To back up a second, \240I really surprised myself, actually amazed myself, that I have fallen in love with Miami Beach! The healthy, relaxed, sun drenched environment suits me (for now) so I decided to purchase a beautiful condo, in a building still under construction. In fact, \240I can’t move in till late 2024. Fingers crossed on that😃. The lease on the fabulous oceanfront apartment I have lived in for the past 18 months (most of you have seen it) expired on October 1st. \240So, since I have some down time I decided to do some exploring during the next year. \240 My first stop has been a fantastic 2 weeks in New York City. \240I lucked out to have spectacular cool fall weather. \240My walks in the park have been energizing and eating in all my favorite spots fattening! \240Museums, shopping and people watching has been entertaining!

Trees haven’t started to change yet but fall is definitely in the air!

Tomorrow, Cynthia and I, begin a one month adventure! \240We fly off to Lisbon Portugal 🇵🇹 tomorrow evening. \240A couple days in Lisbon and on Monday, 10/16 we board our ship, the Silver Nova, for a 22 day cruise through the Mediterranean. Concentrating on Sisley, Sardinia and North Africa. \240We are hoping that recent current events will be far from a problem yet not far from our minds as we carry on. \240This world is so crazy. \240I’m happy to get away from the pathetic politics in my own country but unhappy that I’m going to a region that has such upheaval. \240I shall keep you posted on all that.
So ..lots of Journo entries in your future. \240As always, just delete if not interested.
I’m excited for this first leg. This marvelous cruise on a Silversea ship with my great friend and fellow troublemaker Cynthia. I know we will make it a hysterical adventure! \240After that, I’ll be back in NYC on 11/13 for the Thanksgiving holiday. \240Then off to Los Angeles to drive Zoey and Jeff crazy for 2 whole months! Then off to England to drive Vic and Jen crazy for 3 whole months! Then.. who knows.
I’ll post often. \240Love to all,
@#CynJoy Cool. You're off to a great start. Let's see how much trouble we can get into!