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Kensington Palace

I didn’t realize how close Kensington Palace was to my office until I tried to look for a museum to wander after work this week. Turns out it’s about a 15 minute walk away and the fastest route takes you through Hyde Park. So I left work a bit early and went for a stroll to check it out before dinner.

The whole tour isn’t that long, and I just missed the exhibit with clothing from Princess Diana’s wet shown but it was still pretty interesting. The rooms were all big but the furniture definitely wasn’t to modern scale.

I tried to keep up with the stories of the different families that have help the throne and who was full sibling and half sibling with each other but I think Emma would have been nice to have around to help!

There was a gorgeous display of royal jewellery and they had a full set on loan from a museum that was all in emeralds. I say it’s inspiration for someone to gift me for my birthday, since it’s my birth stone 😝.

The outside would probably be nicer in full bloom but the Queen’s garden was still very pretty as well!