We made our way to the middle of nowhere southeastern Oregon surrounded by trees and poor internet. 🤣 This RV Park was so quiet, clean and pretty. We stayed for a week and explored the northern part of California over the weekend.

The RV Park had a crysal clear swimming hole fed by a stream so it wasn’t stagnant yucky water

Looking for fish

They spent hours everyday just playing here

The tunnel provided lots of fun too

So clear you can still see the kiddos swimming under the water

They made friends with our neighbor and he joined in the fun a few days

Added a few new floats to our RV water supplies!

Tan babies

Pizza boy!

Dolphin girl!

First time in California during this trip

We headed for Crescent City and found an overlook and hiking trail down to the beach





Beach time

Low tide made exploring the tide pools exciting

Ready to explore

Beautiful sea stars

Jackson loves touching all the things!



Tons of oysters and sea stars

Dipping her feet in the Pacific

More and more oysters and sea stars

So many critters to find


Blobs of sea stars

More tide pools


And of course the ocean was frigid but it didn’t stop them from going in!

Redwood NP shares land with several California state parks

We decided to explore the redwoods at the Trees of Mystery Park.

Paul Bunyan and Babe greeted us!

Incredibly huge!

We braved the suspension bridges

And spiral staircases

No fear



Took the Sky Trail to the top

So strong

Later that day we stopped at one of the state parks to walk on one of the trails

Crazy tall!


My mini family 😂

We explored Crescent City and found this castle playground

And lighthouse

We were looking for whales

We found one spouting off the coast

Beach at Crescent City

Barbie even made the trip to the beach

Fencing lessons

We didn’t bring him a chair so he made his own!

Perfect way to watch the sunset!