Left this morning for the cruise. Rerouted through Chicago on UA. Will be arriving Copenhagen the same time, as long as the flights behave. 😜😜
UA 909 flight info: \240ORD (Chicago) to AMS (Amsterdam). \240

Will catch a flight on SAS to CPN (Copenhagen). \240 Wooooo hooooo.
UA909 ORD - AMS.....full flight !!
Sorry for the glare on some of these pictures. \240Only an 8 hour, 20 minute flight. \240Lots of movies to watch. 🤪🤪

Ready to rock n roll.

Made it to Copenhagen. \240Close connection in Amsterdam. \240I may have an unexpected opportunity to buy clothes, as my checked luggage is lost. \240I hope not for good. \240My access to the internet will be minimal, way too expensive on the ship. I will attempt to post pictures/comments while in port. \240Pictures of my flight over the water.

Couldn’t get a good pictureof the ship today. Will try again tomorrow in Norway. Oslo to be specific. \240Stay tuned.
Luggage Update:
My checked bag was delivered to the ship while in Norway. \240I bought a few new pants and tops.....so now I have aome new clothes.

Fri, 15Jun18
Warnemunde, Germany
Arrived at this port @ 7a. \240We visited Warnemunde, a quaint fishing village and beautiful white beaches. \240We spent all morning walking this, enjoying some shopping and food. Great bratwurst. However, theydo not serve sauerkraut with their brats. \240I was told that was “Americanized” by us. 😋😋. \240 Beautiful weather: \240mid 60’s (a little chilly for me), sun, and a slight wind. In the shade I was chilly. 😳😳😳. \240 Here are some of the sights:
*** will add captions to these pictures soon ***

One of the local gulls waiting for any nibble of food.
Took a tour into Rostock; about a 20-30 min bus ride from Warnermunde. \240 Not as quaint as Warnermunde, still a lot of history. \240During WWII Rostock was bombed and 50% of the town city was destroyed. \240Then the Russians occupied it andquite a bit of the housing was built by the Russians and looks very plain. \240One of the largest European airplane manufacturers located to Rostock, so it was always a target for the enemy.

A beautiful home that was refurbished to look as it did during the war.

I am back home. \240The satellite wi-fi cknnection to the ship worsened as the cruise progressed. \240I will add photos and comments this week re the fantastic trip I enjoyed.....stay tuned. \240