We ended the night by playing Welcome to Your Perfect Home (which I won 😜)

The boys had Friday off of school- I picked them up from school a little early on Thursday and we took our rental car on the road around 3:00!
We got to the KOA campground that we were staying at with enough time to enjoy the grounds before dark 🥰
We ended the night by playing Welcome to Your Perfect Home (which I won 😜)
Friday - we got to the hotel shuttle shortly before 8:30 am and it took us to Kings Dominion and dropped us off so that we were the VERY first people to line up at the front gate!
Video of us being the only people there 😊
We had a blast and got A LOT in before we left a little before 1:00. It started to get crowded around 11:00, so we were glad we got there early!
Then we took the shuttle back to the hotel and took off. We went to Cracker Barrel for lunch, against Colin’s wishes. 😜 But he had breakfast for lunch and actually enjoyed it.
From there, we drove up to do the Humpback Rock hike (near Shanadoah). It was a VERY steep hike (Clark and I were struggling for most of it 😜) but the view at the top was worth it! We also did an impromptu photo shoot with Colin 😜
Then we headed back and checked into our hotel at Grey Pine Lodge. Then we drove just 7 minutes and had dinner at a great place called Green Leaf Cafe. It was a great day!
We grabbed a coffee and drove up to Monticello! It was a beautiful day and we had a great visit. Our guide was wonderful and we learned a lot. Very timely to hear about how Jefferson valued the seperation of church and state and valued education.
After visiting Monticello, we had lunch at a nice restaurant called Firefly (where the boys got to play some old school video games). Then we went on a SUPER cool hike that took us through a tunnel.
We checked out around 9:00 and grabbed a coffe on our way out. Rob and Clark weren’t feeling the greatest, so we decided to head home and hit Second and Charles.