Leave Friday for Barcelona then on to Malta, Morocco, Algiers, Tunisia and Rome. The same 4 are going that went to Egypt. Follow our adventures.
Leaving tomorrow morning
We made it to O’Hare. 3 flights left. Yippee.

O’Hare. Lines not too bad
Flew from Chicago to Vienna to Frankfurt to Barcelona

Flying over Switzerland
Today we board the ship but first we are touring La Sagrada Familia. Started in 1826 by Anthony Gaudi, they are hoping to finish construction by 1926 for the anniversary. There will be 18 towers. The largest and last is the Tower of Jesus. The Tower of Jesus will hopefully be finished by 1935.

La Sagrada Familia

Stained glass windows La Sagrada Familia

The rainbow of light shining into La Sagrada

There is a church underneath La Sagrada where they still hold services

Part of the facade of La Sagrada depicting the Last Supper

The models they use to create La Sagrada
Today we are in Marseille, France.

Notre Dame In Marseille

The city walls

The clear water of the Mediterranean

The city was built on 6 hills of limestone

CMA CGM shipping building

USS Truman Aircraft carrier

Largest Catholic Church in Marseille

City hall with yacht docks in front
Today we are in Ajaccio (Corsica), France. \240This is the birthplace of Napolean Bonaparte. \240We took a walk around town before tour.

Church of the Maritime

The Citadel entrance built in 1492

Demonstration to keep their native language instead of changing primary language to English.

Pyramid of Napoleon

Corsica coast
Today we are headed to Rome. \240There are over 300 churches in Rome, all Catholic. The Vatican is built from reclaimed materials from the Roman fortress. The Vatican is built on top of the tomb of Saint Paul.



Inside the Pantheon

Pantheon dome

Outside walls of Pantheon

Trevi Fountain

Spanish Steps

Today was honoring Patron Saint of Firemen

The Coliseum
Today is a sea day. We have very little planned other than travel consultant and dinner at Manfredi’s.
Today we are in Malta. We have a private tour scheduled. It is so windy outside, you can hear the wind howling. \240Malta is 22 miles long and 18 miles wide. There is no homelessness. Everyone has a job. \240There are 365 Catholic Churches an 2 Cathedrals in Malta.
St Paul was rescued in Malta which is the reason the country is Catholic. \240He was on his way to Rome to be tried when he was shipwrecked in Malta. \240He was rescued on Saint Paul Island.
Tried eel and octopus for dinner. Determined that I am not a fan of either.

Watch Tower

Gun Turret


St Lucien Tower

Market in Marsult

Harbor of Marsult

Monument to George Bush Sr and Gorbachev peace talk here in 1989

The stone walls were constructed in 8th century by Arabs to denote property lines

The Blue Grotto


The main church of Siqqui

Dinglii Cliffs the highest point of Malta

Church of St Mary Magdelan at Dingli Cliffs

Main entrance to Mdina

Popeye’s Village where film was made

Saint Paul’s Island
Malta day 2. I think we saw everything possible yesterday so we are just going to visit Christmas Markets until on board time. \240Well, as the locals say “Valletta is always late.” \240The Christmas Markets do not open until next week.

Merry Christmas

Today we are in Tunis, Tunisia

Largest Cemetary in Africa. 4.5 million buried here

Main square

Medina of Tunis



Brightly colored door

In the water are flamingos
Today is a sea day and we are rock n rolling side to side and front to back. When I feel like getting to a window, I’ll take some pictures. This started around 7 last night and has been pretty steady all night.
Today we are in Algiers, Algeria. The country is 98-99% Muslim.

The Monument of Martyrs

Satellite dishes everywhere

Algiers Post Office now a museum

It’s a sea day today.
Today we went through the Strait of Gibraltar.

Off the bow this morning

Entering the Strait
Today we are in Casablanca, Morocco. We have a private tour booked so stay tuned. Casablanca is largest city on Morocco. \240The cities are named after colors. Casablanca is White city. This means the houses are white.
The El Mohamed II Mosque holds 20,000 men and 5,000 women. The esplanade outside the mosque can hold 80,000 people. Under the mosque is the cleaning fountains to cleanse before prayer.
Morocco is a very progressive Muslim country, With 94% of population being Muslim. Polygamy is practiced but only with the permission of the first wife. Women hold the same jobs as men. We saw women bus drivers and shop owners.

Another beautiful rainbow in Morocco

El Mohamed II Mosque

El Mohamed II Mosque Inside

Rick’s Cafe Casablanca

The 4 of us outside Rick’s Cafe

Casablanca shop
Today we are in Cadiz, Spain. A small little town on the coast.

Building Murals

New Cathedral

Central Mercado

Tuna at Central Mercado

Bags of live snails at Central Mercado

Torre Tavita (Watch Tower) Jonwent to top, we did not
Today we are in Malaga, Spain. \240Malaga is a beautiful seaside town.

University of Malaga

Bank of Malaga

City walls

Wild parrots everywhere


Concrete dividers

Ruins above the city

Today is our last day on board. It is a sea day. We did a tour of engine control room and the bridge.

We have disembarked the ship. We are in Barcelona visiting Christmas markets before our flight home tomorrow. \240It was a very nice cruise.

Barcelona Cathedral, not La Sagrada

Christmas narket

Gaudi house