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Phu Quoc

On Friday our friend Ali came to stay, it was a fleeting visit as we left for our holiday today. Never the less we managed to fit in 2 meals with him and had a mini catch up!

We flew over to Phu Quoc today - an hours flight and arrived at our hotel they have 2 resorts, so we were able to look at both and make a decision. We chose one that is more up in the hills.

First impressions, there are trees everywhere, and there are also building constructions EVERYWHERE. There is definitely a tourist street full of restaurants, we had a delicious dinner and the waitress was very helpful and eager to talk in English with us. Tomorrow we will be checking out the beaches!

So far, we have seen a man with 6 fingers on one hand, a rat inside a restaurant (we honestly weren’t phased at this point in our Asian adventure), a flying cockroach, and a cat that came and ate the roach up against our door.

We have our own little chalet type room, it’s very hilly in this resort and there are lanterns everywhere. The sunset is beautiful from up here. We’re excited for a week of relaxing!

Us and Ali

My accidentally massive lunch in HCMC

Phu Quoc

Our home for the week

Mr Frog


Always time for prosecco

No time for visitors like these