
We flew into Reykjavík Iceland yesterday and went to the blue Lagoon spa.

Today we went walking around Reykjavík and be needed to buy coats for Sam and for me. We went to a whale museum and had lunch by the docks.

Iceland is in the World Cup for the first time since 1947 so everyone is very excited here.

What an amazing day. We started off by meeting or back roads group and then took private planes across Iceland to the eastern coast. We went for a hike up a mountain and had lunch. Then did zodiac boat rides in the glacier lagoon. The glacier is 3000 feet tall and almost 10% of the island.

Another amazing day. We went ice climbing on a glacier. We wore special shoes and head pick axes and we climbed on a glacier. We then went for a drive back to the new hotel and the kids went horseback riding this evening. We also have a hot tub which William \240spends hours in.

Today was absolutely amazing. We went on super jeeps through rivers and went for a long hike. We stopped for lunch and went on another hike up a mountain with an ate lunch. We hiked in a gorge and found a beautiful waterfall. Sophia and William went for a swim we also then went to a large waterfall and ended up in the hot tub.

There was a bike riding day in the rain. Sophia and William rode bikes for 34 miles. Sam and I stopped at lunch and took the van back to the next hotel. Dinner was at a fancy restaurant. The lava cake was amazing.

Another day of adventures in Iceland. Today the weather was absolutely perfect without a cloud in the sky. We started off biking and we did a 20 mile bike ride. We then saw beautiful waterfalls and where \240techtonic plates meat. The kids then went to a camp where they did archery and other games and the adults went to an old barn for Icelandic folk songs and a wonderful meal in the afternoon William had a massage we had a nice dinner and the kids are playing games in the game room

Today was our last day in Iceland and it was our biggest adventure of the week. We went for a 5 mile hike to geothermal hot river. It was pouring rain and a driving wind. We were all freezing until we got into the hot springs. We then changed into our wet clothes and ran two and a half miles back to the vans. We changed in the vans and went to a geothermal restaurant we’re all the food was cooked using geothermal heat. We then went to the airport and took a very quick and pleasant flight home