Are we excited? The girls and I had a weekend away this month and we had a visit full of laughter, great conversation, pure joy! I loved it, we were happy to go and every moment was perfect. Now it is time to pack for a trip across the big pond! I will miss them.
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Everyone asks, are you excited about your trip? Are you ready? I will be ready by Wednesday when we are dropped off at the airport. When we arrive at our first destination I will look forward to our adventures. My mind spins in a million directions before anything, anticipating all and every outcome, the end result though has been “I am thankful to have done this” then I move forward.
I loved tonight because we gathered. The last supper before we take off to Puglia, my children and their families and of course Peter, our nephew who is like my own, included Double stuffed baked potatoes, Caesar Salad, Crudités, and Wings, is that Irish, sure it is. In the pleasant chaos of grandkids running around, Wilco in the room, conversation heading in every direction, I was happy. Wings were takeout, I prepared the other in advance and kids cleaned up, it was simple and I appreciated the ease of it all. It was an early night, March break is over and school starts again in the morning. Wyatt will spend the day with me.
I have never been one who yearns to travel. I love being in my own home. Tony loves to roam and I go along willingly, and when I look back on every adventure I am thankful that I got to embrace and appreciate new places, great people and live in a house "away from home". I just wish I could pack up my loved ones each time and take them with me. Time flys by and I am definitely a person who has a fear of missing something, everyday is so special with them all. But, time away is good for everybody, right?
2018 ended well for me with two major surgeries under my belt, I am fortunate to be healthy. My thoughts are with others who are struggling. This year 2019 came in like a lion, record snowfalls, freezing rain, wind, thunder and lightening, crazy. North Bay also had sunshine and crisp, clean air filled perfect days. I did not mind January to March, but now it is time for spring to settle in. I wish that for all who remain behind, \240as we head to spring days in Italy.
You are hearing from me a little early as I have changed Blog Sites. I realize that my “free” blog means limited in length of time, creativity and the inability to continue to share so I am figuring this new one out.
Again come along if you wish, I enjoy your company! It is my way of keeping in touch.

Our "wall" and skating ice! Wyatt sketched below, he knows more than I do....