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Hua Hin

We’ve arrived in Hua Hin! The drive down was pretty good, there were just 4 of us in a mini van with air con - can’t complain! The day was pretty fast paced - we had about 10 minutes to drop our belongings in our room and then we were shipped off to the mall to buy provisions for our room. First attempt at shopping in a Thai supermarket - and very fast paced at that! Gem ended up buying bleach instead of hand wash - solid start!

The room is basic but we will make it into our month home no problem! The beach is a 3 minute walk away so we’re super excited to see that.

However... in our first orientation meeting we have been told about a small shark bite recently.... packs of wild dogs.... scorpions.... snakes.... and box jellyfish! So we have to have our wits about us!!

Other than the local wildlife, we think we’ll be able to cope just fine! Our first week here is mainly cultural lessons, thai cooking and general information.

Dinner at the local restaurant

Welcome to our humble abode! We also have a lovely little balcony with tables and chairs which you shall see in the next episode!