9 Months ago on 18 Sept 2018, the first step was made for this bucket-list adventure...
Flights booked: 18 Sept 2018
Eurail ticket booked: 22 Nov 2018
Accommodation booked: Feb 2019
UK Visas : March 2019
Train Reservation booked: April 2019
Schengen Visas (with drama): April 2019
Tours & Priority Passes booked: May 2019
And numerous other activities - Luggage, clothing, shoes, data roaming and housesitters, to name a few...
2 Months of getting up at 05:00 to walk our 100km to be ready... (only Mom and Dad)
And here we are... leaving for the airport in an hour
(What a team! Total combined luggage weight less than 36kg for 4 people + a daypack person... you guys rock ✊🏼)

Looks like we are arriving in the UK with some hefty rain... time to test out rain coats 🤣
Question is will there be cricket at Edgebaston on wednesday 🤔
So excited for the trip!!
So excited for this trip!!
All packed and ready to go!

So excited for the trip✈️🎉
Looking good Loobies!! Enjoy a well planned trip!

Much nicer to have your family in the lounge than typing away on your laptop!!
Chilling in the Baobab Lounge. Trying out the all-important selfie stick.

Hoped for the new business class layout, but hey.... still an awesome way to fly
The view from the other side of passport control. Having an EU passport speeds up the process, but then it’s hurry up and wait for the poor ZAR passport holders!

On the shuttle from Terminal 1 to Terminal 2 at Frankfurt International Airport.

Addison enjoying the fare at the Japanese Airline lounge at Frankfurt Airport.

We had a shower and met Mary, the most wonderful Ghanaian lady with whom Chris exchanged views on Ghanaian food.

We started the last leg to London.

Chris and Addi enjoying the breakfast on British Airways to London City Centre Airport

We ubered in style from London City Centre Airport to the Waldorf Hilton, which will be our home for the next 3 nights.

The first soldier falls...

Old telephone booths have been turned into WiFi spots. No city can survive without adapting to the ever-changing needs of its populace.

We navigated the underground thanks to Chris and Citymapper. Graydon and Addi were thrilled with their first ride on the underground.

Fish and Chips outside the Tower of London. It cost each of us 50p to go to the loo!

Our Yeoman tour guide at the Tower if London - Andy Merriman (I promise- that’s his actual name!). Beefeaters are part of Her Majesty ‘s commemorative guard, and are actually part of the British Armed Forces. In order to qualify to apply for becoming a Yeoman, a soldier must serve for at least 22 years and must have been awarded the Silver Medal for Service. More people have been to space than have qualified to be Yeomen!

We braved a rainy London to enjoy the Tower.

The Yeomen actually live on Tower Green. The blue door on the left is the doctor’s house. And if his services don’t work, the vicar lives next door!

The view of London Bridge from the Tower of London.

Gold weather vanes on each of the four \240towers of the White Tower. We were told that the Tower is as much a palace as Buckingham Palace is - it has the same status as far as the Queen is concerned.

The White Tower

Addi was amazed by an ornate canon next to the White Tower

The only remaining timber frame Tudor-style house in London. All other houses in this style were burnt to the ground in the great London Fire. The Queen’s representative lives here.

A really terrible bit of modern art designed to be a monument to the place where ten people were executed at the Tower throughout history.

Two members of the Queen’s Guard guard the Crown Jewels. \240Andy, the Yeoman guide, was quite vociferous in telling us to treat these soldiers with the respect they deserve.

The queues to see the Crown Jewels were long and winding, but well worth the wait. We weren’t allowed to take photos of the Crown Jewels, but the door to the room in which they are displayed was as thick as two of Graydon!

London was wet!

The only windows to the outside world in the tower where the prisoners were kept.

The junior members of our party were starting to fade, but were game to learn and see as much as they could.

Spiral staircase up to one of the towers.

Examples of graffiti left by prisoners in one of the Towers. Contrary to popular belief, graffiti is not a new thing! This one was inscribed in the wall in 1570!

More spiral staircases and mysterious doorways.

Sir Walter Raleigh’s herb and vegetable garden, which he used to mix medicines and tonics.

The mechanism for lifting the portcullis

Spiral staircases abound!

Even the light fittings have character!

The tunnel from Traitors Gate to the inside courtyard of the Tower.

Some random people dressed for the occasion.

Three candidates for Yeomen Warders.

The inner wall of the Tower is 28ft High. The outer wall is 24ft thick in some places.

Traitors Gate. King Edward didn’t want to walk in the streets with the peasants, and so he built a direct access from the Thames to the Tower to enable his boat to pull right up to the stairs!

Graydon and Addi and London Bridge.

Taking a break with the Tower of London behind us and the Thames in front of us.

London is a city of contradictions that somehow blend together cohesively. On the left, London Bridge. On the right, the Shard. The old and the new manage to coexist in perfect harmony.

Another example of old and new: the Gherkin framed by the battlements of the Tower.

The most beautiful lavender at the base of the Tower of London. The two white turrets are the entrance to the inner part of the Tower, and were used to great effect when condemned men and women were walked through them and up to the public execution site.

The Waldorf Hilton. Undergoing hectic renovations to its 111 year old facade.

Tower of London - first stop after dropping bags at Hotel
Graydon thinks the underground is the best thing since slice bread...
Addison is like a sponge... detail photos of everything...
London is wet

Whiting of \240wic
We ended a very full first day with dinner at the Giraffe in Victoria. Although we were probably the only people who have probably actually seen a giraffe.

And then on to see Wicked at the Apollo Victoria Theatre in Victoria. It’s the story of the Wizard of Oz from the point of view of the Wicked Witch of the West. It was spectacular! It’s been running since 2006 \240and is still packing the house. And getting standing ovations!

So will we have to support New Zealand...

Or South Africa!!!

On our way to Birmingham... How bloody expensive £260 for return train tickets!!! What!!! Some airplane tickets are cheaper

Below: The closes a South African has been to holding the World Cup Trophy...

After all the forecasts for rain today... I just had to go and buy sunscreen 😳

At least we saw Amla teaching 8000 runs - Respect

Birmingham looks like a interesting city - again the mix of old and new... What a funky Train Station

21:30 - Daylight, but the the long day that started at 06:00 has caught up...
The girls started with the breakfast spread at the hotel this morning. We had a bit of a sleep-in after the boys left for Birmingham to watch the cricket.

Early morning stroll through Coventry Gardens on our way to the tube station. The shops only open at 10:00!

First destination for the day: Harrods. Addi told me she was completely overwhelmed by the store. She saw a dress she liked for £499!

A breather at the Harrods Café.

And then onto our tour bus to take us to Warner Bros Studios to see the making of Harry Potter.

Addi used the two hour drive to the studio wisely.

And the tour at Warner Bros Studios begins...

The Ukrainian Underbelly that lives in Gringotts.

The door under the stairs

Welcome to Hogwarts!

The Great Hall ready for a feast

The drinks table at the Crystal Ball.

A model of the ceiling of the Great Hall.

Throughout our tour, the most noteworthy thing was the attention to the absolute miniscule detail. Nothing was accidental.

Every oil painting was actually painted in oils. No computer generated pictures. This is the marble staircase - the one that kept moving. They made one life sized one and then used a green screen to capture its movement.

The taps in the prefects bathroom

Gryffindor Boys Dormitory

Every single wand in the movie is depicted on this wheel. Every wand is different and symbolic of who it belongs to. Hermione’s wand, for instance, is inscribed with Knowledge Ivy - the more she learns, the higher up the wand the Ivy goes. But it will never reach the tip because she will never stop learning.

Graydon touched the Cricket World Cup. Addi touched the Triwizard Cup.

The attention to detail was especially obvious in Dumbledore’s office.

Every single potion bottle was labelled.

The Potions classroom even had a self-stirring cauldron!

The magical trophies had lids that kept opening and closing.

We had some fun with green screen technology. Addi even flew a broom!

The meeting at Malfoy Mansion

Some examples of buildings used in the movies

The entrance to the Forbidden Forest. The trees were handmade - no green screen tech here either!

Addi on her way to the Hogwarts Express on Platform 9 3/4.

The Hogwarts Express. There was a compartment for each of the 7 movies. Addi observed that they got messier as they got older!

Hagrid’s motorcycle

He who shall not be named...

Even Medusa put in an appearance!

The Goblin Gallery.

Continuation Journals. Each character has a special book dedicated to how he/she looks, what he/she wore, hairstyles, jewellery. Nothing is left to memory.

The entrance to Gringotts Bank. Wait for it...

The Invisibility Cloak.

Again, the attention to detail. Even down to Gringotts Bank deposit slips!

The entrance to the vault...

... and what lies beneath.

The door to vault 713 - where the Philosophers Stone was kept.

And the locks actually worked!

The treasure vault.

What was left of Gringotts after the break-in by Bellatrix.

The special effects were incredible.

Diagon Alley.

The behind-the-scenes artistic and technical creativity is staggering.

Every set was first built to scale out of wood. This is one of Hogwarts.

The Owlry even had miniature owl models!

And the piece de resistance - a complete model of Hogwarts. It took 42 days to build. Every brick, crack and crevice has been included.

Addi poses in front of the model of Hogwarts just to illustrate how huge it is!

An epic day in London started at Trafalgar Square. Unfortunately the Square was cordoned off to prepare for a concert that will take place on Sunday. All of the 34 theatres in London will be putting on extracts from the plays, musicals, ballet currently showing. And it’s free to the public.

Spot the South African flag...

Leicester Square. The famous Odeon Cinema is behind Chris and the kids. This is where the London premieres of most movies take place.

The statue of William Shakespeare in the middle of the Square.

No truer words...

At 8am, London is still sleeping.

China Town by day.

East meets West

Piccadilly Circus.

At the foot of the statue of Eros, Piccadilly Circus.

No matter where we go, there’s cricket...

Old meets new on Piccadilly Circus.

The architecture along Piccadilly is incredible.

Coffee at a Turkish Coffee House

Green Park is ... well ... green.

An appropriate quote, considering we would be spending some of the day at the Churchill War Rooms.

Constitution Road, which leads up to Buckingham Palace.

Buckingham Palace.

We arrived an hour before the changing of the Guard. And thank goodness that we did. The crowds were unbelievable. A cabbie told us later that the full changing of the Guard takes place every other day. We were very lucky that we were there on a day where all the pomp and ceremony were present. The regiment involved in the changing of the Guard today was the Gherkins. Every three days a new regiment takes over (there are 5 regiments).

The Victoria Memorial opposite the main gates of Buckingham Palace.

The main gates of Buckingham Palace.

Still waiting...

The famous balcony at Buckingham Palace

The prelude to the changing of the Guard

These are the crowds about 30 minutes before the changing of the Guard was due to begin.

And it begins. It takes about 45 minutes for the full ceremony.

Spot the Queen’s Guard...

The crowds during the changing of the Guard. It was crazy!

The Bobbies on horseback were really friendly, and the horses didn’t seem freaked out by the crowds and the noise.

A walk away from the Palace towards the government buildings on the other side of the Park took us through St James’ Park. Buckingham Palace on the one side...

And the Eye of London on the other side.

It’s no surprise that the island in the middle is called Duck Island!

The Guards at the gates of the Barracks at the end of St James’ Park. Even the horse is stoic!

With the race for the leadership of the Tory Party heating up, the security around 10 Downing Street was heavy. So this is the closest we got to the famous black door.

So we turned our attention to a former PM, and spent about 3 hours in the Churchill War Rooms. Every moment was incredible. The museum is truly one of the best ones I have even been through. Any fan of WW II history should come through here. And one of the ushers was a former South African - he spoke Afrikaans with great sentiment! He hasn’t been back since 1987. His first question: is it safe?

The commentary was very interesting throughout the tour.

We watched Darkest Hour before we came to London and that really helped put the various rooms into perspective. This is the actual War Room. The chair in the middle under the map is the actual chair Churchill sat in. In fact, nothing in the entire museum is fake (except the statues of the people) - everything is what was actually found after the War Rooms were opened up post WWII.

This sign was the only indication the people working and living in the War Rooms had of the weather outside. If bombs were raining down on the city above, the board put up read ‘Windy’.

This is the ‘Romper’ that Churchill made famous. Addi pointed out that Churchill made the Onesie fashionable!

The Enigma coding machine.

The closest we got to the door at 10 Downing street. This is the ACTUAL door Churchill walked through after being made PM! There is no key to the door and it can only be opened from the inside. The current door of 10 Downing Street is bomb proof - installed after the IRA bombed the door in 1991.

A cross section of the ceiling. The cinder block is 6 feet thick!

The PM’s dining room is quintessentially British and enabled Churchill and his wife, Clementine, to dine together even during the worst of the Blitz.

Clemmy Churchill’s bedroom. Compare this to Churchill’s bedroom a few photos on.

The Cabinet Room contained a map on one wall where someone had doodled a cartoon of Hitler.

This is a close up of the cartoon of Hitler.

Churchill’s kitchen. The pots and pans are the original ones used. Apparently his favourite dish was Beef Wellington.

The Plant Room. This is the room that regukatedcthe air and temperature inside the bunker.

Despite the fact that their very existence depended on electricity, the men and women who lived in the War Rooms were very electricity conscious!

Lunch at the War Rooms.

This was the telephone operator’s Room. Note the special gas mask in the desk. It was designed in such a way that the operator could still answer the phone while wearing it!

The original keys to every door in the bunker.

The original maps showing the movement of the various troops involved in the war...

Complete with key...

The forefather of the spreadsheet. Every day the spreadsheet would be updated to show the movement of troops, casualties, H1 and H2 bombs and the loss of life after every bomb strike.

The famous Map Room. The men who worked here were the elite and were called the Glamour Boys. In 1987, when a full inventory of the War Rooms was done, they discovered sugar cubes that had been stashed in a drawer. You can see them on the left side of the desk at the front of this photo.

We could clearly see the pin pricks on the maps as tacks were moved as troops moved.

Churchill’s bedroom. He only took his daily afternoon naps here, and only slept three nights in this bed. We learnt that even through the worst of the war, he took two baths a day!

Back on the road, we made our way to Westminster Abbey, but could unfortunately not get in.

I promise that Big Ben is in there!!! The Elizabeth Tower is undergoing extensive construction which will be finished by 2021. Until then, the bell does not toll and only 1 face of the clock is visible.

Crossing the Thames, with the iconic Houses of Parliament in the background.

In true London style, it got cold and wet while we were waiting for our turn on the London Eye.

The London Eye is a remarkable engineering feat! The round trip took about 30 minutes and the views were spectacular!

Back on terra firma, we crossed back over the Thames over the Golden Jubilee Bridge.

And the through a shopping center called The Arches. It was eerie!

Our first ride in a Black Cab. The driver was incredibly knowledgeable and enthusiast about sharing his knowledge. He had a lot to say about the recent visit of a certain Head of State, mostly from a how-it-affected-the-traffic perspective than an actual political one.

Dinner in China Town. We had Peking Duck and DimSum.

And at Addi’s request, drive a circular route past Harrods back to our hotel so she could see the famous Harrods lights. Our cabbie thought we were nuts!

And as an added bonus, we saw Buckingham Palace by night, minus the thousands of tourists!

Trafalgar Square - blocked off for a theatre show this weekend... so no sitting on the Lions 🦁

Leister Square with Shakespeare’ statue. Kids could not understand why we had to go here... until we went back this evening to have dinner... from a peaceful park at 08:00 to a mega explosion of people and activities at 20:00

Sneaky selfie 🤣

Chinatown... early morning

Walk through the Green Park - move 30m of the main streets and you are in this peace oasis

Tree Huggers?🙈

World war 2 - memorial - probably the newest monument in London

Paparazzi storking the Royal Family again...

Changing of the guard crowds were crazy!!! Loco - apparently we were lucky to see a full change of the guard - horses, bands...

Finally away from the massive crowds... crossing duck pond... walking through St James Park

Closes we could get to potentially Boris Johnson’s new residence - 10 Downing Street... way in the background

Churchill war room... cabinet room

Can’t imagine it was fun in these underground “bunker”

The Map Room - probably would be the modern day Business Intelligence Department

Graydon and his war hero...

FInally, photo in front of the original 10 Downing door... No Key and only opens from the inside...🤔 It was replace with a bomb proof door...

room where the generals met

One of the generals drew a picture of Hitler on the maps - Graffiti??

Zoom out of map with hitler graffiti

Inside of the map room

Cathedral no 1 for the trip... Westminster Abbey

On The Golden Jubilee Bridge with the Lond eye, parliament and “ Big Ben” under restoration until 2021 🤬 Luckily we knew about it

Finally, the M&M store - Absolutely crazy to have 4 floors shop celebrating a bop of chocolate covered in candy... back for the OCD people... M&M sorted by colour😳

M&M... the craze continue...

Addison discovering her true M&M colour...

Spot on!!! The machine got Addison as a Dark Pink... for being a True Friend...

Back in Chinatown for dum sim and Peking duck... Awesome meal...

As promised to Addison...we went to see Harrods lights...

Our last day in London started en route to Madame Tussaud’s. We are tubing like locals!

I was last at Madame Tussaud’s in 1999. It has become very interactive and we had a lot of fun Searching for Sherlock Holmes, a 4D Marvel movie and the Spirit of \240London cab ride through the history of London. We met movie stars, pop stars, world leaders, world thinkers, aliens, Jedi and many many more characters.

Yippeekayay, mother€£%~>#s!!!


Addi meets Alfred Hitchcock.

And some famous athletes! Usain Bolt.


Lewis Hamilton. Who is shorter than Tom Cruise!

Graydon and Churchill. Sir Winston was a theme of this trip.

The one and only Madiba! It was interesting to watch tourists from every conceivable country, speaking every conceivable language, line up to take a pic with Tata. I felt very proud!

The Lubbes with Sir Isaac Newton and Sir Charles Dickins.

Because he was there!

Addi and will.i.am colabbing.

Waiting for the Search for Sherlock exhibit. What fun!!!

The original license for Madame Tussaud’s exhibition, and the first admission tickets.

A trip in a black can through the Spirit of London. The ride took us through the historical highs and lows of London - from the Black Plague to Queen Victoria, and everything between.

The one and only Nick Fury. And the Marvel heroes.

Addi and Graydon having some fun with the Proton blasters. What special effects make it look like.

And what real life looks like!

The Incredible Hulk is HUGE!!!

Nothing like love from a robot.

Warp speed in the Millenium Falcon with Cheubakka.

And the ever-present storm trooper

Atilla \240the Hun and Princess Leia.

The dark side vs the force, with the Emperor looking on.

An 11:00 am cocktail at the nearby Metropolitan Bar.

And no trip to London is complete without a visit to Hamley’s. Graydon loved the Fortnite Merch - as yet unavailable in SA, and Addi bought, of all things, a drone! We did not see that one coming!

Addi and Harry Potter’s invisibility cloak. Now you see me...

Now you don’t!

Hagrid out of LEGO.

BB-8 out of LEGO.

Back to the hotel via Carnaby. What a fun place!

St Pancras Station. Farewell London! We loved every moment! Now on to leg 2 of our European adventure: Amsterdam (via Brussels) in the Eurostar.

Traveling first class. There’s no other way to do this!

Arrived Brussels station. We had to run to catch the connection to Amsterdam because the train didn’t stop in the zones it was supposed to!

Welcome to Amsterdam! We walked out of the wrong side of the station and then needed to find a way through to the other side. Sounds simple, but when you need a public transport card to open the turnstiles, it’s not so simple! Eventually a friendly fellow pointed us in the right direction and in 7 minutes we were at our hotel. The smell of weed is unmistakable. Graydon whispered to me: ‘Mommy, I saw a guy smoking but it wasn’t a cigarette, so I deduced that it was weed!’ He was most surprised to learn that marijuana use is completely legal here, and has been for years!

Spuisstraat. The view to the right of our hotel.

It looks like a lamppost fell on two bicycles some time ago. The bikes have just been left there, and so has the lamppost!

Addi jumping for joy! This city is NOT straight! All the buildings seem to be leaning in one direction or another. It’s a hodgepodge of tall, thin buildings that rely on each other to keep them standing. This is not a city for OCD people!

Eating Italian in Amsterdam.

The view from our table. It’s 22:30 and it’s still light!

I ordered tagliatelle with truffle. This is what a R407 plate of pasta looks like! It was delicious!

The other end of Spuisstraat. I can only describe the city as photogenic. There’s something to photograph around every nook and cranny.

I’ve found that I love the early morning in every new city best. European cities are awake until very late at night, and are slow to wake in the mornings. Shops only open at 10:00 (or later), and we struggled to find places to have breakfast at 8:00! I couldn’t stop taking photos of the canal houses. Every one of them has its own characteristics. There’s a surprise everywhere you look. This is my second visit to Amsterdam and I liked it much better this time round. When the sun starts to set, however, the seediness of the city is palpable. I don’t like Amsterdam after dark.

Finally! Dutch pancakes for breakfast (the fact that they were made by Indians didn’t make them less delicious)

The Westerse Kerk.

Here Graydon and Addison pose next to a statue of Anne Frank. We could not get tickets to go inside Anne Frank House (even when we tried to book a month before our trip!).

The Royal Palace on Dam Square. It was originally built as the City Hall, but there was a big debate whether it should be larger and more impressive than the Niewe Kerk right next to it. The debate centered around whether Law is higher than Church, or vice versa.

The Niewe Kerk on Dam Square. It was built when the Dutch Reformed Church became the main religion in Holland and ousted Catholicism.

Some details on the Royal Palace.

Addison chasing bubbles on Dam Square.

The Royal Palace from the other side of Dam Square.

The entrance to the Amsterdam Museum. We spent some time learning about the history of Amsterdam - how it was reclaimed from the sea, how it became the capital of freedom in the 50s and 60s, and how it’s ongoing existence is dependent on the people who come from a multitude of nationalities across the world.

One the left of this picture is Johannesburg at 1600m above sea level. About half way to the right (next to the pyramid-looking structure) is Schipol airport, which is 3,9m below sea level.

I found this very funny. A hoist was invented by a local butcher to fish out various items that had fallen into the canals. The picture depicts what was recovered from the water by the butcher between 1870 and 1884. It was especially funny later in the day when we saw a man trying to get off his boat and fell into the canal!

The carpet in this gallery is made up of 180 squares - each one representing a different nationality living in Amsterdam.

The boys learning stuff!

This little car was known as a White Car. It was built in 1965 by a movement known as Provo. It’s an electric car! Unfortunately the movement to electric cars failed because the city didn’t make enough charging parking spots available for the cars. They are apparently enjoying a revival now and we saw many electrical cars plugged in all over the city.

The Royal Room in the Amsterdam Museum.

The Amsterdam Museum has a wing called the Kinder Weeshuis. It was an interactive exhibit that depicted life in the city orphanage. I reserve judgment on whether it was a terrible place or an oasis for desperate children.

Some scenes of Amsterdam when the tourists are out and about.

We did a canal tour on a boat that gave us a view if the city from the water.

This is the Homomonument - a monument to victims of gay and lesbian persecution.

This building is known as the Eye. It’s a cinema complex. It’s Fugly!

The black object at the top of this building is a swing!

A reproduction of the East India Company Ship called the Amsterdam.

This is the Amstel Hotel. It’s the most exclusive and expensive hotel in Amsterdam (and THAT’s saying something!). It’s where royalty and celebrities stay when they are in town.

Addi noticed that every single pole on every single bridge (of which there are 1700 in Amsterdam) has the XXX that is depicted on the Dutch Royal flag.

Check out the narrow little house between the two buildings! They are all over place and we wondered who lives there and how it came to be built.

The Koeppelkerk opposite our hotel.

The youth collapse exhausted - connected to WiFi!

Drinks at 22:00! We sat and watched people go about their business. It was so far the best evening we’ve had - chatting and laughing. And watching a guy fall into the canal!

I couldn’t resist these two little dogs staring out the window! Although we didn’t venture into the Red Light District (for obvious reasons), we did see some windows that offered the red light wares en route. That sparked a debate about the legalization of prostitution.

Early morning start, after pancakes in a small cafe run by Indians ( if India win... we are invited to a “free” celebration party)
Below is Anne Frank House- it was booked full when we were doing all our reservations... so we just walked passed it

Anne Frank cont...

Westerkerk tower -Rembrandt is buried in this church...

Kaas van die plaas... Hollandse kaas

Dam Square with the Palace and the Nuwe kerk on the right

After the boat cruise through the canals, we ended up eating “as much as you can sushi” close to the flower market... Graydon and Addison made sure we got value for money... we had to roll home (but not before we had to stop at a shoe store...)

Street view of sushi restaurant...

After a great afternoon/evening nap, we headed out for sundowners and tapas at 20:00... below is Graydon posing form our cafe seat (just before we witnessed a”Brit” falling into the water while anchoring their boat... Just awesome to sit and watch life... the kids are growing to quick and both have the most incredible sense of humour - fun traveling with them

On our way from the train station to our hotel, we flew past the Victory Column (known to locals as Golden Lizzie) which was erected to commemorate victory in the Franco Prussian War.

We took a 6 hour tran it was so tryring but we had fun
Another early morning stroll through the streets of Amsterdam.

Thousands of bicycles are parked all over city. Crossing a street is complicated! You have to look out for cars, pedestrians, trams and bicycles. Luckily none of us were knocked over, but it was a close thing!

More skew, beautiful canal houses.

Dam Square before Amsterdam is awake and after a hard night of partying!

Breakfast this morning was coffee and pastries from the corner bakery.

Graydon ordered a Dutch pancake with powdered sugar and Nutella.

Breakfast on Dam Square.

You can’t leave Holland without a picture in a clog!

We spent a large part of the morning in Ripleys Believe it or Not. It was yet another great museum experience with so much to do and experience. The kids loved it!

A piece of the Berlin Wall - appropriate because our next stop is Berlin.

Chris’s soulmate!

Under the alien laboratory ...

Inside the alien laboratory!

An actual vampire killing kit!

Some fun with the magic mirror...

A giant man-eating clam.

A dinosaur made out of trumpets.

Norte Dame made out of match sticks.

Even South Africa has an honourable mention in Ripleys - unfortunately it’s for a guy who wears sharpened teeth!

A motorbike made out of the bones of animals - cows, mostly, but also some roadkill.

Trying our hand at shooting stuff. Despite the hours of Fortnite shooting stuff, Graydon was not very good at this!

Revolving space tunnel.

Family portrait.

Graydon investigating the planets.

A huge robot made out of car parts.

If I didn’t see this for myself, I would not have believed it. A fly on which someone painted Van Gogh’s famous self portrait AND a portrait of Charlie Chaplin.

Given that our next stop was the Van Gogh Museum, I thought it was appropriate to take a photo of his self portrait made out of toothpaste!

And one made from toast!

The British Royal carriage made out of corn starch.

This is a depiction of the Mona Lisa as seen by a computer! How amazing is that?!

Addi being eaten by a Megalodon.

Rowing a Spanish slave galleon.

Addi made her own comic book. Apparently it’s been emailed to her - we shall see...

A view of Dam Square from Ripleys.

Graydon trying his hand at VR.

And Addi couldn’t be left out...

South Africa is still light years behind Europe as far as tech is concerned.

Our first tram ride.

Chilling in the park next to the Van Gogh Museum. I am a huge Van Gogh fan and we loved the visit in the museum. Unfortunately we couldn’t take photos in the museum, but we all wished we had more time to absorb all the stories behind his paintings.

Goodbye Amsterdam! On the train station waiting for our Intercity train to Berlin.

A picnic in our compartment. The conductor found it very funny that we had ‘installed’ ourselves with Dutch cheese.


Traffic jam in the canals

Hamleys was awesome, there were seven stories, wow.

Ready to take on Berlin. Although I must say we were all a lot tired today, so instead of walking a lot, we mastered the U-Bahn and the S-Bahn. Even so, we walked 16395 steps today!

The Hollow Tooth in the distance. Although it was on the itinerary, we ran out of time to see it up close and personal today, so we will try take it in early tomorrow before we catch our train to Poznan.

The stop and go men are so cute with their little hats!

On the S-Bahn.

Uber Jump. We think it’s probably a step down from Uber X.

We do love Berlin, but we agree that it isn’t a pretty city.

At the Brandenburg Gate.

Back on the S-Bahn.

As we emerged from the Potsdamer Platz underground station, we spotted these three slivers of buildings.

We spent a couple of wonderful hours at the German Spy Museum. It was a completely immersive experience. Much to my dismay all the quizzes I took indicated that I would have been a terrible spy. Graydon was also dubbed ‘too honest’, but Chris and Addi would have made excellent spies. I have mixed feelings about this...

The first record of using code - for a recipe for ceramic glazing, no less - in 1500 AD!

Addi tested her passwords. The computer hacked it in 0,00025 seconds. Graydon made one up that would take 236 tectillion years. He won’t say what it is.

Graydon trying to crack a code.

The famous Enigma machine

Special ink that allows you to see text through a special magnifying glass.

The spy equipment was almost too fantastical to believe!

Proton - a Russian underwater propeller machine that could travel 6,5km/h for 24km.

Looking for bugs...

The exploding cigarette. Chris was warned to stop smoking...

Hiding a code in a walnut!

And the cameras were tiny!

Looking for hidden messages.

A model of the Bridge of Spies, where many exchanges of spies between East and West took place during the Cold War.

Getting into disguise

Bond. James Bond.

Preparing to save the world. The mission is to disarm the detonator by making your way through a maze of moving laser beams.

Graydon failed the mission.

Addi successfully disarmed the bomb!

Even Chris got into the swing of things in the laboratory.

Probably the highlight of the day was the Berlin Underworlds Tour. We did the tour that highlighted the many attempts (some more successful than others) to cross the Berlin Wall. We could unfortunately not take any pictures during the tour, but here is Graydon standing whether the Wall used to be, along Bernauer Straße. The Berliners have put up an incredible monument to the Wall, and to the people whose lives were changed by its erection in 1961.

Addi posing at a model of Tunnel 29, which was one of about 70 tunnels dug under the Berlin Wall to help people escape East Germany. The tunnel is named Tunnel 29 because 29 people escaped through it, although chronologically, it was the 32nd tunnel to have been built.

This used to be the dead zone between the Wall on the Eastern side of Berlin and the smaller barricade on the Western side of Berlin. Today it is a lovely park where people picnic.

These stepping stones are indicative of the path of an escape tunnel dug in 1962.

A photographic depiction of the erection of the Wall.

The Berlin Wall Monument runs for about 3km along Bernauer Straße.

Addison is standing on the West side of the Wall and Graydon is on the East.

The Wall was built along the front doors of a row of houses along Bernauer Straße. The people who lived in these houses simply opened their front doors and walked from East to West, so the Stasi boarded up the front door and ground floor windows. The people started jumping out of the first and second storey windows, so eventually they were evicted and all the windows boarded up. The facades of these houses actually formed the Wall in some places! These are the excavated foundations of one of these houses, which is a monument today.

I front of where each house used to be is a plaque in the ground indicating how many people fled their homes into West Berlin and when.

The only remaining part of the actual Berlin Wall.

On the ground are brass tracks of where the Wall used to be. grenzmauer means Border Wall.

On our meanderings in search of underground stations, we came across an actual working water pump!

The infamous Checkpoint Charlie.

We took some time to explore the Checkpoint Charlie Museum. It was filled with so much stuff and information that we were completely overwhelmed. The curators of this museum could take some guidance from basically all the other museums we’ve seen to make so much information more accessible to the public.

Some pieces of the Berlin Wall.

The day was just too much for some of us!

A lift from the underground tube station to , literally, nowhere!

The prospect of dinner and putting our feet up put a smile on our faces.

When in Berlin...

Turkish food in Berlin. The world is really just a global village!

TODAY WAS SO FUN AND VERY \240TRYING \240WE WENT TO THE SPY MUSEUM AND WE PUT OUR OWN PASSWORDS AND FOR GANDON WILL TAKE 236 tech till ion years 😱 AND MY WILL TAKE 816 million \240years \240it was really \240awesome 👌
Unfortunately we didn’t make it to the Hollow Tooth, but we did see it in the distance en route to the train station. Next time!

Goodbye Berlin! We’ll be back!

And as a parting gift, we saw the Dom Cathedral from the train. Also on the itinerary for next time!

Graydon entertaining himself on the train to Poznan. I don’t think he noticed a single thing outside the window!

Addi was much wiser with the time on the train and had herself a nap!

Somewhere between Berlin and Poznan is a place called Pczczew. We inherited some agricultural land from my aunt that is situated here, and looks something like this.

Some sights on the way from the main station to our apartment on the Old Square (Stary Rynek). This is the City Hall (called the Ratush) in the middle of the Old Square.

The whole Square is surrounded by these old apartment blocks that were completely rebuilt following WW II. The one we are staying in is called Apartamenty Neptun and is the little dark one right in the centre of this photo.

Of all the places we stayed in so far, this was by far the best. Two bedrooms and this lounge overlooking the Old Square.

The view of the Old Square from the lounge.

The bathroom. Very cute and worth an honourable mention.

Lunch at Bravaria, a restaurant on the Old Square chosen because it was the only one with misters! It was a scorcher today and we were told by our taxi driver that it wa expected to go up to 37 degrees tomorrow!! Holy Cow!

Some other houses encircling the Square.

Addi peeking out from our window.

We took a stroll through Poznan (not a very long one because it was too hot to move). Our aim was a shopping Centre called Start Browar, in which there is a shop that sells these amazing fudge sweets we haven’t seen anywhere else.

This is also a city where old and new coexists. This is a random old building en route to Stary Browar.

And here is a new building. It looks like a metal Crinkle Cut chip.

An old mosaic clock I spotted along the way.

Dinner with our attorney (and friend) on Stary Rynek.

Today was so relaxing we arrived in poznan
Well, of COURSE Europe would be experiencing a heatwave while we are here! We saw one city thermometer that said it was 43 degrees! I have honestly never been so hot in my entire life!

We spent the morning with family friends. Graydon and Addison were also struggling with the heat and snoozed on the way to their house in the air-conditioned Uber.

Look at the size of these cherries! And boy are they delicious!

Piotr and Julia Muth in their incredible garden. We had breakfast fit for royalty!

Back in the Old Square.

At noon every day, the Bells in the City Hall tower chime and then two tin goats emerge from the wooden doors just above the clock and head butt each other 12 times. It drew quite a crowd!

The tradesmen houses next to City Hall. They are completely gorgeous!

Even the pigeons were hot and congregating around the fountain.

You can see the open wooden doors just above the clock.

The legend behind the goats in the clock tower.

A couple of buildings we saw as we wandered around the city (in the shade and VERY slowly!)

There are old and beautiful murals all over the city.

Graydon and Addi doing like the Europeans are doing today - splashing around in the closest fountain. This is a fountain on Freedom Square.

I’m not sure how I feel about the modern architecture in Poznan. It feels as if the more outrageous the design is, the better.

The heat and a touch of flu getting to Chris. He had some much-deserved shut-eye in the train from Poznan to Krakow.

We arrived in Krakow at 23:30 and were ecstatic to see this welcome note when we found our apartment - a little two bedroom place with aircon!

This is a salt bust of King Kaz

The entrance to our apartment, but this photo was taken at 7:30 the next morning when we were on our way out and to the train station to stash our luggage in a locker there.

Some pictures of architecture along the way.

It was so hot (although a little cooler than in Poznan) that a bit of a rest in the shade was called for.

A bronze sculpture of the historical walls of the City of Krakow that are still standing! They were built in the 15th century. That’s the thing about Europe - there is so much history that is not only being preserved, but highlighted and celebrated - the good with the bad. It all form part of what each country is today. It’s something South Africa can learn from!

Breakfast is about to be served!

Back in the apartment waiting to check out. That’s the other thing about Europe - they do not start work until 10:00!!! But then they close shop from 20:00 onwards.

We visited the Wieliczka Salt Mine - the oldest salt mine in the world. The mine is 327m deep, but we only went as deep as 160m under the surface. The first level was reached by taking 378 steps down to 138m under ground. The tour was 3km through a maze of tunnels and chambers, but the mine has about 300km of tunnels. The mine only stopped commercially mining salt in 1997. This is a picture of the stairwell from the top. It was about 14 - 16 degrees in the mine - a welcome respite from the searing heat.

The first chamber we reached was excavated between 1669 and 1689.

Addi checking out the salt walls.

The first ‘tourist’ to the mine was none other than Copernicus- he of the ‘earth revolves around the sun and not the other way around’ theory. The statue is made entirely of salt. He visited in the 15th century.

This scene (all the statues in it are made of salt) depicts the legend of how the salt mine was discovered. Princess Kinga was promised to a Hungarian prince in marriage. On her way to Hungary, she dropped her engagement ring in the mine and wished that all the salt in Hungary was gifted to Poland. According to the legend, her engagement ring was found in the first salt rock excavated from the mine.

This is a salt bust of King Kazimierz the Great.

The steps leading down to the second level of the mine.

A salt statue of a dwarf. All the statues in the mine were sculpted by the miners themselves, which is an incredible feat considering the detail of these statutes and the fact that when they were sculpted, the mine was dark and lit only by lanterns carried by the miners.

Graydon and Addi standing in front of an old tunnel.

The piece de resistance - St Kinga’s Chapel. Everything except the benches is made of salt - the statues, the walls, the floors, all the artwork, and the chandeliers. The chapel is thought to have been excavated in 1862, and was found in 1896.

The biggest chandelier in the chamber is made of 2 500 salt crystals and was list by candles until the mine was electrified.

This is a 3D tendering if DA Vinci’s ‘Last Supper’ in one of the walls in the chapel.

A statue of Pope John Paul II

The floors all along the tour were made of salt, and I wondered who had thought of carving the ‘tiles’ into the floors.

An inside lake in the mine.

Another exquisite chandelier. This one is in a chamber that is 90m high and supported by a series of beams that defies logic.

This is yet another chamber that is 50m high, carved entirely out of rock salt.

Addi and I were squashed into a miners’ lift to the surface. Thank goodness none of us were claustrophobic!

Back on the surface, we made our way back to the Old Square. We crossed the Votive River.

Some buildings on the Old Square.

This is St Sebastian’s cathedral. The two spires are completely different because legend has it that two brothers were commissioned to build them. Being competitive, the decided to see who could build the taller one. Unfortunately the brother who lost threw the winning brother off his tower to his death. We could not go into the cathedral because there was a special mass being held there.

Eating Pierogi.

We took a walk to the Wewel Castle, which is built on a grass hill that legend says houses the Wewel Dragon. In fact, the dragon is a symbol of Krakow.

On our way back to the Old Square, we stumbled on the world’s smallest sweet manufacturer and saw a demonstration on how they make their sugar creations. It was fascinating! It starts out as this huge lump of sugar and eventually is formed into these tine sweets that look like orange slices. They have 67 different flavors and each sweet looks like a mini work of art.

Farewell Krakow and Poland! Here we are waiting for the first of three overnight trains we will be catching this trip. The kids couldn’t wait!

Addi and Graydon on their top bunks.

It’s a very small space!

Hello Austria! We arrived in Vienna at 7:00 and decided to take a day room so that we could shower and stash our stuff.

Fresh from the shower, we set out to explore Vienna in 7 hours, an impossible task but we were up for it.

This is the Votive Church - the most beautiful building I have ever seen. This was where we would meet our Big Bus Hop On Hop Off tour.

And so we depart...

This is one of 3 Flak Towers in Vienna built by the Nazis in 1944 during the occupation of Austria in WW II. The walls are 2 m thick and were not demolished after the war because of the cost involved in doing so. One of them has been turned into an aquarium.

This is the world’s oldest (and for a time, highest) Ferris wheel. In 1916, the city obtained a court order to have it demolished but there was never enough money to give effect to the order. It’s since been revamped and is operational as part of an amusement park that was once referred to as the Las Vegas of Europe.

None is us is sure of what Running Sushi and Running Fondue is.

Kaiser Wilhelm Jubilee Church on Mexico Square. It is also known as the Mexican Church. Kaiser Wilhelm ruled Austria for 68 years. He was married to Maria Elizabeth, who herself became a legend (and not in a good way) and earned the nickname ‘Sisi’. They were the parents of Marie Antoinette, who married King Louis V of France. She is famously quoted as saying ‘Let them eat cake’ when the Bourgeoisie revolted in France.

The famous Blue Danube. The river cuts through Vienna in various places and is not at all blue. It is the second longest river in Europe, being 2 800km long and crossing through 10 cities.
This is the river that inspired Johan Strauss’s Danube Waltz. Strauss was born in Vienna.
The Viennese are very proud of the fact that the city has the purest water in the world. It makes its way naturally without any pumps from the Austrian Alps to the taps without any purification process. Although we were told that there were 900 drinking fountains throughout the city, we didn’t see a single one. And the water tasted bad! I’ll take y chemically purified water over this stuff any day (although Graydon and Chris disagree with me).

A view if the Kaiser Wilhelm Jubilee Church from another side.

The Coptic Orthodox Church built by Russian prisoners. Quite different to the ornate Kaiser Wilhelm Jubilee Church. In the background are the UN buildings.

The UN buildings.

Modern Vienna. According to law, skyscrapers can only be built in this part of Vienna. In the older parts of the city, the height of buildings is limited.

42km of the river front has been converted to an entertainment area for the citizens of Vienna.

The hills in the background of this photo are gone to wine farms that produce the famous Austrian white wines.

Some buildings in the Jewish Quarter on Vienna. This neighborhood was home to Siegmund Freud.

All the walls along the Danube Canal have been designated Graffiti Walls. This was done in an effort to limit vandalism of historical buildings in the city , and has seemed to have worked.

Some buildings along the bus route. My criticism of the tour is that there wasn’t information given on all the buildings we passed.

The HofBerg Palace. No-one knows exactly how many rooms there are in the Palace. Estimates are that there are about 3000!

The spire of St Stephen’s Cathedral (which we did not go to see) is the one in the right. It is 140m high and can be seen from anywhere in the city. After WW II, a fire almost destroyed it, and it was rebuilt using private funds donated by Austrians. The bell at St Stephen’s is not rung very often because it is so loud that it may cause structural damage to the cathedral.

The Coptic Orthodox Cathedral.

We visited the Schunbrunn Palace - the summer time of the Hapsburgs - and had a bite to eat before we went in.

This is the Palace. It’s a massive place and the tour we took only covered the state rooms. Unfortunately we could not take photos inside.
The Palace has seen its share of historical events. Mozart performed here for Queen Maria Elizabeth when he was just 6 years old! And it was here that the famous Kennedy - Khrushchev meeting took place.

A view of the ‘pool house’ from the Palace.

The floor is made of solid wood. It is absolutely beautiful.

The French Embassy in Vienna. It has been dubbed the Building of Bad Taste.

This Dome was erected as a memorial to all the victims of the Black Plague.

The State Opera House. It was burnt to the ground at the end of WW II and was rebuilt completely. It is also the scene of filming of Mission Impossible 5.

The Historical Fine Arts Museum, built by the Hapsburgs to house their private art collection.

The Art Museum on the one side...

And it’s twin, the Technology Museum on the other.

We finally saw the inside of a cathedral! We went into the Votive Church. At first sight, \240it is quite simple and modest, but if one looks closely, the detail is unbelievable and sumptuous. The stained glass windows are especially beautiful.

How cute are these traffic lights?!

Now this is travel! First class sleeping compartment on the train from Vienna to Rome.

Some scenes I snapped as we whizzed past in the train.

These pics were taken at about 20:00! Then it was lights out for a good nights sleep on the 14 hour train ride to Rome.

The cutest little traffic lights, only in Austria

The integrated architecture in Vienna

We drove past the UN hq. holly smokes it’s big.

A really old church:)

Stairs, stairs and more stairs 😟

The salt mines were amazing, we went 130 meters underground and walked roughly 3km, this was our highest walking day so far with over 20 000 steps and over 12km. That’s a lot of walking 🚶.

Scammers right in the station where we arrived, may have colored my opinion of Rome a little bit, but we have 36hrs to change that. We have taken a taxi to our hotel and walked a little bit as well, my opinion is already changing.
Having spent a very comfortable night on the overnight train from Vienna, we reached the outskirts of Rome at about 8:30. These are some pictures of what we saw as we approached Rome.

Fields and fields of sunflowers.

Our first glimpse of a really really old structure.

Having arrived at Rome’s train station, we needed to reserve seats on the train from Rome to Venice. So we joined the queue to customer service of Freccia Rossa, the intercity train service. These are rather specific opening hours!

Ciao Roma!

En route to the hotel, I took photos of all the buildings that looked old or grand without really knowing what they were.

And of the small side streets that seem to breathe the history of this city.

Chris made very good use of Google Maps and CityMapper. These little streets can be very confusing!

And off we set to explore Rome.

This is Piazza Novona.

Some more random sights on our wanderings.

Our first glimpse of the Pantheon. Despite having bought Fast Track tickets, we could not go in as the Pantheon is an operational church and today was the Feast of the Saints Peter and Paul so it was closed to the public.

Like all the ancient Roman structures, the Pantheon is immense. It’s really difficult to comprehend how such enormous buildings were built so long ago, where there were no machines.

I did manage to snap a picture of the interior through the front door.

This is the famous Bartolucci Toy Store. It is famous for hand crafting every single toy from wood.


Very similar to the Pantheon at first sight, this is the Temple of Hadrian.

Running at its base is an aqueduct.

These columns are monstrous!

I took this photo to show how big the columns really are. Graydon (who is 1,5m tall) doesn’t even reach the top of the base!

The best ice-cream ever! It’s pronounced ‘Venki’ and not ‘Venchi’ as our helper told us. They were very interested in the fact that we came from Africa.

And of course, the Trevi fountain. I had no idea that it is so big. There is no question that it is beautiful, but it’s size is noteworthy. It pumps 80 million liters of water through its system every day! The crowds were something, too. Rome is an incredible city, but it is ruined by the tourists (yes, I see the irony of that statement). From all the cities we’ve visited, this is really the only one I felt I needed to check my bag all the time. If you know what to look for, you can spot the scammers and pick pockets. Graydon made it a point to try and spot them.

Addi throwing a coin into the Trevi fountain. The correct way to do it is to throw it with your right hand over your left shoulder. It is said that throwing a coin in the fountain means you will return to Rome one day.

Graydon thought it was a scam until we read that the coins are collected every night and donated to a city charity which loads the money into rechargeable cards that are given to the needy to enable them to buy groceries. About €3000 is fished out of the fountain every night. And it is a crime to take coins out of the fountain!

It reached about 37 degrees today, but water fountains are available throughout the city where everyone is free to drink from the fountains or fill water bottles. Here Chris is drinking from a drinking fountain right next to the Trevi fountain.

We spotted some padlocks locked into chains around the city. It’s reminiscent of the Bridge of Locks in Paris (which, the kids told me, has been removed because the weight of the locks collapsed the bridge!).

Addi strutting her stuff in front of one of the many designer stores.

Pasta and pizza in a restaurant across from the Piazza Barberini.

The statue in the middle of the Piazza Barberini, which was our meeting point for our tour of the Capuchin Monk crypts and catacombs tour.

That water looked wonderful, but we couldn’t get near it.

After meeting our tour guide, he sent us across the road where we found a fountain with the coolest water we could access. The kids took advantage to cool down.

The entrance to the Capichin Monks Museum. Unfortunately we were not allowed to take photos in the crypts because it was considered disrespectful to the dead. We also had to ensure our shoulders and knees were covered. There were 6 crypts that were decorated with the bones of 3700 dead Capuchin Monks. The most interesting thing was the symbolism used in the decorations. The theme throughout was the fact that time flies, and that one day we too shall be dead.

I downloaded some pics from the internet to give an idea of what we saw. The quote in the first crypt was ‘What we are now, you shall one day also be’.

After visiting the crypts, we were taken by bus to the catacombs outside what used to be the city walls. The most amazing thing was to see that some of the city walls are still standing!

We were once again not allowed to take photos in the catacombs because it is regarded as disrespectful, but I downloaded some pics from the internet that show what they look like. We saw probably about 5% of the vast network of catacombs, and all the remains have been removed. Our guide told us that they are finding remains in the newly excavated areas of the catacombs.

Our third and last stop on the tour was the Church of St Clement. It is an operational church and a live archaeological site. Again, we were not allowed to take photos, but I got a bit fed up with this (because the last thing I am is disrespectful to God) and snuck a few photos in while the guide was not looking.
St Clement was a narrator at the Roman Forum and worked under three emperors. The church is very interesting in that it was built in the 12th century, but there are two churches under the one we can see above ground. As the story goes, the priest of St Clement heard running water and starting excavating a corner of the church to find its source. He uncovered a series of chambers that turned out to be an entire church! It is estimated that this church was built in the 4th century! But still the source of the running water was not found, and excavations continued. A third series of chambers was found - this dating back 4000 years! It was a temple of the Methrite religion. Methrites are star worshippers and the altars in this area were all testament to the stars and constellations. At lastvthe running water was found - part of the Tiber River was flowing under the church.

This picture was taken in the main church and is of the very ornate ceiling - almost out of place in this very simple church.

These are my undercover pictures so are a little unfocused, but they are of the second church.

This is an actual Roman Road and lead down to the third church. I couldn’t take any photos of the third church because the guide was starting to look at me very closely!

The tour was great, and we got our first glimpse of the Colosseum!

Rome has about 1000 churches. This is the Church of St Mary Major.

A beautiful insert into a wall of St Paul’s-in-the-Wall Church.

More drinking from fountains. It felt really weird to trust water coming from taps without any purification. Everyone was walking around with water bottles and filling them up at these fountains.

On our walk home (which took a detour we shall not mention) we saw some ruins that are clearly still being excavated, but we couldn’t find any information on what they were ruins of.

The size of the walls, built thousands of years ago, is breathtaking.

The view on the one end of the Via Dei Fori Imperiali.

And on the other end.

The Basilica Santa Maria. A church can only be a basilica if relics of saints are kept there.

The Altare della Patria (the Altar to the Fatherland). The Spanish steps are just behind the monstrous structure, but we only realized that once we had sped past in a taxi and couldn’t snap a pic.

Dinner in the ancient streets of Rome. Our waiter took one look at Graydon and called him (much to his disgust) ‘Justin Bieber’!

Day 2 in Rome and we had big things planned, starting with the Colosseum and the Roman Forum. And we had our first drama of the trip because we didn’t check the meeting point for the tour and were late. When we finally got to where we were supposed to be, we had to beg to be included in a later group. I actually started crying. THAT got the boys at the tour company a bit panicky!
Finally they found some spots on an unguided tour, which was fine because it meant we got priority entry to the Forum and the Colosseum. The queues were crazy and we simply didn’t have the time to stand in them.
This is arch of Titus - one of four arches that led to the Colosseum (although only 2 remain standing).

We walked up Palatine Hill to get a good view of the Roman Forum.

It was so difficult to take photos that really do the size and scope of the Forum justice.

Even panoramic photos don’t tell the full story.

Look how tiny Addi is! This is the Domus Tiberiana, built by Emperor Hadrian.

‘Temple of Venus and Roma’

A view of the Colosseum from the Forum Romana.

The second remaining arch - the arch of Constantine.

When Addi first saw the Colosseum, her jaw literally dropped. ‘Aaaahhh Mommy,’ she said, ‘look, it’s really the Colosseum!’
It is an enormous structure. One can almost feel, see and hear the crowds as they watched gladiators, slaves and animals battle it out to the death. The place pulses with bloodlust.

And surprise surprise, even the Colosseum is under construction. This is a sub-theme if our trip: Europe under construction.

This is the top of one of the columns that used to line the passages of the Colosseum.

Some remaining marble flooring. We were told that the Colosseum was cladded in marble from top to bottom, but when the Roman Empire fell, the marble was used to build other monuments and churches.

Next stop: the Vatican. In deference to aching feet and frayed nerves, we took a taxi to Vatican City. Our minibus taxi drivers don’t hold a candle to Roman taxi drivers.

Our first look at the Basilica Di San Pietro, or St Peter’s Basilica. It is a magnificent and imposing building that hold court over Vatican City. There is no mistaking what the heart of the Vatican is.

The right hand side colonnade leading from the bottom of Vatican Square to the Basilica.

This is what 21st century children do when sitting at the Vatican waiting for entry to the St Peter’s Basilica. Sigh.

Look! A Vatican Guard!

From St Peter’s to the Square.

Before entering St Peter’s, we walked into a side chamber. The ceilings were magnificent, but little did we know that we ain’t seen nothin’ yet!

My first impression of the inside of St Peter’s Basilica was ‘oh my God. This can’t be real!’ It is so ornate, so over the top, so gilded and so gold that it is difficult to believe that something like this actually exists. It is beautiful - in fact, ‘beautiful’ is a complete understatement. And there is so much to take in that it is difficult to know what to focus on.

The Door of Sacraments.

Michelangelo’s ‘Pieta’. I spent a lot of time taking this statue in. It is so quietly beautiful amidst all the ostentation that it brought tears to my eyes.

The mosaics on the ceiling in every chapel are masterpieces.

The Chapel of St Sebastian and the Tomb of St John Paul II.

The Monument of Countess Matilde of Canossa. The Countess is the only woman to be buried in the Vatican.

The audio guide called this the ‘Heart of the Vatican’. It is the Chapel of the Sacraments, where the host and holy wine are kept.

Some more ceiling murals.

Altar of St Jerome and the Tomb of St John XXIII.

St Peter’s statue. It flanks the Pope’s altar.

The Pope’s altar from the main area of the Basilica. Only the Pope or his delegate can hold mass at this altar.

A panorama photograph of the Pope’s Altar.

The Altar of the Transfiguration.

A list of all the Popes since St Peter himself.

A side view of the Pope’s Altar.

The Chapel of the Baptism.

The balcony where the Pope appears when he is at the Vatican.

The Lubbes on the steps of St Peter’s Basilica taking a break from the heat.

Goodbye Rome! On the train from Rome to Venice.

On the train crossing the Laguna Di Venezia, which separates mainland Italy from Venice.

Hello Venice! I got butterflies in my stomach when we emerged from the train station to this. Of all the cities we visited, so far Venice is my absolute favourite. It is such a beautiful city - so picturesque that I couldn’t stop taking photos.

These photos were taken from the water taxi that took us from the train station to our stop at San Marco.

On the water taxi.

The Rialto Bridge by night.

On foot from the water taxi to our apartment.

All these brands on the way to our apartment like the breadcrumbs Hansel and Gretel followed. Chris just put his head down and walked really fast! Addi and I declared that we would come back on a girls’ shopping week!

And finally, our room!

Poor Graydon was kaput!

But we still went out for drinks on San Mark’s Square. It was 22:45 and we were tired, but we knew that we would not have another opportunity to see Venice by night.

There was a quartet playing lovely music on the Square.

This was the first time we really got bad service at a restaurant in Europe. We sat down at about 22:50 and I asked the hovering waiter whether their kitchen was still open. He confirmed that it was and we placed our drinks order. When he came back with the drinks at 23:05, we wanted to place a food order and he says ‘ah, sorry Madam, but our kitchen is closed’. After picking my jaw up off the floor, I asked him when it had closed and he says ‘5 minutes ago.’ I NEARLY lost it!

The poor kiddies bearing their heavy loads. We dropped our luggage off at a luggage locker place nearby and set off to explore Venice.

Every nook and cranny has a story to tell.

We crossed a few bridges...

And found a place to have breakfast. Addi complained that the plates were so small, but then told us that she layered her breakfast like Rome! I’m glad the kids have learnt something on this trip!

Taxi rank.

Piazza Di San Marco by day.

Basilica Di San Marco. Entry to the basilica is free and at 9:15 the queues were already stupid (the basilica opens at 9:30). So unfortunately we didn’t go in, but it’s a great reason to come back!

We had tickets to see the Doge’s Palace. This is a corridor that leads to the entrance of the Palace.

The inner courtyard of the Doge’s Palace. The domes are those of Basilica Di San Marco.

Hercules slaying the Hydra.

The Golden Staircase, so named for the 24 carat gold stucco ceilings. This was the ceremonial staircase that lead to the Doge’s apartments and to the various chambers in which the state matters were discussed. The ceiling was completed in 1557 and is meant to be a tribute by Venice to itself. The ceiling depicts Venus’s conquest of Cyprus.

I could not stop taking photos of the ceilings!

This is the Senate Chamber. The Senate was made up of representatives of the most important Venetian families and decided matters of finance and politics.

A 24 hour clock.

A clock showing the signs of the Zodiac.

The Chamber of the Council of Tens. The Council was made up of the Doge, his six advisors and 10 members chosen from the Senate by the Great Council. The Council of Ten gained a reputation for being ruthless and all hearings were held in secret.

I was understandably very interested in the various rooms dedicated to the administration of justice. I noticed that the further one moved away from the Doge’s apartments the less sumptuous the rooms got. This is the first of the chambers dedicated to the rule of law.

The armoury.

The view of the lagoon from one of the windows from the Palace.

A wall mural in the process of being restored.

Graydon taking some pics from where the Doge may have stood.

And the view from that window.

The Chamber of the Great Council. Now this is what a court should look like! It’s completely intimidating. And guess what comes after this room? The Bridge of Sighs!

Some views along the way.

A few narrow passages.

And not so narrow.

A few more chambers.

A staircase.

And then we got to the prisons. They are austere, unhappy, haunted places.

Some interesting detail on the floor.

A 6 hour clock. They were big on their clocks, these Venetians.

The view of the Basilica of St Mark’s from the exit from the Doge’s Palace.

You can’t be precious about your boats or your walls if you live in Venice. There’s a rule that you have pass a gondola on the side away from the oar so that the oar can move unencumbered.

Graydon and Addi on board.

I also made it without overturning the gondola.

And off we go!

Some views of the city from the canals.

And onto the Grand Canal.

It is organized chaos on the Grand Canal. Everyone knows what they’re supposed to do, but it looks very disorganized. We were told that there are 400 water rules!

You could also book a gondola ride with a singer on board.

On board the ferry.

Inside the Basilica Di Santa Maria della Salute. It is big but a far cry from the Basilicia of St Peter.

Another church along the way to the restaurant chosen by Addi for lunch - Lineadombra.

Lunch! There are worse places on earth to eat!

Lobster pasta. The lobster was priced at €18 per 100g, and with 250g of lobster in the dish, this was by far the most expensive pasta I have ever eaten!

Dessert was basically a peach infused lemon meringue (it sounds mush better in Italian). Which was great until I realized that the meringue was not baked - effectively it is raw egg whites. Not my piece of pie at all! Chris liked it, though!

Some more views of Venice.

The next item on the itinerary was a tour to Murano (to see the famous glass blowing) and to Burano (to see the famous lace-making). En route we saw this temporary statue by Anthony Quinn’s son called ‘Buildng Bridges’. It depicts 6 pairs of hands joining to build an arch.

Two of our 4 musketeers were feeling the exhaustion from the whirlwind trip and took naps wherever they could.

Murano Island.

We attended a glass blowing demonstration at the New Murano Gallery. It is one of only 3 glass factories that is endorsed by the Venetian Chamber of Commerce because it complies with all standard set as far as quantity and methods used are concerned. There are over 1000 glass factories!

The furnace, but I must say that it wasn’t much hotter than outside!

This particular factory specializes in chandeliers. One chandelier was for sale for €250 000!!!!

Glass blowing.

What starts out as a red-hot blob...

Is very quickly transformed into a rearing horse. And by very quickly, I mean under a minute!

Having established that we cannot afford a Murano glass chandelier, we embarked on a 25 minute boat ride to Burano.

Historically, Burano was a fishing island, and the houses on the outside were painted bright colours to enable the fishermen to see the island in thick fog. In time, each house was painted. The law says that no two houses next to each other may be painted the same colour, and anyone wanting to repaint their house must apply to the city council for consent as to the colour to be used. No white or grey would be approved.

Back in Venice.

A proper view of the Realto Bridge.

Goodbye Venice! We will definitely be back, and for much longer!

Venice to Munich was an overnight train so we missed the views of the Alps, but there were still some beautiful country views to be appreciated.

Addi catching some extra z’s.

We arrived in Munich and had a few moments to kill before our train to Günzburg.

So we had brakwurst for breakfast!

This is what 21st century children do on a train, even when they are standing on it!

The name of an actual town between Munich and Günzburg.

We’ve arrived in Günzburg! It’s a picturesque little town in the heart of Bavaria.

Our first glimpse of LEGO blocks! Legoland is so near we can taste it!

As soon as we saw the Pirate’s Village, Addi was beside herself with excitement!

A Lego mosaic.

Thousands and thousands of little LEGO people!

Having checked in, we took a lovely stroll through the forest to get to the Legoland theme park.

The mini cities in Legoland made entirely out of LEGO were breathtaking. This is the Hamburg floating docks. The model is about 9m, made of 367 400 LEGO bricks and weighs 417,5kg.

At last, we saw Hollow Tooth (which we missed in Berlin).

And the Victory Column.

The Brandenburg Gate.

The Allianz Arena, the world’s largest LEGO building. It took builders 4 209 man hours and over a million bricks to build.

The detail in the cross section of the Arena is amazing!

And we finally got to see the Berlin Cathedral (the Dom), which we also missed.

The LEGO versions of the world’s tallest buildings, built to scale.

And then we visited Venice. We had just left the real one and it was fun spotting the things we had seen.

Spot the human!

We saw Einstein in wax in London, and now in LEGO bricks!

Addi and Graydon avoiding water bombs being exploded at them by their dad.

Master Wu at the Ninjago Village.

Ninjago warrior Kai.

The dragon is hungry!

A water ride to ease the heat.

Some prehistoric birds built from LEGO.

The Lubbe team getting ready to show the Germans how it’s done! They had to pump water to move the truck, put the fire out and move the truck back. They came 3rd!

The power tower. They kids had to pull themselves up to the top and then release the rope to plunge to the bottom.

The cutest little owls!

Some fat birds guarding the Dragon’s Castle.

And some piggies!

Neuschwanstein Castle was the first LEGO model to be built entirely in Legoland. It was built by 6 model builders over 6 months using 300 000 LEGO bricks! It weighs 300kg!

The Flying Ninjago.

Addi made our family out of LEGO!

And then we found the Star Wars area of Legoland. This is Endor from Return of the Jedi.

The Millenium Falcon on Tatooine.

Darth Vader’s ship.


The detail is incredible.

The first look we got of our hotel - the Dragon’s Castle.

The foyer.

The passage to our room.

Even the torches are LEGO!

Our room. The kids were sent on a treasure hunt for clues to find the code to the safe.

Dinner at the Pirate’s Tavern.

I was done and went to bed after dinner. The kids and Chris still played Pirate Mini Golf until 23:00!
Italy was by far my favorite country so far, from the inches of wall keeping the sea at bay, to the 2 000 year old structures that define Rome and the great empire that once was. Here are the best photos during our Italian job.:)

St Peters bacilica, in my opinion too ott.

And so we left Legoland at sparrow’s fart to catch a train to Ulm and a connection to Paris...

And arrived at Gare de l’Est at around 12:30. Bonjour Paris! 🇫🇷

A skew little house on the way to our hotel.

And then we saw La Damme de Ferre! I got 10 points for seeing her first!

Waiting to check in - very Parisienne!

Having checked in, the first order of business was a stroll along the Champs Elysee. On our way there, we crossed the Seine and spotted the amusement park outside the Louvre in the distance.

In case we weren’t sure we had arrived on the Champs Elysees...

Some Lamborghinis and Ferraris to confirm.

The unmistakeable Arc de Triomphe on the one end of the Champs Elysees.

It is MUCH busier than I remember it to be. Too many people!!! And the shops are much less exclusive than they used to be.

The Grande Palaise, built in the 1880s for the World Fair, aimed to showcase French innovation to the world.

The Place de la Concorde.

A pano shot at the entrance to the Tuileries.

The Louvre. We arranged a private tour of the Louvre, but 15 minutes before our meeting time, we received an sms from the tour guide wanting to know if we had entrance tickets to the Louvre. I mean, WTF??? When we met her, she explained that it was no longer possible to buy tickets over the counter. While we were trying to figure out what to do, the Louvre was evacuated due to some alarm being sounded and thousands of people were waiting outside the Louvre to get back inside. We took that as a sign and told the guide our tour was obviously not meant to be.

So, our afternoon having been freed, we strolled to the park that runs at the foot of Eiffel Tower. We rounded a corner and there she was in all her glory.

We started our second day in Paris with a tour of the Eiffel Tower. When she was built in 1887 for the World Fair, Parisians hated her. She was initially painted bright yellow and then red. Today she stands proudly with the city at her feet.

The view from the second level of the Parliament buildings.

The view upwards from the second level. It’s like reverse vertigo.

The views from the second level of the Eiffel Tower.

The Tour de Montparnasse in the distance.

An opening in the opening of the elevator that took us to the top.

And up we go!

Some fears to be conquered.

The views from the top are spectacular.

Addi getting a birds’ eye view.

Graydon’s is 340m above the ground, and Addi is 320m above the ground.

Graydon taking a closer look.

The Arc de Triomphe in the distance.

And down we go!

We took the stairs from the second level to the first level. It’s 10 minutes from the one level to the other.

And had to do some monkeynastics on the way.

On the first level looking up.

On the first floor, there is a glass floor that kids decided would be fun to stand on...

Lie on...

Do splits on...

And dance on.

We had a lovely lunch at 58 Retaurant, on the first level of the Eiffel Tower.

A note from the chef.

Our view from our table. Could be worse.

And down we go to terra firma.

Adventure nr 2 for the day was a visit to the Palace of Versailles. We very nearly missed it and took a taxi that would make any South African taxi driver proud!

Again, there were hordes of people. And the heat was back.

Ready for our tour.

This was another opportunity to photograph ceilings. Versailles is sumptuous and luxurious and completely OTT. There is just too much of everything, and unless you have hours to appreciate every detail, the best you can do is get an overview.

Every room is named after a planet. This is the Venus Room.

Versailles was initially a hunting lodge. Louis XIV began the conversion from hunting lodge to chateau, which took 40 years. He is represented in every room by statues or paintings as the epitome of strong, handsome, healthy king. In truth, Louis XIV was sickly all his life.

The hunting room.

And, of course, the Hall of Mirrors.

The Council Study, where the king held his meetings. Only the king was allowed to sit, hence the only armchair in the room.

Louis XIV’s desk. I want one!

The Queen’s bedroom. The last queen to occupy this room was Marie Antoinette. She was very unpopular with the French population due to her spending habits. She was called Madame Defecite.

The King’s bedroom. We were told that there was a waking up ceremony and a bedtime ceremony every single day until the day he died!

A dining room.

The exit. Much less ostentatious but still very beautiful.

Adventure nr 3: a cruise on the Seine.

Some shenanigans on board by certain members of the family.

The Eiffel Tower from the River. We departed from a pier at the foot of the Tower.

Our route and the sights we were to see.

My pics along the way.

Norte Dame. We couldn’t visit because of the fire which all but decimated her. The damage can be seen even from the river.

A beautiful wooden bridge at Norte Dame.

The locals line the river banks, have picnics and parties and even learn to dance!

It was American Independence Day!

Sunset on the Seine.

The Bridge of Locks.

When the Seine flooded in 2008, the waters reached this statue’s ears!

Modern Paris.

And we’re back at home dock!

At about 22:15 the Tower suddenly lit up the sky.

Dinner time at 22:30. Our last night in Paris and we went out on the town! On hearing that we were from South Africa, he says ‘Hey, bru!’ With the French ‘r’. It was so unexpected!

The beautiful night sky.

Our last morning in Paris and we visited the market on Rue Cler.

The most beautiful cherries!

And tarts!

And bonbons!

Trying to look like locals (and failing!).

And so the trek home begins. Our first train is from Gare de l’Est to Karlsruhe in Germany.

Our EuroRail tickets. Without taking local subways into account, we took 14 trains as we criss-crossed Europe.

Arrived at Frankfurt Airport. Our train was 40 minutes late, so not much time left for duty-free shopping!

Impatient EU passport holder watching ZAR passport holders trying to get through passport control (again).

Snow over the alps.

The brilliant colours of the sunset from the plane seemed a perfect ending to our epic adventure holiday!

20 Days,
190,8km walked (avg 10.6km avg per day)
11 Cities(+3 transit cities)
7 Countries (+2 pass through countries)
7 different transport type
5 nights slept on the move
3 currencies
2 time zones
1 Epic Journey!!!
So proud of my family for making it a bucket list adventure