Kitchen in the uk still not finished but claudia still said thank you and that it's amazing and how grateful she was , I'm grateful for how grateful she always is and never expects anything

Mishap with the train booking going to Disneyland, I was a little rude and should have been more supportive. Claudes just got on with it , took it on the chin and we got there no arguments or hassle

Had breakfast with Mickey, claudia organised amazing trip and we got to experience awesome family moments . She's great at organising

My wife always has great ideas and tasks to keep the kids entertained and learning , great imagination

Tired and alone and still making fun with the kids and me. Love her sense of humour

Earning extra cash for the family wherever she can. I helped with the villa in Al Reem today as claudia was in the uk but I love how much she takes this serious, does it to the best of her ability and then uses the money for us as a family never herself .
Also sorted out man with the driveway and quotes, always busy but always helping me and looking out for the house

Claudes always send amazing and thoughtful messages like this on what's app today

I really appreciate how patient Claudes is with the kids. No matter how stressful or how much little time for herself she always has fun and makes sure the kids are happy (them dancing to James brown )

Claudes was at the caravan having 2 minutes to herself and she was still thinking about me, love how unselfish she is. Missing her also

As soon as I mentioned let's do something together claudia had already sorted my mum and kids and really wanted us to do something. I love the fact she really wants to spend time together still
I booked a hotel and spa afternoon just for claudia as she deserves a rest and I want to spoil her

I love how much fun my wife makes everything for the kids even when it's a little poo for her. She sorted William for the disco and Nicole blowing bubbles down in burnham-on-sea

Claudes is ultra strong, positive and settled. After such a terriable upbringing she's turned into the most amazing person, wife and mum.
She's still got the strength to deal with the case that's been logged she's unbelievably strong women

My wife is very resourceful and always making or saving money , used Range Rover tyre to good use in the garden

I really appreciate how much effort and time she puts into seeing all my side of the family when in the U.K. . She does something all the time and always thinks about them before herself.

My wife is great at organising birthday and fun for the kids even when she's not in that country. Awesome birthday party for little wills just gutted I wasn't there

Love how fun my wife is, always happy and always up for it - I need to be less moody !

I appreciate what a great memory she has, reminded me of a little naughty trip back from London when I picked her up once
Made me smile to

Really appreciate how special she made williams birthday. Also seated it for a few days so I could be back but didn't let William know I missed the actual day, so thoughtful

Off to Switzerland. Great organising from the wifey, lovely apartment and so grateful she has a warm and welcoming family

We do love grandma but she tests our oriented. I'm amazed at Claudia's tact, patience and determination to do the right thing for everyone else

Our kids are so amazing, intelligent and beautiful and this is in a massive pry to Claudia's dedication and time with them that I am truly grateful for

Cheese and chocolate today . Didn't go quite to plan but we set kids of chocolate, wifey was a good co pilot and appreciated her help

Keeping a house run, clean, today and well stocked is hard ! I appreciate how much claudia does for the kids and me everyday and always puts others first

I appreciate how much effort, time and commitment my wife puts into the kids. I came back from work and she looked exusted but only cared about the kids having a great day.
I took them to the shops and she had a bath luckily

I appreciate how gorgeous my wife is, she looked hot today!

I appreciate my wife knows the kids better than me and I should listen more. Kids were knackered and ratty and she said let's go home, we did and she was right !

Appreciate our time together and her go to attitude, went to palmers farm and rained but we battled through

Wifey is always right I should listen more like she does. Had an awesome day at peppa pig world , appreciate our time together love it at monnfleet

I just realised again today when people tel me how nice my car is how lucky I am to have a supporting wife that always says do it or yes or go and get it when it comes to things she knows make me happy. Like a silly 2 seater sports car with no use for our family !

Claudes always thinks about others, she brought loads of protein packs and snacks for me to keep me on the straight and narrow

No matter how long and how many times the kids wake claudia up at stupid a clock she never minds and never resents it or gets upset

I love how much my wife supports whatever it is I'm doing and she's knows I'm doing it for our future and choices so we can enjoy our family

Night away together and alone , I love spending time with my wife regardless of what we are doing. She deserves the rest and is a great friend I love

Our kids are so switched on and wiser to the world than most. Claudia has and always does spend such quality time with them giving them her full attention no matter what. I'm lucky and the kids are lucky to have such a great women in our lives

I like to move it move it ! I love how much energy my wife has , had a lovely day at chessington and she changed everything round to make sure I could come and spend it with the family

I left for Dubai leaving the family. I'm so grateful for how supportive and understanding claudia is. She backs me every time and I appreciate it

I really appreciate how great a cook claudia is! On my own eating fuel up and meat takeaways at night ! I miss some home cooked food made with love

Getting some family time, claudia always realises how critical family is. Goes out of her way for the kids to get time together

I'm lucky I have such a hot wife ! I really appreciate she is such a fine looking lady and always takes care of herself .

Claudes is so unselfish and always there for people. When you need help or a dependable person Claudes is always there. She helped Amanda with all the kids all day and even cooked dinners for the next few days

She's so thoughtful and made me feel really special sent an awesome message saying how proud she was of me .

I love how selfless claudia is, she spent time with mama today and makes so much effort and time for all our family no matter how tired or busy she is

Claudia always cares about making an appearance and showing our family in the right light and show we care. She was tired and made the effort to go and see uncle Alan and lynn.

I love our family and so grateful for how happy our children our. Claudia has done an amazing job

My wife is very sel sufficient and switched on, always does things on her own before asking for help . Washing machine blew and she had already checked all the fuses, electrics and switches, smart wifey

Appreciate what lessons claudia teaches the kids. Car boot sale up at 6 am in the cold and William selling his old toys. Awesome example and awesome mum !

Love how Claudes organised and does stuff, never scared always goes for it and I appreciate my 'go get em on her own wifey'

Love hot claudia makes her own money, cracks on with stuff and sells sells sells

I appreciate what a great cool my wife is, always feeding us healthy and great tasting food.
Cooked a huge meal for all the girls on top of everything else

I'm just grateful for my wife period ! Really missing her today and still got another 2 weeks to go

Claudia sorted out driveway and paid for it which i love and appreciate

Today I just appreciate my wifey in every way , I miss her , adore her and can't wait to see her !!

My wife is amazing even when she's having a nightmare all alone in the uk she still wished and wanted me to have fun with Huzzey over the weekend. What a wife !

Claudia has extreme patience and handles the kids like a pro, on her own in the summer and Nicole throwing tantrums claudia still manages to stay calm and positive

Grateful for the help and support my wife has given me over the last few months losing weight and food etc

Never wants to let anyone down, my my wife says yes to everyone and helps everyone. She has an amazing heart

20 people round for BBQ , all because they want to see claudia before she leaves . Shows you how much she is loved by everyone, how much she gives to everyone and what a great person she is . Lucky husband !!

Off to Germany today last weekend before the family come back. I'm so lucky and grateful for my wife and kids , I have missed them immensely and am very proud to have them as my family xx

In Germany, excited about seeing my wife next week. \240I'm just so happy and grateful to be married to claudia!

I appreciate how much time claudia spends investing in the kids , they always learn new skills and get involved in competitions like the scarecrow competition

Claudes gates the whole last week just to show up at my sisters birthday party and represent us. She's so thoughtful and always sacrifices her self for others

'We're going on a trip, can you handle it !?'
Everyone's leaving today can't wait I appreciate and am grateful for the pardoe crew everyday !!

I'm grateful for those amazing cuddles and time together in bed , missed my wifey over the summer

She's soooo hottt , I appreciate how gorgeous my wife is and she takes time to look amazing everyday

Love having adult time and appreciate how much fun we can still have together. Too much gin and I fell asleep with the kids !

Claudes takes everything in her stride and never gets stressed I love how she just gets on and deals with it . Nightmare pests when we returned

I'm so lucky claudia wants to and spends so much time with the kids developing them. Wills is doing great and it's massively done to Claudes

Bubba won't go to sleep. Claudes is still so patient it's admirable. The kids and me are so lucky

My wife handles so much with the kids, cares about me , encourages me to go to the gym even when she really wanted to rest.

I'm a lucky man, my wife is hot hot hotttt

Appreciate our family big time . Legoland day out good fun and love our times together

Wifey always pushing me and wants the best for me, encouraging me to go to gym even when I'm knackered

We have good friends and I'm lucky my wife meets and socialises for us and the kids. Sleep over and drinks , I feel asee with the kids though !

Grateful how good claudia is with staff, multi tasking and workers. She's sorting out gardeners, maids, jobs done, leaks, food and the kids !!

Williams doing amazing at school and Nicole starting nursery . Claudia has done an amazing job and I'm so grateful for such a great wife and mum to our kids

Off to hacker , wifey never begrudges work trips and is independent enough to go to a hotel with the kids for the long weekend. Love her independence and positive attitude

How lucky am I and how hot is she !!!?

Wifey is always a great listener and has good ideas like perkbox for Domo

Claudes has sorted baby sitter out and a night together Thursday. Can't wait and appreciate our time together and the effort wifey makes

Love spending adult time with wifey. She organised lynn to babysit and we had a night out quick drink and dinner

Claudia booked football for William and ballet for Nicole her first lesson. Claudia is always willing to sacrifice her own time for others.

Claudia is so supportive it’s great, making me dinners and healthy choices to push me on I broke the 116 mark this week and a lot of that is to wifey

Amazing evening with William reading loads of words already. Goes to show the payoff for all Claudia’s nights, reading and books she has brought over the years

Such a good person I’m grateful to have such support. Spoke to Peggy in uk and really appreciate how much I need claudia, her backing and Support

Love seeing the kids in the day and really appreciate the effort , thought and daily activities Claudes does with the kids. They love it

Love my crew ! Simple as that

Love hear two !!! Enough said

So grateful how supportive claudia is, last minute trip back to Domo to sort issues missed some of the weekend and the wife not fussed just wants to support me

In Domo and slough . Miss wifey - simple as that

Grateful to have such amazing kids , William has developed so well and in massive part to Claudia’s dedication . He’s playing football and got a great mix of aggressive and nice behaviour

115kg broke the barrier - I could not have done this without claudia and I appreciate the effort she takes to cook dinners, New recipes and support my goal

Wifey always has my back and checks in with me which I’m grateful for and need

Off buying houses in uk and claudia still backs me 100% !! Can’t wait to finish work and spend time with her and he family more.

Claudia has great manners, respect and discipline to bring our kids up in the right way. Decent person through and through

Claudes is such a great Mum, my kids and me really lucked out. I was away and Claudes went for the weekend away with the kids and they had such a lovely time . Always doing things for the kids and not herself

Great weekend and appreciate wifey sorting out family time. We had fun, good times and created awesome memories together

Wifey is always right, we were freezing and didn’t take duvets. Even I was cold and wifey knows best !

No matter how distant I am and no matter how tied up at work wifey still takes time to check I’m ok and brightens up my day. I’m Lucky and grateful for her

Haven’t spent much time at home or with claudes lately, work been crazy. She still supports me still cares and gives me the strength I need

Claudia makes a huge effort with my side of the family, she doesn’t know how much I appreciate that and also know how hard it can be

William got a certificate from head master which was amazing and testimony to Claudia’s hard work, so pleased and proud of her

Hardly seen the wife lately and been manic with uk and work and not being at home. Claudia supports me and backs me every stage and never sees anything as a hassle. I’m lucky

Left claudia and Nicole lying in bed today. Love seeing them happy. Appreciate how gorgeous wifey is also

Grateful for our fun family times, Claudes always has great fun and laughter with us all

Sums up everything great about wifey! She’s doing the kids hair and making sure they look good plus they are learning and reading at the same time

Claudia always makes lots of effort with kids families and makes it much easier on birthday and events for me !

Christmas fair, Claudes is so thoughtful already brought jumpers for williams and me and hey are arsenal ones

Daddy and son day , no Mum but we missed her and appreciate her big time

Few days in Oman , love or family holidays and time together, nextbis a cut break though

Claudes has done an amazing job with our kids , they are perfect !

These two are amazing just like their Mum I’m so grateful for our family and life

Luckily they get their nuttiness from their Mum which makes them more fun !

Wifey is always working to bring extra cash in, runs everything so well and cares so much. I’m lucky to have a wife that can and will do anything she needs to

All the hard work claudi puts in with the kids pays massive dividends. They love reading and she is so selfless in giving her time for the good of the kids

Lovely sun set just missing one major person - my wife and Im so grateful for waking up with her everyday

So grateful for th risk my wife took in supporting me and pushing our family to move abroad and take a punt

New Years ev together , couldn’t want anything more x

Rare night out with the mrs, she is so beautiful! Good fun and always up for a good time

Sometimes I just appreciate my wife - a lot !

Wifey is always pushing me out of my boundaries for the good of the kids, global village here we come

Love how much fun claudia is, family rave was awesome and old school garage

What more can I say I appreciate family Pardoe and am extremely lucky

Awesome friend to eveeyine

Even on our family weekend time Claudes is happy to support me with work, love her

Really grateful that Claudia mucks in and does everything possible to help the family even with extra money despite having loads to do with the kids. Air bnb can be a nightmare but it pays off

The kids are so in tune I love it Claudes lends so much time and effort and to see Nicole reading before school is amazing to see, she appreciates her Mum x

Always thrifty and careful with our money I appreciate Claudes finding good deals like la perle which was awesome

Such a good friend and role model for so many people. Claudes knee it would help and loved having Darcey for the week she’s so good as someone to look up to and learn from

Wifey always knows best ! She knew I would love it and always wants me to be happy. Glad she made me go I loved it

I’m grateful claudia makes time and always shows me how you can be a great friend no matter how at away you are

Claudes is always encouraging the kids to try something new, Nicole had ballet when dads were allowed in

I still appreciate how damn hot my wife is !

I’m grateful for Claudia’s Support and encouragement even when she’s not sure about it but still supports me

No matter how busy claudia is and how little time she has spare she always wants me to have time alone and do new things

Claudia is a great example of how to be a great friend and makes me want to be a better friend to my friends

I’m grateful for the love and affection our family has for each other.

She’s still fun and a great girl to go out on the town with

Despite little time on her own claudia never feels hard done by when I’m away in cool places with work

QE2 and sexy wife !

What a surprise not only caught me out, arranges everything and paid for everything. What an awesome wife

Always wants to make everyone happy and takes time to make everyone feel special like Devi’s birthday

Always encouraging me to do cool things and buy silly family cars as she knows it makes me happy

So grateful for how amazing claudia is bringing up our kids she’s inspirational and a great Mum

I’m so grateful for these two beautiful ladies xx

I sometime don’t need any pictures just the words I’m truly gamreatful for my wife

Kids homework is taken seriously and claudia always sets great examples to the kids

Every month I’ve been travelling back and every month my wife supports me which I need

Awesome birthday all organised by claudia and paid food from all her hardwork, she’s a n awesome Mum and wife

Even at weekends claudia still puts the kids first

Family is so important to claudia and she’s made ours super special and the kids really appreciate family and the tight bond

No matter what I do, suggest or try claudia backs me 100% and I love that

Claudia hammering the gym and setting an example to me, she’s like super Mum

Family days out, love them and so grateful for our family

What a Mum, couldn’t be anymore lucky that my son has an amazing Mum

Family weekend away, love spending time together and loads of memories

Despite he fanatical pace claudia always manages to make me feel special

These two are so amazing and claudia has a massive hand in it, they are know are as grateful as me for their Mum

Claudia put on an awesome birthday party , organised, paid for it and ran it ! Love my wife she’s fantastic

I’m grateful for my wife to push me to see the kids and their activities, this was a great show and I learnt something new

Williams school work was superb. He won and award and to be honest I know claudia deserved it ! So grateful for her effort , hard work and dedication to our kids

I love how much claudia does and cracks on with stuff. She grabs the bull by the horns and gets stuff moving. Love her drive

Claudia is the one that pushed me to do things on my own and appreciate quiet time. Even when she’s not here she is here !

So grateful for these little touches. My wife is so thoughtful and always makes time for these gestures even when she’s manic

Great to see this board up and our biggest project yet. This is all thanks to the support my wife gives me and how much she backs us and the family

How hott is she !!!!

All nutters just like their Mum- we love her!

Great family, I’m so grateful and for our times ahead . Love our time together

So grateful for a beautiful friend, wife and soul mate

So selfless claudia always makes time for everyone and makes everyone feel so special. She has an amazing knack for that

Grateful that I have such an amazing daughter that learns of her amazing mother x

The kids are so thoughtful , Claudes has taught them so much passion, thoughtfulness and love