Anxiously awaiting the trip to begin. \240Been putting together items I will need on the journey. \240Flexibility will be the rule of the day and to expect the unexpected. \240Thanks in part to my children, that gifted me a traveling duffel bag for this purpose, I have a starting point as to what I can carry with me. \240In addition I have a soft side cooler to use for food. \240At this time it is purposeful thoughts about needs and wants.
It has be interesting to hear people’s reactions to my plans. \240Anything form being plumb crazy to that is so cool, I am jealous of you. \240At any rate, idea’s keep being processed.
For those who are wondering here is a map showing the entire routes. \240I do have other maps I will be use while aboard.
PITA is an acronym for Pete’s Insane Train Adventure.

Today I started putting together my travel bag with items I need. \240In the process, most of what needs packing will have to wait to the last day. \240Clean clothes need to wait and also food that will need to be packed. \240Personal hygiene needs are most important, so a last minute haircut is in the works. \240Jean has agreed that shorter than her preference would be ok, besides she will not have to see me until later.
Tonight I am still feeling calm and relaxed. \240It still seems a long way off yet my calendar says 5 days before I begin. \240What does have me anxious is the impending birth of a new grandchild. \240The time has now arrived with a new granddaughter. \240
One day of “work” to go and then it’s time to get on the road (Rail Road). \240First the Family is giving me a retirement party as well as my birthday party. \240For one day a year I get to pretend to be Irish, tomorrow is that day!
With a fresh hair cut tonight, I can check that off the list. \240Next is the printing of tickets, and finish packing my bag. \240Also get my cooler ready for food for the trip. \240And for those that do not know, you are allowed to bring food on board.

Leg #1 map
Today is leg#1, and as usual weather is a factor. \240Cold and breezy conditions, so for anyone who has said it will be a cold day in h… when I get on the train, today’s your day! \240Since the scheduled boarding is tonight at 9:45 pm, I still have time to watch the weather and make any necessary adjustments. \240More later!

I am leaving the home now and on my way to Red Wing, MN to get on the train. \240Checking the Amtrak App indicates that the train is currently on time. \240A lot can happen in three hours, but it is hopeful.

Screen shot of current location.

At Red Wing
The start is soon, the train is slightly late but not too bad. \240At first it looked as if I was the only passenger in Red Wing. But others have now started to arrive.
And we are off on the adventure. \24010:05 pm! \240Next stop for me is Seattle.
So I wake up this morning and we are near Hannaford, ND. \240Hmm, not sure why, since Hanford is not on the route for Amtrak. \240Am I being kidnapped?
I was asking for an adventure, sure looks like I am on one. \240And I have to say that the snow pack is beautiful.

According to the car attendant, there were weather related issues in the Grand Forks area and no passengers to pickup, thus the alternative route.

My seat
The mask is not required for Amtrak, but is recommended. \240Trying to be safe for my granddaughter tomorrow who is anxiously awaiting my arrival.

Minot Amtrak Station
Here we are in Minot after an interesting adventure on alternative tracks from Fargo. \240This is a scheduled fuel/maintenance stop on Amtrak, able to get outside Brr and get some fresh air.
I was surprised to have so many people departing and boarding here. \240Apparently that is why the saying “why not Minot”.
For those that wish to see the inside of a coach car:

Inside the observation car on the table side.
Cafe is under this car.

The observation side of the car.
Here the seats face outward with dome windows.

Coach car
This is where the seating is located both upper and some lower. \240It is also where we will find the lavatories on the lower level.
Currently stopped. \240Apparently some ice chunks disrupting the air brake system.

Here is my current view!
The sun has been out most of the day on this leg of travel and the overwhelming sight has been the snow cover. \240But has also meant that the wildlife is out and about. I have seen pheasants, coyotes, deer, coyotes, pronghorns and more coyotes. \240Did I mention coyotes? \240I have seen more coyotes in this trip than any time before total. \240Perhaps it is because there’s so much snow, they are easier to spot or they are hungry or both.

Now in Havre Montana for fuel and fresh air. \240The above picture is outside my window. \240Just did a FaceTime visit with Amber and Theo. \240His reaction to this train engine was “ That’s old”! \240Got to love it! \240Be at thir place this time tomorrow and also my new Grandaugher, yea!
For the trivia buffs, Havre is the birthplace of the Big Budd tractors.
Good morning Washington! \240I had a good night sleep last night, still on Central time zone though. \240The PITA is nearing the completion of the first leg. \240Tracker says I should arrive on time, perhaps a little early.

Outside of Leavenworth WA
Soon will be stopping at the Icicle Station at Leavenworth, WA. Known as a tourist stop for the restyle into a German / Bavarian style city. \240After this point the train will be near capacity.
Shortly after that will be the Cascade Tunnel, the longest railway tunnel in the USA. \240As a trivia buff myself this is exciting!

Can’t get much closer to the water than this.
On the 1-line after de-boarding train

1 Line

1-line station

My car

King street Station

Grandpa gets to meet grand daughter for first time. \240This makes the first leg of the trip worthwhile. \240
My wife arrived this afternoon via airplane, to join me for the next week as we celebrate our new granddaughter. \240Journal entries this week will center around our family. \240
On the bright side today is sunny but cool. \240No snow on the ground around here and the perennial shrubs are starting to flower. \240And green grass!
Today was a very mild and sunny day here in Burien. \240High today was around 60 and very low winds. \240Because tomorrow’s forecast is more typical for the area, rainy and cool, with highs in the 40’s,we took advantage and walked around the neighborhood. \240

The piano fountain with a koi pond at the bottom.

Street view. \240GREEN!

Just one of the many flowering shrubs starting to bloom. \240This is a Japanese Camillina.
Much cooler today and on again off again showers. \240Perfect day to be indoors with my grandkids.
Another cold and wind day today. \240Sounds like one more day before it slowly warms up again. \240Of course the plus side is being indoors with our grandkids playing trucks, reading or just simply holding.
I apologize to any waiting for a daily blog. \240Yesterday has been a continuing of the previous days here in Burien. \240Holding Teiko and playing with Theo. \240Of note for anyone wondering, Teiko is becoming more alert to her surroundings. \240This has been fun to see.
Tomorrow morning I start on Leg #2 of my PITA.

Leg #2 route
All has been going well here with my grandson and granddaughter. \240Even though it has been a week, I am seeing changes every day with my granddaughter. \240She is becoming more alert to her surroundings and enjoys the constant cuddles she is getting from all 4 grandparents, her brother, and parents. \240Can you spoil a 2 week old child?
I am doing some shopping today for provisions on the ride.

I have some new travel companions. \240

The Heelers with baby T
Introducing the Heeler Family. \240I will get to know their names as we travel together and see new places.

The trip begins anew.

The Heeler family is with me
I met a friend for the trip. \240Elena!

We are now leaving King Street Station in Seattle. \240Weather is cool with high clouds. I saw Mt Ranier on the way here, I hope that remains.
Just outside of Portland, OR. \240

Everything is green for the crops. \240There is water every where, so we know there has been recent rains. \240Checking the forecasts along my route, I will be entering into a winter storm at the southern end of Oregon. \240I will not see much since it will be dark as I pass through that area

Only 18 minutes late
So far a rainy train ride in Oregon.

Not too much to see at the moment!

The Cafe below the observation car.
It’s late by 23 min. \240But should arrive in Sacramento on time!🙏🙏
Good morning all. \240Had a tough night last night sleeping. \240Not anxiety, but a wiggly little 9 year old girl Elena. \240Still got some and still dark outside,
Made it on time to the Sacramento Valley Station slightly late and now face a 5 hour layover. \240Time to talk to new neighbors.

The Heeler family is still going my way

Leg three is only hours away!

Leg three route
So far sunny California is not. \24046 degree and currently light misty rainfall. \240Better luck next time! 🤞
Time for some breakfast of yogurt.

The California Zephyr is on time today. \240Let’s hope it stays that way. \240The Zephyr yesterday was not running due to weather conditions I have been told. The seat today is the furthest back I can get, but it will be the best as far as luggage totes today with ample room behind my seat.

My seat #68 of 68 in coach

My personal luggage space.

A look out the back of the train

Colfax Station
Been seeing snow on my way from Sacramento California to Reno since Auburn. \240I sure I will be seeing more.

The train and Truckee River. \240For trivia buffs, the Truckee River is the outlet flow for Lake Tahoe. \240It flows into Pyramid Lake in Nevada and evaporates.

Fresh air break!

Grand Junction station
Noon and lunch time

The Heeler family is eating lunch
Lunch today is consisting of nuts and a beef stick. \240Trying to not over eat for the trip duration for multiple reasons. \240These are no salt so I don’t over drink, but are satisfying. \240The beef stick is also low salt and sugars. \240I would rate them as MEH! \240
I also have along various dried fruits, again without added sugars of which my favorite is the dried Mangos. \240I just have make sure I don’t overeat them or I will be running better than the train!

Heeler family is in Lounge car watching the world go by.
I’m only on my third leg of my trip, but I have to say I am still very impressed as to how well it has been going and the variety of people I have met. \240It has been very relaxing!
As I am traveling along the Colorado River and it’s reddish hues, I can understand the naming of the River. \240Many of the streams feeding it are also very red.

All the hills where water runs off are red.
Was out of cell selfie some time. \240Here are a bunch of pictures.

Waiting outside of Denver Station for rail to clear. \240Tomorrow morning? \240Hopefully in Omaha!

Lovely veiw isn’t it!
Good morning Lincoln NE!

View out my window
Train ride overnight night was a bit rough. \240Still slept somewhat well.
Sunrise ear Omaha and no snow or rain!
The weather is definitely better than that back home where snow is expected.

The train is running about 2.5 hours late at this point. \240But no worries yet. \240It will just reduce my layover hours in Chicago.

The Heeler family is still sleeping.
They had a rough night last night, so I will let them sleep yet.
Looks to me as if Passover has already occurred and Moses is bringing this train through a opening the weather warning areas.

Snapshot of radar weather from My Radar.
Fresh air break and 69 degrees

Ottumwa Iowa station platform

Last car on Amtrak
My seat is just inside the door to the right.
I guess it is not so easy to get agriculture out of me!

Illinois farm land
The train is filling again as we get closer to Chicago. \240And according to my radar app, rain is following us into Chicago, so far we are out running the rain.

Just entering into the suburbs of Chicago. \240Will be following a commuter train to the Union Station. \240The last ETA puts it close to 3 hrs late. \240Still plenty of time to catch the next train out for leg #4.

This one’s for Tom, the Chick-fil-A fan.

Fountain at Union Station in Chicago
The Chicago Union Station is a very busy spot. \240The Amtrak has many trains going in and out of this station daily. Besides the California Zephyr I came in on, it is the beginning and ending the following: \240Lakeshore Limited, (which is my next train at 9:30pm), the Texas Eagle, the Southwest Chief, the Empire Builder, the City of New Orleans, the Capital Limited, the Cardinal, the Hiawatha, Illinois Service, the Lincoln Service/Missouri River Runner, and Michigan Services. \240
In addition there are the Chicago area commuter trains and Bus Services. \240Yes it is busy!
Just boarded the Lakeshore Limited for Boston. \240Due to leave at \2409:30 pm for Leg #4.

I awoke to conductor talk. \240Power lines are down ahead of us due to tornado/storm damages.

Good morning! \240Because of weather related issues we are running 3 hours late. \240On the bright side I will get to have Glimpses of Lake Erie! \240The picture below is associated with Lake Erie which is just on the other side of the land you see.

Sandusky Bay
Just outside of Cleveland.

Lake Erie.
Just a stop in Erie to board passengers.

The Heeler family.

Erie PA Station
Additional photos of Lake Erie. \240Next stop is outside of Buffalo NY.

Fresh air break for all, slightly cool but tolerant without a coat.
Here is a picture of a travel buddy that got on in Sacramento and shared the back end of the train with.

Ron O’Conner
Ron was a former minor leaguer for the Cincinnati Reds out of St Louis. \240We will be splitting our ways after Albany, NY.
For those that need to know. \240The Lakeshore Limited does not use the Superliner car because of some tunnel and bridge height restrictions. \240Most of the amenities are similar but are all one the same level. \240I found the seats don’t recline as much ☹️ but the restrooms have more space🙂, however there are only two per car. \240So you have to wait your turn.

At least I had room to take a picture.

Amfleet II coach car
The rear facing seats are reserved for passengers with disabilities or children.
Syracuse NY

Onondaga Lake at Syracuse NU
So, I am now into the first true issue I have encountered with Amtrak personally. \240Beginning the third hour of a mechanical issue. \240As of right now that puts me into Boston around 5-6 hours late or around 2:00 am tomorrow. \240Good thing I have an extra day planned already.
Yep still here!

Complementary gift from Amtrak

Some friends enjoying the Heeler Family. \2405 year old twins on a “short trip” to see grandma! \240Little did they know a two hour ride has already been extended by over 3 hours. \240Kind of like Gilligan’s Island for them!
The best of my knowledge is we are awaiting a new engine to pull train.
Ooh we just started moving!

Just had to add this for the train transportation lovers.
Made to Albany. \240The train splits here. \240Half \240goes to Boston (my half), the other half goes to New York City.
Springfield, MA and two more hours to go. \240Lost a bunch of travel friends here. \240Some are going skiing in New Hampshire. \240One guy is going to his new job at a golf course in Maine another just going home to pack up and move to another town. \240Yeah you get to meet all kinds. \240And I forgot about the guy who is coming back from visiting his girlfriend in Wisconsin, begging her to come back with him.
Today is Palm Sunday and I am in Boston. \240Thanks to those at church praying for me on my ventures. \240And yes I saw the sharing of the peace. \240Thanks to those who shared with me on line, and peace be with you also.

Boston Blues
After an unexpected long day yesterday I have made it to Boston. \240Arrived early this morning to the hotel around 3:00 am. \240I awakened at 11:30 am, showered and rearranged my duffel bags. \240Now am ready to search nearby for some food.

Huevos Rancheros
Decided breakfast at the restaurant inside the hotel, Cosmica. \240
My Boston treat:

Of course I had to share! \240

Part of display

Another part

Another part
Will need to come back here again!

Part of menu

Display cases and pay counter.

Seating area
If I had known about this place before I ate breakfast, I would’ve come here instead, and was only a six minute walk away from the hotel. For anyone traveling through Boston, look up this place.
Some sites along the way from the hotel to the bakery and back.

Brick sidewalks

Brick sidewalks, very uneven!

Row Houses

Row Houses

Building sign

The Heeler family is also with me.

Artwork outside of elevators


Tote bag for Toiletries with towels for the common WC on the floor

The WC
The Revolution Hotel has some interesting features. It is very clean overall. \240Interesting artwork all around. \240Room is small yet comfortable. \240They use a common WC for the floor, in each are five privacy rooms that contain a sink toilet and shower. \240For the short stay here I can enjoy it. \240The turnoff for most people is the common WC. \240To have to get up in the middle of the night requires you to head down the hallway hoping that any of the Privacy rooms are open.

The WC
I knew the Revolution Hotel had a setup like this and chose it anyway. \240Looking for rooms in Boston I found to be very expensive. \240I checked out Hostels as an option, but found this to be a step up (private rooms) at very little increase in cost, and yet half the price of most hotels around Boston especially around the Rail Station.
What I discovered last night and again today, the Amtrak has a stop about 5 minutes walk away from here, and possibly runs in a tunnel underneath the hotel. \240I could have gotten off there and not used Lyft to get here, but again, not familiar with the area, better safe than sorry.
Moussaka for dinner before I sleep. \240Early morning tomorrow.

It was good! \240This a first for me. \240Might have to try making it myself at home.
Good morning Readers. \240Here at Boston South Station to begin my next leg of travel to Washington DC.

Being a normal commuter rail traffic is the highest I will encounter on my trip. \240Being on time and early is a must.
Some photos inside the station

And this Family keeps following me. \240I am start to get suspicious 🤨 about their motives! \240

An Acela poster.
I realize that I did not take the Acela, but this does represent my route!
One of the first people on the train! 👍
Following views are track bays/platforms.

My car!

Being that this is a more regular rail service seating is definitely tighter for leg space.
Providence RI

Entering station
With each stop more people are getting on.

Leaving Station.
This guy is cruising!

The fastest speed so far. \240Only the Acela train runs faster. \240I noted the Acela was going 141 mph right now.

New London Station
Coming into Stamford, CT

Some train views

Views of New York City as we come int Penn Station

Views entering Philadelphia, PA

Next stop Wilmington, DE
Approaching Wilmington, DE

Wilmington Station

Leaving Wilmington next is Baltimore
Some images after Wilmington

Susquehanna River

Yes there is some farmers around here

Bush River

Baltimore Penn Station
It has been a full train ride since Stamford, CT \240at each stop just as many people get on as get off. \240The largest group was New York City!
Next stop Washington DC
I made to Washington DC!

Station Platform

Great Hall

Heeler Family lunch

Hustle and Bustle of the station
So what do you do in Washington DC with only 4 hrs? \240Not much, and that is especially true if you need to tote your bags everywhere you go. \240Here’s what I did just outside of the Station! \240Sunny and 70

Grand Entrance to Union Station

Capital Dome in background

The Freedom Bell

Flag pole base

Eagle statue on flagpole base.
Pull my bags has my back hurting. \240It’s an awkward pull and I felt something pop! 😩. Needless to say I must rest and go on😏.
I am awaiting Leg # 6. \240New Orleans here we come.

The ride to New Orleans has been good so far, as far as my posts are concerned, not so good. \240I believe there was a calling from God for me to listen to my seat mate. \240Ironically her name is Jean! \240The story is complicated and I will need to contemplate the issues first. \240Needless to say I believe that God brought her to me for her emotional support. \240More later!
Good night.
I have felt the train stopped, now I know why!

Hard picture to make out, but that is an ambulance! \240Saw a gurney go to the train, not good!
Good morning all. \240Ok not quite yet, but I will not be able to sleep much more. The thoughts going through my mind have been so overwhelming that I can’t sleep at the moment. \240So here I am with you and my heart praying for my seat companion and struggles she had faced and about to face bravely alone. More about it later!
Now that I am on leg six of nine, the question begs of many, would I do this again? \240Yes is my answer! I planned this adventure to see the country and in return I found the people. \240For too many people it is about how quickly it can be done, and they forget to smell the roses along the way. \240Here is where the people are! \240You have time to have meaningful conversations and share the experiences both good and bad.
I may finish my trip exhausted physically, mentally and emotionally, but I will continue to ride.
Day break has started as I enter into Georgia and I can see leaf buds on the hardwood trees has begun in northern part of the state. \240Remembering my geography this area is part of the Appalachian mountains. \240Not going to get good pictures since the windows are dirty☹️.
I had wanted to post pictures along the route, but after so many trees and a bit of fog it has been difficult. \240Only so many words, and I am not good at giving a play by play announcent of what I see. So……….
Next destination is Birmingham AL. \240According to the train conductor, there will be a turnover of passengers and an increase in passengers!
For the trivia buffs: \240Birmingham AL is the only place in the world that the 3 major feed stocks that produce steel can be found naturally nearby. \240Iron ore, Coal, and Limestone!
A number miles back there must have been a huge derailment of a freight train. \240By the time I thought about taking a picture, the moment had passed.☹️☹️
The train travel between Anniston and Birmingham was extremely slow. \240And yet we have lost any time. \240I did however lose my seat mate here as she is making her way to Nashville.

Nashville Jean
It was a simple question that I asked her that led to a trail of tears. \240A 38 year old mother of 6 found her self homeless for past year due to a divorce. \240As a young family and married to a pharmacist working at the VA she had a good life. \240His infidelity created the problems that ensued. \240Initially with the children she left the home, only to find that finding work that could support her and the children was difficult. \240 Since she had been a stay at home mother since marriage her skills in the workplace was limited. \240Final court decisions left her without the children and no home.
Her mother passed away around the same time as separation and along with was her best emotional support. \240She adored her only brother, but he was killed in military action overseas. \240Her only sister has been in a dislike relationship even as children. \240Her father, while very loving, has difficulty in dealing with the loss of his wife and essentially moved on from his daughters. \240That being said it was only by his grace that she obtained a car to get around. \240
Through the support of some Christian friends she found joy in working at a daycare, but it was not enough to help with a roof over her head so she was living day by day out of her car for the past year. \240Her friends encouraged her to pray and let god lead her. \240He told her to leave the area and go to Nashville. \240To answer your thoughts, she loves to sing, but is not a singer or a songwriter.
This is the god moment part of the story. \240Her car broke done on Friday but after she had purchased the ticket for travel on Sunday. \240Without money to fix the car, a friend helped pack up her belongings and got her to the station. \240But not being familiar with the station and a short timetable she missed her train. \240She was able to transfer her ticket to Monday and slept in the station. \240
As I was already aboard an in a seat I noticed her coming on but looking very confused about the process. \240I asked if she needed help, and told her there was no assignment of seats and the conductor would come around and record our passes. \240Thanks, she said, and proceeded to put her bags overhead further back, and sat down. A few minutes later she approached my seat and said thanks turned around to go back suddenly ask someone else was seated next to me. \240I said no, she said she would then, because god told her I could be trusted.
After sitting quietly for a number of minutes and the train enroute, the conductor comes by to record our destination and ticket. \240I helped her with that and settled in to start recording my upcoming trip. \240She turned to me and asked if I was a Christian. \240I said I was one of the many flavors of Christian. \240As tears started to well up in her eyes she said I thought you were because of you kindness.
I am sorry, but now tears are weeping as I write this. \240I don’t know where the words came from, they surely were not mine. \240But as we talked about the trip ahead, she mentioned she was heading to Nashville, but don’t ask why. \240I did not ask. \240A little further on she became emotional, and tears ran down her cheeks. \240Ask just asked if she forgot something. \240Her answer: was her kids. \240As her story came out, words of comfort came out of my mouth. \240Again, they were not mine! \240I now know god was using me. \240At one point she said during our conversation god made her miss the train so she could meet me. \240Now I am contemplating!
My prayers are with my new friend who I may never know what happens next. \240May god bless her heart and soul for her bravery to begin a life anew and return to her family she endearingly loves. \240I will always remember her as Nashville Jean. \240And I am just Pete her seat mate on the train.
Tuscaloosa, AL after teary eyed write, you are the sunshine I have been waiting for!

Entering into the station
This is my last stop in Alabama. \240Mississippi is next!

I found this family hang out in the dining car. \240I am going to have a discussion with a conductor!

Here’s the conductor talking with the Heeler family about causing problems with fellow passengers!
Finally made it Meridian, MS. It has been a slow ride the past 1.5 hours. \240Despite that, we only lost 30 minutes. \240It has appeared to me a couple of factors caused this. \240First off is the priority freight traffic has in the USA railroad system. \240Second it looks like a lot of wind damage recently with trees along the railroad line. \240Many areas you can see fresh cut wood alongside the railroad right of way.
Here I am sitting on the train about 10 miles from Laurel, MS. Hoping to snap a few photos for Jean. \240You see, one of Jean’s favorite home improvement shows is called Home Town and is based in Laurel MS. \240The daylight if fading fast.
Made it to New Orleans. \240Tomorrow leaving here at 8:00 to terminal for 9:00 am start.
Nice way to start my day. \240No power! \240Needless to say it was quite an experience to shave and shower in the dark. \240Well not quite! \240I used the flashlight function on my phone!
This morning in New Orleans the temperatures show 76 degrees and it is humid!

Prytania hotel
The hotel was quaint. \240It has an open hall area between rooms giving a feel of a sidewalk cafe. \240In fact they serve a breakfast there. \240However this morning without power, nothing hot was available.☹️
Leg #7 is today’s plan.

Leave at 9:00 am for the next adventure.

Outside station

Inside Station

This is for all the snow lovers!

Ok I love snow myself but seeing all this green tells me spring is on the way. \240I have on tow, spring, behind this train!😂😂😂😂😂
All kidding aside, it was a shock this morning when I opened my hotel room for to the humidity and 76. \240Now on the train with AC the humidity and temperatures are down to comfortable levels for me.
Crossing the Mississippi River

A look back to New Orleans prior to Bridge

Another look back
In this view you can see the dome of the Super Dome which is very close to the Union Station.
Sugar Cane fields

All the fields in this area are long and narrow. \240I suspect there are this way for drainage. \240But may indeed be by different land owners as well. \240

A view from google maps showing fields and layout

Crossing the Atchafalaya River by Morgan City, LA

They say if you bury the dead around here they will rise up soon after. \240Therefore, they are buried above ground.

Church and shotgun houses
My seat for the trip to LA

The seat shown in the reclining position.
I was able to get the most desirable seat on train. \240Again it in the very back of the \240Supeliner car. This seat along with the other three back seats have room for you bags behind you. \240No need to hoist the bag above either.

Private car
Today we have a Private car in tow. \240It is impossible to intermingle with the occupants during travel. \240Maybe at a fresh air break. \240I will never know who is in that car!
Now enroute to San Antonio, TX, should arrive shortly after Midnight.
Looking at the weather forecast for the some thunderstorms are forecasted in the area. \240Indeed off in the distance I can see some flashes.
Hello San Antonio and good night! \240I’ll be waking up somewhere in Texas! \240This is where we meet up with the Texas Eagle train from Chicago and continue on together to Los Angeles.
Interesting. Since railroad follows along the Mexican border I got this message: \240

I guess I can check that off the list!

Moon setting over the desert
Additional views while out of cell range on way to El Paso, TX

Fresh air stop

Nice short break. \240Believe it or not but it was cooler outside than the train. 56 degrees!
Okay Bluey fans:

The Heeler Family

Don’t they look excited!
Recent views

El Paso, TX. And a burrito lady waiting! \240My understanding is that this lady has been dishing out burrito’s for years at this location. \240She has quite a gig going, and is well known by all the railroad personnel here and the crews.

The El Paso station

The Burrito Lady

4 stowaways

Okay, they were hungry!
Across the fence and then the river is Mexico

Then after we cross the river you see the road and fence going up the hill.

A fuel station for trains! Whoda thunk! \240🤷♂️🤷♂️. I know they have stopped for fuel before, but not like this in the middle of nowhere.

Multiple bays

Google earth pic
Sometimes you just have to take a picture!

I gained a seat passenger back in El Paso, TX for the duration. \240From here on out, the number of passengers leaving the train will be far out passed by the number getting on.
Officially in Arizona now! \240First is the Benson station, then Tucson as dusk descends upon the train. \240The next time I see daylight I should be in Los Angeles.

Just like sending pictures of trees, you can only take so many photos high desert.

This one I just took! \240It is beautiful in its own way and I enjoy it!
Sometimes there are certain moments in life that are beyond rewarding. \240This is a treatment for the eyes that no amount of words can describe.

It’s times like this that God gives a blessing. \240I have so many stories to share, I cannot take time to write about while on this journey. \240
What I thought before I started my trip was going to be about my desires and my thrill is no longer about me. It’s the people I encountered. \240The previous story of Nashville Jean, isn’t the only story I have that has happened to me, that has changed me. \240These stories will come out as needed somewhere, sometime!
Dennis is my seat mate for the rest of journey to LA!
Well, nearly to Los Angeles! \240Even Early!

We are here! \2404 hr layover and the next leg.

Danielle Officer
Danielle is one of the individuals that has a story that is both heart breaking and inspiring. \240With out the heart break story of her life,
Danielle is inspired and currently working with the city of Atlanta to develop a tiny home community specifically for the homeless that will also include a community garden so they can grow some of their food needs. \240I believe she will get this accomplished as her background is in mortgage financing.
Leg # 8 is my next route, in 2 hours I board. \240First pictures of the station.

The Heeler Family is making Friends
Nancy is a retired teacher in CA, but grew by Beardsley, MN, Browns Valley, MN area. \240Her maiden name is Laney. \240Sometimes it is a small world.

Station seats
They look comfortable, but not.

Interior of the great hall
Notice the corral they have use seating in.
In LA we can get our seat assignment before boarding. \240I requested and received the preferred seat, Yeah😀😀😀😀😀😀😀

Leg #8 route and info
The highlight of this leg is the 200 miles or so the train travels along the Pacific coastline. \240The only thing between the train and ocean is the beach!
The angels are with me, as the forecast is sunny skies.

Equipment malfunction

A fellow Passer! \240Emily works for the NCAA in regulation compliance. \240Her perks include the tournaments and travel.
And the start of the coastal ride.

The view will be like this for the next 100+ miles.
Some views from Ventura to Santa Barbara

Here are a bunch of photos since Santa Barbara. To just past the Vandenberg Air Force Base. \240I have many more pictures than these.

Missile pad

Missile on a pad


Last glimpse of ocean going north.
California cattle. \240As they eat on these side slopes over time you end up with the horizontal ridges along the slope. \240

Of course it depends on whether they are right or left footed the direction they travel along the slope.🤪🤪🤪

I’ve been traveling through Mendocino County for some time now. \240A lot of agricultural products are grown here. \240Because of the planting season I do not know what some fields are planted into. \240Besides the grapes, I have recognized Onions and Strawberries. \240I have seen fields of leafy greens, but what I have not seen is walnuts. \240According to google they grow a lot of walnuts, especially around San Ardo. \240All I saw were oil jacks.
Beautiful ag land with mountains in the background. \240And I thought the land around Stephen, MN is flat. But then again Stephen doesn’t have mountains.

Gilroy proclaims to be the Garlic capitol of the world!
Looks like fruit trees to me!

Coming into San Jose, CA. It’s getting to dark for pictures, so time to get some rest. \240Tomorrow morning is should be waking up near Klamath Falls, OR.
Ah, the fresh air break! \240This has gotten to something of a joke amongst the riders. \240You see, Amtrak does not allow smoking on the train, so to accommodate those passengers, Amtrak has scheduled certain stops for them! \240Fresh air indeed!
Much has happened while out of touch with connections. \240Some my favorite pictures:

Mt. Shasta

I am here now in Klamath Fall, OR. \240The train is still running on time even possible to arrive in Seattle early.
I had a good night sleep last night and that is not easy when you are Rock and Roll! \240I am a whole lotta country and will sometimes jazz up with out all that classical attire. \240But don’t ask me to rap because it’s \240all about my soul. \240It is the hymn and his Gospel that gets me through.
On the bright I am about 12 hours from my newest granddaughter .
Here is the dinner menu that is available for all sleeper guests as part your fees. \240It is also available for a limited number of coach passenger’s by reservations only and a prepaid fee upon the time you make a reservation.

It’s great to see what was missed on the journey by rail because of darkness or sleeping. \240Will also be losing cell service soon!

Outside of Chemult, OR
On the way down photos. Note snow amounts!

Tunnel ent
I wish that I thought ahead to count how many tunnels we would go through, so I will just say there were many many!

Fire scar on trees.
This is on one side of the train. \240You can see the fire abatement path between the tracks and the trees. \240I am making an assumption that fire fighters used this area to start back fires.

A map of the outage zone. \240Cascade Summit on right to blue arrow on left.

Lookout Point Lake. \240This a reservoir for the Williamet River and considered the headwaters.

Here the water level is quite down yet.

Cherry blossoming

I believe Chris and Lona should check this out!
Fresh air stop and boarding many passengers

I have found my happy place! \240The Williamete Valley in general!
It’s the agricultural variety combined with the coastal range on the west and the Cascade Mountains to the east.

I remember meeting these sheep before on the trip down.

There’s Fifi, Sylvia, Angel, Georgette, Claudette, Pamela, Patricia, Nancy and many more I can’t remember! \240And by the way Homer must have been back in his house, because I didn’t see him this time.
Willamete Falls
Only Niagara Falls has more water volume flowing over it.

Now in Portland, OR. The cherry blossoms are now in full bloom.

And yes rain! \240I see I captured a drop of water on the window right in the middle of the photo. \240Such is the way you have with train travel.

Draw bridge over river is up, so we need to wait until it is down

It is now down and we will be crossing soon
Back in Washington, just 4 more hours until I hold my granddaughter again.

Now that Leg #8 is nearing completion, I will have a lot of reflection to impart in the following days before leg #9.

Happy Easter everyone. \240I made back to my daughters house last night, had a shower and a delicious meal, then settled into slumber. \240Until Thursday April 13, I will enjoy the days with the grandchildren before I embark on the final leg home.
Here we are celebrating Easter with friends.

Tulip tree

Granddaughter in her Easter Best

The Heeler Family eyes the jelly bean eggs

Butter mold
Easter in Bloom in Washington State.

Tulip tree

Grand Piano Fountain

Japanese Camelina

Flowering cherry
So what do you do on a cool rainy day in Burien with a new granddaughter? \240You cuddle!

Another cool and wet day here in Burien, WA! \240Another day of cuddling, how good can it get!
Shin Sung Korean Barbecue

Table Grill
Here you select your meat choices, this case Brisket and Pork Belly. \240You grill it yourself on the table grill and is accompanied by at least 7 sides.

Myself David and Tom

The owner was very helpful and did some \240of the grilling for us as well.

We did menu “C”
Out for a walk on this cool 44, but sunny day. \240I am walking around this lake.

Lake Burien

Blackberry canes
This whole area in the Pacific Northwest has Blackberries growing all over areas not cultivated or housed. \240They are delicious when ripe starting in July and continuing production for months.
Another cool day today in Burien, WA. \240This afternoon I will begin my final leg of journey. \240While bitter sweet to leave my granddaughter, grandson, and Amber and David, I also relish getting back home to a loving wife.

Leg #9

Now at light rail station to start last leg.

Heeler Family thinks they can use my ticket
I have to say that my hosts in Burien were quite good in their hospitality. \240What more can you ask, they even provided a granddaughter to hug.

Light Rail arriving

Traffic congestion
This traffic congestion would add on at least another 45 min for me to get to King Station, if I was to ride in a car.

Interior of King Street Station, Seattle, WA

Ceiling decor.
I will say that for all the functional stations I have been in on this trip. \240The King Street Station in Seattle is my favorite. \240It comes down to simplicity and decor. \240It does not have the amenities that other stations have, but the charm makes up for what it lacks.
No assigned seats, but I did finagle to get Redcap service to get on the train first. \240My preferred seat was still unavailable as they are reserved for crew.☹️ \240I did get the second best seating!😀😀

The end of another day. And ironically another story to tell. \240From Everet until Wenatchee I met Taylor and listened to his story. \240More on that later. \240Now something to eat and sleep are in order.
Photos from West Glacier Station, MT to East Glacier Station, MT

Flathead River

Issac Walton Lodge

Grandma and Grandson going to Williston, ND to visit her son who was in a motorcycle accident last week.

I left off last night with a young man Taylor. \240His trip was a ride back home to Wenatchee, WA after a visit with his fiancé. \240While in itself is unremarkable, it is his journey in life thus far at age 31 that is the story. \240His father was a BNSF railroad employee leading a track crew oftentimes gone for weeks at a time his mother was an educator until health related blindness developed. \240One of 4 children in the family that included 2 adopted cousins. \240Taylor left home with a car given to him as a graduation gift, but got involved with cocaine. \240Despite that, Taylor found work in the technology world as a 3rd party contractor with Amazon. \240He and his brother developed a system

A view from the trestle bridge at Cut Bank, MT
Wolf Point Station

I have purchased the world famous Amtrak Dinner as my last treat. This will commence in 45 minutes. \240It is a full three course meal.




Coconut Shrimp appetizer

Flat Iron Steak Mashed Potato and vegetable with wine sauce

Chocolate Toffee Mousse

My dining view

Heeler Family and Blueberry cheesecake
Because we have arrived in Minot 50 minutes early , we have a grand opportunity to get off and walk around for close to an hour.

The train Empire Builder #8
Train consists of from front to back. \240Engine with cab, engine, baggage car, 2 sleeper cars, diner car, coach car (my car), lounge car, 2 more coach cars and a sleeper car. \240From the lounge car back was added at Spokane, WA as the Portland, OR units were added.

A picture of my seat window

Erik my car attendant

Inside Minot, ND Station

Another view inside Minot, ND station
For the first time I was able to use the restroom inside the station to get ready for sleep. \240The sink does not move in the station!
A standing joke is watching people move around on the train while it is moving. \240I have seen inebriated people leave taverns walk better!
The mind is racing in anticipation of being home! \240Can’t sleep!
Interesting that the Grand Forks station is set on a curve in the mainline tracks.

Still running on time!
Minneapolis, MN skyline.

As we head into the St Paul, MN train station the PITA trip is nearing the end. \240Final stop will be where it began in Red Wing, MN in about an hour and half from now.
Reflecting on the trip:
Would I do this again? \240Yes under similar circumstances. \240I will do another train trip again and armed with the knowledge gained, make improvements with a different set of goals to achieve.
The relaxation offered by train travel is excellent. \240As a coach customer, you still have many freedoms to move about the train. \240Taking advantage of the lounge car is a must for any long distance travel. \240Your views are improved of course, but that isn’t the only reason. \240It’s much easier to strike up a conversation with fellow passengers in that setting and each has a story to tell if you just listen!
America the beautiful, from the purple mountains majesties to the fruited plains. \240Each has its own distinct characteristics that make them unique, enjoy! \240And yes you get to see the backyards of America, from the pristine to the ugly. \240Graffiti filled walls, and homeless encampments. \240You will see it all!
Most of all it is the people! \240You will find the people on the ride to be pleasant and accommodating towards each other. \240Not pushy, rude or entitled! \240Amtrak has a motto that I have seen printed on many pieces of literature: \240“Were all in this together….Literally!” \240That about sums it up!
And one more item on this list. \240Make friends with the train attendants, you never know what perks will come your way.
Here we are in St Paul, MN at the Union Depot. \240

If not for the rain I would be getting off to explore.

The mighty Mississippi in the background