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my. Story. \240 \240 \240 By Dorothy Hipwell. \240 \240 \240 \240 \240 Hello everyone .Iwas born on the 29thDec1931(, to parents RebernJames &GeorginaMay.Ellem. They named me DorothyMay. Two weeks later they took me home to .Harwood Island as that is were we lived at that time.I don’t remember much about my early days so I will start with school. \240My school was one big room made into too by a big folding door in the middle .One sideiniII for123rd&456th classes on the other All my older siblings went to this schools one time or the other as they were olderwe \240than me. My younger sister Shirleywas just behind me by 2years.We were happy at school.we did our work &studied hard,I wasn’t a clever person ,Shirley was& topped her class every exam. \240 In 1942 when I was11 we all went to the eight hour day sports daywe all had a great day untill as we were walking home I got this alfull pain in my groin,my parents took me too the hospital and in a couple of days we found out I had OsteoMylitis in the left hip. I was in hospital for about 6mounths.I had a lot of surgery on my hip and then my leg had to go in traction,(a big wooden frame over my bed and my left leg up ina sling with weights on my leg to weigh it down )if anybody walked passed &touched the weights it would hurt like hell!

Hello journal. today I am not golng anywhere. I have just said farewell to Leon as he is off to Japan tonight to join. His wife &little girls, he will be back in three weeks to finish uni.