Looks at all these wonderful perks - but is it worth the snookering?
San Francisco
We arrived in San Francisco on Friday night and headed to the Palace Hotel where we were staying. The Palace Hotel is a grand and expensive hotel. Fortunately, its a Marriott property and, thanks to our friend Mike, we got an exceptional rate.
The Palace Hotel has an interesting background. \240The original hotel was ravished by a fire that resulted from the 1906 earthquake. The massive structure had to be totally demolished and rebuilt. The new hotel opened in 1909, only 3 years later. \240As you can see from some of the pictures below, it is a beautiful place.

We checked in and headed to the famous Pied Piper Bar to have a drink and wait for Mike and Joan who were arriving later. The Pied Piper is probably one of the most famous in San Francisco and takes its name from the large mural behind the wall of the Pied Piper.

I came across an interesting story about the Pied Piper. In 2013, the hotel's owners controversially removed the famed Pied Piper mural and planned to auction it at Christie's. It was anticipated that the painting might sell for up to $5 million. In the light of strong public opposition to the painting's removal, however, the hotel's owners relented and instead had the painting cleaned, restored, and returned to the bar where it was rehung with considerable fanfare on August 22, 2013.

A soft pretzel, melted cheese with candied bacon dip and pickled veggies made a tasty snack
As I said earlier, we were lucky to get a great rate at the hotel. \240However, our room, while very nice, was just an ordinary room. \240Mike and Joan got very lucky because the hotel made a mistake and actually had inadvertently cancelled their reservation. \240So, to compensate, they gave them a suite. \240The pictures below are of their suite. Awesome.

A suite at the Palace
I will end this blog with one last funny story that happened the first night at the hotel. \240As I said earlier, there was a mix up when Mike went to check into the hotel. \240So Mike’s last name is Zaccaro. \240When he went to check in, the clerk indicated that he had already checked in. \240Mike was perplexed and at first thought it may have been some confusion because he had made my reservation and I had checked in. \240No, that was not it. \240The clerk insisted that Mr. Zaccaro had checked in. \240Mike then asked “Is the person that checked in Michael Zaccaro?” The clerk checked and sighed - no the person who had checked in was a Mr. Thomas Zaccaro. Mike smiles and asked whether that was Mr. Thomas Zaccaro from Beverly Hills California. Yes, the clerk answered. \240Mike smiled, it was his brother Tom who, unbeknownst to Mike, was staying at the hotel. \240Mike texted Tom and sure enough he was there. \240He came down and joined us for a drink.

Enjoying a drink with the Zaccaro boys