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Ho Chi Minh City

Back to reality now! We had the laziest Sunday imaginable. I finished my 3rd book of the week and Alex watched 5 hours of his Netflix series (whilst doing all the washing!)

We both went back to work today, although I only teach 1 lesson on a Monday so never really feels too bad. Tomorrow is Vietnamese Teacher’s Day so there’s lots of prep around that for the schools. It’s celebrated lots here, the children have been practising performances for a few weeks and they will all bring in gifts and cards for their teachers.

We’ve been given the day off due to all the performances etc, which in some ways is a shame as it’d be nice to see all the celebrations, but on the other hand we get a day off so we won’t complain!

We’re going to find a nice brunch spot and treat ourselves to snazzy bike helmets.

I was very happy receiving one lovely card from a student, Alex has just come home with the most beautiful pen sketch and 200,000 dong (£6.60) \240from his class! So that’s blown my little card right out the window!

Last few beach pics

Avid followers may recognise these lollies as we had these in Thailand in our first few days away!

Teacher’s Day prep