-once we landed we had to speed walk to our London flight but we made it!!
-the plane is SO GIANT!!! (that’s just our section!) (there are 2 + first class)

-today nana and papa and maya (dog sitter) all met us at our house and said goodbye!!
-I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!! 😃😃
-we stopped at auntie Lisa’s so mom could pick up a European hair straightener and got lunch from Opa (so good:))
-we got on the shuttle and got through security with 3hours to spare!
-our flight was delayed by an hour and a half so we got jugo juice smoothies and wraps for supper
-when we were flying to Edmonton, we went over a storm and I saw lightning and a rainbow!
-once we landed we had to speed walk to our London flight but we made it!!
-the plane is SO GIANT!!! (that’s just our section!) (there are 2 + first class)
-we are over Nunavut here!! 🤩
-slept on the plane but only for little bits at a time and for 4ish hours but that’s ok!! ✈️
-when we got off the plane, we freshened up and went through customs (smooth so far!)
-we got on a train and went to Victoria station and then dropped our bags (thank goodness those weigh a TON!!)
-after we had walked back and forth and back and forth (trying to find the bus we need to take to the British Library) we got lunch (sandwiches from a really fresh/nice chain restaurant called Pret!)
-we got on our train and walked over to the British Library!!
-the architecture is AMAZING 😍
-there was ORIGINAL music written by the Beatles, Beethoven, and Bach and books from the year 1200!! so cool to see all of that history
-we took a train back to Victoria station, walked to get our bags, and walked back to the train station
-mom asked where we were supposed to go and we got on our train with 1 minute before it left!
-after we got off the train at Clapham Junction, we waited at the bus stop for the right bus
*here’s where things get a little wild*
-apple maps told us that we had to wait and get off ten stops after we got on
-the numbers on the buildings were completely wrong from the address on the printed paper and mom said that she saw Premier Inn back a couple stops on the bus... not TOO far though
-we walked and walked and walked (about 1.6km WITH our HEAVY backpacks on) until we finally arrived at our hotel! 😅
-we all flopped down on the beds for a couple minutes, showered and then got supper (just from the hotel we were NOT walking anymore today 😂)
-after we just came back, brushed our teeth and went to bed!
-today was such a crazy day but it was a good experience 😍
-today was our first morning at the hotel and we had breakfast there!! I had sausage, potatoes, hash browns, a chocolate croissant, fruit, a mango smoothie juice, and CRUMPETS!!!
-these things are the best food in all of England!!! They are AMAZING 🙌🏽
-after breakfast we went to Buckingham Palace for the Changing of the Guard
-one of the workers at the hotel told us about an app called Citymapper (this thing is a LIFESAVER!!)
-once we got to the palace (so cool!!) we found a spot to watch the ceremony
-there were two different uniforms and they both had a band and people with guns
-they played as they walked in and then the guards changed, they played music inside of the gates, and then came out of the gates and played music as they walked away (they’re steps are all in crazy unison)
-we headed to Green Park across from the palace and found Canada’s monument
-me and mom put our feet in and me and Evan put our arms in (it was so nice to cool down because it was so hot during the ceremony!)
-we walked through Green Park o Hyde Park and explored around there!! It is SO PRETTY 😍😍
-I had took some Wheetabix from breakfast and it was really dry so Evan fed it to the pigeons 😂 he wanted one to land on his hand although he didn’t succeed
-we found a place to fill up our water bottles and go to the washroom and then me and Evan got ice cream! 🍦 the man working the cart was so so kind and gave us a very big sample before we bought the ice cream
-while we were waiting for the bus to take us to Westminster Abbey, mom looked at the map and saw that we were walking distance from the Natural History Museum (which we were going to do after) as we were walking there we saw the Science Museum and went there first!
-it was really cool!!
-after that Evan phoned Nana and Papa in a red telephone booth! They couldn’t hear him but the thought was there!
-we went to the Natural History Museum which was really cool!!! I liked it better than the science museum -1 it was smaller and 2 it had more interactive components (one of them was an earthquake simulator!)
-we went on a bus to Picadilly Square and dad and Evan went to Hamleys (a 5 story toy store) and me and mom went to Hollister
-after we went to Brandy Melville and a shoe store I got a crop top that says L O N D O N and Evan got green NMDs
-we had shoes at a pub and mom tried to order fish and chips and the worker said they didn’t have chips and then someone else came and said they did have chips 😂
-red double decker busses are everywhere here!!
-today I had this same breakfast as yesterday- SO GOOD!!
-we sarted the day off by going to the Tate Modern museum which was so cool!! Also there was a bunch of school groups there beause they go to school from September to July
-on the tenth floor 😶 of the museum there was a viewing area!! The view was incredible 😍🤩
-when we went outside there was swing that me and Evan played on and then we got lunch from a “fast food” place called Leon’s (I got a shrimp salad which was really good!!)
-we walked through Borough Market and then walked towards the London Bridge! On our way there we saw the cutest/funniest dog 😍
-London Bridge!!
-we walked all the way around to Tower Bridge and realized that we were running a little bit behind 😂
-we got on a river tour/ cruise and boated over to the London Eye!
-we got off and SPRINTED to the London Eye which was pretty ironic because it was the ONE thing that we had bought tickets for in all of London 😂
-the carts were really big and on the Ferris wheel you could see SO MUCH of London!!! It was really cool!!
-after this we got on a bus and went to Westminster Abbey, Parliment buildings, and St Paul’s Cathedral (all of the architecture on these buildings was AMAZING!!! There was so much detail on all of them and I loved seeing them!!)
-we found a little courtyard where I felt like I was in a fairytale 😍
-England is playing against Columbia in the fifa World Cup tonight so we went to a pub and watched the start of the game while we ate super!!! The way British people aware is really funny and me and mom laughed for a long time whenever the red would make a bad call against England 😂😂
-breakfast!!!! Here are the famous crumpets that I talked about all day yesterday!
-after breakfast we finished packing up and got on the train to go to the train station where we got on the Chunnel!!
-here is our ride from England to France! Under the ocean and we went 266km an hour!! The French country side was a lot like Alberta’s but it was really cool to see it across the world!
-when we got to Paris it was just like our first day in the sense that it was overwhelming and I was kind of unsure if I would like it (no 2km Walsh though so that was a plus!)
-we went to our Airbnb and the owner showed us around and then we freshened up to go to the Justin Timberlake concert!!!
-we got supper from a little Italian restaurant and the went into the stadium
-the DJ and shadow boxers were the openers and they went on for 2 hours so at the end of their preformances we were about ready to leave 😂
-but then Justin Timberlake came on and we danced and sang!!!! Paris really knows how to party!! 🎊🎊
-we left early so that we didn’t have to deal with the crowd lol
-for breakfast dad went to a bakery and got a GIANT bag of pasteries and I had a chocolate croissant and some baguette
-we got on the train and went to the Eiffel Tower!!!!
-I got my first glimpse of it as we came around the corner after we left the train station 😃😃
-for breakfast dad went to a bakery and got a GIANT bag of pasteries and I had a chocolate croissant and some baguette
-we got on the train and went to the Eiffel Tower!!!!
-I got my first glimpse of it as we came around the corner after we left the train station 😃😃
-for breakfast dad went to a bakery and got a GIANT bag of pasteries and I had a chocolate croissant and some baguette
-we got on the train and went to the Eiffel Tower!!!!
-I got my first glimpse of it as we came around the corner after we left the train station 😃😃
-for breakfast dad went to a bakery and got a GIANT bag of pasteries and I had a chocolate croissant and some baguette
-we got on the train and went to the Eiffel Tower!!!!
-I got my first glimpse of it as we came around the corner after we left the train station 😃😃
-for breakfast dad went to a bakery and got a GIANT bag of pasteries and I had a chocolate croissant and some baguette
-we got on the train and went to the Eiffel Tower!!!!
-I got my first glimpse of it as we came around the corner after we left the train station 😃😃
-for breakfast dad went to a bakery and got a GIANT bag of pasteries and I had a chocolate croissant and some baguette
-we got on the train and went to the Eiffel Tower!!!!
-I got my first glimpse of it as we came around the corner after we left the train station 😃😃
-for breakfast dad went to a bakery and got a GIANT bag of pasteries and I had a chocolate croissant and some baguette
-we got on the train and went to the Eiffel Tower!!!!
-I got my first glimpse of it as we came around the corner after we left the train station 😃😃
-for breakfast dad went to a bakery and got a GIANT bag of pasteries and I had a chocolate croissant and some baguette
-we got on the train and went to the Eiffel Tower!!!!
-I got my first glimpse of it as we came around the corner after we left the train station 😃😃
-for breakfast dad went to a bakery and got a GIANT bag of pasteries and I had a chocolate croissant and some baguette
-we got on the train and went to the Eiffel Tower!!!!
-I got my first glimpse of it as we came around the corner after we left the train station 😃😃
-we waited in line and went underneath the tower and stood right in the middle!!
-we went on the elevator to the second floor and I just stood and looked off of the balcony in awe. I couldn’t believe that this was real life!
-then we looked at our tickets and realized that we got to go to the VERY VERY top!!!!!!! An elevator took us alllll the way up and the view was AMAZING 🤩🤩🤩🤩 I just look over the balcony in awe I was so happy and thankful
-everything was so small and we saw the Notre Dame!!
-we went back down and stopped on every floor!! The first floor was partly made of glass and if you stood on it you could see the ground!
-me dad and Evan all walked down the stairs to get to the bottom, mom took the elevator
-we went to a bakery and each good a baked good to eat in front of the Eiffel Tower!!! (Evan got a chocolate croissant, I had a chocolate eclair, mom had a regular croissant, and dad had a raisin croissant)
-we took a bunch of fun pictures and me and Evan did HANDSTANDS!!! Who would have thought that I would get to do handstands in front of the Eiffel Tower??
-we took the train to the Arc de Triumph which was STUNNING 😍 the architecture was so cool!!!
-we walked around downtown Paris (!!!!!!) and went to a cafe for lunch (we also walked passed a VERY VERY attractive French boy)
-I had a shrimp and grapefruit salad, Evan had French fries, and mom and dad shared a cheese tray Dad’s was really funny with it 😂😂 (he really wished he had a meadow)
-after a late lunch (2:00) we started to go to the Louvre (or so we thought...) \240when I put in the name to the app, it said La Louve- Italian, I thought that it was a little weird but went with it 😂, when we got off the bus, we saw that we had arrived at LA LOUVE not the Louvre. La Louve was an Italian restaurant and 3 km AWAY from the Louvre. That was a fail on my part but we all just laughed and went back to the condo at 6 to relax and watch tv
-today we got a little bit of a slower start to the day (not much 😂) and went to the REAL LOUVRE!!!!
-today we got a little bit of a slower start to the day (not much 😂) and went to the REAL LOUVRE!!!!
-today we got a little bit of a slower start to the day (not much 😂) and went to the REAL LOUVRE!!!!
-today we got a little bit of a slower start to the day (not much 😂) and went to the REAL LOUVRE!!!!
-today we got a little bit of a slower start to the day (not much 😂) and went to the REAL LOUVRE!!!!
-today we got a little bit of a slower start to the day (not much 😂) and went to the REAL LOUVRE!!!!
-while mom and Evan waited in line me and dad took pictures :)
-once we went into the Louvre (the giant glass pyramid!!) we went straight to the Mona Lisa which was very busy but so cool!!! We couldn’t figure out why she was so famous though...? We saw Venus de Milo who was sculpted by Michael Angelo!! All of the ceilings had so much detail from paintings to sculpting! It was all jaw dropping 😍😍
-we went to the apartment and finished packing up and ventured our way over to the BIGGEST BOULDERING GYM IN FRANCE!!
-it was really cool!!!!! Especially to see what different setters were like!
-we went to the train station and got supper from PRET 🤩 and got on our over night train!
-the train had four bed and the bottom two changed to seats there were also two beds that flipped up
-the scenery from the window of the train was sooo gorgeous (the French countryside was so cute and we also drove past so many giant sunflower fields!!!)
-the sleep on the train was good but every time the train stopped it screeched really loud so I woke up
-we were on the train for 12 HOURS!!!
-today we drove (the drive was sooo pretty and it was so cool to see all of the houses on the mountains!) to La Spezia and on the way we stopped at a beach in a town in Levento!!!
-it was so pretty and the waves were HUGE!!
-today we drove (the drive was sooo pretty and it was so cool to see all of the houses on the mountains!) to La Spezia and on the way we stopped at a beach in a town in Levento!!!
-it was so pretty and the waves were HUGE!!
-today we drove (the drive was sooo pretty and it was so cool to see all of the houses on the mountains!) to La Spezia and on the way we stopped at a beach in a town in Levento!!!
-it was so pretty and the waves were HUGE!!
-today we drove (the drive was sooo pretty and it was so cool to see all of the houses on the mountains!) to La Spezia and on the way we stopped at a beach in a town in Levento!!!
-it was so pretty and the waves were HUGE!!
-today we drove (the drive was sooo pretty and it was so cool to see all of the houses on the mountains!) to La Spezia and on the way we stopped at a beach in a town in Levento!!!
-it was so pretty and the waves were HUGE!!
-today we drove (the drive was sooo pretty and it was so cool to see all of the houses on the mountains!) to La Spezia and on the way we stopped at a beach in a town in Levento!!!
-it was so pretty and the waves were HUGE!!
-me and Evan played in the waves for a while and then we left to go get GELATO! 😍😍
-it was our first gelato and was so so so smooth and creamy!! I LOVED IT (I got coconut and chocolate with nuts)
-we continued driving to our apartment and when we got there it was really nice!
-me and dad walked to the grocery store (which was TWO levels!) and got some snacks/ supper for the next night
-all of us went out to downtown La Spezia and shopped around a little bit and got supper!
-I got SEAFOOD PASTA!!!! It was amazing and everything I looked forward to 😍🤤
-today we got up really early and went to Cinque Terre!!
-we started at the furthest town away from us and swam for a while yet got gelato for our goal to eat gelato in all 5 towns!! I got passionfruit and banana sooo good 🤤🤤
-today we got up really early and went to Cinque Terre!!
-we started at the furthest town away from us and swam for a while yet got gelato for our goal to eat gelato in all 5 towns!! I got passionfruit and banana sooo good 🤤🤤
-today we got up really early and went to Cinque Terre!!
-we started at the furthest town away from us and swam for a while yet got gelato for our goal to eat gelato in all 5 towns!! I got passionfruit and banana sooo good 🤤🤤
-today we got up really early and went to Cinque Terre!!
-we started at the furthest town away from us and swam for a while yet got gelato for our goal to eat gelato in all 5 towns!! I got passionfruit and banana sooo good 🤤🤤
-today we got up really early and went to Cinque Terre!!
-we started at the furthest town away from us and swam for a while yet got gelato for our goal to eat gelato in all 5 towns!! I got passionfruit and banana sooo good 🤤🤤
-today we got up really early and went to Cinque Terre!!
-we started at the furthest town away from us and swam for a while yet got gelato for our goal to eat gelato in all 5 towns!! I got passionfruit and banana sooo good 🤤🤤
-today we got up really early and went to Cinque Terre!!
-we started at the furthest town away from us and swam for a while yet got gelato for our goal to eat gelato in all 5 towns!! I got passionfruit and banana sooo good 🤤🤤
-today we got up really early and went to Cinque Terre!!
-we started at the furthest town away from us and swam for a while yet got gelato for our goal to eat gelato in all 5 towns!! I got passionfruit and banana sooo good 🤤🤤
-today we got up really early and went to Cinque Terre!!
-we started at the furthest town away from us and swam for a while yet got gelato for our goal to eat gelato in all 5 towns!! I got passionfruit and banana sooo good 🤤🤤
-we went on a very hard (but fun) hike! The water in some (all) parts was soo gorgeous and everything was so lush! There was also an older local man selling FRESHLY squeezed orange juice!!
-when we got to the next town we jumped off the pier and got pizza for lunch and more gelato!! I got pistachio again!
-we took the train to the next town after our pizza lunch and explored that town!!! It was very very pretty and not busy!
-we decided to skip the next town because it was already 4:30/we were HOT and went straight to the last town where we went to a REALLY nice beach and swam around there 😍
-it was so cool because the ocean (Mediterranean Sea) was so salty that you just floated!!!
-we went back to our condo and just hung out
-today the boys went to the Lamborghini museum/factory and me and mom had a BEACH DAY!!!
-we rented two beach chairs and an umbrella and just read our books, swan in the ocean, and tanned ALL DAY it was wonderful!!!!
-I swam around with goggles and looked at the sand and sea creatures!! At one point I was swimming out to some big rocks with the goggles and saw a jelly fish!!! I turned around real quick after that 😂😂
-me and mom took the bus back to downtown La Spezia and shopped around! I got my flowy pants that I was really wanting and mom got a dark blue dress!
-we got a gelato, stopped at a grocery store to get supper, and walked home and the boys told us about their day!
-today the boys went to the Lamborghini museum/factory and me and mom had a BEACH DAY!!!
-we rented two beach chairs and an umbrella and just read our books, swan in the ocean, and tanned ALL DAY it was wonderful!!!!
-I swam around with goggles and looked at the sand and sea creatures!! At one point I was swimming out to some big rocks with the goggles and saw a jelly fish!!! I turned around real quick after that 😂😂
-me and mom took the bus back to downtown La Spezia and shopped around! I got my flowy pants that I was really wanting and mom got a dark blue dress!
-we got a gelato, stopped at a grocery store to get supper, and walked home and the boys told us about their day!
-today the boys went to the Lamborghini museum/factory and me and mom had a BEACH DAY!!!
-we rented two beach chairs and an umbrella and just read our books, swan in the ocean, and tanned ALL DAY it was wonderful!!!!
-I swam around with goggles and looked at the sand and sea creatures!! At one point I was swimming out to some big rocks with the goggles and saw a jelly fish!!! I turned around real quick after that 😂😂
-me and mom took the bus back to downtown La Spezia and shopped around! I got my flowy pants that I was really wanting and mom got a dark blue dress!
-we got a gelato, stopped at a grocery store to get supper, and walked home and the boys told us about their day!
-today the boys went to the Lamborghini museum/factory and me and mom had a BEACH DAY!!!
-we rented two beach chairs and an umbrella and just read our books, swan in the ocean, and tanned ALL DAY it was wonderful!!!!
-I swam around with goggles and looked at the sand and sea creatures!! At one point I was swimming out to some big rocks with the goggles and saw a jelly fish!!! I turned around real quick after that 😂😂
-me and mom took the bus back to downtown La Spezia and shopped around! I got my flowy pants that I was really wanting and mom got a dark blue dress!
-we got a gelato, stopped at a grocery store to get supper, and walked home and the boys told us about their day!
-today the boys went to the Lamborghini museum/factory and me and mom had a BEACH DAY!!!
-we rented two beach chairs and an umbrella and just read our books, swan in the ocean, and tanned ALL DAY it was wonderful!!!!
-I swam around with goggles and looked at the sand and sea creatures!! At one point I was swimming out to some big rocks with the goggles and saw a jelly fish!!! I turned around real quick after that 😂😂
-me and mom took the bus back to downtown La Spezia and shopped around! I got my flowy pants that I was really wanting and mom got a dark blue dress!
-we got a gelato, stopped at a grocery store to get supper, and walked home and the boys told us about their day!
-today the boys went to the Lamborghini museum/factory and me and mom had a BEACH DAY!!!
-we rented two beach chairs and an umbrella and just read our books, swan in the ocean, and tanned ALL DAY it was wonderful!!!!
-I swam around with goggles and looked at the sand and sea creatures!! At one point I was swimming out to some big rocks with the goggles and saw a jelly fish!!! I turned around real quick after that 😂😂
-me and mom took the bus back to downtown La Spezia and shopped around! I got my flowy pants that I was really wanting and mom got a dark blue dress!
-we got a gelato, stopped at a grocery store to get supper, and walked home and the boys told us about their day!
-today the boys went to the Lamborghini museum/factory and me and mom had a BEACH DAY!!!
-we rented two beach chairs and an umbrella and just read our books, swan in the ocean, and tanned ALL DAY it was wonderful!!!!
-I swam around with goggles and looked at the sand and sea creatures!! At one point I was swimming out to some big rocks with the goggles and saw a jelly fish!!! I turned around real quick after that 😂😂
-me and mom took the bus back to downtown La Spezia and shopped around! I got my flowy pants that I was really wanting and mom got a dark blue dress!
-we got a gelato, stopped at a grocery store to get supper, and walked home and the boys told us about their day!
-today the boys went to the Lamborghini museum/factory and me and mom had a BEACH DAY!!!
-we rented two beach chairs and an umbrella and just read our books, swan in the ocean, and tanned ALL DAY it was wonderful!!!!
-I swam around with goggles and looked at the sand and sea creatures!! At one point I was swimming out to some big rocks with the goggles and saw a jelly fish!!! I turned around real quick after that 😂😂
-me and mom took the bus back to downtown La Spezia and shopped around! I got my flowy pants that I was really wanting and mom got a dark blue dress!
-we got a gelato, stopped at a grocery store to get supper, and walked home and the boys told us about their day!
-today the boys went to the Lamborghini museum/factory and me and mom had a BEACH DAY!!!
-we rented two beach chairs and an umbrella and just read our books, swan in the ocean, and tanned ALL DAY it was wonderful!!!!
-I swam around with goggles and looked at the sand and sea creatures!! At one point I was swimming out to some big rocks with the goggles and saw a jelly fish!!! I turned around real quick after that 😂😂
-me and mom took the bus back to downtown La Spezia and shopped around! I got my flowy pants that I was really wanting and mom got a dark blue dress!
-we got a gelato, stopped at a grocery store to get supper, and walked home and the boys told us about their day!
-today we packed up our apartment and went to Levanto Beach again!! I collected sea glass on the beach for the first little bit and then took the goggles out to the ocean and looked under water!!
-today we packed up our apartment and went to Levanto Beach again!! I collected sea glass on the beach for the first little bit and then took the goggles out to the ocean and looked under water!!
-today we packed up our apartment and went to Levanto Beach again!! I collected sea glass on the beach for the first little bit and then took the goggles out to the ocean and looked under water!!
-today we packed up our apartment and went to Levanto Beach again!! I collected sea glass on the beach for the first little bit and then took the goggles out to the ocean and looked under water!!
-today we packed up our apartment and went to Levanto Beach again!! I collected sea glass on the beach for the first little bit and then took the goggles out to the ocean and looked under water!!
-today we packed up our apartment and went to Levanto Beach again!! I collected sea glass on the beach for the first little bit and then took the goggles out to the ocean and looked under water!!
-under water I found a pretty big dark blue piece!!
-here are some of my other favourite pieces!!
-we got lunch and then started our long drive to CHAMONIX!!!!!
-it was very pretty to drive through the French Alps!!! There were also some many castles on the hills!
-when we arrived in Chamonix we unpacked our bags, got groceries/ supper, and walked over to the climbing wall!!!!!
-it was so very cool to see such an insane wall!
-we were the only ones there until a climber from Japan cape over to route read. I realized pretty quickly that she was Akiyo Noguchi and she was with her coach!! Mom took a picture of the two of us, it was very cool to be able to meet her one on one!
-another climber person wearing a Hawaiian outfit came over with his coach and I recognized him as Alexander Megos!!! It was VERY cool to meet him and he had such a nice and happy vibe, he is also VERY attractive! 😍
-we went downtown and explored around!! It is so cute and all of the shops are local!! France was playing against Belgium and when France one everyone in the streets went crazy!
-me mom and Evan shared a Nutella banana crepe and it was A MA ZING!!!
-today was our first full day in Chamonix!!!
-when I got up I went on a 2.5km run around town which was really nice and cool to see the town in the daylight!
-we all showered and then walked around a different part of town and then ate lunch and walked over to where dad was going to PARAGLIDE!
-dad went up and me mom and Evan looked at the town pool and watched some speed climbing!! It was CRAZY to see how fast they were just in their practice rounds!!
-we aw Kai Lightner and I got a picture with him!! He was so kind and genuinely concerned about getting chalk on my shoulder! Mom was shocked at how big his hands were!
-today was our first full day in Chamonix!!!
-when I got up I went on a 2.5km run around town which was really nice and cool to see the town in the daylight!
-we all showered and then walked around a different part of town and then ate lunch and walked over to where dad was going to PARAGLIDE!
-dad went up and me mom and Evan looked at the town pool and watched some speed climbing!! It was CRAZY to see how fast they were just in their practice rounds!!
-we aw Kai Lightner and I got a picture with him!! He was so kind and genuinely concerned about getting chalk on my shoulder! Mom was shocked at how big his hands were!
-today was our first full day in Chamonix!!!
-when I got up I went on a 2.5km run around town which was really nice and cool to see the town in the daylight!
-we all showered and then walked around a different part of town and then ate lunch and walked over to where dad was going to PARAGLIDE!
-dad went up and me mom and Evan looked at the town pool and watched some speed climbing!! It was CRAZY to see how fast they were just in their practice rounds!!
-we aw Kai Lightner and I got a picture with him!! He was so kind and genuinely concerned about getting chalk on my shoulder! Mom was shocked at how big his hands were!
-today was our first full day in Chamonix!!!
-when I got up I went on a 2.5km run around town which was really nice and cool to see the town in the daylight!
-we all showered and then walked around a different part of town and then ate lunch and walked over to where dad was going to PARAGLIDE!
-dad went up and me mom and Evan looked at the town pool and watched some speed climbing!! It was CRAZY to see how fast they were just in their practice rounds!!
-we aw Kai Lightner and I got a picture with him!! He was so kind and genuinely concerned about getting chalk on my shoulder! Mom was shocked at how big his hands were!
-today was our first full day in Chamonix!!!
-when I got up I went on a 2.5km run around town which was really nice and cool to see the town in the daylight!
-we all showered and then walked around a different part of town and then ate lunch and walked over to where dad was going to PARAGLIDE!
-dad went up and me mom and Evan looked at the town pool and watched some speed climbing!! It was CRAZY to see how fast they were just in their practice rounds!!
-we aw Kai Lightner and I got a picture with him!! He was so kind and genuinely concerned about getting chalk on my shoulder! Mom was shocked at how big his hands were!
-today was our first full day in Chamonix!!!
-when I got up I went on a 2.5km run around town which was really nice and cool to see the town in the daylight!
-we all showered and then walked around a different part of town and then ate lunch and walked over to where dad was going to PARAGLIDE!
-dad went up and me mom and Evan looked at the town pool and watched some speed climbing!! It was CRAZY to see how fast they were just in their practice rounds!!
-we aw Kai Lightner and I got a picture with him!! He was so kind and genuinely concerned about getting chalk on my shoulder! Mom was shocked at how big his hands were!
-today was our first full day in Chamonix!!!
-when I got up I went on a 2.5km run around town which was really nice and cool to see the town in the daylight!
-we all showered and then walked around a different part of town and then ate lunch and walked over to where dad was going to PARAGLIDE!
-dad went up and me mom and Evan looked at the town pool and watched some speed climbing!! It was CRAZY to see how fast they were just in their practice rounds!!
-we aw Kai Lightner and I got a picture with him!! He was so kind and genuinely concerned about getting chalk on my shoulder! Mom was shocked at how big his hands were!
-today was our first full day in Chamonix!!!
-when I got up I went on a 2.5km run around town which was really nice and cool to see the town in the daylight!
-we all showered and then walked around a different part of town and then ate lunch and walked over to where dad was going to PARAGLIDE!
-dad went up and me mom and Evan looked at the town pool and watched some speed climbing!! It was CRAZY to see how fast they were just in their practice rounds!!
-we aw Kai Lightner and I got a picture with him!! He was so kind and genuinely concerned about getting chalk on my shoulder! Mom was shocked at how big his hands were!
-today was our first full day in Chamonix!!!
-when I got up I went on a 2.5km run around town which was really nice and cool to see the town in the daylight!
-we all showered and then walked around a different part of town and then ate lunch and walked over to where dad was going to PARAGLIDE!
-dad went up and me mom and Evan looked at the town pool and watched some speed climbing!! It was CRAZY to see how fast they were just in their practice rounds!!
-we aw Kai Lightner and I got a picture with him!! He was so kind and genuinely concerned about getting chalk on my shoulder! Mom was shocked at how big his hands were!
-we watched dad land and he told us all about how cool it was!! He said that it was incredible and he even did flips in the air!
-we went back to the wall and watched the qualification rounds for speed!! Everyone from team canada got a pb which is great!
-we ate supper at the apartment and then we went to watch the opening ceremony!!! It was very cool to see everyone carry out their countries flags!
-I got to meet Ashima Shiraishi and Miho Nonaka, both were so sweet but Miho was more sociable
-after that me and Evan went to the park, and we walked around town some more!
-today we went straight to the qualifying rounds of lead!!!
-I didn’t watch too many people that I know because there were over 80 PEOPLE in each category!!!
-I did get to see Ashima and Kai though!!!
-today we went straight to the qualifying rounds of lead!!!
-I didn’t watch too many people that I know because there were over 80 PEOPLE in each category!!!
-I did get to see Ashima and Kai though!!!
-today we went straight to the qualifying rounds of lead!!!
-I didn’t watch too many people that I know because there were over 80 PEOPLE in each category!!!
-I did get to see Ashima and Kai though!!!
-today we went straight to the qualifying rounds of lead!!!
-I didn’t watch too many people that I know because there were over 80 PEOPLE in each category!!!
-I did get to see Ashima and Kai though!!!
-today we went straight to the qualifying rounds of lead!!!
-I didn’t watch too many people that I know because there were over 80 PEOPLE in each category!!!
-I did get to see Ashima and Kai though!!!
-today we went straight to the qualifying rounds of lead!!!
-I didn’t watch too many people that I know because there were over 80 PEOPLE in each category!!!
-I did get to see Ashima and Kai though!!!
-today we went straight to the qualifying rounds of lead!!!
-I didn’t watch too many people that I know because there were over 80 PEOPLE in each category!!!
-I did get to see Ashima and Kai though!!!
-today we went straight to the qualifying rounds of lead!!!
-I didn’t watch too many people that I know because there were over 80 PEOPLE in each category!!!
-I did get to see Ashima and Kai though!!!
-today we went straight to the qualifying rounds of lead!!!
-I didn’t watch too many people that I know because there were over 80 PEOPLE in each category!!!
-I did get to see Ashima and Kai though!!!
-we ate lunch at the apartment and then got on a very nice train to take us to the top of a mountain!!! The scenery was STUNNING and I love it so much 😍😍
-we then took a gondola down a little bit to take 420 stairs down to go INSIDE A GLACIER!!!!
-the ice caves were incredible! It was an eye opening experience to see how quickly the glacier had dropped because of global warming
-the caves had sculptures carved in them and it was nice because it was cold!!!
-we walked back up the stairs and got a snack and just took in the whole view!
-we walked over to a little hiking area and did a short little hike!! Ya view was so gorgeous and I made mini movie/vlog:
-we took the train back down to the town and as we were walking back we saw Alannah Yip! She was very nice and me and mom had a good conversation with her!
-we ate supper and watched the speed finals!!!! IT WAS ABSOLUTELY INSANE 😍🤩🤩
-everyone was so fast and I put the winning videos on my climbing accounts story and the girl who got second reposted it on her story and I had a small conversation on instagram with her!!!
-me dad and Evan raced in 100m (2nd place) 400m (lost by a lot 😂) and me and dad did 200m (lost by a lot again!!) 😂
-we got up and me and mom went to watch ALL of semi finals (for 3 hours) because the boys went mountain biking :)
-everyone did INSANELY well and it was so inspiring and motivating
-we got up and me and mom went to watch ALL of semi finals (for 3 hours) because the boys went mountain biking :)
-everyone did INSANELY well and it was so inspiring and motivating
-we got up and me and mom went to watch ALL of semi finals (for 3 hours) because the boys went mountain biking :)
-everyone did INSANELY well and it was so inspiring and motivating
-we got up and me and mom went to watch ALL of semi finals (for 3 hours) because the boys went mountain biking :)
-everyone did INSANELY well and it was so inspiring and motivating
-we got up and me and mom went to watch ALL of semi finals (for 3 hours) because the boys went mountain biking :)
-everyone did INSANELY well and it was so inspiring and motivating
-we got up and me and mom went to watch ALL of semi finals (for 3 hours) because the boys went mountain biking :)
-everyone did INSANELY well and it was so inspiring and motivating
-we got up and me and mom went to watch ALL of semi finals (for 3 hours) because the boys went mountain biking :)
-everyone did INSANELY well and it was so inspiring and motivating
-we got up and me and mom went to watch ALL of semi finals (for 3 hours) because the boys went mountain biking :)
-everyone did INSANELY well and it was so inspiring and motivating
-we got up and me and mom went to watch ALL of semi finals (for 3 hours) because the boys went mountain biking :)
-everyone did INSANELY well and it was so inspiring and motivating
-when Janja finished her climb there was a Huge line of people to get autographs and pictures with her!! I was one of them and got someone to take mine and her picture!! She was so kind and humble and patient 😍
-me and mom went to a mini fair thing and did a luge which was REALLY fast and fun!!! Then I did a ride where you sat in a boat and it pulled u up really high and pushed you down and OFF a ramp and into a little pool!!!! That would not meet safety standards in Canada lol
-we got a little treat (me a gelato and mom a donut)
-we all went over to the wall o watch finals!! The girls went first and everyone KILLED it!! It was very very inspiring and cool to watch. (Jessy Pilz won and Janja got second!!) \240The guys went after and the crowd got even bigger!!! We had the beach blanket out which was good because it gave us some personal space although not much haha 😂. \240The guys put on just as good of a show if not better!! (Alexander got 3rd!!)
-since it was st bastille day they had a HUGE firework show and there was probably 10 000 people watching!!! It was incredible to watch because it had music to it AND went on for like 30 minutes!!!
-we went to a market in the morning and mom bought a big woven purse and we saw Alexander and his friend there too!!
-we drove to Milan and I got to have the front!! I didn’t want to leave Chamonix because it was so perfect but I know we will go back so that made it a little bit better
-we got a little lost trying to find the car dealership but we found it so that’s all good! 😂
- we went to the train station and ate supper there and then got on our train to go to Venice!!
-it was all good until we got to our stop and we started to get our bags on and the train LEFT!!! \240We had missed our stop and had to get of at the next stop and pay 100$ for a taxi 😶 it was a good thing we were all together though because I almost it off first and I would’ve been on my own in the train station!!
-we finally checked into our Airbnb at 11 at night and went straight to bed
-today we had a slow start to the day and headed into Venice at around 11. We took the train... no missed stops thank goodness 😅
-in front of the train station was CRAZY busy but once we wandered past and stopped following the crowds it was beautiful!!! I loved wandering around the alleys and side roads and finding hidden gems that no one was around!!
-we had lunch at a “chain” pizza restaurant that was SO GOOD 🤤 I got a mushroom and cheese pizza
-we went in 3 different churches and all of them were stunningly beautiful!!! I loved seeing all of the architecture and paintings inside of them-today we had a slow start to the day and headed into Venice at around 11. We took the train... no missed stops thank goodness 😅
-in front of the train station was CRAZY busy but once we wandered past and stopped following the crowds it was beautiful!!! I loved wandering around the alleys and side roads and finding hidden gems that no one was around!!
-we had lunch at a “chain” pizza restaurant that was SO GOOD 🤤 I got a mushroom and cheese pizza
-we took a water bus across the river and had tiramisu and then watched the gondola races!! It was cool to see but really confusing because they only talked in Italian. We walked back over the bridge that was only set up yesterday and today and then wandered around and took the train back home
-we went to the pub across the street and I got a shrimp salad for supper
-we went to caorle beach today and the boys wore their speedos 🤪😳 it was funny because both of their tan lines were so bad but Evans were much worse 😂
-the beach was sandy and we rented two beach chairs and an umbrella but I rolled off the chair and into the sand and just laid in the sand in the shade for the whole morning until lunch 😂😂
-Evan collected crabs all day and at the end of the day we each chose one and raced them!! Dad won and mom got second but me and Evan lost by a LOT lol
-the water was very nice and there were tons of shells to collect!!!
-me and dad went climbing at a GIANT climbing gym in Treviso (where we were staying) and it was 3 stories tall with each story going all the way up and getting shorter at every level it was AMAZING and I was really motivated and inspired to climb after seeing the World Cup!!
-today we packed up and went to a HUGE sporting goods store that was attached to the climbing wall
-we drove to the airport and dropped off the car and went through security to go to DUBROVNIK!! We flew with Easy Jet and it was really smooth!
-the view of Croatia from above was GORGEOUS but it is crazy to think that we r already on our last country of the trip 😢 we still have one whole week though so that’s good!!
-we went to the Airbnb and unpacked then went to Old Town which was beautiful!! We all had some sort of fish for supper and it was all soooo good!
-I wanted to watch the sunset from the beach but unfortunately we didn’t have enough time so we watched it from the walk home 😍😍
-we got up around 8 to walk around the wall. \240It was very beautiful but also VERY HOT!! \240Oh, and so many stairs!! 😁😂
-we went back to the condo for lunch and then off to find Bellevue beach. It was only 15 minutes away. \240The beach was pebbly and beautiful. \240There was a very cool cave that we swam in and cliffs that we jumped off. \240The water was GORGEOUS and I loved it so much 😍😍😍 it was also very clear and looked shallow but was actually very deep! I found a bunch of seaglass on the beach a s well 🤩🤤
-Evan cut his feet climbing a pole in the water. \240The lifeguard misunderstood when I asked him for bandaids. \240He jumped up and offered to go take care of him, thinking it was way more serious than it was.
-we bandaged Evan up and made our way back to the flat, stopping for Kabob boxes. \240They were amazing!!
-after supper we rested for a bit and then walked to the top of the hill to watch the sunset, on the way there two dogs were running on a roof barking at us; so funny. The sunset was BEAUTIFUL but blinding at the same time. \240While we were there Evan spotted a fire start across town. \240It was amazing how fast it grew. \240Soon after we heard and saw the fire trucks go and put it out!!
-today we packed up and went out to explore Old Town!! The shops were all super cute and then we found a market!! I got the bucket hat that I wanted ever since we got to Croatia and mom got nana ratings made with stones from Brac Island!!
-we got some (gross) sandwiches from the grocery store and ate them on the beach!! I was the only one to go swimming and the water was SO COLD!! It was very refreshing though because it was at least 37 degrees outside. After I swam I just sat with my legs in the water and collected rocks and sea glass to make jewelry out of!! I did it for 2.5 hours and it was wonderful 😍🤩
-we went to the pier to get on our boat and got on the boat!! It was HUGE and although we didn’t get window seats when we got on, at the second stop people got off and we got the window!!
-when we got to Split, the Airbnb lady’s cousin picked us up in his taxi and boy was he GOOD LOOKING 😍😍😍😍🤤🤤😍😍🤩
-we got to our flat and unpacked then went downtown for supper!! We ate at a restaurant with a funny waiter and he stared into the distance and then 3 boys and a funny Italian looking waiter dude sprinted past 😂😂 then a dog and it’s owner walked past and the dog had a soother in its mouth and then the boys came back again with the waiter and we were laughing so hard!! Me and mom had veal chops which were SO GOOD!!! We left supper and were walking home and we walked passed a dog with packing peanuts tied to its fur!! Hahaha 😂😂
-we walked around Old Town and stopped at the green market and got peaches, watermelon, oranges, lemons, cucumber, lettuce, and tomato and ALL of it was AMAZING!!!! I made orange juice out of the oranges and lemons and made a vlog out of it and then for a drink with supper made a watermelon and peach juice!! We put the veggies on our sandwiches
-we walked to a kinda private rock beach that had very nice water but Evan saw a snail and spilt fish and got scared so we left lol 😂 \240we walked further through the park and the crickets were SO LOUD we tried to find a better beach but it was just a rock ledge and not very nice so we walked alllll the way back to the entrance and found a nice beach for the rest of the day!!
-we walked back and me and dad got stuff to make tacos while mom and Evan went downtown again to book tomorrow’s adventure!!
-after supper we went to the mall and walked around, at the end of today we had walked 16km (me and dad) and 18km (mom and Evan)!!!!! All of our feet were very sore 😳😅
-today we started off slow and I tried to braid moms hair except for it just got really puffy and funny looking so she straightened it 😂
-we walked to Bačvice Beach where me and Evan played on a water playground thing for like 45 minutes even though we only paid for 30!!!
-walked back over to the center of town and met up with the kyacking tour people!! Our guides were both very kind and the blonde one was really good looking and looked like he was in his 20s but was only 16!!! As we kyacked to the beach me and mom took a while to get in our rythem but once we did we were good and at the front of the pack!! When we got to the beach, we did some cliff jumping/ climbing and snorkeling!! When we were snorkeling I found a star fish and was able to pick it up!! The guide also grabbed a sea urchin and sea cucumber!! It was all so cool and fun!! We headed back and we’re able to watch a little bit of the sunset!!! It was beautiful! There was also a lot of naked men: sail boat, rocks, and paddle boards 😂😂😳
-we went out for a late supper at 10 at night and then went to bed
-we rented bikes and bikes from the center of town to a cool deep water soloing place that dad found!! The rock was incredible and the water was so CLEAR!!!! I had so much fun and got very very close to topping it!!! I guess I’ll just have to go back!! 😀
-we biked to a different beach and spent the rest of the afternoon there! Playing games, Evan collected sea urchins and cucumbers, and just swimming around!!
-it was BEAUTIFUL!!!!
-we bikes back safely and then mom and dad went out for a date. Me and Evan just stayed at the condo but I watched the sunset form the balcony and it was so so so gorgeous 😍😍
-me and dad went to a climbing gym in the stadium across the street from us for a couple of hours in the morning!!
-it was a bit rainy before lunch but then we rented bikes and biked all the way around Marjan Park!! We found a VERY nice secluded beach that had basically no one there!!! It was the weirdest thing but we were all ok with it!!
-the water was incredibly clear and me and mom were just standing in the water and then I felt a nip on my ankle and saw it was a little fish and freaked out and ran away! 😂😂 the whole family thought I was crazy until I went back in and another girl was saying that a fish bit HER feet too!! We figured that they must be like the fish from those pedicure things but it was still terrifying! Ahaha. Me and mom played paddle ball and discovered that I am AWFUL at it 😂 the fish continued to bite at our feet but not often so it was ignored. At one point mom and I held hands and waited for fish to come so she could know what it was like but a fish only bit my feet and then I freaked out and ran out of the water 😂😂 I also got a sea cucumber and sat in the water with it while I read my book but it pooped 3 TIMES!!! 😂
-a storm started coming in so we left and walked around downtown where we had supper and I got bracelets for me and Lauren:)
-we all got burgers and then biked BACK to the beach we were at yesterday and Evan got more sea creatures and I read my book. On the way there mom tried to come up the curb at an angle (I did too) but she fell hard on her side and got all scrapes up
-we dropped off our bikes and had our last gelato of the trip :(( it was really good though!! 🙃
-we took a taxi (with the good looking taxi driver 😏) to the airport and flew to London
-we went to the hotel and relaxed for 30 min then walked to downtown where we had lunch /supper! I had a chicken burger and a passion fruit drink! We were staying near the airport in a town called Crawley and it was really cute!!
-we went to the ASAD (english Walmart) and got a WHOLE BUNCH of plane snacks!! It was all very exciting because it was SO CHEAP!! We got 2 full grocery bags for just 20 pounds!
-as we were making our way back to the hotel we walked past a fabric store and it had VOLKSWAGEN VAN FABRIC!!! I got some of course and think I’ll make a pillow out of it!!
-we went back to the hotel and I made a food haul 😂 and then went to the gym and did a short workout to burn some energy
-that was our last day in Europe! 😢😣😭
-I wil be back soon and many times though so I’m not worried! ❤️
-today we flew home (+I got porridge from PRET)(when we landed we tipped all over the place and moms reaction was so funny!😂)
-I LOVED the whole trip so much and am so grateful for all of the memories made! I am incredibly thankful to be able to have these opportunities to travel the world and I can’t wait to see so much more of it!! Thank you a million times for everything I love you so so much 😘 \240my eyes have been opened so much wider at what this wonderful world looks like and even for home I have many ideas and new perspectives. Until next time!! 🤩💖