Everyone made it in time to MIA

Take out lunch at Sushi Maki, \240then ride the

Uncle Alex showing Gwen Local Lightfield app from Fyuse.

Our plane to Guayaquil....

Seat belts fastened!

Florida Keys - goodbye USA!
Buttoned up the house and headed off for MIA to meet up with Alex, Crystal, Lali, Gwen, an Justin. \240Crossing Alligator Alley..
Everyone made it in time to MIA
Take out lunch at Sushi Maki, \240then ride the
Uncle Alex showing Gwen Local Lightfield app from Fyuse.
Our plane to Guayaquil....
Seat belts fastened!
Florida Keys - goodbye USA!
Checking in with Lindblad at Guayaquil airport.
Bedtime snack at Hilton Colon
Shrimp & corn omelet for breakfast
Elevator with a view of the city
From our room
Gwen says we need a pic of our room. I’m not so sure.
Working out while waiting for bus to airport
Gotta try everything
Lobby art
Playing Phase 10
Children ‘s day in Ecuador. Who knew?
Avianca somehow changed our flight from 9:30am to 1:30pm so we \240got to Galapagos too late to explore San Christobal - but we got to watch cavorting sea lions, frigate birds and boobies while we waited 45 minutes on the pier for a zodiac to take us to Endeavour II.
San Christobal - first view of Galapagos
At the pier
Sea lions & Gwen
Waiting for zodiac
On the zodiac to ship
Waiting for order to abandon ship
Gwen with new friend
At the abandon ship muster station.
Frigate birds
Kicker Rock
Gwen and Lali’s morning stretch on the Observation Deck
Snorkeled at Gardiners Beach on Hispanola Island. Afterwards, photo lessons.
Amazing afternoon on other side of Hispanola - Waved Albatross...
Blue Footed Boobies
Nazca Boobies, tons of them
And Gwen writing her journal.
Off to the olivine beach on Floreana before breakfast, and a short hike to a large salt pond populated with flamingos, black necked stilts etc. Saw the flamingos take off.
Took a zodiac to Champion Island where we would snorkel after breakfast. Decided on the “bay” snorkel because the other side was pretty choppy.
After breakfast Ellen & Gwen went on the glass bottom boat to see the schools of colorful reef fish and playful sea lions, who looked up at them through the glass. The rest of us snorkeled in the same area - amazing fish, and sea lions were all over us.
Returning to the ship we diverted to observe a feeding frenzy of boobies and noddy terns.
Later we visited the “post office” on Floriana where Gwen mailed a card and we picked up a card to deliver in Nashville.
All tired out after a long day.
Puerto Ayora on Santa Cruz Island... Gwen visited the Darwin Research Station but Ellen & I skipped it since we had been there 4 years ago. ET & I visited a school \240then we all met for lunch at an upland farm restaurant. \240We then all went to another ranch to see the giant tortoises.
6am took zodiac to dry landing on Santa Cruz for hike up Dragon Hill. \240Marine iguanas, great blue herons and stilts populated the beach. \240Higher up we saw land iguanas. \240We were all on different groups but passed each other on the loop trail.
Galapagos mocking bird
Marine iguana
It was hot!
Daily wrap-up
Climbed to lookout on top of Bartoleme(behind guide)
After breakfast visited beach with iconic pinnacle behind Lali & Gwen.
Immediately after Sandy & Justin snorkled along the shore around the point.
After Mexican lunch
the ship moved to Chinese Hat islet and another snorkel for Justin & Lali. Gwen played blackjack with Babu & Alex.
Later Alex, Crystal & Sandy took a zodiac to Chinese Hat and watched a flock/herd of Galapagos Penguins fishing.
Final day in the Galapagos - the ship is in the caldera of Genovesa Island. No land animals here- the land and sky are full of birds: red footed and Nazca Boobies, frigate birds in full color, swallow tailed gulls etc. We go ashore at 6:10. Unfortunately Gwen has usually gone on different zodiacs with different naturalists, so we didn’t get as many pictures of Gwen as I’d like.
Off for last hike to Prince Phillip’s steps to top of Genovesa.
We provide amusement for Nazca Boobies along trail.
Farewell dinner on Endeavour II.