Spending the day getting ready for SHOT Show 2018. Travis and I will be heading out tomorrow around 1 pm. All the last minute checks being completed and packing being done. Looking forward to some fun and filming some awesome new projects.
Almost packed. I have all the video and audio equipment ready, my media day at the range equipment (it is going to be cold again) and all my food ready. I am much more relaxed about this this year.
I was looking at our past years at SHOT Show. Here are some stats:
We have been going since 2011. This is our 8th year going to SHOT Show.
We have published 663 videos from SHOT Show.
2011 - 41 videos
2012 - 55 videos
2013 - 81 videos
2014 - 94 videos
2015 - 153 videos
2016 - 127 videos
2017 - 112 videos
2018 - ????

All packed and ready to go. Travis is driving his truck this year and he will be here to get me around 1 pm.

We plan on taking some drone footage of the Media Day at the Range area if possible. I just checked the CCW laws and it looks like Nevada honors our Arizona permits. That’s a good thing. I checked www.gunstocarry.com, they look to have updated info.

Outside waiting for Travis to arrive.

We just stopped at the big bridge between Wickenburg and Kingman to try to get some drone footage. It’s called the Burro Creek Bridge.

Travis getting the drone ready to go.

Mavic Spark waiting to go
. Got it out to 900 feet and 300 feet up and got some great video and pictures of the bridge.

Great shot of the whole bridge.

That’s us in the truck at the far left.

Made it to Boulder Nevada to the shooting range. It is 5:47 pm. Travis is going to take some drone footage of the range. We don’t want to get too close and disturb anyone, but we should be able to see the scope of the range nonetheless.

Travis getting some great footage of the range.

Great overhead shot of the range we will be at tomorrow for Media Day at the Range. This is only half the range too.
5:54 pm Vegas time we arrived at the hotel.

We were worried that we would have a small room and be cramped with all our stuff. We were pleasantly surprised by our room. It is huge!

It has a walk in closet and THREE suitcase stands.

7:35 am. Headed to Industry Day at the Range. It is going to be a cold one this year. The temp says 38 degrees Fahrenheit right now. Burrrrr.
We made it in. Let the fun and filming begin.

There doesn’t seam to be as many people here as in years past. There also isn’t as much new stuff as before. There is a lot less “swag” too. The gun industry is down 40-60% due to a gun friendly administration in the whitehouse. No panic buying going on. It also seams very crazy everywhere. On top of all that it is cold. It is warming up but still a little colder than we would like.

Travis and I at the center point of the range.

Looking back at the first (South) part of the range.

Looking forward to the (North) part of the range.
1:40pm. At the Press room in the Sands Convention Center. Taking advantage of the AWESOME WiFi. We will process, cut, splice and generally work over our range videos to try to make working viewable videos. \240This is the first time we have accessed the press room on Industry Day at the Range. It is very Quiet and hardly anyone is here.

2:40 pm. 20 videos up to YouTube. We are heading back to the hotel now to tag and make them live. \240Not as many videos as we wanted but not too bad of a start.

Travis organizing the Day 1 “swag”. Not as much as some years, but it is free so...

Day 1 combined “swag” pile.
Made it to the SHOt Show for day one. A lot more people here today in the press room. Now we wait for it to open and then film, film and film some More.

Our filming rig this year. Our new Rode mic is doing great so far.

Travis passing time in the Press Room until the work begins.

Me relaxing in the Press Room waiting for the start. Hopefully the next time we are in this room we have a bunch of great videos to edit and upload.
12:30. Back in the Press Room. Travis is hard at work making and uploading videos.

It has been a good morning. I think we have done well so far.
39 videos for the morning. That is very, very good. Now off to film some more.
4:30 pm. Back in the Press Room making videos. We got through the main floor today. We have never done that before. We have to go back and clean up a few we missed or they were too busy. I think we set a one day record today. We will know soon. Now it is time for Travis to do his magic.

9 more videos this afternoon. That makes 48 for the day. A new record for sure. A very productive day. Our work is not done yet. We will head back to the hotel for several hours of tagging videos and making them live. Oh the plight of working men.
10:45 pm. We just got done tagging and making all the videos from today public and viewable. Tagging is our least favorite part of the whole process. This was a long session. I guess that’s good because that means we produced a bunch of videos today. Today was a good day!
10:56 am. This morning we went right at it. We bypassed the Press Room and went right into the Military and Law Enforcement areas. We usually don’t get there till later in the week. Since we did so well yesterday we decided to get them out of the way. We don’t usually get many videos there anyways. Too much night vision, body armor and such. Not our thing to film.
We changed the light setup on the camera rig and this is much better. I wish I had it yesterday.

Travis and I working the isles.

We are in the Press Room now editing and uploading the videos we shot this morning.

While we were making the rounds this morning we came across a gear bag big enough to hold all our camping gear.....in one bag!!

Only 11 videos this morning. That’s not too bad. Now let’s see what we can get this afternoon. Wish us luck.
3:00 pm. We have now covered half of the basement now. We got some good videos. We are in the Press Room making and uploading videos again. A never ending process.
Only 6 videos this afternoon. We must be slacking. We will have to try harder.
8:30 pm. Back at the hotel. Only 17 videos today but we tried our best. Tomorrow we will be back at it.
We went to a Motivational Patch Facebook group meet up. Several patch makers were there and gave us free patches. It was fun to meet everyone.

These are the patches I got at the meet up.
11:20 am. In the Press Room editing and uploading videos. We finished the bottom floor. We have some scattered stuff to go back to get but we have now seen everything and can make a cleanup plan. It is a lot busier today and always is on Thursday. Time for lunch and then get back to filming. My feet are tired and my back hurts from filming. Oh well. Sucks to be us right?

2:30 pm. Once again in the Press Room editing and uploading videos. Seams like a never ending process. There is a lot less new stuff than in past years. That makes it harder to find good stuff to film. But we are having fun so that is what counts.
Well we are sitting at 101 videos so far. Not bad, not bad.
4:50 pm. Again, back in the Press Room. Lol. Editing and uploading videos. Our work is never done. We are done for today as the show closes in a half hour.
We did good with patches today though. We got several that are hard to get and several Thin Blue Line ones, my favorite.
7:15 pm. Back at the hotel for the last night. Now to get some dinner and then tag, tag tag videos. It never ends.
Travis is taking pictures of our patch haul.

9:30 pm. Still tagging videos. Taking breaks to pack up as we have to check out in the morning and take all our stuff with us.
Travis is bored so he decided to do this. Lol

I guess he has missed flying his drone.
10:10 pm. All videos edited, uploaded, tagged and live. We are at 102 videos. That’s a lot but we wanted more. We always want more. Maybe we will get a few more last minute videos tomorrow. You never know.
11:30 pm. I was packing up and noticed this guy followed me home from the show today.

7:35 am. Good by Best Western room 207, you were good to us.
Last day of the show aka swag grab. Lol. Then hit the road jack. It’s been a good year. Glad we were able to come. We both are missing the family and are ready to go home though.
8:05 am. Sitting in the Press Room waiting for everything to get started. The last day is always exciting. Exciting because everyone is breaking down the booths and displays and a lot of the staff has already left. It’s always hard to get videos today. We will see.

Here is another look at the Press Room we spend so much time in (and are VERY lucky we get to enter).

Here is the breakfast spread they put out each day in the morning and afternoon.

I am very grateful and lucky to be on this ride with my brother. We have had some great times over the last 9 1/2 Years. Hopefully they continue for a long time.
11:30 am. DONE!!
On the way home we got three or four videos this morning. That takes us to 105 or so. Not a great count but good enough. Now just the long drive home to see the family.