I want a vacation for my kids and I to go on and feel safe while we are being adventurous. I have been to many places in the Caribbean and think that’s a great place for kiddos to have fun. The trick is to find a place where we can go and have freedom to feel safe. I am guessing some of the islands attached to our country would be best, that way we don’t need a passport. I love St. John USVI and I know my kids would love it too, we could even go camping while we are there. Not to mention we could paddle board from beach to beach during the day. What a great way to get them to fall in love with exploring.

Today I am thankful for dates with my son. My son and I are the most alike out of the whole family, he is basically the little boy version of me and tonight we had a great time together out and about. Of course I had to spoil him on our date so I took him to the store and He picked out some new clothes. It’s such a great feeling to have a fresh new shirt and when he picked out a shirt that had to do with video games, he was all smiles.
At dinner we had
Some deep conversations about school and family, but as always Jude came prepared with lots and lots of questions. As long as jude has been talking, he has been asking. Such an inquisitive boy I love him so much. I will alway be thankful for such a blessing.

The drive to the top of an island.

What I love about traveling to new places is the ability to explore and push the limits of where you’re “allowed” to go. I put allowed in Parentheses only to make a point in saying, there are roads and trails that are off the beaten path littered everywhere you go.
When we went to St. John USVI our rental Jeep Wrangler was our best friend. This pictures shows where we took a partially developed road all the way to the top. Behind me while I was taking this picture is only jungle and mountain peaks. Here at the end of this road it’s a strange feeling because onviously there has been human interference, but there is not a single sign of anyone.... anywhere.

Here is a picture of the little lambshire bay, where the same experience happened. We drove down this VERY steep road until it turned into mud, and then we kept going. The only thing out there were misquotes and mangroves. We had the entire place to ourselves. I wish we had explored more that day, but we found an amazing distraction. After jumping back in the Jeep for more exploration we saw a scientific research center, and visitors were allowed to take self tours!!

This place was awesome, they even had a kids science summer camp.

They teamed up with NASA a long time ago to test these underwater living chambers.

Going off the beaten trail will help you find the hidden treasures of your travels. I don’t want to travel any other way.