Ho Chi Minh City

From Phu Quoc to HCMC the pink skies have continued. Sunsets here are beautiful!

A good first week back, once we got into the swing of things again. We had Tuesday off as it was Teachers Day so the week flew by. My Friday school has changed, my school was super far away in the middle of a swamp basically, so I spent a long time on a bike every Friday. I’m now 20 minutes from home and teach grade 1s all day which I love - lots of songs and dances. They’re so tiny over here. Grade 1s are 6 years old but are so much smaller than the children back home.

We’ve had a lovely lazy weekend, we bought Saigon monopoly so have stayed home and played games and chilled.

We were supposed to go to a basketball game this evening, but Typhoon Usagi has struck. It was expected yesterday but didn’t appear. We’re quite safe don’t worry - it’s just very very windy and rainy. We ventured out to the shop/for food/cinema and got absolutely drenched. We’ve also just been told there’s no school tomorrow because of the storm - woohoo!

Spot the boars

Big enough cake?!

Waiting for the weekend storm


Street art

Tuesday brunch - my first avocado in toast and PROSECCO

A lovely art gallery we found

Ho Chi Minh City