Last day before we begin our big loop, from Colorado to Texas, then to Virginia to meet our newest Grandson for Christmas, then to Florida to winter and meandering our way back. \240 Nearly 3/4 year before we are back.
I admit to being both excited for the adventure, a little scared as the nation talks of possible unrest and shortages, and a little sad to miss friends and relatives here. \240 Especially James and Josiah, who will grow so much in that time. \240I love toddlers and will miss spending that time with them.
But, this is our chance to grow. \240To have time as a couple and to decide what we want our senior years to be about.To learn what God wants of us… Perhaps just to enjoy last vestiges of America before it all changes - to who knows what?
I miss our house. \240But only the memories of what it held, the pride of what we built, the sense of belonging to a place and a neighborhood and a history and \240 The beauty of the Monument area. \240 I knew every nuance of the weather, every sound and smell of the home.
Yet I love the freedom, the surprises, of life on the road. \240 Waking in new places, and making discoveries. \240 I love the unencumbrance of less chores, bills, and expectations. Anonymity. People become a priority again.
We will eventually have a new house, smaller and more easily managed, once we know “where”.
This campground will not be missed. \240A lot of traffic even on the outskirts. Nothing here that draws campers out to talk to one another…
The one thing here I enjoyed was the herds of pronghorn antelope that graze near us. Usually 10-20 in a band.
Tomorrow morning we meet our grandkids at a pumpkin farm that has activities for kids. \240Then we hitch up and head out…
A nice day today. \240Beautiful, fall in Colorado weather!
This morning we enjoyed the Pumpkin Farm with Amy, James and Josiah. \240We raced ducks, had a hayride (looking for owls and scarecrows as we rode), went down a variety of slides, played ina bin of corn, and had some food. \240We sure enjoy those boys! \240 It was hard to tell them goodbye, knowing it will be a while before we see them again.
By 1:00, we hitched up our RV and drove about an hour South, to Pueblo West.
Easy drive. \240Set up, and went into town for dinner.
Our “neighbors” seem very friendly, but we are too tired tonight to be sociable. \240 They are native Coloradoans, but will move soon to Texas in an area we want to look at, too. \240 They also find Colorado too big, too busy.
Had a really fun day! \240 First we went to the Chili Festival in Pueblo. \240 HUGE street fair with foods, music, and stuff to buy. \240 They had chili in/on everything - breakfast burrito, chili beer, chili ice cream, chili chocolate chip cookies, slipper chili burgers, etc etc etc. \240 we walked our feet off.
Then we looked at Domega homes, a builder in Pueblo that we really liked. \240 Homes about 2000sf, small lots, nice new neighborhood. (Peach crest Drive) \240Cost 400-500k. \240 Not sure yet if Pueblo could work for us. \240 Thinking about it. \240Still a lot of traffic, though less than Colorado Springs. \240People seem friendly. We feel safe, though I know Pueblo has gang activity.
Then we got a few groceries and went home.
This is the most social park we have been in. \240 After some rest we went out and spent hours talking to our “neighbors”. \240 Theresa and Chuck Summers come here every weekend, though they live in the Denver area. They are new Facebook friends. \240 Another couple spends all summer here though they live in Castle Rock! \240 They do pot lucks every weekend, and invited us. \240We had a real nice time chatting with everyone.
What a difference from the Falcon campground, where no one talked much. \240
RVing really forces spontaneity. \240We meet people we might otherwise never talk to, and do things we might never do. \240Discoveries are everywhere! \240
Chili Festival went for blocks and blocks. \240 Biggest street Fair I have seen!
Chili roasting going on! \240Smells great!
New friends at our campground. \240 (Therese taking the selfie)
Today was a nice catch up day, after online church. \240 We found time for driving lessons to get me more used to the truck. \240 Got to learn to back up and park using the mirrors, and drive in city traffic and in tight work zones…
Pretty easy to drive, except for learning to gauge the width and length of the truck. \240
Here comes Grandma in her mongo truck! \240 Watch out!
Well, interesting day! \240We drove to Angel Fire New Mexico. \240About a four hour drive, which is already very long by RVer standards \240( 3 is recommended due to the time to hitch, unhitch, hookup, etc. ) .
Then, 1-25 at the Raton Pass closed for 45 minutes. \240 Dead standstill both directions as they were blasting to widen the road. \240So our day got longer.
Other than the long hours, the drive was pleasant. \240 Nice scenery and good roads.
Good weather and a golden fall. \240 The mountain driving was a little hard for Jim as it was winding and narrow.
We were sure glad to arrive! And what a nice surprise! The park is beautiful, as is the area. \240 Concrete pads,nice landscaping, gated, craft classes for adults, exercise classes, a grassy dog park, waffles delivered to your door - even a masseuse available. \240 You can ride the ski lift up and hike down. \240You can ride a horse-drawn wagon. \240You can drive into nearby Taos. \240 The park has a hot tub but it is currently broken and they can’t get the part. \240I hope they get it fixed! So, lots to do. \240 We will be here 6 days. \240A vacation, after the austere last two campgrounds.
Tonight we ate at a nice Mexican restaurant with live music outside - old cowboy ballads. \240 Great voice! \240 At the bottom of the ski runs too, so the scenery was nice.
The weather turns tonight. \240 2 days of rain, and near freezing at night. \240 That means we have to get our water hose detached each night, and perhaps supplement the heater (which does fine down to about 40).
Then the weather clears up. \240 So we will use these cold days to catch up on work, phone calls, and laundry. \240 Then we can play come the weekend!
Our campground
Our view \240- dog park, pickle ball courts, activity center.
Jim at El Jeffe
You see interesting things in RVs.
Forgot to relate a tale from our Pueblo campground. \240 We were coming home after the Chili Festival when we got a call from the camp management, who said there was a young woman who claimed to be waiting to visit us. \240 Apparently she had two small dogs, and had set up a dog kennel, chairs etc in our parking spot. \240
We said we knew no one who matched that description, and that we were expecting no one. \240
Later we learned they had confronted her, and she was pretty high or drunk. \240 She said she thought it was free to camp there….
Another story began in Pueblo, as we apparently acquired an entire family of flies, perhaps from the nearby horses. \240 In New Mexico, we are still swatting them. \240 Some have escaped out the door. \240 Must be like being transported to the moon for them! \240Much colder here! \240
Here in Angelfire, we are camped next to a trailer perhaps 1/3 the size of ours. \240 In it live 2 adults and 5 - yes, 5! - young standard poodles!
We have seen that before, massive dogs coming out of the smallest RVs. \240 Much like a clown car!
Today is rainy, so I had some time to muse on this funny lifestyle we have embarked upon. Nice to have some funny stories.
News is bleak lately - shortages in basic supplies, the vaccine mandate that may soon cost Jim his job, and the continuing rise of home prices. \240 No idea how all that will affect us eventually. \240
But we are also listening to Christian prophecy,and realize all this is not “falling apart” but “falling into place”. \240 The world is setting up exactly as it was predicted so long ago. \240
God has us (all) in His hands. \240
We went to Taos today, after we had waffles in the RV park. \240 It was down a narrow mountain road, steep in parts, twisty. \240(Not looking forward to taking our RV on this same road next week as we head to Sante Fe!) \240The fog and aspen in their glory made it a beautiful ride. Took about half an hour.
Taos was fun. \240We’d never been there as tourists, and we loved the Adobe homes and the Spanish/Mexican/Indian culture. \240We shopped the historic downtown. \240We tried to go to the ancient Pueblo there, but it was closed. We ate at a restaurant in the oldest building in Taos, from the 1600s! \240And we listened to hippy music and dancing in the town.
The town is very liberal, and masks were required everywhere. \240 There was a large pro-abortion protest going on.
Then, returning to Angelfire, we also went to a Vietnam war memorial there. \240 They had a Huey helicopter, a museum, a cemetery, and a beautiful overlook where I saw many hawks (falcons?) in the tree tops.
Had a nice talk with Amy tonight.
Goodnight, I’m tired
Another awesome day in Angel Fire! \240 We had our waffles delivered ( I could get used to this!) and watched church online.
Our campground took a group of about 15 campers to the ski lift this afternoon, and we rode to the top, did a hike with amazing views from the peak, and then to the ski restaurant at the top where we all got acquainted. \240 2 couples had histories in Loveland, Co. so we had that to talk about. \240 One couple was from Texas and gave us some good tips on where to go there. \240 Nice group, lots of sunshine and mountain ambiance. \240 Aahhhh!
Later I took the pets outside, where Jasper got a lot of attention. \240He is getting used to the leash, but it is nothing like walking a dog! \240Tobey got to join several small dogs in the dog park.
At night, we went to a Peruvian restaurant. \240Really interesting, complex flavors but not spicy like Mexican foods. \240We had yucca fries! \240 Similar to potatoes, but more starchy.
All in all another nice day.
Tomorrow I must catch up to my emails and photos again. \240And prepare for another move on Tuesday.
Our campground office
Hikers from our camp, on top of the mountain
From the mountain top, you can see our campground in upper right by tree
Nice weather day, but we stayed home and caught up, and got ready to move. \240
Went to dinner, and very nearly hit a 🦌 coming home. \240I really thought we’d hit it, but It was Jim breaking hard that felt like the thump and Jim saw it run off. \240 Be still my ❤️! \240
The ride to Sante Fe went well, though challenging. \240Mostly that first part to Taos, so hilly and narrow and winding.
Sante Fe is not what I pictured at all! \240 Very hilly, pretty mountains nearby, rolling hills. \240 Nice city, many but not all houses of Adobe. \240 Not such a desert as I thought - it seems much like parts of Colorado. \240I think Grand Junction was drier than here.
We are here ten days. A lot to see! \240 Art and history, old churches, tourist shopping and every store of a big city - we do need to stock up some! \240I’d especially love to find somewhere for a haircut. \240 We both need one badly!
Also plan to attend the Albuquerque balloon fest 2 days, about 20 minutes from here.
This park is a 50+ park. \240 Seems nice so far. \240Good dog park, pleasant side streets. Met a nice resident here already. No activities or pool, but we will keep busy in the city anyway.
Moving days really wear us out. \240 But time to leave and find a restaurant…
Blessings on my friends and family!
Went to the Albuquerque balloon festival this evening, for the “glow”.
This is so huge compared to Colorado Springs. \240So many balloons! \240 Such a lot of walking! \240We had to take a Shuttle from a mall to get there. \240Lots of food and fun stuff to see…
Will add pics as they are available. \240
Goodnight - so tired! \240
Left at 4 am to go to the Balloon Fest in Albuquerque again. \240 Liftoff is at 7:00. \240 It is only about an hour drive, but the traffic is unbelievable. \240 We went to a mall that had a shuttle. \240So you park, and walk perhaps a mile to get on the bus. \240 The bus ride takes another half hour. \240 They let you off and you walk about 1.5 - 2 miles to the balloon area, and there are a lot of vendors selling gifts and food; breakfast burritos seemed to be a staple here. Perhaps another mile of walking gets you into the middle of the action.
They had a pre-dawn “glow”, very pretty for being dark outside. \240They had some skydivers come down with a flag. \240 The national anthem was sung. \240
Then, time came for takeoff and…nothing. Apparently the winds were a little too high up above (though it seemed very nice at ground level).
Naturally we were disappointed to not see them fly. \240That has happened before, in Colorado Springs. \240(In Albequerque, the sheer volume of balloons ascending is amazing! \240 We saw several successful launches on TV. \240 They cover it like the Rose Parade, in great detail. \240The festival continues for two weeks)
But, it was still beautiful and awe inspiring to walk among the balloons, which were inflated. \240 They also did “candlesticks” where they light their burners at the same time.
We also bumped into friends from Monument, Julian and Linda Drummond. \240 We used to go to church together. \240Linda is hoping to get her pilots license and already purchased a balloon. \240 For now, they crew for other balloons. \240It was nice to see old friends. \240
Very colorful and memorable. \240
See all the candlesticks burning?
I haven’t written for a while. \240 After our ABQ balloon days, we had to catch up on work so we just stayed home. \240
Then I found out my Mom, Sister and Brother in Law all had covid. \240 I began to research treatment options, in case. \240 After 3 days my Mom was hospitalized with low oxygen (hypoxia) and pneumonia. \240 She is still being treated, and feeling a bit better.
Jim has been busy interviewing for new jobs as Raytheon plans to enforce the vaccine mandate and we do not want the vaccine. \240 We just don’t trust it. \240
His current work has also been demanding long hours of work and much frustration, even anger, as I listen to their conference calls. \240Their goalposts on projects keep changing.
Last night we went into Santa Fe downtown again, to play tourist before we move on. \240 We went to Loretta Chapel with their “miraculous” winding staircase. Pretty, but we were under-impressed. \240 Then we went to the Museum of Contemporary Indian Art. \240Worst museum I have ever seen. \240 Weird stuff. \240One section was about Indians and nuclear blasts. Bad art and so cheerful! \240After paying for entry, I think we blew through in about 15 minutes - and laughed. \240Much better “art” in local galleries. \240 Finally we went to “The Shed”; a well known restaurant.
BORING ALERT - the rest describes some issues about RVing that will interest only those who want to RV one day! \240
While RVing, two issues needed more research so I dug in:
One was “domicile”. \240 Since we sold our home in Colorado, and have our mailing address (merely a forwarding service) in Texas, the question legally becomes which state is our legal domain for taxation and voting? \240 We don’t want both states claiming taxes. \240And, as Jim’s license expires in March, how do we get his Colorado license renewed with a Texas address? \240 Colorado is not “friendly” to RVers. \240 Taxes are high, and they make it hard to comply with their laws. \240 Texas, Florida, and South Dakota are the usual choices for RVs for that reason. \240 So, Texas it is - we have family there. \240But that means a long string of chores - get our RV inspected in Texas. \240 Get a Texas drivers license. \240 Register our RV and Truck. \240 Sign a legal paper of domicile. \240Etc. \240 We will have to squeeze that all into our upcoming Texas visit. \240Then reverse it all if we eventually move back to Colorado. \240 ugghhh. It might change our travel timeline, which is hard now that RV camps are reserving months and more out.
Then I called our insurance carrier, as we suspected our RV coverage was less than we needed. \240I wanted to know our limits and compare to another provider that specializes in the needs of RVers. \240 While talking to an agent, she suddenly goes “wait - you don’t have a home now? You are RVing full time? “ and she cancelled our policy! \240(We knew some insurance agencies object to that and had specifically stated our intention to be full time when we signed up - guess he was wrong! \240 Had we had a claim, they would have rejected it. \240 So I guess we were paying for insurance we could not use! \240 Thank God we had no accident until we found out! \240
But that meant, with so much going on with my family, I had to spend most of a day on the phone comparing so we other insurers… I am, thankfully, very satisfied with who we found though the price is higher.
They also include coverage of our storage shed back home, though I may have them drop that. \240 They wanted a list of “all contents, when and where I bought each item and for how much, receipts? “. \240Yeah, right. \240 It is all in boxes now in the Colorado shed, many items are 20+ years old, and I would only have receipt on new items - also in the shed. Thousands of items! \240 If all that is required, we will drop the coverage.
So much for the fun of RVing and escaping from the hassles of home ownership… Big eye roll.
Come quickly Jesus. \240
Hello from Tucumcari New Mexico. \240 Not a destination, just a stop along the way.
I will say, this was an easy and fairly scenic drive here. \240 New Mexico is not (all) the dry desert I expected. I appreciate the good condition of their highways!
This is on Route 66 and seems halfway to being a ghost town. \240 Many abandoned buildings. \240 All about 1950s era architecture. \240 Very kitschy!
One sign just outside town was to “come see the world’s largest pistachio”! \240 \240How is THAT for exciting?
This will be a great time to work on my insurance inventory.
Amused by our camp’s graphic design. \240
Home sweet home. \240Wow.
Just a funny restaurant, where each seat had painted-in customers to sit “beside” you. \240 Later was told these were all local townspeople so honored. \240
Got into Amarillo yesterday. \240 Another easy drive - pretty uncrowned highway, great road. \240 Nice campground, with a heated indoor pool, hot tub, sauna - even limo rides (free) to the Big Texan restaurant - a local must see - who also owns the campground.
We plan to visit our nephew, Steven Ronk, and his family while here.
We are worried about my Mom with covid, in the hospital in Loveland. \240 Should we turn around? \240 Not sure we could “do”
anything, or see her…
The hardest part would be RV reservations. \240 Could we find anything, with no notice, in Colorado? \240 Would we be able to catch up to our original reservations? \240Some places require about 1 year out! \240 If we fly, what do we do with the RV \240(May not be able to keep parked beyond our reservation) and our pets?
Likely the best is for me to fly out solo while Jim continues our schedule and cares for the animals.
Wisdom needed…
My birthday was spent, after a long day of listening to Jim interview for jobs, at the Big Texan. \240 The RV park is owned by the steak house, and they offer free limo rides there - in a limo with Longhorns on the hood- and a free birthday prime rib dinner. \240Why not! \240
We were joined by Steven and Christine Ronk, and their 3 kids.
It was nice to spend time with them, and they even brought a gift - so sweet of them!
But I admit, my heart wasn’t in it. \240 Mom is still hospitalized and sounds so weak and depressed. \240Linda and Rex are also recuperating from covid.
And suddenly a party just isn’t that important.
An easy drive to Lubbock. \240 Just as we arrived, Linda called asking for help with my mom. \240 Sounds like they want to give up on her, and her comfort care has been inadequate. \240 Spent all day on phone calls.
Park seems nice but I haven’t seen the town. \240 Yet. \240
About 85 degrees here. \240 Not bad for end of October.
More later. \240
They grow cotton here! \240I’d never seen a cotton boll! \240
A very sad day…. \240A part of my heart was left here today.
Yesterday we drove around Lubbock. \240 We walked Tobey a bit at Prairie Dog Town, an attraction in the park where you can watch and feed, yes, Prairie dogs.
Then we drove the town a little just to see what Lubbock was like. \240An older town, somewhat poorer, but very nice people.
Later we went to dinner.
When we got home, about 8pm, we noticed Tobey was breathing funny and shivering. \240A Sunday with no vets open, so we drove across town to a vet hospital. We were there until 1 am. \240We \240were finally \240told he was in pain, it seemed gastro/intestinal. \240 But when we ran blood tests to rule out liver issues related to his arthritis meds, the white blood cells were extremely high, possibly indicating cancer. \240We agreed to follow up the next day where he could get more testing done. \240 They sent him home with a bunch of pills.
This morning he seemed marginally improved. His injections and meds seemed to help. \240Happier, less spaced out, ate a tiny bit. \240We had a good day. \240 He got a bathe (recent diarrhea and RV park dusty dog!) and we napped together due to our late night.
About 3:30 we arrived at the animal hospital. \240He had an ex-ray and they found he had a mass pressing on his heart and lungs. \240 I was hoping it could be managed but the vet said, even so, it would buy him perhaps weeks…
Knowing we could be in the middle of the boondocks in our RV and have him in pain or gasping for air - and then trying to find a vet who may or may not be skilled - decided us. It was the time all pet owners dread. And yet… he seemed happier than I had seen him in weeks. \240 We loved on him and cried, saying goodbye, and he kept trying to lick and comfort US. \240 He fought the anesthetic and stubbornly stayed awake. \240A terrier through and through! \240He wanted to be with us and it really hurt us to have to continue. \240The vets were kind and gentle and I know he was not distressed - perhaps confused by the odd feelings….
Then he was gone.
He would have been 15 in December.
Looking back, I think he was in some pain for only the last few weeks. \240In September he had had bloodwork that showed an elevated liver but his white cells were normal. \240Since then, he became progressively reluctant to walk and had diarrhea. \240We thought it was just breaking in his new arthritis meds.
Anyway, he is gone. \240 The RV seems so quiet. \240I cried all day. \240Today was our 41st Anniversary. \240 We will celebrate another day instead.
We also prayed for my Mom, battling covid and respiratory failure…. \240
What a stressful week. \240All while Jim works overtime and does interviews as he will lose his job soon.
Tonight and many days after I will remember the best dog I ever had. \240 My companion and confidant during a dark time in my life. \240
He was fun and smart. \240He had a jaunty attitude I loved. \240He was very “alpha” but got along with everyone - people, dogs, cats, and anything between. He was the “fun police” of the dog park, keeping everyone from being to rowdy. \240 He adored snow, and made doggie snow angels. He “chomped” at us for attention.
I hope to see him again someday. I know it is not biblical theology, but surely God has a place for beloved animals too. Various animals ARE mentioned in the Biblical descriptions of heaven. \240May it be my first surprise in heaven to see my animal friends! \240
We left Lubbock early today due to high wind warnings. \240 The wind the day before had gusts up to 50 mph and our trailer was rocking and rolling. \240 Bad enough when parked, but we did not want to drive in it! \240 We did hit some wind, but for the most part missed it.
It felt so empty to have arrived as 4 and leave as only 3. \240Our routines have really changed without Tobey. \240 No first thing in the morning and last thing at night walks. \240 No one to give my leftover food to (Jasper, the cat, is really picky about new foods. \240 Tobey was a vaccume who would eat anything.
We arrived and the camp had a dog park and lots of grass Tobey would have enjoyed….
Then I called Mom. \240She was so weak she could barely talk, and a very sore throat. \240We only talked minutes before she didn’t want to talk further, and I had missed her for two days prior as she wasn’t answering her phone. \240
I felt discouraged and wondered if she was fading away. \240My one hope was knowing she was at least still eating. \240
Then, Linda called with very GOOD news! \240 They had been able to reduce Moms oxygen from 35% to 6%! \240No wonder she seemed so tired today - her body getting used to breathing for herself, and the sore throat from the drying of oxygen. \240 \240Wow! \240 If they can get her to 4%, she can be released from the hospital! \240And suddenly there is hope! \240 Thank you, Jesus!
All this is taking a toll on me. \240 The sadness of losing Tobey, the worry about Mom and wondering how we will respond. \240 First thought in town was to find out if they have an airport…just in case. \240Wondering if we gave up on Tobey too easily, because we “might” have to go to Colorado, and how would we find a dog sitter? \240 The needs of the RV, and the physical efforts of the long drives, the hitching and unhitching, finding groceries in new places, etc. \240Jim interviewing for jobs and working hard at his old one still. \240 Too much, and I can tell my body is fighting to stay well. \240
On a nicer side - we like San Angelo. \240It seems a nice town. \240Nice people, a lot to do here, cheap houses, about 100,000 population. \240 We need to research weather here. \240 Could be worth considering! \240
We saw a garden of water lilies, and walked trails in a gorgeous park. \240 Had a nice meal, and drove the town a little for an overview. \240 I wish we had more time here \240- we leave Sunday. \240
Jasper had fun watching hundreds of birds in the trees and grounds near here. \240Happy cat! \240
Finally, a day to unwind and play tourist a bit.
We went across town to Fort Concho, a civil - war era fort. \240 Very interesting! \240 Exhibits included barracks, canon, stables, guns, even the oldest telephones I had ever seen. \240One they had was an early Alexander Graham Bell model, and was one of only two in the world. Phone was about 1870s. \240 I was surprised that technology began that early. \240Fascinating. \240 We became “part” of that exhibit, as we found a 1959 phone that Jim had growing up, and a teletype machine that Jim learned computer programming on in high school! \240 You know you are getting old when your stuff is in the history museum!
Then we saw a street craft fair and stopped. \240 Turned out it was associated with a dea de los muertos ( Did I spell that right? \240 Day of the Dead celebration) \240at their fine arts center. \240 Tomorrow IS Halloween.
Then we went to San Angelo state park and drove. \240Mostly unimpressive. \240 Lots of cactus and mesquite trees, which are a very weedy, ugly tree. \240The large lake was in the distance. \240 There were some Longhorn cattle, some bison - but they were a ways from the road. \240 I guess the big thrill was glimpsing a road runner zooming across the road. \240I’d never seen one. \240 They also had javelina pigs there, but we didn’t see one. \240Lots of trails, but it was in the 80s and the trails didn’t look like they led anywhere interesting. \240 Just walking among big cactus and weedy trees!
Let’s go eat.
Earliest phone-1876
Civil War barracks
Jim’s teletype machine
Jim’s phone
Concho river walk
Just an interesting church. \240Still in use for weddings and funerals. \240 Presbyterian. \240
Arrived in Fredericksburg Texas today. \240 A nice drive, finally grass, trees and hills instead of flat cotton fields or mesquite tree/cactus areas.
Fredericksburg is a town of about 10, 000 in theTexas Hill Country. \240It is a tourist Ed German town. \240 Seems fun.
It is nearly 90 today, while Colorado has a cold mist and 40s for Halloween. \240 I miss trick or treating with my grandsons.
Too expensive to want to live here, but neighboring town Kerrville may be good. \240 We are here 11 days. \240 There are lots of small towns to explore. \240 Plus we need to catch up, begin Christmas shopping. \240 Jim needs to work.
Still exhausted from the emotional upheaval and frequent moves….
Conastoga “cabins” at our campground!
Big campground. \240 We are down near the end. \240 Doing laundry means a long carry!
Our first German restaurant here. \240 Yum! Jim had sausage. \240 Mine was a type of wiener schnitzel. \240
Working waterwheel in a park
German thingamabob…
Tonight I feel lonely. \240 It has been rainy and dreery for two days. I am using that time to do an inventory of belongings for insurance. \240 A good idea, as one accident or high wind could about obliterate an RV - unlike a house.
I miss my dog. \240It seems so quiet here now. \240 \240I am feeling the post-stresses of that and the covid illnesses in my Mom, Sister and Brother in law.
A big part of me just longs for familiar places and people…Those I love, not the endless parade of new people. \240 Though they are nice, and we genuinely like Fredericksburg (Thanks, Ray, for the suggestion. )
Yet, I recognise our year or two in the RV \240will go by fast, and it would be good to know of other locations to consider. \240We will carry these memories a long while.
But my grandkids will also grow up too fast and I miss them. \240I have not even met little Rainer yet! \240
Jim’s job is still in limbo. \240 He had accepted the new job, but now Raytheon is trying to work him around the mandates, perhaps through consulting? \240So, same job same location but now it is OK because he has a middle man boss? \240 How dumb is all this? \240I, and everyone else, are so tired of covid and anger and lies.
“I long for places where man has never trod.
Where women have neither smiled or wept
There to abide with my creator, God, and sleep as I in childhood sweetly slept….
The earth below, above the vaulted sky”
Today we went into Kerrville, near Fredericksburg, for the day. \240The hill country of Texas is pleasant, small scrubby trees and rolling hills.
It is a town of about 24,000 people and the weather in this part of Texas is nice. \240 Humid but not scorching hot in summer, few snow days. \240 More rain but few tornadoes.
Mostly we just looked at the town. \240I liked it, but nothing said “this should be home” to me. \240 If we had to leave Colorado, this could interest me. \240
Our favorite find was the Coming King Prayer Garden. \240It was built on a hilltop by a private citizen to promote Christ. \240I believe he did the sculptures himself, too. \240All along the garden paths were beds of stones, each with a prayer written on it. \240 Very touching! \240 Some were needs, some were praises, some were testimonials, some were “in memory of”. \240I thought of Lee, Becky’s husband, who just died of covid. \240 Our age, family of our old friends.
Yesterday was a challenge. \240 Jim got some stomach bug and was roaring from both ends (I know, TMI).
We took him to the local hospital for IV fluids and he was given antibiotics and anti-nausea meds.
Even so, he was sick all night. A little better this morning.
Due to his history of diverticulitis and blockages, we take his belly problems very seriously.
Today we need to pick up his prescriptions. \240They were all closed yesterday. \240Not sure I can safely drive the truck. \240(Still not used to the width and length in crowded areas - highways are easy) so if he is well enough, he will drive but I will go into the stores.
My stomach is a little off too. Might be just stress but I hope to not catch this if it was a bug or something we ate.
I also need to do laundry. \240In an RV we don’t carry a lot of extras.
Today - considering the recent covid scares, \240loss of Tobey, Jim sick in an unfamiliar place - I just wish I were “home”. \240 I am tired and I miss our friends and family.
Time to lean into Jesus.
Might as well show off our three Grandsons. \240 They make me smile!
Finally Jim is better. We have reason to suspect the campground water, a common hazard to RVers though this is our first time. \240We are ordering a water filter to use inside. \240 We already had one on our outside water line but this will get the smaller particles.
Had a good last couple days in Fredericksburg. \240 \240 We went to a WWII museum that was fascinating, but also overwhelming. \240 We had never realized just how many countries, battles, and issues were involved! \240Jim’s dad served in the Philippines, so we especially spent time on those exhibits to better understand what he experienced; \240as he never talked about it despite losing his brother Jim ( who my Jim was named for) in Italy doing explosives work.
The restaurants here are amazing. \240 Great food, fast service, fun outdoor dining, and many have live music. \240 The people all seem more relaxed and happy than Colorado. \240 Very few masks, obvious Christian influences…
First Day in New Braunfels, and we went to the “wurst” celebration!
Yep, German food, beer, and music and was it ever crowded! \240Nice location along a river. \240 Lots of fun, but I walked my knee into a painful evening!
We also had our RV officially inspected by Texas on ur way here; \240the first step to official “domicile” in Texas. \240 Wahoo. \240
Our campground is very nice, lots to do, pools, lots of trees…
New Braunfels is growing on us! \240 Nice area. \240 Friendly, quieter once you get off the highways, pretty. \240Lots of businesses and fun nearby towns.
Our favorite area so far is the bedroom community of Gruene, which is pronounced like the color. \240It has a downtown, touristy shopping area, the Guadalupe river nearby, a small farm-like vibe, big trees along wide roads…houses about the size we want. \240Cotton Crossing (0ff Common Street) \240was a favorite area; looked like retirement size homes. \240 Or, modular by Clayton homes (like in Pueblo). \240The Gruene Field subdivision had new Gehan homes like we saw in Dallas and liked. \240 There was also a Calvary Chapel in Gruene.
We were going to pay our car taxes today but learned it must be done in Livingston where our mailing address is. So we had to reschedule some time in Texas to go there. Hope we can get our domicile chores all done….
Someone in the hot tub told us that, in Texas, home taxes can cost as much monthly as your mortgage (but no income taxes). \240Apparently, if you have a 5 acre plot, they waive or greatly reduce the taxes! \240 Worth asking a realtor about, if we decide to buy here.
Gruene shopping area
All kinds of whirligigs for sale.
Gruene mansion - home of the founder. \240 Not a Colorado style for sure!
The pool at our campground. \24080 degrees here! \240 3 hot tubs, 2 pools. \240One is indoor. \240 I think this is our favorite campground so far! \240
More campground area. \240Rec room, gym, community crafts and meals…
A street in our campground. \240 The trees make it very private. \240There are also a lot of cabins for rent.
Hi Rainer! \240 Isn’t he a cutie!
Our last day here. I wish it were longer. \240I’d have loved to explore outlying areas more but we have been so busy here dealing with the necessities.
Today we get a in-person visit with friends we knew from Monument; Jill and her husband Tom - who now live in Houston. \240 Can’t wait! \240 Her husband had a job in Austin, so that brings them past New Braunfels on their way home.
Haven’t mentioned until now - my Mom had two heart attacks last week. \240 So she has had pneumonia, covid, and the heart attacks all in about a month. \240 She is expected to recover but it has been slow. She has a hard time sitting up by herself so she remains in therapy. \240
Yesterday my cousin, Larry, lost his short battle with Covid. \240 He will be greatly missed. I dread telling my Mom as he was special to her. \240
Another, thankfully younger, loved one is also battling covid. \240 Praying for quick recovery.
We need a break. \240 Between Jim transitioning to a new job after 20 years, and dealing with Texas legalities, and all the covid sadnesses - it’s nice to have a pleasant visit.
Arrived in Leander, a suburb of Austin, to see Jim’s mom, sister, and her family.
Had dinner out. \240How pleasant to eat outdoors in late November. \240
Had a nice evening but oh so tired after the move and a full day….
Just checking in. \240 Since arriving we have been busy visiting Jim’s Mom, Sister and family. \240 We had them over to our RV for fajitas, went shopping (HEB is an enormous grocery with great selections), cooked apples and potatoes for Thanksgiving day….
Also talked to family in Colorado. \240Mom is still in rehab, Amy is ill \240and will miss Thanksgiving, Linda hurt her ankle, our Pastor has covid….
Plus we need to get going on Christmas cards and gifts.
Jim is busy preparing to start his new job.
Lots to balance.
Thanksgiving and beyond…. At Jeff and Kay’s house for the holiday. \240 Great food, and so nice to enjoy our Texas side of the family! \240
Jeff and Kay (Jim’s sister)
Their kids - Steven and Wife, Christine; Justin, and his girlfriend; \240and Brandon.
Grandma Mel Eberle (Jim and Kay’s Mom)
Jeff and Kay’s Grandkids - Daniel, David, Shiloh
We arrived “home”, to a place we’d never seen before (to quote John Denver).
No, Livingston Texas is not the place we’d always dreamed of, but it IS our mailing address! \240 Our RV now sits within about 100 feet of the office our mail comes to. \240 Tomorrow we can just walk over and get it, rather than having it forwarded to us.
The general \240area is nice. \240I wish we had more time to explore. \240Lots of trees, friendly people, obviously a lot of Christian influence. \240The old Christmas carols, signs along the way, “God bless you” greetings.
But we are here only two days, with two important tasks. \240 We did the first, registering our car and RV for license plates in Texas. \240 The taxes here are far less than Colorado - hundreds, not thousands, for both truck and RV.
Tomorrow we get our driver’s licenses, assuming we have our paperwork all accounted for. \240 If successful, we are then legally citizens of Texas. \240 No more Colorado license. \240No complications at tax time since Texas recognizes full time RVers. \240
It was a tough day. \240We were up at 7:00, hitched by 8:00. \240 Drove until 12:30 - longer than our usual, and most of it fairly crowded roads as we skirted Austin and then Houston. For those of you who have not been to Texas, their highway ramps are insane. \240 Several will cross, and the highest ramp is like being on a roller coaster. \240 I’d hate to do THAT on an icy day! \240It was also very foggy; a little scary when too thick and you are driving such a big trailer. \240
Arriving, we took longer than normal to unhitch as it was a back-in spot (only our second time EVER), not real level, and trees that barely let us get the sliders out. \240
Then straight to the tax office. \240 It took perhaps two hours, since we were missing the address of our lender on the RV. \240 By now it was 4pm. \240 We had had no breakfast but coffee and only a couple cookies for snacks. \240I was getting kinda loopy - tired and jittery. \240 We found a good Mexican restaurant then went home to relax. \240
Here is where our mail goes.
They have a separate area for an RV nursing home. \240 Seniors in RVs can get help with meals, laundry and more while they recuperate from surgery or get too old to travel. \240
Well, met most of our goals here. \240 We registered the truck and RV, Jim got his license, but I could not get mine. \240I didn’t have anything to prove my SSN. \240Jim found a copy of a payroll receipt with his, but our cards are in storage. \240 Didn’t think we would need them. \240But copies were not good enough. \240 So I remain Coloradoan, but Jim is Texan…
I admit to a little anxiety about tomorrow traveling to Schreveport. \240Just don’t know anything about Louisiana. \240
Well here we are, the farthest south and East we have ever driven, in Shreveport Louisiana…
It was a nice drive, good highways and green treed corridors. \240We liked the town of Lufkin as we passed. \240 We hear the Louisiana roads get rough - no fun in an RV, to arrive and find all your storage jumbled by bumps - but to date, Colorado has had the worse roads, by far! \240 (Get on that, Polis!)
Going out for Cajun food, naturally! \240Tonight will be our only night here. \240 \240Lots of driving now, until we arrive in Virginia to see Sierra and Rainer.
So far, the impressions are good, though the crime here is said to be worse. \240 But we are a ways from town. \240 It looks overcast and boy, do we notice the humidity here and in Livingston.
Out of curiosity, I looked up home prices here. \240 They were 44% of the national average! \240 I saw small homes around 1000 square feet, many on half an acre to an acre, for $33k to 45k. \240 They looked like nice homes, older but not neglected. \240I saw Modular homes for about 17k!
Lufkin Texas, that we passes through on our way, was \240a really nice small town of about 6000 people with housing around 100k.
Typical highway scene for \240East Texas.
Our campground
Great Cajun food! \240
Arrived in Mississippi - Vicksburg - after a grueling trip across Louisiana. \240 Not much to see but (pretty) trees and some boggy areas. \240 Pampas grass grows wild here. \240You know, the 6’ tall grass you buy in Colorado nurseries will th the white plume? \240Also interesting - it is 80 degrees here, and the trees are losing their leaves. \240 It is like fall has been following us since September!
We really couldn’t see the cities, except a glimpse of Shreveport’s skyline as we left. \240 The others are just exits off the highway. \240 Another exception was Monroe, which was a very nice looking city just before the Mississippi line. \240 If I had to live in Louisiana that would be my pick.
Just before crossing the Mississippi we had a total standstill in traffic. \240 Both lanes of I-20 shut down when two semis crashed. \240 Pecans, and their boxes all over the highway. \240 Someone said it would be three hours, so people got out to stretch, walk their dogs. \240 I walked Jasper on his harness as we had already been riding about 3 hours. Then, they opened one lane and it all began moving! \240Only about 1/2 hour.
We crossed the river by bridge, and our campground was minutes away.
We (finally!) are taking a break. \240 3 days here. \240 We are so tired from the pace of the last few weeks. \240 We both slept poorly last night. \240 Kept waking up, and waking one another up. \240So the day began challenging, and that is when you make mistakes.
Another challenge was the rough and potholed roads. \240 Worse since Colorado. \240 Annoying in a car, but in an RV you feel them more. \240Then you arrive and stuff has fallen off the walls. \240 You open the fridge and food falls out. \240 The pantry is all jumbled, again. Our cable isn’t working, likely a loosened connection.
Such is life on the road.
Crossing the Mississippi
Truck accident
Boxes of pecans…
Takes a lot to crunch a semi! \240
Went into town for good Southern cooking, after a day inside while it rained and rained. \240
The sky had just cleared and we got some good pics!
Saw the Vicksburg battlefield yesterday. \240Very interesting drive along all the monuments. \240 The hills and woods would have made the fighting really hard…
Today we drove across all of Mississippi. Not much to see, thanks to the endless corridor of trees; though we liked one town…Monroe, perhaps? \240 Near the Alabama side.
Then across most of Alabama. \240 We really liked the suburbs of Birmingham! \240Looked really inviting.
Our campground is very plain, but we are only here two nights. \240It has a nice lake view, though, with a lot of egrets on the lake….
The road trip from Hades…
We left Alabama 1 day early as they were expected to have hard rains all day tomorrow. \240It is no fun to tear down, drive, and set up in a pouring rain. Plus, their campsite internet signal was really bad, as was their cell phone coverage. \240 Jim could not do his work there.
So we started to drive again, tired, but it was supposed to be only a 4 hour drive. \240It took us … 9 hours!!! :( !! \240 (Experts always recommend 4 hours max in an RV due to the increased vigilance needed.)
Leaving Riverside Alabama, We went across Georgia and 3/4 across S. Carolina, just past Spartanburg. \240Atlanta Georgia is a huge metro area, spanning halfway across the state - we learned.
Much of the roads in Georgia and S. Carolina were rough, bouncy, with a few jarring, deep potholes. \240That is a big problem in an RV as screws come loose, contents get tossed around and broken, parts can break.
Three times we had long, stand-still traffic jams. \240Plus lots of very narrow work zones to traverse in our wide truck and RV. . Traffic was VERY heavy the entire way. \240I have never seen so many semi-trucks on a road, and passing one is often a game of chicken, especially if they are weaving or riding close to the inner lane markings. There seems to be a lot of manufacturing plants in the area.
Passing through urban Atlanta, just past a hill, we had a real scare. \240A large sheet of plastic Saran-wrap type material, blew in front of us and we had no choice but to roll over it. \240 The sheet was perhaps 5’ wide and 15’ long. \240Soon we were hearing very odd noises and it was obvious it was caught on something, and there was a “drag” feeling. \240So we pulled off as soon as possible; just a short pull-off space on the shoulder with trucks whizzing by in a steady line. \240Jim got out to look, and the plastic had wrapped around and around our drive train, several inches thick. \240Fortunately we had a large jackknife in the truck. \240Jim crawled under the truck and hacked and sawed for about 1/2 hour until he got it cut through and mostly removed. \240 Naturally I was terrified that someone would bump our RV or it would roll with Jim under. \240But he emerged safe, tired and dirty. \240We drove forward, felt one last weird little bump as the remaining plastic trapped on top fell off, then it seemed normal driving except for the potholes and traffic issues mentioned before.
We finally got to our campground, almost, then found our GPS routed us wrong due \240to a long detour on the camp road! \240 The wrong route had us on roads not meant for RVs - narrow, with large overhanging tree branches that can rip our roof. \240 Took us about 1/2 hour to turn around and get back to the campground. \240 Time now to unhitch,finally; and get set up - about a 45 minute process. \240Poor Jasper was very eager to get to his litter box! \240 Normally this is not an issue!
Our TV is now not working. \240It came off its mounting bracket due to the jiggling \240and will need repair. \240Looking for other possible problems in the next couple days.
We had not had breakfast or lunch and it was now 6:00pm, after the time zone change. We had left Alabama at 8:30am! Most travel days we opt for a late lunch after we arrive. \240Jim ordered a pizza, and we set off to pick it up. \240We got a little lost again due to that detour but finally found the pizza place. \240Waited in a long line to pick it up..only to find they did NOT have our online order!!
Got subs instead, nearby. \240Went home…
NEVER had a day anything like this. \240 Both exhausted and crabby.
Sunshine. \240 That was his name, a waiter in a South Carolina BBQ restaurant in the town of Gafney. \240 I have never met someone to so embody that name! \240 He was positive, energetic, and reeked of Southern hospitality. \240His accent was thick, and musical. \240Pleasant to listen to. \240Best waiter we have had in a long while.
The day was rainy here so we didn’t get out and enjoy the campground, though there are some trails we would like to walk, into the woods and ponds.
We caught up on computer work, filled our propane tanks, and scheduled repairs on the RV. \240Felt good to just be quiet, and enjoy the fast WiFi. \240
This is more like it! \240
After the last drive, we were afraid of more crowded driving. \240 We left the cities of South Carolina. \240 The roads were narrow still and lots of work zones, but do-able after the traffic nightmare from Georgia to Gaffney SC.
Crossing the state line into North Carolina felt like Dorothy landing in Oz and suddenly all was in color. \240 A wide smooth highway, lined with beautiful trees, both pine and deciduous. \240 The Blue Ridge mountains in the distance. \240Light traffic. \240Skirting Charlotte, we saw very pleasant looking suburbs. \240I’m sure some of those would be wonderful to live in. \240 Beyond Charlotte, we especially liked Mooreville, a town of 40k by a big lake. \240 The prices are about 300-400k for homes we liked. \240 Statesville could also be nice.
We are staying in Mount Airy, also famous as TV’s “Mayberry”. \240 Our campground is beautiful, on a hill overlooking a cleared area with 2 lakes. One of our favorite campgrounds to date. Oddly, it has another distinction: \240a historical home once owned by Chang and Eng, the famous Siamese twins of Barnum and Bailey fame.
Naturally, we had to go to the Andy Griffith museum. \240 You can also see Goober’s gas station, Floyd’s barber shop, and other tourist traps.
But, we love the town itself so far! \240 Just about perfect. \240 About 40,000 population, easy driving, retirees, very Christian, inexpensive housing… good air and water quality, temps from 30-85… nearly perfect, except I hear the bugs are really something! \240And not too far from the big city of Raleigh Durham or Charlotte. \240
This will be a fun stay! \240
Today we moved to Chapel Hills NC. \240 Not too impressed. \240 This begins to feel East Coast busy, though still a small town. \240 It is noticeably liberal, compared to the rest of North Carolina and the South. \240It seems fairly poor, and more racially mixed again.
It was hard getting to a restaurant as the streets were small with little available parking - and we have a BIG honking truck. But we found a nice restaurant and had crab cake sandwiches. \240
Our campground is in a very closely wooded area. \240 This feels like \240full “camping” though we do have hook ups. \240 Squirrels everywhere; likely deer and other critters. Jasper loves it!
We heard Colorado Springs and Monument had very strong winds today. \240Amy’s house had a tree fall on the roof, their playhouses blew away, and their storage sheds blew apart. \240We saw a photo out of Monument that shows a storm coming over the mountains that looks like “dust bowl” clouds. \240 Wonder how our old home fared?
We also heard Mom may soon need to move to a nursing home (permenantly?) and “can we help?” . \240Much depends on timing. \240Very difficult with the RV - (where do we leave it? \240Must it be winterized? \240 What do we do with the cat? \240How do we get back to our existing reservations, made 1 year out? \240 What if just I go, and Jim has a health issue or a driving accident while alone?)
Yet I know Linda and Rex need the help. \240 I had hoped this would not fall when we are on the furthest area from Colorado, yet here we are.
It would be easier too but Jim’s new job is not working out. \240How can he get time off right away?
Trying not to worry but it is hard. \240We just want some time with Chris and Sierra and Rainer…
In the woods…
Jasper watching 2 squirrels and a cardinal who kept trying to fly into our truck window.
Nice day. \240Started with a nice walk in the woods while Jim listened to train8ng videos, outdoors. \240 Even Jasper got to go out and watch birds and squirrels. \240One cardinal keeps sitting on the truck mirror then flying into the window. \240 Over and over, for hours. \240 My guess is he thinks another cardinal is in his territory? \240 Perfect weather. \240 Warm but not hot, no wind.
Tonight we learned we had not really been in Chapel Hills, but just a hippy-dippy suburb. \240 We liked this town. \240 Reminded me of Fort Collins as it is a college town. \240 Traffic was reasonable. \240 Seemed very inviting.
Tomorrow, on to Virginia. \240 I admit to being nervous for the traffic, and can we really get our big rig to Sierras rental? \240Will we be able to supply electricity ok? (Even if we stay in Her house we need electricity for the fridge and the heater)
We kept our campground reservation just in case….
I believe this tree is camellia.
Camp office
Our first night in a house since April! \240😁! \240 We are in Sierra’s AirBnB in Virginia! \240 This is our furthest east on our long trip across the US.
Getting here wasn’t too bad. \240 We really enjoyed seeing more of North Carolina. \240 We really liked the further east portions of Chapel Hills, and I bet the suburbs between there and The big but pleasant cities of Raleigh/Durham would be wonderful. \240 The highways were not too crowded, and wide. \240 Relaxing!
Virginia immediately had more of an “eastern” feel instead of southern. \240 We passed the Great Dismal Swamp, which is huge. \240 Gotta google that sometime! \240 The last 15 minutes of our drive got a little scary but only because we are in such a big RV! \240 ( we notice there are few RVs on the roads now. \240 Guess saner folks are hunkered down for the winter).
Arriving, Sierra has a driveway on her rental big enough to fit in, but maneuvering it past the trees, fences, and mailbox took us a while. \240 Jim was awesome and got it in!
Then we got to finally see Sierra, and she showed us her house while Rainer slept. \240 I am so impressed with this house that she bought, fixed, and decorated. \240 It was in pretty rough shape when bought but it is really cute now, and only blocks from the beach! \240 She welcomed us with food gifts to use while we stay here. \240She also put up a little Christmas tree. \240
Rainer finally woke, and boy, is he ever a cutie! \240 I love being a Grandma and can’t wait to get better acquainted. He liked playing “motorboat” with Grandpa. \240I think Sierra is looking forward to some babysitting, and just a second pair of hands. \240 (We learned Jared will get home in about February.)
Chris will join us from California in a few days. \240 We are looking forward to our time with them!
Merry Christmas! \240 I have been so bad about updating in Virginia but we have been very busy, off our schedules, and Jim keeps using my computer!
Living in Sierras’ house has been a nice reminder of “what was”. \240 I’ve missed the space to spread out, bath tubs, easy proximity to family….and, watching Sierra with Rainer, all the sweet memories of raising my own children comes back too.
It is so nice to have Chris (who arrived the 21st), Sierra, and Rainer. \240 Sierra has gone all out to welcome us, feed us, and entertain us. \240 I think we are all tired and I look forward to a quieter day today. \240 Rainer has been a trooper- he is a real easy baby, with lots of smiles. \240 We plan to babysit more in the next few days we are here, and give Sierra some much-needed downtime. \240 Jared will return February 2022, which is a good thing.
We went to see a battleship one day. \240We were going to go on, but realized we would need more time and they closed in an hour. \240 But it was immense, impressive even just walking around the outside.
On the 23rd, we drove to colonial Williamsburg. Part of the drive went into an underwater tunnel! \240 The town, as it once was, is preserved as a museum, with costumed actors who tend the shops, run the blacksmithing, make wigs, etc. \240A beautiful walk and interesting exhibits, though we did not pay to see all of it due to lack of time.
On Christmas Eve, we walked the boardwalk to see the seaside, had a nice lunch out, then walked the botanic gardens in the evening to see beautifully done Christmas lights. \240 It was a nice evening, after the cold and rainy weather it had been since we arrived.
I have really enjoyed being with the kids again. \240 Sure miss Katie, Jared, Amy, James and Josiah. \240 Linda, Rex and Grandma too. \240 Can’t have it all as we are so spread out…
The battleship and naval museum
Williamsburg merchant
Ye olde town stocks
Grandma loves Rainer!
Sierra, Chris, and Rainer
The beach, near downtown Norfolk
Botanic Gardens stroll
One of many beautiful displays
We just moved to New Bern, North Carolina. \240 It was an easy drive with hardly any traffic once we left Virginia. \2403 pleasant hours.
Our campground is near 2 lakes and an inlet to the sea. \240 Lots to do. \240We can fish or canoe if we have time.
The town of New Bern is about 30,000 people. \240 It is seaside, very historic, and budding “touristy”. \240 I think we will enjoy our 3 days here, though I must catch up on things like mail and photos and email, after our busy days over Christmas.
I may also need to fly back to help my Mom move, in Colorado. \240 So I have to stay on top of our to-do list here, and possibly make quick plans.
Sunset in our campground
Great Day today. \240
Started with some catch up, managing photos to date. \240
Went to a nice restaurant with an ocean view. \240Perfect temps on the outside patio. \240Not hot or cold,a nice breeze, good food…ahhh.
Walked to capture a beautiful sunset off the docks of the campground.
Talked to Amy.
Had a campfire and met a nice couple from Kentucky. \240Oddly, they are going to Myrtle Beach next, then Savanna - as we are. \240
Another good day. \240 More catch up in the morning - email, mail, invoicing (my last one as “Web-Feat”. End of an era as a business woman).
Prepped a bit for moving tomorrow to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.
Talked to Linda to plan my trip to Colorado. \240 Bought airline tickets. \240 Did research.
Went on a trolley ride in New Bern. \240 We had a great guide. \240 Interesting stories about the towns’ Colorful past. \240 This area has a lot of Revolutionary War history, Civil War history. \240It was a city before there was a USA. \240Plagues, fire that wiped out much of the city, 1918 hurricane damage. ( The same storm was about 3-4 \240foot deep in our campground.) President Truman and Babe Ruth were here. Mark Twain wrote about a local woman, whose story was told on tour. \240Author Nicholas Sparks (“The Notebook”) lives here. \240
We really love all we have seen in North Carolina. \240 Small friendly towns. Lots to do. \240Mountains and seashores. \240Faith and “Southern Hospitality”. \240
Southern charm. If I remember right, this was tied to Pepsi, created in New Bern.
President Truman’s favorite church
Cemetery tour. \240Many from 1700s. \240Great stories. \240You walk in the “weeping arch”. \240 If water drips on you - your next trip to the graveyard will be yours!
This Masonic Temple
was visited by George Washington. \240 And the little theater on the right also helped launch Elvis Presley.
We are in Myrtle Beach. We had a four hour drive. \240First half was real easy. \240 Second half had us on highways going through cities. \240 Most were small, but Wilmington and Myrtle Beach were pretty busy, so we were glad to reach our site.
Biggest RV park to date. \2409 hundred RVs, most on a patch of sand. \240 The beach is at the end of our row, private. \240The water is very cold but people were out sunning. \240It was about 70.
Being New Year’s Eve, we heard fireworks tonight and went out after dark to look. \240 It was foggy, and no lights on the beach. A little eerie! So out of our normal activities and comfort zone. But the sea sounded so amazing! \240
Tonight we got warnings on the weather app of a tidal surge. \240 Some said perhaps 6” of flooding, but it sounds like it could be much more. \240 But, no one has left the RV park. \240 Most are gathering for New Year parties and many of these RVers live here full time. \240 So I assume this is normal and we are enough elevated to be safe! \240 Hope so!
There is a lot to do in Myrtle Beach but we are tired and only here 3 days. \240 We’ll see.
I wanted to explain something. \240I seldom mention my family in any detail, or news going on. \240 That is just a privacy choice and trying to keep my focus on travel and new experiences, rather than my emotions, beliefs, concerns. \240Anyway, to those relatives reading - your prominence in my writings or your absence does not reflect how often you are in my thoughts if not my stories. \240 Christ is still my #1 priority and I remain \240politically aware and concerned. \240 But this is for everyone, and someday, our travel memories. \240
I love you. \240 Happy New Year. \240 May 2022 be a blessing. \240
Today we walked the boardwalk at Myrtle Beach. \240Shopped, played on the beach, ate a wonderful lunch on a rooftop porch.
We were going to see the aquarium, but we were tired and we found we had to go fetch Jim’s credit card from our restaurant.
Went “home” and sat on the beach watching the sea. \240 Stormy waves today. \240 Much rain coming tomorrow and Monday.
Time for a new Journo. \240 New Year! \240 Here is the link. \240 Copy/Paste into a browser as this direct link will not work…
If you want to go back in time, here are previous links
When we began, Spring 2021
Our summer in Colorados Western Slope 2021