Picked boys up early from school (around 1:30). Came back home and took a Lyft to airport to catch our 3:45 flight to Orlando.
It was a quick trip and were in our rental car by 5:30!
We went to Sweet Tomatoes for dinner and then went to Hollywood Studios. We only waited 20 mins for the millennium falcon ride ! We close the park down, and left at 10:30😊
We stayed at Grande Villas in Lake Buena Vista. We liked it a lot!
Afternoon/ evening at Epcot
Went on the new Gondolas for the first time!
Breakfast at First Watch
Epcot to pick up our Passholder Coasters 😍
Took monorail to Magic Kingdom (got there around 11:30)
We did a lot at Magic Kingdom, even though it was fairly busy. We ....
Got on Haunted Mansion with no wait after we arrived right as it was re-opening after a temporary closure
Got on Thunder Mountain with no wait after we arrived right as IT was reopening! Couldn’t believe our luck!
We also rode tea cups, autotopia, Splash Mtn., Space Mtn., and the People Mover! \240And we did the Monster’s Laugh Factory and the Mickey Philharmonic 😊
We left around 6:30 to go back to Epcot to get our car and then on to Macaroni Grill!
Beautiful day at Disney!
Cool dude doing his Blue Steel impression on the monorail ❤️
The Disney card game - a tradition!
Tea cups!
Crazy driver!
Thunder Mountain fun
Cotton Candy - possibly the highlight of the trip for the boys
Had breakfast in our room and then checked out.
Visited Disney Springs and bought each of the boys a small Lego.
Then we got in our minivan and drove to Miami!
We stopped for lunch at Sweet Tomatoes in Palm Beach.
Then we checked into our room at The Confidante Hotel in Miami. It was a great place to stay for the night!
We hit the beach for a little bit in the late afternoon. The surf was a little rough, but the boys had fun.
We finished the night with dinner at the hotel restaurant.
We got up and took a walk along the boardwalk in front of our hotel, and then had breakfast at the restaurant hotel. Everything was pretty pricey there, but they had a \240breakfast buffet for kids that was “pay your age “ for the kids, so that was a good deal at $6 and $10! We played our new favorite card game “Monopoly Deal” during breakfast 😊
Picture on the boardwalk
Playing Monopoly Deal at breakfast.
Then we checked out and took a Lyft to the airport (Rob had returned the rental car to a place next to the hotel the day before)
Then we hopped onto our 1.5 hour flight to Turks and Caicos! (We flew American Airlines and each of our flights was only $79 a ticket!)
Seasoned travelers about ready to visit their first new country!
We got in to T&C and the boys got their first stamp in their passports.
Our ride was waiting to take us to the hotel that we booked through Costco (Villa Del Mar).
After we got checked in, Rob took the boys to the beach while I finished working and then they came back to get cleaned up and we went to Coco Airstream for dinner! It was very good!
We started our morning with a free breakfast at our hotel. Then we went to take a dog to the beach! We got Oakley and he was such a good puppy!!
Then we went to a Kabab place for lunch.
Then we rented some snorkeling gear ($20 a set for 24 hours) and snorkeled at Smith’s reef. \240Colin really enjoyed it and went pretty far out to see the fish! Clark mainly stayed near the shore
Started the morning with grabbing our free breakfast from the hotel and plying a game of Citidels (sp?) in our room. Then we walked over to the beach and had fun swimming and playing 😊
Then we grabbed an expensive lunch (over $100!) at a Mexican Restaurant and headed back to the room for a bit.
Then Colin and I got to ride horses in the ocean!! It was amazing! I rode Ginko and Colin rode Chino. My favorite part was when our horses ran in the water when it was time to go back ❤️❤️
Then we went back to the room to get cleaned up for dinner. We had an amazing dinner at Coco Bistro - and my dates were so handsome 😊❤️😍
We had breakfast in our room, played the Monopoly card game together, and then drove to the beach. We played keep away in the shallow water and saw a jelly fish!
Lunch at Omar’s
After a rest in the room, we played in the pool and then went to the beach at dusk. It was amazing- one of my favorite experiences.
One last puppy day with Oakley ❤️❤️🐶
Last dip as the sun was going down
Boys got a little too much sun 😳
Last dinner at Coco Bistro. Clark slept his way through dinner, waking up just long enough to eat enough dinner to get to eat \240dessert 😊
Sleep eating 😜
Best of all - I got to expense our $200 meal because of Environmental Lights’ Quarter 3 reward!
Took one last trip to the beach
Got cleaned up and checked out of the hotel by 12:00
Shuttle picked us up at 12:30 to take us to the airport for our 3:20 flight on Southwest (the T&C airport was so hot and small!)
We went through customs at Ft. Lauderdale- it was a super nice airport!
We got home around 11:00 pm. Happy to be home!