian finishing up his birthday Roast Pork
Tomorrow we will tackle one or two of the walks.
Woke up this morning and the nerve pain in my leg was intense. I could hardly walk so the walk we had planned was cancelled for me.
Brian went of to have a look and ended up doing part of the walk we had planned plus a smaller one to Mickey Creek pools. I read and hobbled around.
After about 3 hours Brian returned for some lunch. He went for a ride around the park and picked up a thorn or something in his tyre, so no more riding until he can fix it. \240This is the first puncture he’s had since he put the slime stuff in the tyres in Cooper Pedy a couple of years ago.
Lit the communal fire and had it \240to ourselves for a while, then a couple came over for a chat, then a mum and her 5 year old came over. The kid was somewhat precarious so we came back to the van and made a curry for tea. We did stay for a while with her though.
After tea we played Phase 10 which Brian enjoyed much more than scrabble. I’ll have to go to the op shop in Emerald and see if they have a Monopoly game. Could have got one in Roma for $2 but didn’t buy it😩😩😩
We did watch part of a movie last night but it was very old and pretty stupid. That one can be removed when we get home plus a few other oldies.
Strange not having TV
The mother of the child!!
Brian relaxing after his walk today
If my leg is still playing up tomorrow we may leave a day early and head for Emerald. I’ll see in the morning.
Woke up this morning hoping that this pain in my leg had gone, but no - it was still there. Decided that it wasn’t really necessary to stay another night so we packed up and headed to Emerald. Left about 12 noon but didn’t get here until about 3.30pm. \240The road from Carnarvon Gorge was very windy and hilly - all 40 kms of it.
Unpacked and set up then went into town to the Hospital Emergency Centre. Had to wait a while but the verdict is a, a blood clot or b, the nerve pain has escalated.
I’m pretty sure it’s not a clot but just to be on the safe side they have given me an injection for blood thinners which Brian had to repeat 8am & 8 pm each day.
Monday I go in for an ultrasound to see if it is a clot.
In the meantime I have increased my Lyrica.
Late tea, watched \240a bit of footy, made a few phone calls as we haven’t have phone coverage for the last few days.
We are in the boondocks here at this Caravan Park, so we decided to try the diesel heater. She started first time with no smoke. It can get quite temperamental at times.
The days are lovely but it gets so cold at night.
Emerald Tourist Park. - $76 + 1 additional night.
A & E - Emerald, fortunately not very busy.
Well, \240here we go again - the pain is probably worse than yesterday. I still think it’s nerve pain and not a clot, but who knows. Brian had to give me an injection for the blood thinners and did a very good job, it didn’t hurt at all.
Couldn’t do much in the morning so just sat outside in the sun and read my book. Brian went down the road in the park to catch up with a mate of Garv’s, Glen and his girlfriend Tania. He used to live in Craigieburn where Garv lives.
Brian had ridden the scooter down to the toilets, they are about half a km away!!!, on the way back a lady pulled him up and wanted to know where he had bought the scooter.
Brian sent her up to me, unfortunately. I found the site and showed her but she is a very large lady and I don’t think the scooter would be able to handle her. So after an hour I finally was able to extract myself.
Had a bit of lunch, then hit the supermarket. We have to stock up for our 10 days out at the dam. $222.00 later we are all set, although as it was all going through the checkout, I did wonder where I was going to fit it all.
Going into the supermarket my leg was very painful, but would you believe it, half way around it started to come good. By the time we had finished I had very little pain. The lyrica has obviously kicked in , finally.
Got back to the van and managed to fit everything where it was meant to go. We’ll be fine for the next 10 days.
Went down to have a drink with Glen & Tania for about an hour, then walked around to the communal firepit where there was a singer - Errol Gray. He was quite entertaining.
While we were there we ordered some of as for tea. They actually had G/F bases and they were really good. Not as good as mine though!!!
We’ll go back tomorrow night and listen to the whole hour that he is there.
Bit of TV, the early to bed. We have to be up early as they are ringing me early to tell me when to go in for my ultrasound.
Glen & Tania
Me with my bike loaded up with alcohol, the basket has some good uses.
Glen giving me a hug goodbye.
The car in the carpark at the supermarket. Brian said the poor thing was weighed down once we put all the groceries in it.
Had an early phone call to go into Radiology to have my ultrasound at 8.45am. Lucky we had gotten up early and were organised to go. Didn’t have to wait too long - the radiologist was very thorough but found no evidence of a clot. This was what we had suspected anyway, but they wanted to be sure.
Went back to Emergency to see the Dr but was told to come back later as they needed to see the results first.
When we got back there an hour later the place was packed. We thought we’d be there all day but after 10 mins the Dr called us in. Only advice was to keep up with the lyrica until the pain receded.
Pain is now coming and going. It will be fine for a while then it hits me and almost drops me, but I think the lyrica is starting to work.
Ana had her surgery today after waiting for a few years. She’s now very happy that she can see her tummy. She’s gone from a double G to a C cup. She was fairly drugged up and was very amusing to talk too.Tash was with her.
Came back to the van & had to have a little nanny nap. This pain thing makes me a bit tired. Cleaned up a bit and got ready to go out to the dam \240tomorrow. Had to fill the spare bladder with another 80 litres of water and pack up everything.
We went down to see the singer, Errol from last night. He was quite entertaining. We bought a couple of CD’s to play in the car when we can’t get radio coverage. Usually they are bit of a disappointment as they aren’t as good as the singing on the day.
We havent seen much of Emerald except the hospital, Woolies and the chemist. We’ll have to maybe come back another time to actually see what’s here.
Finally arrived at the dam - Theresa Creek -
Left Emerald after a bit of a slow start, my leg was still not good. Road between Emerald and the dam was not the best we have been on but we eventually got here.
Set up next to Jim & Jan, had to dig a couple of holes as the ground sloped quite a bit.
After Jim & Brian set up the boat, Jim & Jan helped us set up the nets.
Our 12 foot Porta a boat
Jim & Jan working very hard helping us set up the nets
First couple of nets done
The boys then decided to go and put the nets in and test out the boat. All went really well and tomorrow morning we’ll see if we have any red claw. My guess will be - probably not!!
The boys in the boat
Tied up next to Aileen & Bobs boat - they also have a Pota a Boat. \240 There’s is 10 foot, ours is 12 foot
The boys and Annie coming back from placing the nets
Some parakeets visiting Jan & I
Aileen & Bob arrived today also so it was great to catch up with them
A few of the neighbours came over for happy hour.
After they all left at about 6pm we had some dinner and early to bed . We have to get up early to go see if we have any Red Claw
PS. At happy hour after I took some photos I put my IPad leaning against my chair leg. Unfortunately someone moved my chair and my IPad dropped to the ground and cracked my screen. It’s not too bad but I’m very pissed off.
I’ll have to try and get it fixed when we get to somewhere bigger.
Started the day nice and early to go and see if we had caught any red claw. Jim & Jan went off before us as they were going in a different direction. Had a chat to Aileen & Bob and they \240came down with us to help in case we \240needed it. Which we didn’t
I woke up this morning feeling heaps better, with very little pain in my leg. The lyrica has worked at long last. Thank God for that. I feel normal again😊😊😊😊😊😊
Got in the boat with not to much trouble and then off we went. Got to our nets and unfortunately all but 2 were empty. One had one red claw and a funny looking fish that we threw back in the water. Another pot had 3 red claw.
So our total catch was 4 !!!
Came back to the van, Jim & Jan were back with their catch of about 50 odd.
Began the process of cooking.
Very busy taking off the shells once they were cooked
And taking out the poop bits
This was about 30 red claw. Don’t get much for all your work
Once that was done it was lunchtime so we had a salad with some red claw, Fortunately Jan donated some to our 4.
They really have no taste and I’m not sure why everyone hovers here to catch them. I could easily not eat them at all
Beautiful little lorekets we’re flying around and decided they liked a cut orange that Jan had on the table
They were very friendly little birds
We organised our food for the nets tomorrow plus made up some small plastic bottles with dog food in them . The dog food smell attracts the red claw apparently.
I had a quiet afternoon, the others went in the big boat for a tour down the creek, and a bike ride.
Went to Aileen & Bobs for happy hour tonight and played a game called Fiskas. It was the girls against the boys and unfortunately the boys won.
It’s a game where you have blocks with numbers and you have to hit these with a bigger round block.
Happy lads, you’d think they’d won a million dollars the way they \240carried on!!
Came back to the van for sausages and mash for tea, then a sneaky port or two, then off to bed
The 3 of them went for a bike ride but I didn’t go as it’s too rough here for my little wheels. I was happy to stay and have a rest
Started the day of again with going out to collect our Red claw. We had a great harvest- 24 of the little suckers and a big fish which we should have bought back with us but threw it back in the water as we thought it wasn’t a nice one.Jimmy said if we catch another one to bring it home - they are good eating
Going out in the little boat. I’ve got quite used \240to it now
Baiting the nets with our veges and dog pellets
The \240opera nets we are about to throw in the water
A few of our catch
Ready to go into the boiling water
Captain of the boat
Got back to base to find that Jim & Jan hadn’t got too many more even though they have got heaps more nets.
After the cooking, shelling and preparing for cryvacing, we were all a bit tired.
Had a late breakfast where the loreketts joined us agian
After lunch we decided to do another run but unfortunately we had nothing in our nets ( except 1 little one which we left there)
J & J caught a few very large ones
I still can’t see the point of all this work for something that is quite tasteless.
Happy hour at Steve & Maree’s , they are leaving tomorrow, another game of Finkas which once \240again the men won. My fame to game was that I got zero for most of my shots ( which isn’t very good at all)
Tea and early to bed. We are all tuckered out.
Woke up during the night with a big pain in the tummy, don’t know why as I haven’t eaten anything that would bring it on. Only thing I can think of would be the Red Claw meat. If I eat too many prawns I tend to get an upset from it \240 So no more red claw salads for lunch.
Went out in the boat and got 22 red claws today. J & J got about 70 odd. I’m not really all that fussed over the stuff so it didn’t matter to me. We discovered that 2 of the nets had big holes in them, probably made from turtles.
The boys went out to get some wood before lunch, then we went into Claremont to get a few things. Gas was one of them, except we left the gas bottle at home - stupid us!!
Had a chat to Aileen & Bob, the Brian decided - at 4.30pm we’d go out in the boat to pick up the nets and put them elsewhere. Pulled them up, Re baited and took them to another area. Except we had problems getting too close to the shore, we got bogged and couldn’t get out. Sun was going down and neither of us had our phones. We were on the other side of the lake, so I was starting to get a little frantic. Finally got going and got back just before dark. We weren’t all that happy where we put the nets but we’ll see in the morning whether the nets are full or empty.
Had a mixed grill sort of tea, the boys had a few ports and off to bed we went.
No photos today so this is an old one of the two boys
Thought we’d slept in a bit this morning but apparently we hadn’t. Headed out to the nets in the boat but only got to them when we realised that our battery for the little motor was going flat. Which meant that we had to get back to shore very quickly. Got about two thirds of the way back - going extremely slow - when J & J came along and gave us a tow for the last bit.
Took the battery up to the van for recharging. Couldn’t look at the rest of the nets, but after lunch Brian & Jim took Jim’s boat out to check them . When we had changed them the night before - in the near dark, we hadn’t done a very good job and they weren’t in the right places. Therefore we didn’t have any crabs in the nets.
Brian & Jim moved them to a different place so hopefully tomorrow we’ll catch some of these extremely elusive Red Claw. ( only to us)
I really don’t see what all this fuss is about with these Red Claw, they are fairly tasteless and I really couldn’t care whether I had any again.
Quiet arvo, Bob & Aileen’s for happy hour, Spaghetti Bol for tea. The boys polished of half a bottle of port then off to bed.
Brian with one of the larger ones
Beautiful lorikeets eating Brian’s breakfast
The Red Claw about to go into the pot
A bit colder overnight so we actually slept in a little later, jumped up, dressed, no coffee or cereal this morning like usual, headed down to the boat by 8am.
As we had changed the nets into a different location we thought we we would have a bumper crop but alas, as usual we only got about 24.
Where we are putting our nets is a pretty popular area that has been flogged out a bit, so therefore we aren’t getting volume in numbers.
Came back, cooked them up and they are in the freezer.
Had breakfast over at the office, which was very nice but \240very big. Brian had a big breakfast,which was indeed very large. I had a breaky burger without the bun and hash browns, which was certainly enough for me.,
The diesel heater has been smoking a bit lately so had a bit of a look at that, hopefully what we’ve done may have fixed the problem. We’ll find out later ( ps - when we turned it on later it hardly smoked)
Had pizza for tea with Red Claw on it, wasn’t too bad.,
Early to be bed again, another cold night coming. Thank god we have the diesel heater.
My pizza with Red Claw
Good camp fire
Brian’s plate once he had finished his Big Breakfast
Happy hour once again
29th May
Last day with the boat, so we had to collect all our nets and get rid of all the old food in the bags. I’m sure the people around us would have had bumper catches the next morning with all the bait we tipped out attracting all the little buggers.
Came home , pulled up the boat and cleaned everything. Fortunately Brian had Jeff & Jimmy ( mainly Jeff) \240to help put the boat on top of the car and pack up the pod with all the stuff from the boat.
Came nighttime and we attempted to start the diesel heater as usual. Well, the bloody thing would not start. We tried time after time and all we got was copious amounts of diesel smelling smoke going everywhere.
So we had an extremely cold night. I slept with a jacket on as it was so so cold on the van. Not a very happy camper was I.
Our last catch
Bob & Aileen going out in their porta boat
A very friendly Kookaburra came for a visit
Happy hour once more
30th May
Woke up this morning with intentions of leaving so we could go to a bigger town and buy another heater.
Jeff arrived and said he’d been studying the heater on YouTube overnight and thought they could fix it. \240So we decided to stay another day.
The others were going into town to do some shopping so the boys set too and dismantled the heater. I must admit I was a little concerned when they had pieces all over the place - after all, this is a Chinese heater that I don’t think are meant to be pulled apart. After a couple of hours they had it back together and tho and \240behold, it worked. We think it must have had a bit of gump stuck in it and they cleared that.
Quickly got changed and headed into Claremont to have lunch with Aileen & Rob at a little cafe - g/f steak sandwiches for Rob & I (both coeliacs) and hamburgers for the other two . Did a little bit o& shopping, then back to camp.
Brian & I packed up almost everything, ready for an early start tomorrow- we’ll wait until the others come back from getting their red claw, then after our goodbyes , we’ll head of. 400kms tomorrow to Charters Towers, so a big day.
We ( Jan, Cindy & myself) decided to spice things up a bit and talked our perspective husbands into doing a little show tonight.
They dresssed up in mini dresses to see who had the best legs & danced away to the tune of ‘ You can take your hat off’ \240Jimmy won with Brian a close 2nd. Everyone had a great time, not \240sure about the people around us, they probably thought were a bit crazy.
Lovely and warm tonight, thank goodness.
What a gorgeous looking trio
Geoff had a slight problem with the back of his dress
Longtime friends , Aileen & Bob. It’s been great catching up with them this week
Had everything nearly packed up yesterday so had an easy finish this morning.
Left about 9.30am after all our goodbyes. Arrived in Charters Towers about 2.30pm which was pretty good as it’s just on 400kms. Brian did a good job, I slept a bit for the last stretch. I don’t usually sleep in the car but I couldn’t keep my eyes open today.
We bought a couple of CD’s from the singer at Emerald the other day and played them driving along. They are actually pretty good. They are about Pensioners, Grey Nomads & Caravanning and are quite amusing.
Booked into the Big 4 Oasis Park - not too bad. Went for a bit of a drive after we’d set up - not much of a town here at all really. Didn’t like it much the first time we were her 7 years ago. Got pulled over and put on the Bretho, lucky it was before drinks. Mr Policeman was very nice though.
Did a heap of washing tonight as we haven’t been able to wash for the last week or so. Had to even use the laundry as I would have had to do too many loads in my little machine.
Bad smell around here, can’t identify what it is. They had a special pizza night here at the Park tonight but we reneged and cooked tea ourselves - Bangers & Mash.
Watched TV for the first time in a while but as usual there wasn’t much on
Quaint little area wher they have the Oasis Muster
Fire pit
Had a bit of a sleep in this morning, no Red Claw to collect!!
I had to wait for Darko to do a phone consultation ( which he was late) then we drove into town to the chemist to fill some scripts. What an ordeal that was, it was like an inquisition- lots of questions asked, especially about my Lyrica and Norspan patch. Got it all sorted then went to the little Nail shop to see if I could have a pedicure. They weren’t very busy and said they could do it straight away. After a week or so walking around a campsite that was all dust plus wearing thongs, my feet were not nice. The technician did a magical job. My feet feel wonderful, although she did say that my feet were ‘very bad’
Lovely nails but dry feet. If I could get down to them I might be able to rub some cream into them - they even sparkle in the sun
My lovely \240Vietnamese technician ( leg is still swollen from my last attack)
After lunch we went for a drive to the Tower Hill lookout. This was where 29 bunkers were built to ward of an invasion after Pearl Harbour in WW2. Apparently when America joined the war , they posted many troops here in Charters Towers. Why I’m not entirely sure as it’s not close to the coast and it’s in the middle of nowhere.
One of the 29 bunkers spread around Tower \240Hill
This bunker had a video representation about being in the cockpit \240when being attacked by the Japanese
Another one
Came home, folded washing, made Seafood Rissotto for dinner ( using salmon and red claw) then made a small pot of Pumpkin Soup to get rid of the pumpkin that I had bought for the Red Claw bait that we hadn’t used.
Pack up tomorrow to head for Mission Beach to see Donna & Bill
A beautiful photo of my daughter and granddaughter
Packing up ready to leave but for some reason Brian had to go slows. Decided to check and organise things that should have been done pre hand. Don’t quite know what was on his mind,
Finally got going about 10.10am . Uneventful drive, stopped of at the the Frosty Mango shop for lunch. We had a bit of \240salad and corn beef made up but couldn’t resist a mango icecream for dessert afterwards.
Our set up looks quite good here.
Continued on, we are right in the sugarcane area now
Sugarcane everywhere.
Arrived at Donna & Bills about 3.30pm. It was great to catch up with them again. Parked the van in their back yard and have access to our own private ensuite.
Donna cooked a beautiful roast lamb dinner with frozen chocolate ( from Belgium) coated frozen bananas. Truly magnificent. This area is also noted for the bananas as well as sugarcane.
As I went to \240the caravan to bed , Donna said to me to watch out for the Cane Toads. I assured her I wouldn’t be out of the van until morning when they had all gone away.
Had a chat with Margie who told me she had finally resigned from work. Good on her, about time also. It \240will be much better for her health and well-being.
Looks like we’ll have a couple busy days while we are here.
Bill & Donna had a fun run to attend this morning so they left about 6.30am. We of course stayed in bed until about 7.45am. Had a bit of breakfast in the van, changed the bed \240before they \240came home. After they had a bit of breaky we went for a drive around town. Unfortunately the weather wasn’t so great today but at least it wasn’t really muggy and humid - it was actually a little chilly.
Mission beach is opposite Dunk Island, where Brian & I went for a break before we went into the shop some 26 years ago. Unfortunately Cyclone Yassi destroyed the island some years ago and still hasn’t been restored to its original state. It’s apparently being restored at the present time. One day we’d like to go back if we are still able to go !!!
Dunk Island
Another view of the Island
We called into a banana farm where you could buy bananas. I have to admit, the bananas here are the sweetest I’ve ever tasted . We bought 6 for $2, which is very cheap.
The production part of the farm . It is Saturday today, so no workers there
Part of the plantation
We then had a drive into a rain forest, I wasn’t getting out of the car as there a midgees out there
Came home and had home made pizzas for lunch, not as good as mine but ok \240- Bill needed to cook them a wee bit longer. \240I have decreased my Lyrica again back to 25mg so was feeling very achey so had a little nanny nap.
Bill cooked a beautiful Coral Trout for dinner, which was very nice . Had a couple bottles of Sparkling between the 4 of us, then finished off with a Expresso Martini.
Donna doing her stuff
Sitting back enjoying the drink, with Bill, just don’t look at the rolls on my tummy
Watching Geelong hopefully beating the Western Bulldogs.
Still raining outside, quite cool which is most unusual for here. Hopefully it will be better tomorrow when we are having guests for lunch
Raining and quite dismal Had to bring the washing in to put through the dryer
Mums anniversary today - 26 years ago since she left us.
Heavy rain overnight - Bill said we’ve had 3 inches in the last couple of days. Bit cooler today. We went down to the Sunday market to have a look, met up with Tom & Marg. Lo and behold, Tom is trying to grow a beard, comments are out on that one at the moment. ,!!
I bought a bag made out of Lamb leather, not sure lamb skin is leather, but it’s a nice one and fits my purse in it, unlike my good brown one. This one is a nice rich burgundy colour.
Bill drove us around a bit more. Donna stayed home as they were having guests for lunch and she wanted to do some prep work.
Brian had fixed the puncture in his bike yesterday so decided to go for a quick ride before lunch - only went about 9 kms and jumped in the pool when he came back. It was very cold he said.
The guests arrived - Ron & Sophia, Steve & Ariana & Judy plus the 4 of us. They are all pretty high riders around town, all owning a fair amount of real estate. All were very nice
Donna cooked up a beautiful Roast Chicken dish, with roast veges and salad plus an Orange Almond Cake for dessert with an Orange Syrup.
I have to admit her Orange Cake was one of the most delicious I have had.
Put this with copious amounts of Sparkling wine ( I diluted mine with soda water) and we all had a great afternoon.
Donna’s table decorations
Getting all ready
Carving up the chooks
Dessert time
Brian in for his quick cold swim
Going through the rainforest to the ocean
Vegetation close to the shore line
5th June
Rained again a lot of the night. It’s not cold but it’s a bit muggy. Haven’t had a nice day since we’ve been here at Mission Beach.
Got away about 9am and headed towards the Skywalk ( which is on the way to Yungaburra) Tom & Marg were already there - they left Sth Mission Beach about 30 mins before us)
As we were going along we met them as they were coming back. Met up at the end for a quick cuppa
Little did we know what was ahead of us - the road was extremely hilly, lots of ups and downs - conditions were not great, wet and windy with big trucks looming up behind us constantly. Hardest drive I’ve had for a while and I wasn’t even driving. Brian did a fantastic job. We thought Tom & Marg were in front of us but they took a wrong turn and ended up behind us!!
Got to Yungaburra to discover that the rain had continued with us. Instead of being the lovely sunny area around the lake like the brochures promised, we had cold and wet.
Unpacked, had a bottle of Prosecco to celebrate the start of \240our journey together.
Early to bed, we were all very tired.
Walking along the path at the Skywalk
Amazing what the infrastructure was like, a lot of work has been done here
You can see how high the walkway was, I found it a little confronting looking down
The pathway again
The most on the mountains. There is a river - the North Johnston, \240there somewhere
The final part of the walkway - the platform, which was 4 stories high. I managed to go halfway, same as Marg. That was enough for me
Me heading back down
The mountains with the river snaking it’s way through. Whole area was very picturesque
Great walkwYs
Bush turkey’s were around
Looking down!!!
A little hut that the local dark people had constructed for a special ceremony
Another bush turkey
Look who we met😊😊💕💕
At the end, we were a bit hot by then, it was very humid walking through the rainforest
Lots of mist in the mountains. This was a flat section after the Skywalk before Yungaburra
6th June
First journey was to Atherton. All the towns around here a very quirky and very old time places.
Yungaburra had these beautiful hanging baskets all over the town. They looked beautiful
We are leaving a tour of Yungaburra until tomorrow and headed of to Atherton - about 20 kms away. I might add, these towns are a bit confusing to navigate. They seem to go every which way and we have got ourselves a bit confused at times.
Arriving at Atherton our first stop was to Big W so Tom could stock up on some new books as they’d read all their others. I bought one that I’d had to send back to the library unread. I’m having trouble finding time to read this year. Hopefully when we get to Cairns things might settle down a bit.
Next stop was a coffee, then after a walk around decided to have a Thai special lunch for $13.95 each \240We all enjoyed it very much.
Next on the list was a visit to the Crystal Caves. Wasn’t sure about this one but it was fantastic. This guy, Renee has been collecting crystals from all over the world and has built a ‘grotto’ to showcase them all. It would be hard to estimate the value of these crystals but it would be in the millions we estimated.
Quirky car out the front
The shop front
All decked up to go into the grotto
Notice how Tom is ‘trying’ to grow a beard.🤣🤣🤣🤣
Is that dinosaur eating me, not quite sure what the significance of the dinosaur was!!
Beautiful orb of something
Tom having a rest??
This was what was on the ceiling of the cave that the boys were laying in
Couple of dodgy patrons!!!
Huge specimen that Renee paid US $120,000 for several years ago
Shows the size here
Marg peeking though a hole in the grotto
Some beautiful specimens carved from the crystals
And more
Lots more specimens
We were all very pleasantly surprised with this little adventure.
Meanwhile the weather hadn’t improved, so we headed to IGA to do our shopping as both Marg & I had seriously depleted fridges.
Once that chore ( ordeal) was done, it was time to go home - thank god
Unpacked everything at home, Brian went for a 10km ride ( in the misty rain)
Had a light tea, then a quiet night
Started off today by going on a very long drive !!! - all of about 100 metres to the Afghanistan Soldiers Memorial. \240This was created some 10 years ago by the family of a soldier that had died there with the help of locals and volunteers. The whole memorial is very well done , the town’s people should be proud of themselves.
This one bought a tear to the eye. Oh so true in every way💕💕💕
From here we went onto Lake Barrine, with the idea that we would do a bit of a walk , then have morning tea there. Got there to discover that the cafe is \240closed on a Tuesday & Wednesday- something their web site neglected to say.
Nice cafe if it had been open
Another view
We went for a walk to see the twin Kauri Pines. These were enormous and very old.
Very hard to get a photo, they were so tall.
Then we decided to do the 600m rainforest walk. It was very damp and very muddy in lots of places - Marg & I were glad to finish that one
This was a good section
Funny mushroom looking thing we found on the way
By the time we got back to the car misty rain was falling again. \240Next stop was the Gallo Dairy & Cheese Factory - right up our alley
You could look down on the workers - he looked like he was making Camembert here
Decided to share a cheese platter for lunch - it was yummy but a lot of cheese!!
Next stop was the Curtain Fig Tree - this is a parasite that attacks trees and takes over them until it destroys them. Very impressive but quite ugly.
And what do you know, just leaving the dairy and ran into a Strawberry Farm. Of course we had to stop and we each completed lunch with an icecream \240They even had g/f cones for Tom & I. Bought a jar of strawberry jam which we will try tomorrow at breakfast
Lots of strawberry plants
Onto a little creek to see if we could see a platypus. No luck ( best time is sunrise & sunset, we were there about 1.30pm), but we did see a very cheeky little turtle who was putting on a bit of a display for us
Home for a much needed nanny nap. Keeping up with Tom is quite exhausting.
Decided against going to Mareeba as
a, Marg had resourced the area and thought there was not much to do and
b, we’ll be actually going through there on our way to Cairns next week. We’ll stop for a coffee at the coffee place we want to go to then.
So today we did the Waterfall trail. First waterfall was near home - the Eachman Waterfall
Pretty uninspiring waterfall was this one
What was actually amazing was that we had blue sky and very little wind for the first time we’ve been here.
Mind you, it didn’t last very long but overall the day was much better
Next we went to the Millia Millia falls which were much better. Had to walk down quite a few steps which were very wet and slippery but so far I’ve been managing very well. I might add, my hip hasn’t been bothering me as much as it was, plus my leg pain has completely gone.
We were looking from the viewing platform and decided to go to the bottom of the pool. I went via the steps but Brian decided to go down the lovely lush grass hill. What he didn’t realise was that underneath that lovely green grass was very sticky red mud. And down he went. Started slipping, then corrected himself but then it was all over, red river. Ended up slipping the rest of the way, ending up being covered in red sticking mud, head to toe.
Not a pretty sight
The section that Brian slipped on
He should have heeded this sign
The guy in the striped towel ran to Brian’s assistance and \240offered his towel, which Brian turned down
After trying to clean himself up, which was very difficult with sticky red mud we headed off to another couple of waterfalls. The last one, Ellinjaa Falls had lots of steps down and therfore lots of steps up. Amazingly I managed fine, even surprised myself - even with a bit of puffing
Another one - Zillie Falls, not \240so interesting & hard to see through the vegetation
Lunch time was a picnic at Millia Millia at a lovely little park. We’d packed our lunch today.
Poor Brian was extremely uncomfortable in his soiled clothes
On the way home we looked at the Millia Millia Lookout which portrayed a large panoramic view of the area.
Mountains all around us here.
Last but not least we stopped at Lake Eacham, which wasn’t actually on our itinerary for the day, but turned out to be the nicest . It’s a volcanic lake, not large but the surrounds were very attractive.
A few scantily clad girls were going in for a swim, not sure why when there were sign’s saying that Crocodiles were seen in the area. Brave but very silly.
Home mid arvo, spent the rest of the day trying to get the mud out of Brian’s clothes, to no avail. I’ll soak them tomorrow.
Jus5ta funny photo somewhere along the way.
Decided to have a rest day today as we have been pretty busy each day.
Slept on a bit then watched Kochies Farewell on Channel 7 - it was very good. Folded up the washing and actually read about 10 pages of my book.
After lunch Tom & Marg took their bikes of the rack and we thought we’d all head into town for a little look around.
I left first as they said I’d be the slowest but somehow we took different roads and I missed them. Finally found each other and rode around a bit. No real bike tracks here so it was a bit awkward.
Some fellow at the information centre told us to go on this walking trail but that ended badly when we all nearly got bogged
Not a good track.
Gave up and decided to get an icecream. That again was difficult as the icecream shop that was supposed to be open was closed. Ended up getting a Magnum each from the supermarket. Unfortunately it didn’t seem to agree with me and I’ve had a tummy ache ever since.
Home again, my little scooter - Harley, performed very well. Didn’t use a lot of battery and I had to go up several big hills. Surprised me that it actually made it up them.
Tom & Marg were very impressed with my little scooter.
Had a little nap. Tom is cooking pizzas for tea tonight
The \240finished product, this was non g/f.
Also had a bottle of Sparkling Red, wasn’t too bad once I’d added soda water!!!
The friendly Curlew came for a visit.
Saturday, \240and all the locals have come out to play. We have jet skis, speed boats with skiers attached. The sun was shining and the day looked really good.
Today we have decided to do a 3 km walk around Lake Eacham. \240Brian opted out as his knee is hurting from his fall the other day.
Tom, Marg & I headed off. Starting walking the track only to come across a barrier at the .5km stating that the track was closed due to maintenance. Exasperated, we turned around to go back to the carpark area. Decided to go from the other direction to see how far we could get. Passed a lady on the way and she said to just go around the signs as they weren’t working on a Saturday. \240Wish we had known that earlier.
On we trecked, finally managing to do a 4.3km walk instead of our 3 km we intended.
On the path before we came to the No go sign.
Us being naughty as we slipped around the no go sign!!
Tom & I just before our big trek
Quite a few people swimming in the lake, even though there were warnings that a crocodile lived there. Apparently the croc has gotten old and grumpy and has started to nip people. No wonder, when he’s lived there alone for lots of years without a mate. We all have gotten quite grumpy as we’ve gotten older!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣
Back at camp, lunch then a little nap. Tom & I were both unwell last night - can’t work out what caused it but we were both quite sick. Still a little off today but feeling lots better.
Cooked a Roast Lamb for the 4 of us while Marg went to church. \240Not bad at all.
Fungi on the branches along the way
Marg showing how big the roots of this tree were.
Brian relaxing
Woke up to a drizzly day which put the damper on our planned activity - riding the bikes from Atherton to Tolga on the old Rail trail.
After tooing and froing we decided, what the heck , we’ll still do it, rain or not.
Loaded up the bikes on the back of the cars (mine got pride of place in the back of our car)
Just fitted nicely.
Drove into Atherton and got ourselves organised
All raring to go in the drizzly rain
It was about 7kms to Tolga, some of the track was very bumpy but generally it was ok. My little Harley managed very well. Got there a bit early so had a quick coffee then went over to the pub for a counter lunch. For a very small place the pub was quite large and the meals were very nice.
We had tied our bikes to the verandah posts outside
When we came out after lunch there were a bunch of bikies there, so I couldn’t resist backing my Harley next to theirs.
They were all very amused🤣🤣🤣
Started off again for the ride back but it started pouring so we went back to the pub until it passed.
Getting a bit wet here
Scooting along
We all had a great day, rain and all.
Came home and tried to retune the TV. Carlton & Essendon are playing tonight on 7mate and we can get the sound but not the picture. Tom & Marg \240can get it so we are not sure what the problem is.
Still won’t tune so we won’t watch the footy. Tried 7+ on my IPad and that picks it up so we’ll watch some of it on that.
Woke up to drizzle again but it did clear so we decided to go ahead with our plan to walk around Lake Barrine - 5kms, and then have morning tea after at the TeaHouse. We went there the other day but it was closed.
The four of us set off, passed a tour guide who mentioned to her group not to go any further as there were leeches in there. We had walked the rainforest walk a few days ago and didn’t see any, so we thought she was just being over cautious- should have listened to her !!
Brian only lasted about .6km in before deciding to turn back as his knee was troubling him. Good decision on his part as it was a long trek. Tom discovered the first leech on his finger, only a little worm like thing but that was enough to urge us along at a fast pace and constantly checking our arms and legs. Marg and I had put on Midgee & Mosquito cream so we thought we were safe. Wrong again.
Half way through it started to rain - we were a bit sheltered with the canopy but we did get wet. That’s when the leeches started to appear, mainly on Tom, although Marg & I had to flick a couple off us.
Unknown to me, I carried one of the little blighters back with me, just underneath my black sock, which is why I didn’t see it. By the time I did, \240it had had a bit of a
feast - I flicked it of but my leg wouldn’t stop bleeding for ages.
Back at the TeaHouse by this stage
But we couldn’t find Brian. Looked everywhere wondering where he could have gotten to. Eventually he arrived - he had gone looking for us, thinking he’d find us just up the track but he went a different way just as we were getting back.
Marg & Brian gave the scones, jam & cream that the tea house were noted for a miss. They didn’t look that good.
We all had a coffee and headed toward home. Stopped at a local road side produce stall. The fellow had just pulled up to restock so we bought mandarins, avocados & bananas. That will keep us going for a while.
Couldn’t wait to get home to have a shower as I felt like I had things crawling over me. All my clothes went into the washing machine.
Watched the Big Freeze, then a little nap.
Along the path
And further in \240- very damp and wet.
That’s the TeaHouse when we had about another 2 kms to walk. Very misty
Brian cooked himself up a storm for lunch, egg on an English muffin, avocado & mushrooms
Tomorrow we are off to Herberton to the Historic village - a full day tour.
Once again we started of with a drizzly day but we still went ahead with our plans to go to Herberton.
We’ve been there before many years ago but we were still happy to see things we missed before.
As the photo above says there is a lot to see. It was amazing how many things we recognised or have at home. Perhaps Brian can start up a Historical Museum if he ever retires.🤣🤣🤣
Spent some time watching the Blacksmith/Farrier making a poker. It took ages but it was interesting to see how he twisted the steel etc. \240We were hoping to buy one but the gift shop had sold out of them .
Very hot work
Wandered around, found some things relevant to Mum
They must have gone bankrupt after Mum died
Tom & I laughed over this one - you didn’t dare say you were feeling sick or you got a dose of Hypol
Dentists are hard to get into, but !!!
At least this patient was still alive
Some rather dubious looking instruments for women’s health😩😩😩
After looking at the TeaHouse we decided to go for the stew and damper at the Bush Tucker House further up the track
Mrs Bushie
Mr Bushie
Tom & I obviously couldn’t have the damper but the stew was good, plus the Corn Beef on damper that Brian had. All rounded of with a lovely panikan of Bush Tea.
Marg & I pretending to be in school - the tragic thing is , that’s what our classroom looked like
Amusing sign
Took a fancy to this blanket , I’m sure my very talented sister could replicate that for me.😊😊😊😊💕💕💕💕💕
All in all we had an enjoyable 4.5 hours wandering around. At least we had no leech’s today \240 Brian was struggling with his knee which he hurt the other day but he carried on like a trooper
Quick trip to Woolies on the way home.
Had to send some emails this morning Re some un paid accounts - actually had a couple of responses so that is good. Let’s hope they pay!!!
The pub with the car on top to look like the Ettamogga Pub
Quiet day today. Tom & Marg decided to have a look around Mareeba but we chose to stay home so Brian could rest his knee. A gas mechanic was fixing a van close to us so Brian asked if he had time to check our gas line as one was leaking. Bought the line of the other caravanner for $20 \240as he didn’t need it any more and the mechanic fitted it. Took him 5 mins and charged $50. That was a bit exorbitant. Anyway the job is done now.
Cleaned up a bit, had a rest, actually read some more of my book - it’s been the slowest I’ve read ever I think.
Brian lowered the air in my tyres a bit on my scooter to see if that might stop me wobbling around so much. Went for a ride up the street and it did seem better, so hopefully no more wobbling - or at least a little less.
15th June
Last day here at Yungaburra, we thought 11 days was going to be too long but it’s managed to go quickly and we have done lots.
Tom & Marg went to look at the Dam Wall but we stayed as I had a Tele appointment with Darko and had to sort out some stuff with the office girls.
Brian’s knee is still not good, seems to be getting worse. We’ll have to do something in Cairns.
Packed up as much as we could in readiness for tomorrow.
Beautiful sunset
Resting his knee
Our little setup here in Yungaburra.
The grass was always wet so the trek to the toilets and showers resulted in wet feet. Plus they were a fair distance away. This side only had 2 showers and 2 toilets for far too many vans.
The mad cowboys tree loppers were cruising around cutting off branches
Zoie & Wal with Taya with new baby Elsie
16th June
Awoke to a very foggy and misty morning, very damp underfoot which made it difficult to pack up - but we carried on and we were ready to leave by 9am
Stopped at Humptys to buy some more nuts, they said they had a variety of g/f stuff but nothing appealed to me.
Saw that they had g/f pies from a bakery in Mareeba, the cost was $9.95 each
We decided to go to the bakery as it was on our way, kindoff, only to discover they had no hot pies and only one cold one. That was a waste of time. And they were only $6.50 there. The other shop was making a
Continued on to the icecream shops up the road and had a stop there.
Double deckers for them both, plus Brian. - \240I only had a single
Our vans lined up at the icecream shop
Continued on to Karundra where the big hill is!!!
Down and down and down and down we went. It wasn’t actually as bad as we thought - we just took our time
Got to \240Lake Placid , checked in - guess what - we still can’t get 7mate, therefore no footy. Called Mick, the manager and he checked the cable which showed that our block couldn’t get 7mate. The rest of the park is fine, except for us!!! \240Not happy - that shouldn’t happen
Un packed, very humid here compared to where we have been.
Went to Trinity Beach Club for tea as Tom was desperate to win a meat raffle. Tom didn’t, I didn’t but Faye did!!
Home early, nothing on TV, - can’t get the footy so after a cuppa we settled down for the night.
Tom spreading all our non winning entries out
Rained heavily again last night, can’t seem to get away from all this weather. Definitely cooled down a bit & not nearly as humid.
We’ve been thinking lately about putting an outside table on the van as the air fryer takes up too much room on the table. So we went to a place that John & Faye recommended as we also needed a new outside light plus a brighter light inside.
Got the table and both lights. Home then Brian ( with my help) installed the table - took longer than we thought but it looks great.
Next was the outside light but we realised that we had bought a 12v light and the light we were replacing was a 240v light. So we’ll have to take that one back.
Onto the inside one and managed to replace that successfully. Can’t believe how much brighter the van is. Instead of 3 lights on we only have the one.
So all in all today was successful, except for the one we have to change.
We were supposed to go shopping at Woolies but didn’t get around that, lucky we had a bit left for tea.
Quite a bit cooler tonight which is actually nice.
Another coolish start to the day. \240Brian went for a ride to Smithfield to test out his knee. Came back and said it felt a bit better. Phil and Chris next door gave him some Hemp cream and he thinks that is helping.
Well, the time has come when we had to go to the supermarket- we’ve put it off as long as we could. Shopping in unfamiliar supermarkets is hard work.
First we walked a very long way to Kmart to get some new cushions for the sofa. The others had become smelly as the inserts had broken up and were emitting a strange smell.
Really went all out and bought 2 cushions for the sum of $7 for the 2. Next stop was to Lowes where I bought a couple of lightweight shirts for Brian as he says the t-shirts are too hot. Managed to get 3 for less than $50, so very pleased with my purchases.
Had a bit of lunch, Brian had noodles, I had a bit of curry and rice, then we hit Woolies. Took us a \240while but we managed to get everything we needed.
Worked out once we got home that the reason we can’t get 7mate is because our tv is too old to tune channel 74 in. Phil next door was watching footy today, so they changed the aerials over to see if it would work in our van - alas, no go
So, off to The Good Guys tomorrow to buy another tv. A Google search shows that we can get one for $199. Hope it looks ok when we get there.
Happy hour with the boys and girls, then home to cook Seafood Rissotto.
2 zippers on my new handbag have broken so I sent a message to the people I bought it from. She actually replied and said she’d send me a new one - I have to cut up the old one and send her a photo so she can claim it from where they get them from. Hopefully she’s honest and does send it!!
Our very small patch of ground. We have far less area than most (our whole row is the same - there is only 4 of us ) and we have little sun getting in between the vans. Might be good later when it gets really hot!!!
Went into town to get a refund on our outdoor light that wasn’t a 240v. Had no problem with that. Tom & Marg came for a drive. Next onto The Good Guys \240where we bought a new tv.
Then we were looking for another outdoor light but didn’t have any success with that after going to numerous places.
Dropped Tom & Marg back at the caravan park, then went to Bunnings, still looking \240for this blessed light. Eventually settled on a solar one ( similar to the one on the front of the van) \240Not sure whether it will get enough light to charge up, we’ll see over the next couple days.
Home, tuned in the tv and Lo and behold, we have 7 mate. Unfortunately the sound is not spectacular and I’m very disappointed in that. I’ve tried to change the sound settings but nothing seems to happen. The old adage is - buy cheap, you get cheap. This is what has happened here. Hopefully we’ll ( me especially) will get used to it
Brian fixed John’s light on his car that he didn’t know was not working.
Cooked a piece of corn beef in the slow cooker - had that with mash and veges.
Early night tonight as we have to get up early - we are going on a big bike ride am, then going into Palm Cove to have g/f fish and chips for lunch. Yum😊😊😊😊😊
Watching the train climb up the mountain. It goes up twice a day generally
Next doors gorgeous cavoodle, Chelsea. She’s only 6 months old but a happy little girl.
Started out on our ride at 9am - Faye was leading the way. We had a great ride, 15.2 km altogether, through some \240rainforest and nearly all on great bike tracks. John was very impressed with my scooter, he didn’t think I’d even get half way, but I kept up with them all the time. John was the only one on a non e-bike and he did a tremendous job keeping up. He’s pretty fit for his age.
Back at the park, quick cuppa then we all got ready to head off to Palm Cove for our g/f fish and chips.
The 4 non g/f looked fantastic, Tom & mine looked very pale and lost its crispness half way through. It was still very tasty though.
Non g/f
All enjoying our lunch
Walking back to the car we came across the O’Donnell Irish Bar. No-one was keen on going over for a Guinness though
Came back to Smithfield as Marg wanted to have a look at Kmart for a rashie top that Faye said was on special. I managed to buy a couple of tshirts that I’m sure I don’t really need but they were only $8 each. \240Marg bought her top.
Next we went into TS, a dress shop that is usually quite expensive. I actually found a bathers top that had been discounted from $110 to $39. Something a bit different to my other one that has somehow got a little tight on me - must have shrunk in the wash!!!
Next stop was to the Op Shop. Only time I ever go to Op Shops is with Tom & Marg. Managed to find a pair of navy swim pants (my new top is a bluey black one) for $3 and a really nice shirt for Brian for $8. All in all , we had a successful shopping expedition.
Home, bit of a rest, happy hour then a light tea.
We are getting used to the sound of the tv. It’s still not as good as the other one but it will do.
People were swimming in the sea today at Palm Cove despite there being several signs around with warnings of crocodiles in the area. Obviously they were all Asian tourists.
Quiet day today, stayed at the park. Brian fixed the front of Tom’s van - a strip had come of, and changed the brackets for his Anti Flappers.
I managed to actually finish my book. Fiddled with the backing on the outside table as it keeps falling off. Brian has screwed it on so it won’t come of now
My new handbag arrived today but unfortunately it’s not the same as the other one. It’s redder plus it’s not soft like the other one plus the inner lining is really stiff and crackly, not soft like the other one. Not really happy with it but it will have to do. I had to cut the other one up and send the lady a photo. Very sad to do that😩😩😩😩😩
Crumbed some chicken , made some scalloped potatoes ready for tea.
Wished I hadn’t cut it up now, but I had to and send the on to to the distributor
As you can see, the new bag is a completely different colour and material. I liked the other one better!!
Very misty this morning which led into a few downfalls.
Brian wanted to make a stew in the Slow Cooker, so he did that with some direction from me. He did a good job.
Decided to go to Big W to see if I could get my Correlle plates (which I did) and check out another restaurant selling g/f fish & chips.
First of all, took my IPad to the repair place to have the screen replaced from when I broke it at the dam.
Nearly fell over in the shop when he told me it was going to cost $378. Unfortunately as it’s a special screen, that’s what it costs. They have to order one in so they can’t do it till next week. He wanted to know if I wanted to leave my IPad there, I nearly laughed - as if I could be parted with it for that long !!!
Next stop was to Wharf One Cafe where I read on the Coeliac site that they had g/f battered fish and chips. Not going back to the other place in Palm Cove so wanted to find somewhere else.
I had the fish & chips and Brian had a Barra Burger. Both were delicious, mine being much better than the other day.
Yum, very tasty. Ginger Beer batter
Cajun Barra Burger - also very tasty. Brian said it had lots of fish in it
All the waiters seemed to be foreign, our waitress was Irish, guy behind bar was Spanish and there was an Asian girl there also
Bit of a stroll along the Marina and then headed back towards home. Realised that Tom had given me a card to post and we hadn’t seen a post office so decided to go to Smithfield and post it there and make a hair appointment. They weren’t busy so she cut it then. She didn’t cut a lot of it, less than my hairdresser but it’s a lot tidier now.
Home at last, had a little rest then over to happy hour at Tom’s.
Had our stew for tea that had been brewing all day. \240Very tasty - Brian did a good job. And there is enough left for another meal in a couple of days.
This morning Tom had an airconditioning mechanic over to look at their unit as it wasn’t working. Unfortunately something has caused it to fuse so it’s a no go. They have to new one at a cost of about $2500. Needless to say, he’s not happy!!! \240They haven’t had a good trip, expense wise.
Brian went for a ride with John this morning - they went about 14 kms which is a good effort for John on a normal bike.
On their return we went to Smithfield (again) to get some scripts filled and buy some veges.
Organised that, it always seems to take ages longer to do things when you are in strange places. Had a little visit to Uncle Dans - haven’t had to stock up on much until now.
Bought a slab, some James Squire Ginger Beer and a couple bottles of sparkling. That will keep us going for a little while.
Brian bought some Pho from the Vietnamese shop - for some reason he loves the stuff, but didn’t realise that you have to ask for meat and veges extra, so he ended up with a beef looking broth - mind you, it was very tasty.
We found out this afternoon that a friend had succumbed to his battle with cancer. He had turned 70 last December and had only been diagnosed then. It was very aggressive and the end came quickly.
Rest in peace Tige
Quiet afternoon, then we all headed of to the Trinity Beach Sporting Club to try and win a meat raffle.
Waiting patiently for the raffles to begin
Unfortunately none of us won anything tonight , the numbers were all around us but not ours
They mucked up my order - I had ordered Salmon but the waitress \240accidentally ordered Calamari for me. It was nice but I would have preferred the Salmon.
Went back to tell her & she apologised - next week I get a free meal.
The other day Marg and I bought the same tshirt in KMart. It cost a whole $9.00 \240 Today we both decided to wear it, not realising the other thought to wear it too.
We were little twinnies. I also might add they were both the same size - size 14
Went for another ride this morning, all 6 of us. This time we went the other way toward Smithfield. Wasn’t so keen this way as we had a lot more traffic to contend with, and being Saturday morning, there was a lot. Altogether did close to 16 kms. I must be getting used to the scooter as I wanted to go faster today but top speed is 19kms so that’s as fast as I get.!!
Home, bit of lunch, early as we didn’t get much breakfast. We thought we had plenty of time but Tom came around to get Brian to pump up their tyres, then my front one. By this time, everyone was ready so breakfast got put on the back burner.
I even had a nanny nap today - was a bit tired.
Chris next door came in for tea as her hubby, Phil is away at a reunion for the weekend. We had a roast chicken and veggies, nothing too interesting but it was a very pleasant evening with the help of a couple bottles of bubbly - between the 3 of us.
Riding along the path - I tried to get the others but they disappeared before I could catch them
25th & 26th June
Didn’t do too much for both of the days. Had a swim & read. Brian went for a couple rides.
Brian was complaining today that he was getting a bit bored but I told him that he had to rest his knee which is gradually getting a little better.
Rachel and co arrived today so they will keep Tom & Marg busy for the week.
Started the day with another bike ride. When I got going I realised that we had forgotten to charge the little girl up and I only had about half battery power. Nearly didn’t go but I thought I’d go for a little while and then turn back. But I managed to do the whole 15.5kms and I still had a bit left in the tank. We’ve charged her up this time though.
I have now clocked up over 100 kms - not bad
Next was back to Palm Cove for fish and chips. We went with John & Faye as Tom & Marg had Rachel & Co. \240I wasn’t keen on going as they weren’t fantastic last week but I thought I’d give it another try. They were much better this week as we asked for them to be cooked a bit longer.
Home for a bit of a rest, then off to the Ten Tenors. This was a fantastic show. The organisation was in a bit of chaos, people were complaining about there seats, double booking of seats etc. \240 Our seats weren’t where they were supposed to be. We’d booked the front row of the Tiered seats, but they had placed seats on the floor in front of the tiered area and that’s where we were. Not so happy about that. We could see ok but the other seats would have been much better, especially for me due to my shortness!!!!
Those 10 guys were just incredible, with their singing, dancing and harmonies. I’d go and see them again and again.
Home for a bit of a snack as we didn’t have any tea
These guys were just brilliant
All set in our dodgy seats. We were supposed to be in the tiered seats but they stuck us on the floor.
Having a little drink while we waited to go in
Our tickets stating where we should have been sitting !!
Karundra was on the agenda today, Rachel & Co are going on the train, skyrail package and Tom & Marg and Brian & I are driving up to meet them.
Arrived a bit earlier and had a coffee while waiting for them to depart the train. Walked around what is in effect a hippy sort of town. The original market was definitely 1970’s - very old school full of hippy junk. We didn’t buy anything there.
The other market was a little better - bought some wooden implements for Susan as a Thankyou present for being my secretary.
I forgot to put my sarong in with my bathers ( only have 3 of them at home) \240so I was looking for a top to wear when I am out of the pool. Found a nice brightly coloured shirt with buttons that I thought would be ok. I bought that but further around I found another one that was better as a cover up. I went back to the original shop and exchanged the first shirt for a smaller size as it was a bit big for normal wear. It’s a nice shirt - I’ll still wear it, but as a shirt and not \240a coverup.
Had lunch at the German restaurant, wasn’t all that wonderful. This was on Faye’s recommendation- definitely wouldn’t go again.
Brian had a meal deal which included a German beer, 500ml, 5.5% alcohol , he said it was good.
Wandered around until we had had enough, then headed back down the mountain. \240Supermarket stop, banana cart stop then Brian & I decided to go \240to Barron Gorge to have a quick look. It was much further than we expected but we saw some white water rafters that had just left to go down the river.
Near where they started
Floating down a calm bit
Oops, all of a sudden, it capsized and everyone fell out - in calm water?,!
Barron Gorge.
Amusing watching them, one raft tipped over and lost all the passengers.
Quick happy hour at the pool/camp kitchen, then home for leftover tea.
Brian went to see the boys that he had met Charters Towers and had a couple drinks with them. Brian, Cliff & Ian - all come from Yarrawonga.
Saw some interesting signs - apparently we are getting a fair amount of rain come Friday.
Liked this one, must wear my earrings more.
Also a good one
The only Cassowary that we have seen
29th June
Took my IPad into get repaired. The little upstart of a customer service officer tried to tell me that they would need it overnight as they had a few jobs ahead of me. I very smartly told him that I had booked my job in for 9.30am and I would pick it up by 5 pm. He said he would do his best, again I said I would pick it up at 5pm. Amazingly I received a text at 3.15pm to tell me it was ready. Pays to be assertive at times.
Had an early visit from Tom to tell us that Marg & John had both tested positive for Covid. John has had the sniffles and cough for a day or two, Marg - a bit of a headache and a sore throat. So they are confined to barracks for a few days. I also had a headache and a bit of a sore throat but my test came back negative
Marg is really annoyed as Rachel & Co are still here and she can’t do anything with them.
After dropping the IPad of we thought we’d better stock up a bit in case we went down as well. Went to the Seafood Market and bought some Wild Barramundi, Salmon steaks, Marinara Mix, some Prawns and a Scallop Pie for Brian. It all cost $70 but we have 5 meals out of that.
Stocked up a bit at the supermarket so our fridge is nice and full. Now we are organised, we probably won’t succumb to the dreaded Covid.
Had a quiet day, had a swim and a bit of a sun bake.
Had the Barramundi for tea. I cut the fish into steak like pieces, coated them with a Mexican Taco flavour mix. Brian cooked them in a small amount of oil and butter in the Webber pan. Served them on smashed potatoes with a topping of Avocado and Sour Cream and a side of \240coleslaw.
It was fantastic. The fish was sensational.
30th June
We decided to go for a ride, Marg came but stayed at the back away from us - not sure why as we have already been in close contact with her. Rachel rode Faye’s bike and John gave it a miss as he was feeling a bit ordinary.
Rode along our normal route through the rainforest - we like that ride.
Is mucking around for the photo
Likely trio there!!
One of the rivers that we ride over - on bridges of course
We saw this dog in the water, at first we thought it was a statue but then it moved. It was cooling off.
Came across a mural on one of the bridge pylons that is new. Amazing what these graffiti artists can do
Poor Marg in the background
After lunch went to Bunnings to take back the dodgy solar light. Ended up getting another one, not Solar. Still not happy with it but it will do until we get home.
Back to the club for our Friday night special, minus 2 this week but with Rachel & Co. \240Bought heaps of raffle tickets and STILL didn’t get a cracker.
I got my free meal from last week but I had one mouthful and I instantly felt like I was going to vomit. Made it to the toilets but felt better by then. A security guard saw my fast walk and came to see what was wrong , as did Rachel. Needless to say I ate very little of my tea but I did bring it home for tomorrow night.
Tom looking very disponted when he didn’t win anything
A happy crew
Rachel, Shane & James
The band doing a Fleetwood Mac cover. They were pretty good but loud
Couple of old hippies strutting their stuff
Home to watch the footy - Geelong v Sydney
Rained all night, everything is very wet. So for todays activity we decided to go to the Italian restaurant in Trinity Beach that we went to 7/8 years ago and where I had the most sensational Mushroom & Truffle Ravioli. I’m not all that keen on mushrooms but I thought it was really great and I wanted Brian to have it as he does love mushrooms.
Lunico’s Trattoria
Got there a little early so had a coffee, me ( lovely Italian coffee at that) and a Fruity Smoothie for Brian called a Pashina. Full of lovely fresh local fruits.
Food service was held up a little due to a kitchen problem so we thought we had better have a drink. What do you drink in Italian restaurants, Prosecco of course. As we thought we’d be waiting for a while we ordered a bottle between us.
One of the waitresses photo bombing us
I ordered a Pork Belly, BBQ bacon & apple Risotto with a great slab of crackle - it was sensational as well.
Brian ordered the Mushroom Ravioli
We both enjoyed our meals immensely - there is nothing like a true Italian restaurant. And they had a lot of g/f options which was even better.
View of the ocean from out table It started raining shortly after this and got very cool
Home for a little nap and a read. The weather is still not good. And it’s starting to get quite chilly. I can actually say I’m cold for the first time since we’ve been here.
Faye tested positive this morning so she’s out of action for the next few days. We tested this morning and are still both negative, \240as is Tom. Tonight I’m not feeling so flash so I’m wondering if things are brewing - I’ll find out in the morning.
We bought some prawns the other day at the Seafood market so we had those on a bit of salad as well as my leftover Salmon from last night, plus the leftover Barramundi. I couldn’t eat mine so Brian can have that for lunch tomorrow
Lots of rain last night- I had one of my rare nights where I couldn’t sleep so today I was feeling very tired all day
Brian went for a ride for a while, I fiddled around in the van
After lunch we waited around until Tom and Co went to Crystal Cascades - a wonderful water network not far fro the caravan park. What we didn’t realise was that they had gone to the Cascades in the morning instead of Barron Gorge ( which they ended up going to in the afternoon)
So we headed of to the Cascades anyway.
It was a 1.2 km walk from the carpark to the viewing area but you walked alongside the river most of the way and could see the water tumbling down - plus listen to it as it cascaded down.
There were a few steps along the way that you could go down to have a swim. Being a Sunday, there were quite a few around
As we were watching from the viewing platform we noticed two young men climb up some rocks. They were very adventurous and ended up jumping from the rocks int9nte water. Very brave boys
Walked back, much easier as it was downhill.
Can’t believe how many times that we have used my disability sticker to find car parks. It’s been quite a blessing when no other parks were to be found.
Called into Woolies at Redlynch to get a couple of groceries and some more lamingtons. I was very saddened when I discovered that all the lamingtons had gone. I’ll have to keep an eye out for when they come in.
Pizza for tea, then Tom rang to go around to say goodbye to Rachel and Shane. We will still seethe, tomorrow as they don’t leave until 1pm for a 3 pm flight.
James very busily watching his video
Rachel, Shane & James
To feeling a bit left out !!,
3rd July
Raining again, Brian heard we were supposed to get about 100 ml, everybody poo booed him but I think he’s right.
Rachel and family are leaving today, we are going into Wharf One for lunch. Tested again just in case - not feeling too bad but I still have a headache. Test was negative but I didn’t want \240to do a Faye and realise I had it.
Lunch was very nice even though the weather wasn’t good. It’s not cold, just wet.
After lunch while Tom & Marg went to take the kids to the airport we went to Smithfield where Brian got a haircut, at last and I battled the chemist to fill some scripts. Finally got what I needed but all the names are the medical names so when I got home I had to write the layman names on them so I don’t get confused. Taking this lyrica is sending my brain into turmoil
Quite muggy for the rest of the day/evening
4th July - American Independence Day
Lots more rain overnight, thank god the van doesn’t leak but everything is feeling quite moist. I opened the fridge and everything is wet, plus the seals all seem to have grown mould on them. Have to give them a good clean soon.
Brian had to go to the Phsyio this afternoon, could have saved himself $115 as he was telling the guy what was wrong. \240He ( the physio) didn’t do a great deal - he gave him some exercises and told him to just rest.
Tom & Marg came around about 4.30pm for happy hour. If they stayed at their van, Faye would have gone in. She ( Faye) had a swim today as Jodie had told her that the chlorine would have killed off any bugs!!!!🤣. So the expert Jodie is now a medical consultant as well as knowing everything 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Faye just doesn’t understand isolation!!!
Tom & Marg are over it. We just haven’t been going around there at all.
Rain has eased a bit - we’ll see what happens tomorrow
Physio put a bit of a bandage around Brian’s knee pus a bit on his back. It will last about a day in this weather.
Had a nice tea of curried Chicken Sauages and a couple of chops with Scalloped Potatoes. Used the last of my g/f French Onion Soup so I will have to risk buying the Continental one next time. . Cooked it in the microwave first and then finished it off in the AirFryer . Was very yummy.
5th July.
Went for a ride , 21.38kms this time. It’s lovely going through the rainforest area. Took a bit of a chance as it had been raining but we managed to escape getting wet.
Brian realised that his gears were not changing properly so he spent a while trying to sort them out
Got most of them working
Happy hour has resumed as everyone is now well and the rest of us have managed to avoid the dreaded Covid. Not sure how that happened !!!
Spaghetti for tea ( with real spaghett, not noodles) and a quiet night.
6th July
Tom, Marg & Brian went for another ride, I had to stay back as I had a Telephone appointment with Dr Vesna to get some more Norspan patches.
Did some washingwhile I waited.
When they came back Brian still wasn’t happy with his gears in the bike so we took it into the bike shop nearby. Some bike people won’t even look at the bike because it’s a ‘Chinese’ model but this guy was really good and looked at it straight away and fixed it. Brian was on the right track but just hadn’t gone far enough. Did all this for a cost of $30- which is very good.
Bit of shopping, quick stop at Uncle Dans, mainly for me, then home for a fish burger for lunch
Then onto Palm Cove with Tom & Marg to sit on the beach and have a very quick paddle.
Got here to find that the beach has even closed due to a croc sighting a few hours ago. Bloody croc!!
The ‘inspectors’ coming along the beach to tell everyone there was a croc around and put up some signs.
All they did was a lot of talking
We sat on the sand and had a pleasant couple of hours, it was much cooler there.
And Marg in the background there.
Brian pondering - Now where is that \240blessed croc???
Palm Cove beach line, very pretty here
Last chance today to go to Rusty’s market today. Left about 10 am but when we got there it was very ingested with traffic. Took us ages it we finally found a park, you just have to keep going round and round until someone backs out. Not sure what all the fuss was about, except the veges are probably lots fresher. Too many people for me to contend with. Faye swears by it
The front which was not all that interesting
Brian saw one of those Asian massage stalls so decided to see if he could relieve his aching back and leg.
Kenny gave him a big workout, really getting into places that hurt.
Many strange faces were made by Brian
Got a few bits of fruit & veg & found a g/f donut place so of course I had to buy some. Had one when I got home, not too bad.
Went to Smithfield to get a couple of things from Woolies. Decided to have a bit of lunch as Brian was keen to have his beloved Pho.
This is how much he enjoyed it
This is the remains of my Noodle Bowl and all the empty dishes
While we were there Brian realised that he had left his belt at Rusty’s, so back we go - 25 mins each way. Fortunately he had kept it for Brian to come back for - or he would have kept it for himself!!!
Back at the van Brian fixed John’s drawbar that they have been fiddling with for the last few days. Got ourselves organised to go to the Yorker Knob Yacht Club ( instead of Trinity Beach where we have been going)
Went there to watch the sunset but unfortunately tonight wasn’t a very good one.
Not much of a sun set tonight unfortunately
A drink on the deck before tea
They had rafffles here as well and guess what - Faye managed to win 3.
1. $25 voucher for the club
2. 6 stubbies (Faye doesn’t drink so John was happy)
3. Meat raffle
None of the rest of us won anything . Not happy 😩😩😩😩😩
This was just the first one.
Brian had a Seafood Laska & I had a grilled Barra on Cauliflower purée. I’m not sure how that cauliflower will affect me, but it was very nice.
Home to watch the rest of the footy.
Quiet day today as we will have to pack up tomorrow
Brian rested his leg for a while, I got a couple things ready for tea tonight with Chris & Phil
They bought the meat - some lovely rib eye steak and sausages and I made a salad and some scalloped potatoes.
We had a good night, they are a nice couple although Chris has a few problems I think. She had a tragedy early on that started her drinking as as she says, she hasn’t stopped yet.
Forgot to take a photo at dinner so had \240to take one in their little motor home
The others went to a market at Hollaway Beach, but we reneged as Brian’s sciatic is still bothering him and I couldn’t see the sense of us walking around a market that we wouldn’t really be that interested in.
Tidied up a bit and put some things away in preparation of leaving tomorrow.
Had our farewell dinner over at the camp kitchen. Marg & Faye we more interested in watching Carlton on their IPads but did put them away while we ate.
Left Lake Placid this morning, it was time to head on I think. We’d done everything we’d wanted to do there.
Arrived at the Pandanus Caravan Park about 10.30am after a very windy drive along the coast.
Not a bad park, site size ok plus a fair bit of shade. Today has been a little cooler than normal.
Quick lunch, then we went to have a look at the street. Port Douglas is predominately a tourist own with lots of resort’s everywhere. Had a gelato in town, the had liver e flavour that was g/f so I had that with a bigger serve of white chocolate. Mixed together they were lovely.
Very nice gelato
Marg & I inadvertently wore the same t-shirt today. We looked liked sisters.
We then decided to book a tour out to the reef on Wednesday. Every year we do a bigger trip so this will be it. It cost $267 per person so I hope it is good. We get to snorkel, which I won’t be doing much of but the others will.
We left Tom & Marg to continue sightseeing and went to visit Gary & Sam who live at
53b Endevour St
They moved up here from Torquay a couple of years ago, Gary still does his work from here but mainly on Zoom.
He still flys back to Melbourne when he has too.
Had an enjoyable couple of hours with them and organised to meet them for lunch tomorrow at the Tin Shed.
Quick drink with Tom & Marg, tea then bed.
Barry & Carol rang, had a little chat to them. The
Started the day with an early ride. Rode up to the highway where there was a bit of an Information Centre. On the way back we detoured around to Gary & Sams to show Tom & Marg where they live.
Did about 15kms altogether.
Came back and got ourselves ready for Gary & Sam to pick us up for lunch at The Tin Shed.
Had a lovely lunch, I had a Caesar Salad with a \240Calamari add on ( minus croutons). Brian had a Seafood Platter that consisted of a big piece of battered fish, 2x crab balls, 2x prawn twisters, 2x big prawns & 2x mussels and lots of chips. He thoroughly enjoyed his too
Brian’s seafood platter
My Caesar salad, not a dish I usually order but there was a bit of a limited g/f menu
The four of us having a few drinks and laughs remembering old times
Home again about 3.30pm - just in time for a little nanny nap. They did ask us to go to their house for a BBQ for tea \240but we declined as we want to get organised for tomorrow ( our reef tour) and we didn’t want to have any more to drink.
Quick talk to Tom & Marg re tomorrow, then home for a light tea
Walking back to the car.
Gary & Sam
The lookout near the Tin Shed. - 4 mile lookout.
Up early so we could get ready to go on our Wavelength snorkeling tour. Tour cost $267 each, a bit much really but we all had a enjoyable day.
Left the Marina about 8.30am and sailed out about 50 nautical miles to the outer reef. First stop, we all got in ( there was about 40 odd people on board. . Unfortunately like everything else, I have lost confidence and didn’t enjoy my little session in the ocean. I’ve never really liked the sea anyway. Got back to the boat and watched the others.
This wasn’t our boat but it’s sister ship. Ours was exactly like that one
Had a bit of morning tea, pastries for all the normal people and mango chia cups for us. Bit different
Had 3 stops altogether to snorkel in . Brian, Marg & Tom all did very well
Marg doing her stuff
Tom had a red tip on his snorkel as an alert for his AF.
He was easy to keep track off
Brian cleaning out his snorkel
Lunch was also provided, we had a chicken salad bowl which was very average, the others had a chicken salad roll which wasn’t any better.
Rough trip back to Port Douglas, the weather was packing up a bit. We were all very tired after our big day
Tried to order some take a way Chinese from just up the road but they didn’t answer. Left a message at 6.45pm as they said they’d get straight back to me but it’s now 9.50pm and they still haven’t returned my call. Too bad for them, they missed out on a sale.
Instead we had ham on toast, which was really all we needed.
Leave tomorrow to finally head south.
Up early to pack up as we didn’t do anything last night. Also Gary was coming to say goodbye and to show Brian his new second hand car.
Weather has changed, very overcast and drizzly. Set off about 9.30am after our farewells to everyone.
We had intended to stop at Redlynch to buy some groceries at Woolies but weather wasn’t good so we decided to keep going.
Stopped at Maccas in Babinda and had one of my specials - a bunless cheese burger between 2 hash browns. It is really quite yummy. Probably incredibly fattening but I only ever have one rarely.
Got a text from Tom to tell us that Marg had fallen off her bike and after sitting in Outpatients most of the day, she discovered that she has broken 2 bones in her foot and is now in a Moon Boot. That is going to make living in a caravan pretty hard. Poor Tom is going to be very busy for the next few weeks.
Marg waiting very impatiently in Outpatients with her swollen foot
Arrived in Cardwell about 1.30pm to discover that sites were very scarce. We got one around the back by a shed but it’s really not bad. I’ve asked them to keep a site for Tom but it’s on a bit of an incline and a fair distance to the toilet so I’ve just now sent a text to see if they may have anything on flatter ground due to the circumstances.
They’ll let me know tomorrow.
Did a run to IGA, not a bad supermarket, not really big but it had everything we needed.
Decided tonight to cook some of these Red Claw Crabs. Made an Asian Sticky Sauce to go over them. Brian loved them, not so me. I’d be quite happy not to ever have them again
I had actually started to eat them before I took the photo
Watch a bit of footy and early to bed.
Marg \240back at the van, life is going to be very difficult for her for the rest of this trip.
Up early as we were departing Cardwell, it’s a bit of a surprise town.
Headed south, through Townsville to a little lace called Home Hill, where we are staying at the Showgrounds ( for $25 an night - with power and water)
Didn’t do much today, went to Happy Hour at 4 pm but no one talked to us, so we left and had our own happy hour at home.
I made Pizzas for tea for us all, forgot to take a photo but they were yummy.
Bit of a strange sculpture at the Showgrounds
Our vans side by side.
Some random machine used for cane harvesting that Brian was interested in
Not a bad sunset
We are hae
Friday 14th July
Had a bit of a sleep in as the weather wasn’t too good. Decided to go for a ride about 11 am, so rugged up with jackets etc - only for the sun to come out ( therefore we got quite warm)
Rode along the foreshore that had been reconstructed after Cyclone Yasi demolished it all in 2011. It’s amazing what community spirit does.
It all looks really good and goes for a long way.
Rode out on the jetty, which was easier than walking.
After going all the way to the end we went back to what we thought was the Seabreeze cafe where 8 years ago Brian had a crab sandwich ( 2 pieces of white bread with crab meat and salt and pepper). He thought he’d try another one. Unfortunately we went to the SeaView cafe instead, accidentally and all they had was deep fried stuff. Brian ended up having a Crab Burger with a beer but it was nothing like his original one
It was only as we were riding home we realised our mistake!!!😩😩😩😩 - after we passed the other cafe.
Tom & Marg arrived a little later , poor Marg was having a bit of trouble adapting to her new circumstances.
Afternoon tea at our van
Tom is still slightly!! stressed so I cooked a Roast Lamb dinner tonight. We had that in the camp kitchen as it was easier for Marg.
Early night as we were all a it tired. Tom didn’t even stay awake to see Melbourne beat Port by a point.
Up early to pack up, then the 3 of us went to the communal breakfast that they hold every Sunday morning. Gold coin donation for Bacon & Eggs, Tomato & Sausages, even had g/f bread. All was very nice.
Back to the vans to head off to Mackay. Stopped a couple of times to allow Marg to get out to have a stretch. Got to Mackay about 1.30pm in plenty of time to unpack and have a bit of a rest. Then the fun started. We went to our site which wasn’t perfect as it was on a bit of a slope but it was ok. Tom was directed to a motor home site that was totally unsuitable, especially for Marg. \240We wanted to swap sites but they said they’d be fine. Tom went back to the office to see if they had a better site, they didn’t so they started to unpack. The lady in the office came over to see them, apologising for the mistake and offered them a cabin for the 2 nights at no extra charge. They were very happy to accept that.
Marg tucked up in bed in the cabin, lots of room
Outside the cabin, with all the aids🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Brian resting in the sun
Had a bit of a rest then Tom, Brian & I went to meet Narelle & Natalie Sladdin and families at the Metropolitan Hotel.
It was fantastic to catch up with them and had lots of stories to tell, with lots of childhood remembrances.
Nice to see their kids all grown up.
LHS - Ben(Natalie’s son ), Alana- Bens wife, Peachy - their daughter, Natalie, Winnie - their son.
RHS - \240Trevor - Narelle’s husband, Zac - Narelle & Trevor’s \240son, Victoria - Zac’s fiancée, Narelle, Sue & Brian
Narelle & Trevor have another son Sam who was ill and couldn’t be there tonight.
A fair bit cooler tonight, as we are coming south it’s getting colder. Quick cuppa in the cabin, then home to bed
Tom knocked on the door early this morning to say that Marg had had a really bad night and he wanted Narelle’s number to see if she knew of anywhere (hospital) she could go. Narelle works at a private hospital here in Mackay - Mater Private and she told Tom to take Marg there. \240He had spoken to a Nurse on Call and they advised Marg to get straight to a doctor. As Toms car was still attached to his van and on a slope he asked us to take them in. Took Marg in at 8.30 am and by 2.30pm she was getting prepped for surgery.
Waiting in hospital to be ‘looked at’
Narelle and her mate Cookie, who was Margs nurse.
Post surgery - pin and plate in one break ( we think) and plaster to her knee. She’s in good spirits.
We were supposed to go tomorrow and now we can’t obviously, but fortunately even though we can’t stay \240on our original site, they are putting us on the overflow sites for a day or two
Tuesday 18th
Decided to move to another park as we weren’t happy about the spot they were going to put us on - it was way too wet due to all the rain.
Moved to Mycow Caravan Park at Bakers Creek, about 15kms out of town. Set up, then went into the hospital to see Marg. She was dressed ready to go home, but the Dr hadn’t been to see her so she wasn’t going anywhere for a while. Narelle popped in again before she finished her shift.
We left to go and have some lunch - I introduced Tom to the Maccas trick with substituting hash browns for the bun. He was very impressed but we aren’t allowed to tell Marg about it!!!
Did a shop at Woolies to get us through the next few days. Narelle texted to ask us if we’d like to go to her house for a drink before we went home and as we still hadn’t heard that Marg was ready to be discharged, we decided to go and have a quick drink. Naturally she opened a bottle of bubbly in remembrance to Aunty Ev. Marg rang to ask Tom to go back as she had to go and see the Dr. He went off and Narelle & Trevor drove us back to the Caravan Park where we had another bottle. Bad mistake. I should know better than to drink with a Sladdin.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣💕
Trevor and Brian( Hat & Macca)
Narelle found a photo of Mum holding her eldest Zac, had to reunite the two
Even though I was a bit tiddly I still managed to cook Chow Mein for tea. They all liked it so I must have put everything in it.
A beautiful lady.
Had to put myself to bed early, even left Brian to do all the dishes. They all thought this was very amusing !!!
Wednesday 19th
We are on a main highway here and the road noise is very loud ( I didn’t hear much last night for some reason) and also we are next to a large Meatworks - Borthwicks, where some very strange and not so nice smells permeate the air every now and then.
Marg had a good night thanks to some stronger medication. Didn’t do much today, I prepped meals for tonight ( Salmon Patties) and Lasagne for tomorrow night.
In the afternoon Brian & I went to Hay Point where they load the big ships with coal. This is where Trevor works.
Huge complex
Lots of ships out at sea waiting their turn to come in to be loaded
Early tea then packed up a bit to head off again tomorrow to Gracemere - near Rockhampton.
Up early as we have a few kms to do today. Had a couple of stops, Tom & Marg had more as she needs to move every hour or so.
One of our stops - morning tea.
Brian’s knee stood up to it but it was getting very sore by the time we got here. Decided to go to the Gluten Free Bakery before we unhooked as they were closing at 2pm. The pies there were fantastic, probably the best I’ve ever had. Even Brian said his was the best. Bought some frozen ones for myself and Tom
They were supposed to meet us there but they got caught in a raffia jam where a car and caravan had come to brief. We nearly did as well but we were able to turn down a side street before we got too far in. We think the caravan affected was one that had gone past us at great speed further back. \240 Then they got caught on the main bridge when a young girl was threatening to jump. We missed that one.
Got to the caravan park and unpacked. Then I went looking for my phone and guess what - I couldn’t find it!! Tom rang it and it was answered by the lady at the Gluten Free Bakery. We then had to zoom back into town to pick it up. First time I have ever done that!!
Went and had a drink over at the fire pit for a little time then back at the vans for tea - Lasagne and salad, with garlic bread
We pushed Marg over in her wheelchair so she could have a bit of sunlight.
Quirky firepit
As we are heading south it’s definitely getting colder at night. Had to find jumpers tonight.
Camp kitchen was very interesting, lots of old machinery involved with the tables etc, lots of imagination.
I’d done a run to the Laundry looking for books for Marg.
Up early as we had a big day ahead of us, the longest we’ve had for a while.
Hervey Bay was about 427kms away but it seemed to take hours to get here. Between multiple road works, one accident at Miriam Vale ( a truck hit a little car from behind - I would say that the little car stopped to soon and the truck couldn’t pull up. People underestimate how long it takes for a truck to stop) and regular stops for Marg to get out and Brian to rest his knee, it took us about 7 hours. We were all a bit tired when we got here.
Not a bad site for both of us, we are facing the road and seem to be on view for everyone, but it’s ok. Downside is that you can’t get to the beach easily as we have lots of bush between us and the beach. Apparently there are paths but we’ll check them out tomorrow
Brian & I did a quick supermarket run to last us the next few days.
BBQ for tea with Gems and veges.
We are here for 4 days so it will be nice to have a bit of a rest.
Friendly little fellow who took a liking to me
Lunch at a stop somewhere along the way.
Nice beach
Tide is in at the moment.
Started the day with a nice sleepin, then washing.
We had some walkers in tents beside us and we got talking to them. There was a father, his son and the sons daughter, so 3 generations plus another guy. They had just spent the last few days walking Fraser Island. Made them a cuppa while they were packing up. One of them is going to be in Tallebudgera while we’re there so we’ll catch up again later.
The father and daughter, grandad had gone to catch a bus to fly back to Tasmania, and the other guy (in red )
Our set up here, we are kind of on a curve of the road.
Three of us, minus the injured one, \240went for a ride along the Esplanade. There is a footpath the whole way. We, at Paialba are at one end , so we rode all the way to the other end, to the jetty. Stopped at a little market at Torquay - not much there though, then stopped to look at the Torquay Caravan Park. When I was here quite a few years ago with Marg & John looking after Jaynes house, there was a refurbishment going on at that park. Don’t know what they did as it looked exactly the same as when we stayed there 8 years ago. Decided that Pialba Park is much better, although lots bigger.
Brian’s bike lost power when we got to the jetty, so he decided to ride slowly back - it was about 7 kms. He wasn’t on full power when we left but it shouldn’t have lost power with that many kms. Think it’s time to trade her in on another one. He’s had a few funny \240things happen.
Tom and I continued on to the jetty and rode about half way out. It was very bumpy riding over the boards so we decided to go back. Plus there was lots and lots of people walking up and down.
Tom & Brian along the beach path.
Half way up the jetty
Us zooming along the path.
Riding back to the park we came across someone we knew.
Elvis was just catching a few rays of sun, wasn’t very talkative though
Got home, rode 15.60 kms altogether.
Found out that the little cafe at the start of the park sold g/f fish & chips, so we got Marg in her wheel chair and went there for a late lunch.
Really nice fish and chips. I am very worried they weren’t g/f because they were sooo nice. No reaction yet though
Back to the van for a little nap. I’d forgotten to get my patch so we went looking for a chemist but they had all closed at 4pm. We’ll have to get it tomorrow instead.
Went for a drive around, saw Jayne & Jason’s house - we’ll catch up with them Sunday arvo as they are away. Drove up to Point Vernon, nothing interesting there though.
Managed to catch the last bit of sunset.
Light tea, I was exempt from cooking tonight then to bed.
Brian’s back and knee are not real good so he’s feeling a bit miserable.
Didn’t have a good sleep last night, too many hoons and sirens going. We all slept in a bit - it was Sunday after all.
Shopping - again, this time for a, fuel b, alcohol ( a visit to Uncle Dans, although we found him to be a tad expensive)
c, couple things at the supermarket we couldn’t get the other day, d, toilet stuff at BCF. Seemed to take us all morning. \240Had a bit of a win, passed the Lorna Jane shop and they had leggings on special for half price, so had to buy a pair. I’ve been looking for a good quality pair for a while
Home for lunch, Tom had made sushi which was was very nice. Tom & I had that, while Marg had fruit and yogurt & Brian had his much longed for Bacon & Eggs with mushrooms and tomato.
Jayne & Jason came around after they finished work for a drink or two. Was good to catch up with them again. We’ll go and see them in the morning again before we go on Tuesday.
Left over \240Lasagne for tea, then a bit of TV - the final of Dancing with the Stars and an early night.
Sophie’s 16th birthday today, where has that time gone??
Rained overnight and has been a pretty miserable day. Went up to Jayne & Jason’s for a cuppa, nice to see the house again. Ruby even remembered me and let me pat her. Jayne said she wouldn’t have gone to me if she didn’t know me - dogs must have a good memory. Unfortunately Dallas, the other dog - a staffy, died recently with heart complications.
Came back for lunch, Tom & I got a bit cheeky and got some g/f take away fish and chips. I shared mine with Brian but Tom ate his all by himself. \240Marg wasn’t too happy with him!!! \240They were bloody delicious. 😆😆😆😆😆😆
Quiet afternoon, Brian rested his leg, Marg rested her leg and Tom & I just rested.
Salmon Rissotto for tea, very nice. Then watched the John Farnham documentary. Haven’t been a great fan of John’s over the years but really enjoyed the show. He apparently lives near Bendigo somewhere on a horse stud farm.
Tomorrow we move on again to Mallacoota- hope the weather improves.
25th July
Rained again overnight so packing up was a bit damp. Even though we only had 200kms to go, it seemed to take a long time as we hit roadworks, again, had lots of hills and lots and lots and lots of traffic.
Finally good to Maroochydore to CottonTree Caravan Park Tom & Marg had left about 45mins before is but had just arrived as we did. They stopped more than what we did. \240Set up and then discovered that my open water bottle (full) had tipped over and wet a great big patch of the bed. Unfortunately it had gone all the way through to the mattress. Stripped the bed, then headed for the laundry to dry off the doona, doona cover, lambswool and the sheets. Took forever and quite a few dollars - though I got a couple of bonus $2 back for some reason.
Met up with some people who used to live in St Arnaud, Mick & Kaye Slater. Also some friends of Tom’s that we also know - Leigh & Joan Hardingham. Seems to be that we always find someone we know.
After drying off the bedding and remaking the bed, it was time for a much needed Sparkling. ( I was slightly stressed ) \240We had Chicken Parmas with Scalloped potatoes and veges.
Rang Tash for her birthday, then early night. I was a bit exhausted.
26th July
Had a very much needed sleep in. \240Went for a walk with Marg in the wheelchair, didn’t get too far as Brian’s knee/back was giving him lots of trouble. Walked back to the Coffee Club and had a coffee. I made a drs appointment for next week to see if he can get some scans t9 see what is going on.
Back at the Park, Marg needed a rest, Brian went for a bike ride and Tom & I headed for Woolies. Well \240that was a challenge in itself. This place is enormous with lots of traffic and it took us ages to find how to get into a Woolies. Tried in 2 different locations but finally got there. Quick shop, then home to put Butter Chicken in the slow cooker. It was much later than it should have gone in, \240so I had to fast cook it in the frying pan later in the day before putting it back in the slow cooker.
Bit of a rest pm, then happy hour with Tom and some friends from Bendigo that are staying here - Jenny & Barry Oddie. Amazingly, Brian & Barry knew lots of the same people and had lots to talk about.
Butter Chicken was very nice for dinner.
Had a bit of a reaction to the cream I put in our Butter Chicken last night - didn’t \240have l/f so put in a packet of long life cooking cream. Won’t use that again
Went for a ride with Tom & Brian to look at one of the other caravan Parks - the Big 4 Mooroocy River Park. Tom & Marg are keen to return next year for a few weeks, we won’t as we don’t want to do the East Coast again. It’s just far too busy and we prefer \240the smaller towns.
We’ll probably do Therese Dam again but stay in the middle and not come to the coast at all.
Lots of traffic and people around
Did about 10.5 kms
Once we got back to the park I went over to the shops to the hairdresser to see if I could get a trim. She can’t fit me in until Monday which is no good as we leave here Monday. Have to try at the Gold Coast. While we were there I \240discovered a fish and chip shop who do g/f \240(battered), so we have to try that one out tomorrow
Quiet afternoon so Brian could rest his knee/back, then cooked Red Claw with Asian Sticky Sauce and Fried Rice for tea. I’ve been promising Tom & Marg a feed of \240Red Claw for ages. They seemed to enjoy it.
Early to bed to watch the women’s soccer.
A view
Another ride this morning - in the other direction to The Spit. Rode along Alexander Headland & Mooloolaba before we got to The Spit area.
Lots and lots of people ( and dogs) along the track which made it a bit difficult on the bikes.
The beach along the way
Surveying the area
See the lighthouse in the far distance, we rode out nearly to that.
The narrow path we came along going out to the point
The view back from where we had come
A guy on one of those funny boards that seem to fly on top of the water
Tom sucking in \240his tummy
Our return trip was about 13.5 kms
Again we had to have the great g/f fish and chip tasting for lunch. \240These ones were ok but not as good as Hervey Bay.
Nearly forgot to take the photo
Marg had real fish and chips
Brian opted for a Wagu burger which he thoroughly enjoyed
Home for a rest, then Brian went for a drink with Mike Slater, a guy who used to live in StArnaud.
Shepherds Pie for tea tonight. A friend had delivered one for Tom & Marg, so not knowing the g/f factor, Marg & Brian had that one while Marg had the base of a g/f pie in the freezer, so I finished that off for Tom & I.
Watching Carlton beat Collingwood, Marg will be happy.
Brian had heard there was to be a Car Show & Shine at Nambour this morning so we set off to have a look. Drove the 20kms there but was very disappointed as there wasn’t any cars on show, only lots and lots of stalls selling lots of rubbish.
Brian’s knee/back was giving him a lot of pain so we decided to go home.
Stopped at an IGA on the way home (some where) and bought the few things I couldn’t get the other day. It was not a bad store and I bought a few extras!!!! Decided to make some soup for next weeks lunches for the 4 of us. Saw a packet that gave you nearly everything (spices etc) for a Mulligatawny Soup, so I thought I’d give it a go. Just had to add some chicken, onion, carrots & celery. Turned out very different, but we’ll see tomorrow what it tastes like.
Restful afternoon, Brian went down to Happy Hour with Mick and the boys. I went down later when Kay arrived.
Before that I’d had a drink on the beach with Tom & Marg, Jenny & Barry.
Pizzas for tea tonight,
Sitting on the beach having Happy Hour - nice and sunny for a change
Brian is down there somewhere having a drink with Mick Slater
Mick and the boys
Kay & I having a chat in the descending sunset
Last day here at Maroochydore, 6 days have flown.
Brian went for a swim in the sea, hasn’t really been warm enough until today, while I decided to clean the Venetian blinds. Got a bit of dust off but not a fantastic job. It will do!!
After lunch we started to pack up a bit for our departure tomorrow. Marg decided that we all deserved a treat so we went over to the icecream shop for a cone each - very nice.
Happy hour on the beach for the last time. Leftover Shepherds Pie for tea then watched the Logies. Not sure why as it was very ordinary!!
Early start tomorrow
31st July
Left Maroochydore after Brian washed most of the van. Then we had the wonderful trip along the Bruce Highway- M1. We, especially me, weren’t looking forward to travelling along this stretch of highway. It wasn’t too bad but it does get scary when you have these great huge trucks passing you with inches to spare.
Managed to get nearly all the way to Burleigh Heads without incident, then we learnt that there was an accident ahead of us causing a traffic jam. Lucky we were at an exit we could go off on to avoid the congestion but so did about 500 other vehicles. It took us over an hour to Tavel about 15kms.
The start of the traffic jam on the Motorway, it went for miles apparently
Finally arrived \240and set up. Tom & John were already here.
Not a bad position
Kay & Barry , previously owned our van, \240are here so they popped around to have a chat with us. Was good to catch up with them again
Crunchy Pork Staeks with Garlic potatoes & veges for tea.
1st August.
Brian went to see the Dr this morning about his knee and back. He thinks that he has done his meniscus in his knee and recommended a MRI - only thing is we have to pay for it as it’s been referred from a GP. If a specialist orders it , it’s bulk billed. Decided to ring John Dillons rooms and see what he thought about it . Surprisingly, John himself rang back and said don’t worry about the MRI and he would see Brian when we get home.
Did some chores , had another chat to Kay & \240Barry. Marg & Tom had gone into the hospital so that Marg could get her plaster removed & stiches out. . Took them a few hours but Marg is happy now that it’s all been done and she’s now in a Moon Boot again.
They had line dancing this afternoon which was fun to watch from our van.
Corn Beef tonight with Mums mustard sauce, thanks Margie.
Shopping day today - we need groceries, meat, veges and most importantly, alcohol.
First we had to go to bike shop and buy a cover for Brian’s bike as it seems to rain constantly here. That cost a wee bit more than we intended. \240Next was to the Dometic factory to buy a top for the awning arm that we stuffed up the other day. Not sure we have bought the right one but we’ll try and work it out.
Next, supermarket etc. \240 Made a hairdressers appointment and also an appointment for a pedicure tomorrow.
Happy hour with Kay& Barry tonight - we didn’t stop talking for about 2 hours, then take a way for tea which wasn’t all that wonderful.
Barb Breaks put a photo of Dad tonight from football days.
Slept in a bit late today, not sure why as we went to sleep earlier than usual. Hardly had breakfast and Tom was calling out to see if we wanted to go for a ride. I reneged but Brian went. They rode to Currumbin and back, about 16kms. Meanwhile I waited for a call from Vesna re patches, then walked over the bridge to the hairdressers.
This was the pre version.
Happy with my cut, photo tomorrow.
After lunch we went back to Dometic to change the part for the awning arm. Find we need a new half arm but unfortunately they only have black ones, not white. They are trying to locate one for us.
Home, cooked Massaman Curry for tea.
The bin train that goes past every day - sometimes with up to 12 bins.
Happy hour, bit cooler these nights.
John got a bit cool so found his beanie. Here he is telling us stories from when he was on the farm
Day of eating today.
Lunch with Kay & Barry at the Surf Life Saving Club - Club Talle. They are leaving on Sunday to head south so this is the last we will see them probably. Menu is not very gluten free friendly, not a lot of choices. I ended up having Satay Chicken sticks and rice ( an Entree) and Brian had the Fish Tacos. My chicken was very dry, Brian’s Tacos were very nice
Kay & Barry
A lovely couple, they are building a house at Tocumwal which is about 2 hours from us so we’ll keep in touch.
Home for a bit of a rest, then back we go with the group. Tom pushed Marg in her wheelchair, Brian battled walking as every time he walks any distance, his sciatica plays up dreadfully.
Chose the Thai Beef Salad this time as I wasn’t hungry and I also wasn’t feeling wonderful. It was 90% lettuce and 10% beef and noodles. Lucky I wasn’t hungry. Wasn’t very nice at all. Tom had a chicken dish that was also very dry so we won’t be going back there, I hope as it certainly doesn’t cater for us.
The others meals were all really nice looking and tasty.
Walked home and in bed by 8pm to watch the footy. Record for us, I think.
Tom & I went to the Burleigh Heads school Farmers Market. We went to this last year and discovered a fellow selling G/f bread and other products. Luckily he was there again, so we bought a few bits and pieces.
Stopped at Stocklands to pick up a couple of things, then home. I decided that I wanted to put baskets in my pantry on the upper shelf. Thought I’d found some in the Reject shop but when I got them home,they were too big. We’ll take them back tomorrow.
Cleaned up the pantry so it doesn’t look so bad now.
Prepared tea, Chicken Roll ups, Scalloped potatoes, carrots & broccoli.
Early night to watch the footy.
Had a bit of a cleaning fad this morning. Cleaned around the bottom of the shower that I can’t reach properly when I’m in the shower, then leaned the floor and all the little crevices that are hard to get at
Next was the pantry, decided to use the baskets I had bought yesterday. Changed things around so now I hope I can find things a bit easier plus they won’t fall out when we travel.
After a very nice lunch of Lamb Koftas and coleslaw in a wrap I tried to read my book. Didn’t get far as my eyes kept closing
Happy hour - Marg & Faye were watching \240the Carlton game against ?, they won anyway. It was very chilly tonight
All rugged up for the chill, practicing for when we get home!.,
Pizzas for teas tonight.
Rode the bikes to Burleigh Heads this morning to meet up with Tom & Marg for a coffee so that Marg could at least have a look at the ocean. Today is quite cool, a really artic wind is developing.
They are dredging sand from the other side of the bridge to build up the sand on this side
Rode a bit further up to have a look around
Clouds are starting to build up
Back home for lunch as it’s got even colder. Spent the afternoon finishing my book, at last, and Brian rested his knee.
No happy hour tonight, toooo cold.
Chicken Biryani for tea.
Watched the Matilda’s v Denmark. 1 to 0 at the moment at the start of the 2nd half
Started out the day as usual, slept in, breakfast, cleaned out the freezer, but then I decided I really needed my pedicure. So of we went to Stocklands, Brian dropped me off and I \240finally got my pedicure. Not the best one I’ve had but at least I have shorter nails and better looking nail polish. Shop at Woolies, again and then Brian picked me up.
After lunch Brian was fiddling under the bonnet of the car and the boys came to investigate what was going on.
I’m sure two out of the three probably had no idea what they were looking at.!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣
Brian was looking at the battery for the Engel, it’s starting to play up and the guy in the van next to us is an Auto Electrician. He had to go back to work yesterday and was going to bring a new battery back with him for us to change over. Cost unknown at this stage!!
They’ll change it over in the morning.
Rest again this afternoon, I’m liking these afternoon rests, then happy hour.
Snitzels with Pepper Gravy, Chat potatoes with garlic butter and coleslaw for tea.
Up early so Brian could get his new battery from Brett next door. The battery for the Engel was failing so thanks to a random good deed - Brian helped Brett get into their site the other day- he sold us a new battery for cost. He has an Auto Electrician business in Brisbane. He had to go back to work and came back last night to pick up his wife Sue.
New battery installed and working well.
We all went over the road to the Custard Canteen cafe, Brian & I ride while the others drove. We bought one of their specialties - Blueberry and Lemon Curd Muffin which we shared 1 per 2 of us. Bonus was that they were g/f. They make them on site and they would have to be the best muffin I have ever had. Will have to definitely go back for another one soon.
Just delicious
While the others drive around to Burleigh , Brian & I rode - we were going Whale Watching
Unfortunately the whales had gone, yesterday they were everywhere apparently, today - no sign of them at all!!😩😩😩😩😩
Watching and watching and watching
Nothing there
A view of Burleigh Heads and Surfers Paradise.
While we were watching for whales some Asian people came and stood directly in front of us posing for photos. Marg decided to do her own pose!!
I rode back home but Brian decided to go a bit further. He ended up going all the way to Coolangatta- 15 kms away
Finally came back, had lunch, rested.
Tom requested Sausages with Onion Gravy with Mash, Carrots & Peas for tonight.
Todays ride, only about 10 Kms
Had a bit of a bad night, too much dairy I think but I feel ok this morning.
Had a caravan repair fellow, Dion come to have a look at the awning and he said he could help fix it next Monday.
We went back to Dometic but they didn’t have the half arm so we decided we’d get the brand new ones and replace both arms. We’ll attempt to claim it through Insurance
While we were in the area we went to a Vietnamese takeaway in an industrial area called Miss Saigon. Brian finally got to have his Pho soup. It was the best he’s ever had, real authentic Vietnamese cooking. This place was just a little place in the middle of all these industries, they were really busy. Thankyou to Mrs Google for finding this.
Might have to go back for another one before we leave.
Had a couple of Spring Rolls to go with it
I couldn’t have the Spring Rolls so I had some Rice Paper Rolls which were very nice
Went to Bunnings to buy a container for our outside shoes.
Quiet afternoon, as usual
Porcupines, Mash & veges for tea tonight.
Not much happened today. Cleaned around the door of the ‘dirty box’ as the dirt and grime had made it look pretty awful. It’s now nice and clean, until we move again
Picked up our new awning arms from Dometic at a cost of $660. Dion is coming on Monday to fit them. Hope the insurance comes through.
Brian, Tom & Faye all had a swim as the weather is at last improving . I might go tomorrow!!!
Happy hour actually out in the open tonight.
Seafood Marinara & Garlic bread tonight.
Organised a ride with John, Tom & Brian \240to Surfers Paradise tomorrow. Could be interesting with all the pedestrians around on a weekend. They just don’t get out of the way. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Started off with a bike ride to Surfers Paradise - 25.5kms return. We should have called it ‘dodging the pedestrians’.
Still had a good ride, had a few stops and a coffee on the way back. That was my biggest ride I think, handled it well although my shoulder was very sore by the time we got back.
At Surfers.
There is an Air Show next weeekend so they
are busy putting up lots of infrastructure
The Q1 and the high risers of Surfers
On the way back we passed ‘Fawlty Towers’ - actually called Berkeley on the Beach. We stayed there several years ago with Tom & Marg and due to some funny happenings, we renamed it.
On the way home Tom & I checked out a bakery - Bam Bam who sell g/f lemon tarts. We had to buy one to taste test for Margs birthday next week, plus a couple of other ones!!
Unfortunately this was taken half way home after they had rattled around in my basket. It was very bumpy
25.5 kms
Home for lunch, Brian decided to have one of his gourmet delights - Sardines on toast with Poached Eggs plus a spoon of leftover Seafood Marinara???
Very different
Set up the TV outside to \240watch the Matilda’s - great game
We were all very engaged in the outcome
Shopping day again, have to get a few organised for next weeks meals.
I dislike walking in the shopping centres as I always have a sore back, hip and legs when I’ve finished.
Spent a couple of hours this afternoon cooking a Shepherd’s pie base for later in the week for both of us plus a Salmon Pasta Bake for tea.
Brian went for a swim in the sea, which he has been trying to do for a few days, then a swim in the pool.
Our last week here, amazing where the time has gone.
This time next week we’ll be ready to go.
Dion, the mobile repair man came this morning to help Brian fix the awning legs.
Job was done in no time and we now have 2 brand new awning arms. Now I just have to fight with the insurance company for a measly $400!! \240Hardly worth it. Whole lot cost about $900 but we apparently have a $500 excess, something I am going to investigate when I get home.
Dion & Brian doing their stuff
New arm
Damaged arm
Bit of a twist there.
Reset everything back up and by then it was lunchtime. Made some scones in the airfryer which were just ok.
Made Lasagne for tea tomorrow and to freeze for travelling home.
Roast Pork tonight.
Boys went for a ride to Coolangatta this morning, I reneged as my shoulder was still sore from the other day. Just as well as they rode nearly 30 kms.
Went to Stocklands to do a bit of shopping - chemist, Big W (for a cheap cover for my bike) and the inevitable Woolies but only for a couple of things
Started to rain which really set in so had a quiet afternoon. Didn’t sleep too well last night so had a bit of a nanny nap
Lasagne & salad for tea.
Margs birthday today - we are going to Northcliff Surf Life \240Club for lunch. \240Meals were very good, I had lamb rump which wasn’t so good but that was just a wrong choice.
Before picture - after Margs shower and sunning her leg
After photo, all dressed up
Brian had a Brazilian Stew - a mix of fish, prawns and chirozo in a tomato coconut broth
With 2 big hunks of garlic bread
A nice outlook at the ocean.
This years photo with the boys
Home for a rest then candles on a lemon tart and a lovely bottle of bubbles.
The candles kept falling over in the lemon tart, so had to put it in the choc mint slice ( which was a bonus slice)
The other two are Lyn & Don, friends of John & Faye’s who seem to pop up more and more at Happy Hour!!!!
The roulettes flew over while we were having lunch, practicing for the air show this weekend. A bit of a treat.
Faye even had a ‘tiny’ sip of bubbles, not like her at all.
Watched the Matilda’s against England, but unfortunately it wasn’t their night. They did well but couldn’t get those goals in. \240The park here put up a big screen and lots were watching from there. We didn’t though, watched the first half outside then inside for the second. Got a bit cold.
As they were setting up for the match
The others were going for lunch at Burleigh Heads with a group that they meet at Echuca each year but we declined as we didn’t know them. Instead we went to Currimbum RSL. We decided to have 3 starters instead of 2 main meals but the starters were as big as a main meal.
Half way through.
Supposed to go for a drive to Coolangatta but couldn’t be bothered as the traffic was horrendous as usual.
Stopped for milk and bread and back home again
Had Happy hour with Rob & Cath tonight. We met them here last year, they were beside us on the other site we had. Had a good couple hours then home
While we were at the RS
Started today by going over to Custard Canteen for breakfast, something we never do at home. Brian had an Egg & Bacon Roll and I had a g/f egg & bacon sandwich. They were bloody beautiful, best we’ve ever had. They were packed with bacon, cheese, rocket and egg with barbecue sauce and a Bernaise sauce. I normally wouldn’t be able to eat a whole sandwich but I managed most of it today.
He was really enjoying his roll before I wanted to take a photo
My g/f sandwich
While we were there we had to buy another Blueberry Muffin with lemon curd \240x 2 - 1 for us and the other for Tom & Marg. I didn’t think it was as good but I think you have to eat them soon after they come out of the oven.
Filled up with Fuel ready for our departure on Monday. Even put the spare chairs away and packed up the outside TV. The last 3 weeks have gone very quickly.
Happy hour with all of us and Jodie. I’m sure she thinks we are all geriatrics!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣
Had the twins come over from next door to say goodnight to us, their names are Radley and Jeb.
Little Jed, on the left , is a miracle baby - he was not supposed to be born alive but surprised everyone. . He’s had a few problems but he’s a gorgeous active little boy now. They are a couple of months of 3
Off to the footy today - Carlton vs Gold Coast Suns. Should be interesting, especially sitting next to Faye & Jodie, 2 very passionate Carlton supporters. Marg & Tom will be a level below us in the handicapped area to accommodate Margs wheelchair
Tom & I got up early and went into the market to get some g/f bread. Bought unsliced white this time which is a lot better than the multigrain. I even had fresh crust with butter for the first time in a long time. Very nice.
Made a sandwich for lunch that I didn’t have to toast 😆😆 - it tasted fantastic.
Footy was good but the sun was in our eyes for most of the game, making it hard to see. I think I got a bit sunburnt which I don’t normally do.
You can see how sunny it was.
The banner before they ran through -
A bit of pre game practice
Marg all tucked up in her wheelchair site. It actually was a pretty good seat except for the yobbos behind her. Tom sat there with her also
As the Air Show is on we thought there might have been a fly over. All we had was this lone plane having a bit of a sticky beak
Two very happy Carlton supporters. It was a close game at the end but Carlton won by a few points
Brian met up with Ian’s brother Ken, who lives up here at Hope Island
We had parked in a different area so that getting Marg in and out of the stadium was a bit easier. It certainly worked for when we arrived but leaving it was a different matter. We sat in line for 45 mins before we moved, \240before we had left the stadium. Once we got out we moved pretty well
Stopped at Burleigh Heads to get out g/f fish and chips. We haven’t had a chance to try any out since we’ve been here so tonight was the night. We went to Red Hot Cod In Burleigh and while the fish was very plentiful & very tasty , both g/f and normal, the chips were extremely disappointing. I think we’ve had enough fish and chips now to last a while. Our consensus was that the fish and chips at Hervy Bay were by far the very best. They didn’t look or taste anything like g/f. I kept waiting to get a reaction, but I didn’t.
Sitting at a table so we could look at the sea, unfortunately by the time we got there it was dark, so there was nothing to see.
There is soft drink in those glasses, not allowed alcohol on the foreshore apparently
Home to
Our time here has come to an end - tomorrow we leave to finally go home.
The little boys next door are leaving so while their parents packed up, Tom took them for a walk in Margs wheelchair.
2 very happy little boys, although Jed was feeling a bit unwell
Spent the day packing up, putting away and cleaning. Brian did a few things outside then decided to go for a last ride to Surfers Paradise to see if he could see any action at the Air Show. He was very lucky that he did as he saw lots of planes do lots of daredevil actions. He also managed to find a Vietnamese restaurant and had his last bowl of Pho soup.
Cath came to say goodbye, had a lovely chat, \240then our final happy hour over at John’s because Tom had packed up everything.
Last dinner with Tom & Marg - Shepherds Pie with a bottle of bubbles. It will be strange tomorrow to go back to cooking for two of us after 5 weeks of cooking for 4
These pigeons?? are everywhere around the park, gorgeous colours but I couldn’t capture the purple around his neck.
Packed up and left about 9.30 am. It was strange to say goodbye to Tom & Marg after being with them for so long.
Travelled along the motorway for a while, then turned of towards Lismore. After a lot of deliberation we had decided to go this way to Tenterfield where we planned took for a free camp somewhere. It didn’t take us long to realise that we had made a big mistake as this was the road we were on last year that was extremely windy and hilly. We declared we’d never go on it again. \240We should have listened to Barry and Kaye when they told us to go via Nerang to Warwick and down.
Couldn’t find a good camp at Tenterfield so kept going until we got to the Kookaburra Camping and Caravan Park. This is in the middle of absolutely nowhere, has no power or water but has toilets and showers and fire pits.
Lit a fire which we haven’t had for a long time
Love a great fire
Brian went foraging on my scooter for some wood - the little girl has lots of uses
Our campsite, there were a couple of other vans here.
Had some Spag Bol for tea and then played Monopoly as there is no TV coverage. I think I won but we both got tired and called it a draw.
Big day tomorrow to Coonabarabran which is about 400kms away.
Brian this morning \240using my scooter to empty the toilet. This was the view at the front of our van. We were site no 268
Left our free camp at the Kookaburras, we set of to do a long run to Coonabarabran, some 412kms away. Normally we only do about 300 kms at the most but decided we’d go a bit further today.
Went through a few hills and bends but nothing \240too taxing. Stopped at Bingara to have lunch - leftover Mulligawatty? Soup ( that’s not how you spell it) and Brian had a rest for about 30 mins. Stopped at a lovely Memorial Park where there was lots of rooms for vans to park up - day use only.
Then the fun started - Mrs Google doesn’t recognise that we have a caravan unfortunately so she took us a bit of a short cut - right over a bloody big mountain
As we were driving along, Brian said to me - I hope we are going around that mountain in front of us,
Unfortunately we didn’t go around it, we went over it
All t
After a very cold night without the heater we packed up and headed for Dubbo. It was only about 150kms away so it was an easy day. Left most of the big hills behind us, had to go over a couple but nothing like yesterday.
Went to a caravan repairer when we got to Dubbo but he was too busy to even look at the battery. He said we should have 2 batteries or it will keep happening - funny thing is we have had the van for 8 years and free camped a fair bit but have not had that happen before. When we get home we’ll get Shannon to come over and check out the 12 volt system.
We were supposed to have another couple of nights free camping but we might revise that now until we work out what is going on. Incidentally, the battery volts were back to normal today!!!
After lunch we had to do a Woolies run, only a bit and had a drive around Dubbo. Seems to be a lot of very very overweight young women and derelicts around here. Not a place we would like to live in.
Caravan park is ok, close to the zoo so we can ride tomorrow.
Sore tummy today - don’t think the Chinese was entirely g/f last night!!😩😩😩😩😩
After a lovely sleep in we went to the Taronga Western Plains Zoo. It was just up the road, that’s why we stayed at this park, so we rode our bikes.
After paying, \240which cost $78, \240we went to the entrance where a lady challenged me about my scooter. She said that scooters were not allowed in the park. I told her that I used it as an aid for my back and I couldn’t walk around the 5 kms of the park. She reluctantly let me in as she said she would class it as a mobility aid - which I guess it is. Had lots of comments from people walking around wondering where I got it from and wanting to buy one. I should start up a side business.
First stop was to the African Wild Dog, then onto the Black Rhino. Must have been sleep time as he didn’t move. Would have thought it was a statue, except his ears kept moving.
African Wild Dog
Sound asleep!!
Saw some Meercats, silly little things
Next were Zebras and Giraffes
Having a bit of a munch
Zebras were galloping around everywhere
Then onto the Elephants.
Frolicking in the water
This one was a bit randy I think
Went around and saw lots of others, even got swooped by a bloody magpie on my ear, nearly knocked me off my bike. ( it still hurts)
Altogether we rode around the zoo for about 3.5 hours and covered about 8 kms, plus 6 kms getting there and back
The Lions lair, minus the lions. They were off somewhere where we couldn’t see them.
The lionesses were having a bit of a cruise back here.
Tasmanian Devil
Sumartra Lion
I am not a Zoo person as I think it’s cruel to take the animals out of their environment but this zoo was fantastic. They all looked well cared for, very healthy and had lots of room. Thoroughly enyoyed the day. Lots of staff around everywhere.
Home for a bit of a rest, talked to some people who had a roof top tent, Brian is still trying to get me to agree to one to go around Tasmania - I think he’s got buckleys!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Chicken Burgers (I made them) \240for tea but we decided that we can’t cope with too much bread these days.
Put the diesel heater on tonight as we froze last night. It started without any problem and didn’t even blow any smoke. \240Should have put it on last night!!! We don’t generally use it in caravan parks as we are never sure when it will blow smoke but after Brian took it apart and cleaned it out a few months ago, it seems to be working well. ( not that we have used it much since then)
Off to Beckom tomorrow
Mary was around home today and sent a couple of photos
Travel day today, leaving Dubbo and finishing at Beckom, our favourite little free camp.
We noticed that the paddocks were a lot greener and lots had crops on them. This was a change from previous days where there seemed to be drought conditions.
Uneventful trip, arrived at Beckom about 2.30pm - no one else here which is fairly usual.
Our set up \240here, all alone
The pub - fairly well dated but still operating. Don’t do meals normally but they were doing pizzas tonight. If we had of known we maybe could have had one as he does g/f bases (home made)
Lots of crops around, all looking very healthy
Went over to the pub for an obligatory drink, a lot don’t apparently but it’s the least we can do when they supply power, toilets and a really good free camp.
We had deconstructed Shepherds Pie for tea - I had the base in the freezer but didn’t feel like mash, so made Scalloped Potatoes - heated up the base and put the Potatoes on top. It was very nice and a bit different than normal.
Diesel heater is purring along very nicely, it’s really quite cold outside.
Off to see Phil tomorrow at Oakland’s.
Left Beckom and headed for Oakland’s to visit Phil. Pleasant drive then sat out the front of the house in the sun with the boys, Brad, Marty & Phil having a few drinks.
Cooked some sausages & Onions in bread for the boys for lunch, then got ready to go to the pub for tea.
Walked to the pub, Phil’s house is just behind the pub with a very convenient lane way between. Not much for me to drink so I had a couple cans of Vodka. Pork chops for tea, not much in the g/f area for me. Wasn’t too bad.
Phil is sitting down here & I am standing up.
After tea I had an Espresso Martini, out of a can. Cost $11 and was triple what you get in a restaurant, 1 glass costing $20. Wasn’t too bad, I’ll buy one again - must look for them at Uncle Dans.
Great glass to drink it from!!
Back home to Phil’s, watched a bit of footy, then back to the van to bed
Homeward bound - left Phil’s about 9.30am. Brian wanted to see a mate in Tocumwal, Polly who has been ill lately. Had a coffee with him then continued on.
Arrived home about 3pm. A big day with very few stops. Once Brian headed for home he wanted to get there as quick as he could.
Lovely to come home to nicely mown grass and weed free garden beds. The roses have been pruned. Still have to do a bit of tidying up but everything looks great
Had a visit from Mary, Corbin, Elisha and girls and finally Crossy so didn’t manage to unpack a lot.
Got the basics in, then made pizza for tea with what I \240had available.
It was great to sit in our recliners beside the fire tonight.
We’ve had a great holiday but it all has to come to an end.