My Holy Guardian Angel, ask the Lord to bless this journey which I undertake, that it may profit the health of my soul and body; that I may reach its end, and that, I may find my family in good health. Do thou guard, guide and persevere us. Amen
Off we go!
My Holy Guardian Angel, ask the Lord to bless this journey which I undertake, that it may profit the health of my soul and body; that I may reach its end, and that, I may find my family in good health. Do thou guard, guide and persevere us. Amen
Today we had faith that the Lord would see us through as our flight arrived in Madrid long after our flight to Rome had departed. We were able to enjoy a sandwich and a drink and take our time through customs.
Off to Italy!
Dear God,
Please watch over me as I fly out today. May your hand be on the pilot and crew, your strength be in the engineers that prepare the plane and your wisdom over the control teams on the ground.
I choose to trust in you, and give you my fears and anxieties. May I find peace as I travel. Take my heart on a journey of trust and hope as I look out over the beautiful world you have made.
I travel with you. Calm me and cover me, Amen.
Duty free shopping!
How would you take this with you on the plane?
The view from here isn’t bad!
The beautiful approach to St Paul outside the walls. Inside we visited the tomb of St Paul.
Glorious Saint Paul,
Most zealous apostle,
Martyr for the love of Christ,
Give us a deep faith,
A steadfast hope,
A burning love for our Lord,
So that we can proclaim with you,
“It is no longer I who live,
But Christ who lives in me.”
The beautiful external mosaic magnified by the glorious Roman sunset.
St. Paul Outside the Walls
Oh that Olive Oil!! \240First dinner in Rome.
The group outside Santa Maria Maggiore
Lunch by the Squisit Cook Cafe by the Colosseum.
A cold, rainy yet beautiful day at the Basilica of St. Francis.
The entrance to Assisi
The walk down from the Hermitage.
Can’t be in Rome without some coins in the Trevi Fountain
Awesome dinner at Emma’s Pizzeria.
Dinner at Calabascio