Hi, time to start a new chapter in the New Year. \240 We are in Myrtle Beach, but soon on our way to Florida where we spend two months while it is cold further North…
We arrived yesterday morning, and saw the nearby beach. \240 Being New Years Eve, many were out, cooking, partying, setting off fireworks. \240 We were going to watch the show on the beach, but fog was so thick you couldn’t see much.
Boring as we are, we went to bed early despite being wakened by many rounds of fireworks.
Today we went to the main Myrtle Beach boardwalk. \240 We shopped, ate, enjoyed the beach. \240 We were going to an aquarium, but decided we didn’t have time and energy enough to do it justice.
Also, we discovered Jim had left his credit card at the restaurant and we had to go get it.
All in all, a pleasant day.
Whoa, wind! \240 We have the most intense weather we have yet encountered. \240Last night we had 50 mph winds, heavy rain, high tides, and a tornado warning.
Today is only a bit less intense. \240About 40+ mph winds. \240 The campground has flooded near the sea. \240 We have puddles near us, but some RVs sit in about a foot of water. \240I waded out to the stair that accesses the beach, and was about knee deep. \240 The sea was angry looking, chaotic.
We were supposed to leave today but extended our stay. \240 Tomorrows weather will be a safer drive. \240 RVs should not be on the road in high winds. \240 Even stationary, they can be pushed over at about 75 mph or damaged. \240 Hopefully ours will stay undamaged. \240
Good day to stay home and work. \240
Made it to Savanna, after a long drive. \240 Our campground is next to a lake, private gate, wide spaces. \240They have a great pool but it is fairly cool out. \240We have been so many places recently with fun amenities or tours, but they are closed for the season. \240 Sad.
We had a nice meal out, then met Mike and Donna from Arizona. \240 They once lived in Boulder. \240 Nice couple. \240She was an engineer too. \240 He was a home builder. \240 We both go to the same Florida city next. They were on their “virgin” trip in a class A that was VERY expensive. \240 Anyway, nice chatting around their campfire. \240
Tomorrow we plan to do a hop on/hop off tour in Savanna. \240
Toto, we’re not in Kansas anymore….
Savanna surprised me! \240I pictured a big, dirty and perhaps dangerous area. \240But we were thoroughly charmed!
We took a hop on/hop off tour bus, in the historic district, the riverfront, the markets. \240 Truly enjoyed each.
Beautiful old buildings from the 1700s. \240Plantations. “Haunted” buildings. \240A pirate house that inspired Long John Silver. \240 A cemetery that general Sherman not only rode his 60,000 troops through, but he stole headstones to “pave” the way over boggy areas. A stop on the Underground Railroad. \240 John Wesleys church. \240
The stores were fun, and the lunch was really delicious. \240Best crab chowder ever! \240 We also watched big ships in the port.
Then we went to see the worm sloe plantation. \240 You will recognize the road with live oaks arching over - I have seen that image many times. \240 They also had a blacksmith shop, slave quarters, and a mansion. \240Just the walk in the woods was memorable there.
In a note from Colorado, my Mom was moved to her new home today and seems happy with it so far. \240 Soon I travel to help in downsizing from her previous home.
All is good. \240 We have been so blessed in our travels so far!
Worm Sloe oaks
Pirate house -
Today we visited Tybee Island, still in Georgia. \240 We visited both the North and South Beach. \240 A cold wind, so no playing in the water but still fun to see.
Then we saw the Tybee Island lighthouse. \240We climbed 176 stairs to the top, and walked the small walkway at the top.
On the way back, we drove thru Bonaventure cemetery. \240 Very old, historic; with many sculptures and the mossy oaks. \240#2 on Trip Advisor, and fascinating. \240
Yesterday was just another catch up day.
One funny moment: \240we were out running errands, and I was long overdue for a haircut. \240 Getting haircuts while RVing is hard, as we are in town such a short while it is hard to get appointments so that limits us to walk-in stylists. \240There were few here. \240We saw the nearest was at a…Walmart! \240 So I decided to try my first-ever Walmart haircut.
Ooh, bad idea. \240 My stylist, an older woman with bad hair herself, muttered to herself constantly. \240 She asked me if I wanted my hair “stacked”. \240 I had no idea what that meant, and her definition meant nothing. \240 She dropped her comb several times, could not find other tools, could not turn off the blow dryer. \240She said she was tired from Benedryl, and “had to go pee!” \240I think she was on a lot more than Benedryl, and was hoping she did OK with my hair, which can be difficult to cut…
Surprisingly, she did OK. \240Not good, but good enough to be an improvement.
Yikes. \240Was never afraid during a haircut before. \240
God sent us a guardian angel today!
We were moving to Saint Augustine Florida from Savanna, Georgia. \240A shorter drive, great highway, great weather, \240 It should take about three hours.
About halfway through our route, someone leaned out their car window and gestured wildly for us to pull over. \240So we did, and got out to look. \240
At first all looked fine. \240 Then I saw one tire had lost its tread! \240 It was down to the steel treads, only in the middle of the tire. \240Yet it was still holding air. \240I could smell burnt rubber.
Had that tire blown, it could have caused a lot of damage to the RV or caused an accident. \240So we feel blessed to have avoided that. \240 But, we were now stranded.
We had AAA coverage and called, but being a Sunday it took 3 hours before we got help. \240It was hot and the trucks as they passed made the truck and RV sway. \240 Nerve wracking. \240We had had no lunch, needed the restroom - a hard wait.
Finally the car service came. \240 We had a spare and he put it on quickly. \240 We got on our way and arrived about 4 pm. \240 We will need to buy a tire to replace our spare. \240 I’d like to get the other tires inspected, too.
At the campground, we discovered we were also missing a “snap pad”. \240That is a large rubber foot that attaches to the support struts on the RV, which prevents the strut from sinking in soft dirt/mud/rocks.
As it attaches to a strut right before the tire that blew, I wonder if it fell off and hung up in the tire while driving? \240 Not sure, but now we have two things to fix again…
We also learned our clothes rod had broken in the closet so all our clothes were in a heap. \240The roads were generally smooth today, but there was one section with dips that caused a lot of “bucking and chucking”.
We ate at a nice restaurant a walkable distance from our campground. \240 Our camp has a beach on one side and a river on the other. \240 Each camper sits among a lot of plants, almost its own beach grotto. A little hard to drive our big beast into, but nice once parked…
Tonight I am tired and not a “happy camper”. \240But I will feel braver after a good rest…
Amazing that it was still holding air. \240 Had only a very slow leak. \240 Our tire pressure monitoring system did not alert us!
Our campground in St Augustine Fl is between a beach and a river. \240 Almost an island. \240
Pelicans at a nearby restaurant
A good day exploring Saint Augustine!
Notice all the pelicans on the roof
Tour of an old jail
Love the Spanish architecture!
Oldest fort in the US - 1600s
River next to our campground
Wow, just wow! \240Today we traveled. \240 First stop, discount tire to replace the spare. \240Fast and easy.
Then straight south for a bit, then west to the interior of Florida near THe Villages, a retirement city of 80,000 people. \240
Our camp is just outside Villages, and is a horse/equestrian showplace and the RV camp is a minor sideline. \240 I am talking beautiful, athletic horses such as I have never seen up close. \240 There are jumpers, carriage, and dressage competitors. \240The horse owners are obviously a rich lot. \240 We drove in wearing kind of ratty clothes, and feel so out of place until we dress up. \240
They have shows continually - dog shows, too. \240 Trainers are out working the horses and riders! \240So fascinating! \240I am so sad that I miss half of our time here to go to Loveland - though of course it is good to see family, too! \240I have never so wished I could be two places at once! \240
Really good restaurant on grounds
I flew to Colorado on Saturday the 15th while Jim stayed in Florida with the RV. \240
Jim is also applying for jobs, having quit the job he took after Raytheon due to language issues and poor treatment. \240
I went to Loveland to help sort my Moms household, downsizing her since she moved into Assisted Living. \240She has not fully bounced back after Covid and heart attacks, and would not be safe in her old home. \240 So we need to sell her home.
It is a lot of work, sorting. \240 But it was also joyous, to reminisce with my Sister as we unearthed items we had not seen in decades.
I have enjoyed seeing Mom and Linda but the weather here is cold and I was so enthused to see Florida. \240 Going home the 22nd.
Moms new room
Lake view Commons
Moms old house
I’m back, and what a fabulous day!
Yesterday I flew home, Colorado to Florida, after helping my Mom after her move into assisted living. \240 We had hoped she could move back to her home, but she was too weak to climb the stairs and even once improved, we all felt she was safer in a group setting. \240So Linda and I sorted all her belongings. \240 Some went to her new home, some were boxed for later, some were donated. \240Linda, Rex and I made a good team and had no squabbles. (Jim had to stay with the RV and job hunt) \240Mom seems to like the new place, though still missing her previous home. \240
The flight went well, and it was wonderful to see Jim.
Today, we watched the show horses 🐎 jumping hurdles on a coarse on our campground. \240 Breathtaking! \240Got some great photos and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. \240We saw one horse and rider fall, but they seemed ok after a while. We met one woman who explained the ins and outs of competing to us.
Then we went to The Villages. \240 We went to a craft fair, likely the best I have ever attended. \240Great artistry, small crowds. \240So pleasant to be out.
Next we drove to see ALL of the major areas in The Villages. I didn’t see one area I could not live in. \240 Very tempting! \240
Tomorrow it gets cold here, their coldest in many years. \240 So it will be an inside day. \240
One competitor. \240Took many videos! \240
Craft Fair, went for about 5 blocks
Center of The Villages, where concerts and dances are held.
View from one of the restaurants
Our last day here. \240Tomorrow, on to Disney’s Fort Wilderness!
I will miss Grand Oaks and The Villages. \240 Really enjoyed both. I will remember this! \240
Jim needs a break from job hunting. \240 Lots of interest but no solid offers yet. \240
Florida gets down to about 30 tonight. \240 A record of many years! \240 Doesn’t that just figure? \240 We want some good weather for Disney!
The Villages, shopping area. \240 Note all the golf carts - they zip all along this town of about 80,000 seniors! \240
Free entertainment nightly! \240These seniors are having lots of fun!
Our RV campground, and Equine Show Venue
Love the trees. \240 Nice restaurant here, too!
Yes, lobster night!
Carriage competitions. \240 Dressage and Obstacle courses today. \240
Here we are at Disneys Fort Wilderness! \240 The camp itself is less impressive than I thought it would be, but then, it is 50 years old! \240The sites are wide and pleasant, though backing in was hard. \240There are two restaurants, bus service to the parks, and two stores. \240There is a pool and horses too but we won’t be using them. \240We are here three nights and two days. \240 Epcot tomorrow and Hollywood Studios on Monday. \240 Then we move to a cheaper campground in Kississomee. \240
It is very cold today and tomorrow! \240 Lows near 30, highs near 60. \240The wind makes it feel colder. \240This is their lowest low in 4 years! \240 At least the parks should be less crowded! \240
Amy sent us an article, a warning to beware of falling iguanas! \240 Yes, that is a real thing in parts of Florida. \240Cold weather makes the tree climbers lose their grip as they go into torpor. \240 Being up to 40 pounds, that would be an unpleasant surprise to have one land on you! \240
Anyway, we are taking it easy today and going to bed early. \240 That much walking will be a challenge to my bad knee - but will be a lot of fun!
Fort Wilderness stables in background. \240
Trails End restaurant
Campground ⛺️
Epcot today was beyond awesome! \240 We had a great time. \240 The new ride in France based off Ratatouie, was really fun. \240 I especially liked the champagne bottle they pop in front of your 3D glasses, and you feel the spray and smell it! \240
My next favorite was “Soaring”, part of The Land in futureworld. \240 Kind of a combo of hang gliding and an IMAX film…. Wow.
Another had us aboard a space shuttle, taking off and leveling into orbit…
But - tonight my knees hurt. \240I am tired beyond tired and tomorrow is another big Disney day. \240 Oh knees - don’t fail me now…
World Showcase
New ride based off of “Frozen”. \240
“England”. \240 Ate at The Rose and Crown. \240
A great day at Disney studios, but oh, the lines! \240 This is more ride - oriented than it used to be. \240 I had so loved the animation tour and it is no longer there, nor are the hands-on exhibits about how to make a movie.
But the new Star Wars themed rides were great - after lines of an hour plus each. We also liked Micky and Minnie’s Wild Adventure, and the Frozen sing along, and muppets 3D.
We started the day tired from Epcot yesterday and my dogs are barking now! \240But, I made it through two days of all day walking and standing on my bad knee, without a fast pass or any kind of help. \240 I really wasn’t sure I could.
I did notice we were among the oldest folks at Disney. \240 Few our age and up unless they were in a wheelchair. \240 Most were in their 30s and 40s.
We had a nice dinner at the 50’s diner then came home to the RV about dusk.
Pictures will be added later…
Tomorrow we move our RV to another park that is less pricey. \240 Jim has more interviews and we both have catch up chores to do.
We are hoping to see Cape Canavarel one day, and perhaps shop Disney Springs while we are in Kissimmee. If we can make ourselves walk more…
Disney Hollywood Studios
Sunset view above Disney
Our camp site in Fort Wilderness
Segway tour through Fort Wilderness. \240 (Not us)
At the 50s Diner in Hollywood Studios
I forgot to check in! \240 We arrived on the 1st of Feb. \240 this is our first Holiday Trails resort. \240 If you have a membership, they are cheap to stay at. \240But, there are few in the west.
We arrived exhausted from Disney. \240 Then we learned Jim had NOT gotten a job he was counting on, for a very minor reason. \240 So we began, honestly, to worry about our finances, and Jim continuing the exhausting interview process as several of the companies schedule 2-3 lengthy interviews. \240 We slept poorly.
The next day, his recruiter called to say he had called back this employer, complaining that he brings them amazing people that they shoot down for odd reasons. \240So the company relented, and hired two - Jim included!
The pay is great, it is a defense company (stable in bad times). \240But he won’t start until March. \240 A few more weeks to bleed our savings, but Praise God! \240 They have a good reputation, too.
But, the shoe drops. \240 Jim, after periods of high stress, tends to get sick as soon as the stress lets up. \240 Sure enough. \240 By nighttime I was afraid he needs a hospital visit. \240And we have no insurance! \240
We have been agressively treating his symptoms since, and I am optimistic as he seems to be improving. \240
Now MY nerves are shot
Naturally, we have not enjoyed this campground so far. \240 It is 85 degrees. \240 They have a pool and a putt putt. \240 We had wanted to go to Disney Springs, or at least shops near us in Old Town. \240Mostly, Jim wanted to visit Cape Canavarel, 45 minutes from us. \240We are only here two more days…
But we must rest.
Today we moved to Lake Okeechobee. \240 What a wonderful campground! \240 This is kind of a seniors resort. \240 Perhaps 1000 RVs in a town of 5,000. \240 There is a lot to do here. \240 I learned to play shuffleboard, and we competed with another couple. \240 We also talked with people by the pool, listening to live music. \240
This is a place that sells land, casitas, and cabins for your RV. \240 It is beautifully landscaped, with pools, pickle ball, a gym, a library and other amenities. \240There are several lakes, and they say alligators are in them. \240
Lake Okeechobee is one of the biggest in the US. \240It sits middle of Florida, halfway between Orlando and Fort Lauderdale.
The town is friendly and nice. \240 Mostly conservative, enough to do. \240
It will be fun exploring here for a week.
Poolside bliss.
The entry into silver palms. \240 Lit at night with blue lights on the palms and the fountain. \240Beautiful.
Map of campground.
Our spot
One of the many owned properties, with cabana, tiki hut, and landscaping.
Sunset view of park
Pool, shuffleboard, and pickle ball available. \240 Live music most days at the pool.
Ah, it just does NOT get any better than this! \240 Early February, sitting in the sun. \240 About 70 degrees with a pleasant breeze that smells heavenly of all things tropical! \240
I did water aerobics today with a nice group, followed by the hot tub, followed by wood fired pizza from the truck in our camp. \240 We are sitting outside, us and Jasper. \240
View from our site
We are now at our furthest point South, and our furthest from Colorado. \240 After this stop we begin to work our way North. \240
We are in Fort Lauderdale, the closest campground we could find to the Keys. We will take a tour bus there Thursday, as it is a few hours to Key West. 3, I believe.
This campground is older, poorer. \240But that is OK. \240That is when we catch up to our projects. It has a pool, and a nature preserve trail just out back of our RV. \240It is high 80s here. \240Our first hot weather in a while. \240 Most of Florida was in the 60-70 degree range. \240
Good morning. \240Heavy rains today!
Last night I was in a Facebook group for RVers, and found a recall on the type of tires we have. \240 Said they can lose tread, and the photos shown looked exactly like ours had. \240 Need to check all our tires to see if they were all in the recall…. \240If so, I hear it is hard to get them in. \240 Assuming we can, it would be nice to get new tires. \240We already have a lot of miles on ours!
Wonderful, unexpected day!
We had no good expectation of Fort Lauderdale as Miami had really tainted our opinion of this area once. \240 But we had some extra time and decided to see the beach and ride the water taxi around in the downtown area.
What a fun adventure! \240Every turn was unexpected. \240 The big bridgeworks, the huge cranes unloading containers from ships, the yachts, multi-million dollar homes of business moguls and Hollywood stars and rock stars…. The canals, lined with big homes, reminded me of Venice.
The beach and boardwalk were also fun. \240 The waters were bright aqua, the sands light tan, with palm trees and beach cabanas. \240Bright blue skies. \240Yes, yes, yes!
To top it off, we had Valentines dinner at the Margueritaville hotel. \240 Everything we had was done to perfection. \240We were celebrating Jim’s new job, and the fun we have had in Florida.
Valentine’s Day at Margueritaville on Hollywood Beach, Fort Lauderdale.
Jim enjoying his meal
Unique chandelier in Margueritaville
Fun watching the “surfers”
All That would be required for 100% perfection would be about 5 degrees warmer and less wind.
Thank you, Lord!
The Guitar Hotel, local landmark. \240 At night, the “strings” project upward as laser lights.
Well, you win a few, you lose a few!
Yesterday was to be a highlight of our trip to Florida - seeing the Florida keys for the first time.
We had fun, and I’m glad we saw them
We woke at 4am to catch a 5:30 am bus in Lauderdale, 30 minutes away from our RV park. \240 The bus drove us to Key West. \240 It took 6 hours to get there. I’d have expected beautiful water views, with the Atlantic on one side and the Gulf on the other. \240When we could see water, it WAS beautiful, but mostly we saw bushes and trees that lined the highway. \240 And, oh yes - Everglades swamps.
Upon arrival, we took a “hop on-hop off” shuttle to see the island. \240 90 minutes for the full loop. \240 We hopped off twice and walked a bit to see attractions, then had to wait for the next bus.
We saw the butterfly pavilion (beautiful!). \240We loved having them land on us. \240They were everywhere! \240 Spent about 1/2 hour there. \240 Spent another 15 minutes in line to get a very touristy photo at the marker for the Southernmost point in the USA. We got a frosted drink. \240We also took time to get some dinner, as we’d had no lunch.
Then - we realized we were out of our 6 hour time, and had to reboard the bus! \240I never saw the beach or dipped my toes in the 80 degree water. \240 Jim never saw Hemingway’s house. I popped my head into only 2-3 stores… but it was 5:30 pm, and time to go.
Another long drive, but mercifully less traffic meant we were back to Ft Lauderdale by 10pm, and another 1/2 hour drive to our RV.
Boy, were we beyond exhausted. \240 I only saw 1 other couple our age on the bus, and they looked scary grumpy. I hope we didn’t look like that! \240 The rest on the bus were 20-30ish years old…
Also, no talking on the bus. \240 Well, lots of talking but in every language but English it seemed. \240 Chinese, French, Cuban, Russian…so everyone kept to their travel companions only.
Today, we rested and caught up to email and web. \240 Jim spent a long while getting our Cobra insurance from Raytheon set up. \2401.5 hours phone hold for help! We spent about 45 minutes sunning by the pool. \240 It was 85 today, our warmest since Florida. \240The keys were about 77 degrees, apparently their average.
More pictures to come…
We have begun our long March north and west, meandering toward home. \240
Stopped today on the other shore of Lake Okeechobee. I told you it was big! \240 We are heading to the gulf side of Florida now. \240 This campground, near Moore Haven, is much more rural. \240 The nearest restaurant is about 20 minutes away. \240We will be eating at the RV a lot this week. \240Nice to be away from the big city hubbub for a while.
The camp is surprisingly nice and very big. \240This is a good middle stop in Florida.
Another RV fix to do. \240 While driving, we had another dreaded honk from a passing car. \240We pulled over. \240 This time, it was a long strip of weather stripping trailing behind us. \240 Must’ve come off nearly the whole 40’ length. \240 Hoping no big rains until we can get it fixed.
Talk later. \240 I need to get some pictures into this blog again! \240 Just been too busy.
Our site
View from our site
Office and shuffleboard
Camp map
The weather strip from our roof. \240 Tied to our ladder now. \240
A nice night tonight. \240 We sat around a community fire pit, and sang songs with a guitar playing, about 30 people. \240 We had hot dogs and marshmallows over the fire…
Haven’t written much here. \240our days have been mostly catch up - mail, web work, cleaning and fixing the RV, getting taxes ready, working on getting Jim’s pay from Opportune…
Yesterday Russia invaded Ukraine. \240Already there are a lot of rumors about how this will affect the US. \240 Higher gas prices, higher food prices…
Wonder whether our being in an RV instead of a house will be an advantage (mobility, less cost if we are careful) or a disadvantage (family and friends and supplies far away) ?
Well, here we are - blocks away from the beach, near Tampa and St. Petersburg. \240 The campsite is OK. \240A little squished, not much to do. \240 But a tram picks up near us to go to the beaches, shopping, etc. \240 Good thing - our big old truck was hard to park, hard to navigate. \240
The drive here was easy but long. \240 It was supposed to take 2.5 hours. \240 \240But we hit a detour and heavy traffic. \240 It took 4 hours. In an RV that is a long day due to tear down, set up, and high vigilance the whole while.
I hadn’t slept well the night before. \240 I had gone to a community campfire and sing a long, and something feasted on me. \240Possibly fire ants. \240 About 10 large, intensely itchy welts. \240 One near my wrist is about the size of a softball and has 2 punctures. \240 Could be a spider, and I don’t like the red I see going up my arm. \240 If it doesn’t tame soon I get to visit an Urgent Care. \240 There is one nearby, and thankfully, we have our insurance again.
The bites revved an allergic response, so I was tingling all over and had a headache. \240 Thankfully that’s gone. \240
I think my body, in response, was “purging” toxins. \240 \240Twice on the drive I had to stop for the restroom. \240 Not easy with an RV. \240
Anyway, hopefully better tomorrow.
Pretty bridge we went over. \240 I remember a cruise we went on passing under this same bridge.
The gulf coast now, at a marina. \240 Will find the beach soon.
Terrible pic, but you get the idea. \240 On my forearm. \240
Had a good day. \240 After a quiet morning due to rain, we went to Honeymoon Island, and it’s beach. \240 It was in a national park, and more natural and less crowded than other beaches we had seen. \240
The water was clear and beautiful, and much warmer than the Atlantic-side beaches. \240 The sand was white and powdery. \240 There were a lot of very tame birds.
We saw more shells than I had ever seen and even found two sand dollars. \240We enjoyed a nice long walk through the waves.
Coming “home”, we had I ice cream at a store next to the RV park.
Then we had some bad news. \240 Jim is due to start his 2nd new job in a week, after waiting almost a month from hire to begin. \240 And now, they ask about his vax status! \240 We will find out Wednesday I think, if that is non- negotiable. \240If not, we are back to square one and without \240income…. \240
We also learned My mom must move again, for better care.
Considering the Russian invasion and sky rocketing prices, this gets scary.
Is it time to head “home” ?
We can only lean on the Lord for wisdom. \240
Clearwater Beach was our destination today. \240 White sands, as soft as talcum powder. \240 Warm water, though only 70 degrees today, and breezy.
We swam, and sunned, and shopped a bit before returning home
More challenges. \240
This morning I had to figure out how to get Jim’s blood pressure meds. \240He was completely out. \240We knew we were running close, but with the job change and insurance change into Cobra, we were waiting to get the account numbers we needed. \240After several lengthy phone calls I figured it out, and thank God, we \240had a CVS pharmacy across the street from us! \240(CVS has record of his prescription).
Then, trying to print a form needed for Jim’s new job, we learned part of our electricity in the RV was out. \240 Jim researched, and found a power surge had partially melted our $300 surge protector, and damaged the plug on the main power cord for the RV, the 550 amp. \240 Apparently a previous repair from months ago was not done well, and rain or humidity got in… now we had NO power, no AC on an 85 degree day, and even our phones and computer needed a charge…
We are bummed to have another expense, but we got it all fixed today and it could have been so much worse. \240 The circuits in the RV itself seem undamaged. \240The surge protector sacrificed itself, as it should. \240
Parts are also an issue now, and apparently Jim got the only plug head repair kit in 4 stores. \240And a tech was available to install it for us!
So happy too that this happened before Jim’s new job as it took all day…
Today was a nice balance. \240We got a lot done at the RV - paperwork, cleaning, moving prep. \240 Then we had some fun!
We went kayaking near Tarpon Springs, where we saw dolphin and manatee as we paddled. \240 They winter in Tarpon Springs, but their season is nearly over.
Still we saw a few and they were fascinating. \240Really enjoyed them, the birds, the warm temps, and the cool waters. \240 The rowing was a nice rhythm! \240A little tiring to those seldom used back muscles, but satisfying.
Note for next kayak session: \240 Be sure to get kayaks with seats! \240 Jim was having a hard time sitting flat, comfortably. \240 I am better at sitting “Indian style” than he, but even so, my legs were cramping and falling asleep after a while. \240
Afterword, we had dinner at Barfly (really good food!) then found a produce stand near our RV park. \240 It was so fresh and we wanted to try the Florida foods. \240 Our camp tomorrow will be more rural, and once Jim is working, I plan to cook more so it was good to stock up. \240 Everything is getting so expensive! \240 After Russian invasion to Ukraine, gas is suddenly $4.50 a gallon! \240
Well, here we are near Gainesville, Florida. \240 Getting close to the panhandle. \240 We are here only a few days. \240 It was a 2.5 hour drive. \240 Gas is becoming an issue. \240At $5 a gallon, it cost over $100 to get here.
This campground houses an animal rescue sanctuary, with chickens, pot belly pigs, donkeys, emus, and parrots on the grounds.
Jim has one more day “between jobs”. \240 He starts Monday, and that will change our schedules a lot. \240 So far, the company seems like it will be great. \240 Good communications, good benefits, and they seem friendly and efficient. \240Total opposite of “opportun” - the company with mostly Pakistanis.
Bad news on my mom today. \240Linda and Rex had to move her to another facility. \240 She (mostly, except for Covid restrictions) liked her last place. \240 But after a series of falls, they did not want to keep her any longer and suggested - and her Dr. agreed - she should be in a nursing home.
So Linda found another home, an assisted living that also offers nursing home care. \240We knew it was older, not as nice - but felt it better than a standard nursing home, with a shared room.
So Mom was moved Thursday, but first impressions are not good…. \240She is unhappy and the staff seem unprofessional…. And, she is still isolated here. \240 Since unvaccinated, they keep her apart from other residents at meals and activities. \240 Apparently that is Colorado law; kind of a perpetual lock down and NOT what was promised before she was moved!
Parrots at our campground
Nice pool. \240 Must try it out!
Our camp
Our first Cuban restaurant. \240 Reminded us of the food in Costa Rica.
Tampa skyline, as we drove by.
Dumb observation…
Remember I said how it seemed “fall” so long in our travels? \240In this part of Florida, leaves are just now falling! \240 My guess is, in absence of true “winter” cold, the leaves from last season just desiccate on the trees. \240 Then the first growth of spring buds release the leaf! \240
RVing really messes with your sense of time and season…
Jim began his job today. \240So far, so good.
Tomorrow we leave for Destin. \240Originally meant as a short beach stay, but it looks like it will rain our whole time there…. Also, there are fires nearby, in Panama beach. \240 Hopefully we will not face a detour…
After a long but easy drive we arrived in Miramar Beach, near Destin,yesterday. \240 Our camp is within an easy walk of a beautiful beach. \240 A few rigs are right up to the beach itself!
The sand on our site was very fine and deep. \240Getting our rig parked was fun - Jim had to use four wheel drive to power us through up to 9” of sand.
We walked on the beach and saw jellyfish washed ashore! \240 It was foggy, almost ghostly looking. \240
We are here until Saturday and it expected to be rainy the whole time.
Woke up about 3 am to a tornado warning. \240We are in danger until about 8am. \240 Hope we do not need to evacuate.
I expect this will be the last Florida entry. \240We are supposed ( *later note - we DID move, after a short break in the weather ) to move tomorrow to near Montgomery Alabama, but Florida is throwing it all at us tonight and tomorrow. \240Thunderstorms, Rip tides, high tides, a freeze warning and high winds (about 40 mph gusts).
While high winds can be “exciting” but OK while parked, you do not want to drive in them!
Our park had said we could stay one more day, BUT we have to move to another spot. So no danger going down the highway, but we still need do all the hitching and unhitching work, in the wind and rain and cold. \240 Yuk….
Sunday is expected to be good weather. \240 Northward and Westward now!
The fun continues! \240 Join us
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Sierra, remember this? \240
Harbor Walk
Inside McGuires restaurant. \240