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Nov 02 2016
We all got up early today in our cramped room. Carsten and Christopher slept on couch bed, Christian slept on rollaway bed. Everyone in good spirits.

Hampton inn near ohare airport.
Nov 05 2016
Made it to Dresden, and so far survived driving here. At Starbucks have drinks and surfing the internet. The first airbnb is here. We first got notification they were moving us to a diff apt, same layout diff floor. No internet, but the apt is really big. Everyone is tired. The first 2 days in Berlin we never stopped. Left early came back late. Over 9 miles walking each day. Kids are beat!

Nov 06 2016
At Cafe Schinkelwache in Dresden. Kids are enjoying non alcohol drinks and desert for dinner

Nov 06 2016
Sitting back relaxing at the Dresden airbnb right now. Today was a great day. We only had one thing planned and that was to see the Dresden castle. We drove the rental car and found it by accident. It was a big square with lots of shops, old buildings, performers, souvenir shops and foods. The kids and Donna had bratwurst and salami and humus sandwiches. Carsten went the the library of the oldest castle in Dresden.
Driving around is scary and interesting st the same time. For dinner we went to a cafe. We let the kids sit at a table by themselves and Oder whatever they wanted. It was relaxing. Christopher and Christian ordered chicken and veggie soup and non alcohol drinks. Carsten has sweet crepes in and vanilla ice cream. For dessert the 2 youngest has crepes and wild berries and sauce and Carsten had a chocolate dessert.

Nov 07 2016
Today we drove to the airbnb in heroldsberg so we can visit Nuremberg. Michael the host met us and showed us the place. It's an extension of his home. It is very modern with automatic shades in the windows, all solar home. The views are great. We shopped at a natural organic shop and bought cheese, bratwurst some cereal and miss things. Carsten had a rash and canker sores so we got medicine too. We finally got wifi!! Yay. Feels good to cook food. Can't wait to try the bacon ham and eggs tomorrow

View from our room

Nov 09 2016
We left Nuremberg at 830am for a 4 hour drive to Freiburg. I drove most of the way. It's nice be able to drive fast on the autobahn. We went downtown since checking is 1500. We saw downtown and drove around. Then we drove to the farmhouse. This is an interesting place. It's outside city limits in a beautiful meadow. The home is old and has a small scent of grass/hay. The floors all lean one way or another but it feels safe. A big wood burning stove/oven helps keep this large home warm along with radiators and mobile radiators. We are watching foreign news on the 2016 elections. Interesting to hear how biased the news is here against Trump. While we have been in Germany Carsten had been going up to people and asking them for their views on our election, and people we come across like at the vodaphone place when they find we are American they ask who we voted for. They all seem to hate Trump.
Nov 11 2016
Yesterday we went on our Black Forest walk/hike. We started out walking through the town of Kirchzarten and then we went into the black forest where Christian fell but did not hurt himself too bad everybody was a trooper in the and we all had fun. Most of the walk was through the outskirts of the town with rolling hills mountains a lot of nice scenery, see pictures

Nov 11 2016
We dropped Carsten off at the university so he could look up some political papers. They didn't have the ones he really wanted to see but they reserved it for him in London. Now we are on our way to Basel Switzerland
Nov 11 2016
Eating dinner at Buffalo Grill in France

The drive was nice to outside of Paris where we stayed at the Marriott. It's odd not being able to read any road signs. We all slept real good
Edit dec 29 just remembered something about this restaurant. The location of this place reminded me of some restaurants in Santa Clarita, the signs and logo colors and layout. I guess we got here early in the night(around 5) cause we were the only ones here. Thankfully the waiter spoke some English. About 20 min later people started coming in and we found the place to be like a chili's and outback vibe, but more lit up. The place was a family kind of place. It was cool and a little odd to see little kids laughing (no language difference in laughter) but hearing parents talking in French.
Nov 12 2016
Woke up at the Marriott near Paris today and went to this mall next to the hotel. Christian was detained since he brought his backpack with him. I snapped some pics of this. The guard ran up to us later on and someone must have told him someone in our group was taking pictures and Carsten had taken one pic and they asked him to delete it since it had their face in it. So he did. They were happy with this and I got to keep the pics I took since they thought that was all we took. We bought another big luggage. Then we drove to the other Marriott, but it was the wrong one so they told us how to get to the other one which is not really a Marriott but called Paris Roissy Charles de Galle. Then we took a shuttle from the hotel to the airport. When we saw more military guys locked and loaded walking around the train station and not knowing where to get off and the cost of it we decided to return to the hotel and drive to Paris. Donna is really doing a wonderful job driving in town. It's pretty stressful and she's doing great. We saw the catacombs, went to dinner at this hole in the wall(good food) then drove to hotel

Nov 14 2016
Today was very busy. Early wake up and walk from airbnb to the Bastille where we got a cab to the Eiffel Tower. Then we went to a cafe and had crepes and coffee. Donna , Christian and Christopher went to the summit and Carsten and I went to the 2nd floor. Carsten and I walked to the first floor cause he wanted to eat at the cafe, but I climbed the stairs back up to the 2nd floor. Kicked my butt. Everyone had a great time! Then we jumped on the tour bus and transferred to Mauloin Rouge to go to pastry shop. But it was closed. So we went to this place that is part of the call of duty map called resistance. We then we went to a different pastry shop and got a baguette and lots of pastries. So good! Back on tour bus. Stopped at crepe place and pizza place near the airbnb

Nov 15 2016
Woke up early and headed out with all our luggage through the rain soaked streetsto the Bastille where we got a 6 seat van by the grace of God waiting for us. The driver was helpful loading all the luggage. Going through border control was painful with Christopher setting off alarms because of hit Fitbit. The train is nice with wifi. Me and the boys are sitting at a table and Donna is sitting across from us

Nov 15 2016
Donna hit the curb and blew up the tire. We are 10 min from the rental place. Kids and I are getting a dominoes pizza

Nov 16 2016
At the National Football Museum Manchester

We spent 4 1/2 hours here today. Christian and the kids really enjoyed it here. We all did these football plus activities that we can download when we get home.
We then got some mini pancakes, a bunch of cheese and some chocolate desserts. Went back to hotel to relax and charge phones. I took a 2 hour nap. Then Christopher and Christian went ice skating. Christian got the hang of it pretty quick. Christopher did well too, but fell down a few times. So proud of him that he would get back up and try again! Then we went to Byrons burgers restaurant and had a proper meal! This was really good food. The bill came to 120 pounds. It was worth it

Nov 17 2016
Leaving Manchester. Christian just said he feels like he's in a TV show being in England and hearing all the slang and accents

Nov 18 2016
At the British library. Carsten is doing some research for a school paper here and we are all at the cafe eating real delicious foods and drinks.

Nov 18 2016
We took a sidetrack from walking to Piccadilly Circus to go to Chipotle.
Nov 20 2016
Today we got around on the underground with no issues. We got on the hop on hop off bus tour and ride around in freezing weather. We saw quite a few protests. Went on the London Eye. Everyone seemed to enjoy that. Took boat ride on the Thames.
Nov 20 2016
While waiting for the redline bus these girls from Panama were filming Christian and asking him what he thought about panama girls butts. He thought they were saying Adams apples
Nov 20 2016
These past few days in Kew Bridge going into London has been stressful and fun at the same time. The train system is a pain to navigate and they are always having outages and delays on certain lines which mean you have to figure out alternate routes to get where you are going. Today we went to London Tower and Lush and got a bunch of bath bombs. Then went to a 50's diner and were served by Armenian women and British and South African cooks.
Nov 22 2016
Today we leave the U.K.
It has been an amazing trip. We are all tired and ready to go home though! Just some light packing left and we need to get a cab for the ride to the airport. This picture was taken early today from inside our bedroom

Nov 22 2016
Getting on the plane.
Christopher took a time lapse of our departure. The seats and space are quite a bit smaller than the airberlin flight out here

Nov 23 2016
Landed at ORD
Nov 23 2016
Driving home in rental car and