Cape Town

So we are finally here in Vic fall took us a bit longer than was planned with a stop in Johannesburg to refuel as KQ had issues with fuel supplier in Cape Town but personally I thing it was the 16 Americans on board which made the the plane over weight and had to stop to refuel or the plan would not make it to Vic Fall. We are here staying at a place call Create Sprayview best descript as straight out of the colony period of Zim. One big pool and very nice dinner around it, rooms are great they big and very clean clean as one would except from a four star hotel - with South African tv channels now that was a bonus to watch SA showing the Aussie how to play cricket - looking forward to what tomorrow brings - Planed is a river trip on the mighty Zambezi and lunch over the falls.

Travellers Hint - do not get sucked into going to buy actives - buy when you are ready to not when your driver is.

KQ plane - aka the Dreamliner

Marion and I on the Dreamliner

The Dreamliner on the tarmac

Blue always works for me

This to be used when the British Lion tour South Africa

Victoria Falls Bridge

There is only three word for today at Vic Falls - WOW, WET, EXPENSIVE - with everything in USD make sure you have a lot of cash on you - the best way is to find a tour operater that will take you from point A to point B - start on boat cruise on the Zambezi for two hours great way to start the day watching birds and hippos that was the WOW part. The wet part was the waterfall there is not many thing that take my words way but Vic fall does I was like a little kid at a amusement park running from view point to view point and the rain/spray back was amazing for somebody who has not see real rain for years now it was great - leaving the National Park and going to Vic Fall hotel was like going into a time warp - with full size painting of Queen Mary - a must is high tea there - now to the sad part the cost

Hotel $109, boat $45, Vic falls $40 lunch $30 memories priceless

Devil Canyon - Vic Falls

Hotel Room



View from Vic Falls hotel lawn

Railway station

The spray from the falls

Vic falls hotel

The Zim flag

Vic Falls hotel

On the boat on the Zambezi


So today what can I say about today - second day on the most luxurious train in African - 3 hour game drive in the Zim biggest game park some of the best best scenery I have been in the only thing that would of made it great was to see some game and maybe not having to get up at 5 in the morning. Most of the rest of the day was spent sleeping drink and relaxing on the train.

Game Drive

Game Drive

Game Drive

Rovos Train


So what can I say about the last day and night on the Rovos - no trips off the day just a 30 min stop at Baitbridge so get us all stamp in about the South Africa - the rest of the was sleeping, eating, drinking, and chatting to friend that we made on the train and just enjoying the views of traveling on a luxury train though Africa

Some old coach’s at Baitbridge

Local Wildlife at Baitbridge

Refurb Rovos engines

Our Cabin

We arrival into Johannesburg and for the next 4 days we are just seen friend and catching up - Adding photo of the past 4 days

O.R. Tambo

So so - we are traveling again this time Johannesburg to London - great SAA crew and a nice new place - it was a really pity that the other guest flying at no plane manners and kind of ruined the flight for us but you know what the say about Kama is .............. /

SAA New plane

Sun raise over London


So landing back in the country the I called home for 15 years and been gone for 5 felt a bit weird - I know I have been back since leaving but the morning it was weird maybe because I got no sleep on the plane - any way nice drive into London so places that I really missed and so did my tummy - so a slow walk around Leicester’s sq \240- what was strange all the big shops were closed - I know what is a man to do .... come back when shops are open also worked for me .

London Cabby

London pub —

St Paul’s

Harrods one of London best shops

We love shopping in London, yes it is expensive if you converte back to rands so my hint of the day is don’t converte back to rands and protend the amounts are rands until your credit cards stop working - so train to center London first stop shopping LEGO shop was crazy people queuing in the rain to get in I just queued to enjoy the rain and not look crazy - lunch in China town one of the best yet and then off to the biggest shopping Centre ever and now to bed tomorrow the big day is here - Europe here we come

London Street

M&M shop crazy how many thing you can put M&M on

The Q for LEGO shop

China town

London Westfield shopping center

You see I see R39.99

Crazy stuff for sale


Trains trains trains and more trains - in Paris now two local trains from Greenwich to St Pancras in London rush hour now that is one way to start the day and then going at 300 miles an hour to Paris on the Eurostar train three if you are still counting and the best part of the day driving a left handed car in the middle of Paris in a strike who is a legend that would be me ..... then got to the hotel very cute and even more cute parking garage - did Paris the way Paris is meant to be done in 45 min of walking dinner and then back to the hotel for rest - Paris done ......

Train one - DLR

Missed train two but this is three - Eurostar

Only the best - business class

Paris traffic

The cute garage

Train four - Paris metro

All of Paris sights in one photo


La Rochelle

The start of the groot trek Paris to La Rochelle today nothing much on the road but green fields which got boring after an hour of it but La Rochelle what a nice surprise a little coast town on the Atlantic coast that is a great holiday distinction in the summer - it is like Camp Bays with 1000 years of history - what a great town my new best town in France - the thing that real top thing off in La Rochelle is the Fort Boyard yes that 90 TV show that everyone loved ok my just me but the fort is just of the coast and I am going to see -

Fort at La Rochelle

Working Lighthouse

Almost there

Green Field at 145km a hour

View from our hotel room

Fort again

Shopping street in La Rochelle

San Sebastián

Where do I start - oh yes another 4 hour drive and green fields in France but as soon as we hit Spain on our way so San Sebastián we hit mountain pass after mountain pass made a big chance from the boring green fields that is one thing that I thought would be different the driving are so boring hence the high speeds but hitting San Sebastián one of the most beautiful town in Europe - with us stay on top of the hill and having amazing views of the San Sebastián - walking around the town and seeing all the town folks walking around - it had an amazing vibe and an amazing town

Sunset from our hotel

Our hotel

An old church

View of San Sebastián

Shopping streets

Old town

Luke breakfast

My dinner


Again driving driving and more driving took 4 hours to get to Madrid and then another 2 hours across Madrid and a Spain policeman shouting at me but after 90 min in traffic no Spainish road closure is going to stop me if you left a gab I am going to go though it - have not done much just walked up to Main Street and had dinner in an American dinner -

Snow cap mountain in Spain - crazy

Finally Madrid

Blocks of flats in Madrid

No idea see belo

The top thing on the map

Lion king in Spanish

Hotel room


What a crazy day start at Real Madrid Staduim we were there for almost 3 hours it was a great staduim tour with a lot to see and take in - we then did a red bus route though the not the best way to see Madrid as it was raining but the quickes and our time was limited what a beautiful old town with some of the building dating back to 1700. That night we went to Sol which is one of the biggest tourist square I have ever been to but this freaked Luke out with so many people - so we choose to catch the bus back to the main shopping street and have dinner there - we then went back to the hotel and rested as the next day was a long 650km drive from Madrid to Barcelona

Luke meeting his hero

The stadium

The league thophy

Around Madrid


Royal gardens

Royal church


Driving and more driving - I did do 650km in under 5 hours not to bad even the Madrid marathon did not stop me - the one thing I will say is the driving has been boring I really did think it would be a lot more exciting - any got to Barcelona safe and sound and then we get to the hotel it is like I was going to dye - with somebody who did not like hieght not a great hotel and dinner was the final knife in my back 77euro for dinner - after that it was straight to bed

Hotel room

Lot is bulls around on top of hills

Camp Nou

Up early ok early if you are on your third week of holiday - Camp Nou here we come what an morning but both me and Luke rate Real Madrid tour better and everything had a price even the grass which was 20euro for the rest of the day we walked around the La Rambles and back the red bus to see Barcelona like a tourist with no shame

The beaches

Cable car over Barcelona

Barcelona church

La Rambes

Luke meeting his other hero

The family

An hostipal like no medi city I have ever seen

The bull ring


Last entry - and not much today we drove from Barcelona to Marseille and best part of the trip was the snow cap French alps

Back to London tomorrow and back to family things

Hope you have enjoyed reading this journal

Snow cap Alpes