One week from today we will begin our journey up the eastern sierras to Lassen Volcanic National Park and then back home again.
This begins our journey as we are spending the day packing supplies, making menus and building our shopping list.
“May the road rise up to meet us, may the wind be always at our back, and may the sun shine warm upon our face and the rain fall soft upon our feet.”
Today we picked up the trailer we are renting for our trip!
Day 1: The first day of our adventure. We left the house @ 11am had to get some air for the trailer tires and then on the road we now are.
Max and Kaylee have found their spots. ❤️🤪😜
Our trailer and keep have arrived! Site 22 at Big Pine Campground ⛺️
Camping with Legos
Our table ready and waiting to start dinner
The boys collecting fire 🔥 wood for the camp fire! Later comes s’mores- Yum!
Dinner #1 skillet steak cubes and foil green beans! Food camping always tastes great!
Day 2: Max and Kaylee got us up early (6:15am) but papa and mama worked hard to sleep a little longer.
Started breakfast on the fire - breakfast burritos and sausage.
As always Max brings out the Legos!
This is our view during breakfast - breathtaking
Max being goofy as we pack up!
Deer as we head out!
We arrived at South Lake Tahoe and headed to a brewery. We all needed a break! mama and papa needed a beer 🍺
Day 3: we just woke up at the Camp Shelly site!
Another beautiful view during breakfast 🍳! Enjoying the soft breezes thru the trees.
Max stands proudly by our custom camp sign (thanks papa!)
Eric and Max having fun with signs!
Did a quick road trip to Emerald Bay. Famous bay in South Lake Tahoe
Max loves climbing the rocks
Tiff and Max sitting on the rocks next to the Eagle Falls- look that is the water in background that flows down the cliff
Eric standing next to the falls!
Day 4: we all slept in and got a late start so didn’t get a lot of time to journal or enjoy the morning.
Left Camp Shelly around noon. All packed up and heading to Lassen Volcanic National Forest.
Look what we found...Max first car!
Made a side stop in Virginia City.
Cool old buildings
Max and papa on the street in town
Grabbed a quick bit and drinks at local Saloon!
Enjoying our driver and the beautiful scenes around us!
Amazing peak in the distance with full snow. I need to GTS!
Max working on his hot dog dinner
Our night sky before heading to bed. Good night Manzanita Lake Campground ⛺️
Day 5: woke up cold and the heater trying to go on while we were sleeping. Lol! Guess it was cold!
This is our view from campsite
The boys getting ready and staying warm.
Max exploring the big tree stump - oh look there’s Koa photo bombing the picture!
Subway Caves - longest underground cave we have ever been in.
The light shining thru letting us know we are at the end of the tunnel
Made a little (1hr drive) detour to go see Lion Slide Falls
Max and Eric posing in front of falls
The family as we finish the hike
Day 6: we woke up at 7am so we could take a turn around Lassen National Park and see some of the hot pots. The camper was really cold and we had a hard time getting up but I quickly made some coffee - loaded dogs and Max in car and headed out!!
King Creek was flowing
Our Jeep and all of the snow on the ground.
Max had fun in snow in June
Max and Kaylee
Lookout rock above Bumpass Hell
From the view above Bumpass which we could not go to because of the snow
Max and Eric and dogs in front of the hot pots flowing from Mountains. Max doesn’t like the smell.
Sulfure pots at Lassen National Park
We found the town named after Max.
Made our second to last stop at Cache Creek Campgrounds.
Day 7: Had a nice night as we were not as cold at the new campground. Woke up made some grub and packed it up. Heading to our final destination- Paso Robles
Loved the sky so I had to grab a shot from Hwy 16
We arrived at the final site in Paso Robles around 5:45pm. We quickly set camp and went to town for some dinner.
Day 8: woke up late and enjoyed a late checkout. The boys went swimming at the pool. We skipped breakfast so we could just enjoy the morning and just pack up.
Left the site around 1pm