Myrtle Beach

Almost like a hollywood movie, the seagrass was present, the curling surf was present, the seabirds picking at broken shells were present. \240What we didn't see was the super smart and revengeful shark lurking in the shadows. \240Dang!

The seagulls have been here...

In between the highrise hotels, we find all manner of family entertainment. \240This place must be madness in the summer months.

Myrtle Beach

All the big names are here. \240It is a lovely beach and finally I get to touch the Atlantic Ocean.

Myrtle Beach KOA Resort

Our park in South Carolina is huge and just two blocks from beachside. \240I found the ducks busy with babes under this happy tree.

Ripley's Aquarium of Myrtle Beach

We are in the middle of a spring rain and it is wet and cold, so today was spent indoors. \240I get to enjoy the sea turtles at the aquarium. \240This beauty is so big, I would not be able to wrap my arms around her. \240She lives with schools of fish and multiple sharks. \240Since they are fed by staff, there is no reason to eat each other.

I also spent some time watching the sea jellies. \240I can't say why this Purple Striped Jellyfish as named is orange...they offered no explanation. \240Its movement in the water is spellbinding.

Myrtle Beach Boardwalk and Promenade

We took a long walk along the boardwalk. \240The breeze is warming and people are out enjoying the sights. \240The city is preparing for \240marathon next day.

Under the pier.

The sand has lots of seashell remnants. \240They are not delicate but thick and heavy pieces, as though the gods tossed broken earthenware across the land.

The wooden fences, intended to keep the sand in place, are as much a part of beach charm as anything else. \240

Myrtle Beach

Getting up to watch the sun rise over the Atlantic Ocean was my primary aim today.

Tide is out and for the first time, I see smaller, delicate seashells. \240My only companions are seagulls, who are not inclined to take flight because I am there. \240They, too, are waiting for the warming sun.

As the sun climbs toward the horizon, a rosy amber glow took over the sky. \240Distant clouds look like schooners.

Good Morning Sun!


A Carolina moon. \240Today, we passed acres of tobacco and cotton fields, then realized the towns were named familiar names... Marlboro, Chesterfield, Winston, Salem...

Fancy Gap

We climbed the mountains at the Virginia/North Carolina border so that we could survey the North Carolina landscape.

I was hoping to find some moonshine, but you've got to know the right people.

Mt Airy

Mt Airy is the fictional Mayberry, with several of the original building standing, in great shape, and open to the public.

There seems to be a great love for old days here, and most streets are one-car width, most yards hold antiques, and no one seems to be in much of a hurry.

You remember Otis, the sweet drunk who would lock himself up? \240Here is the jail cell from the Mayberry TV series.

When we turned this corner, I started laughing because Wally's hasn't changed AT ALL! \240It is a little trippy!

It's a fun place to visit, but, no thanks to 'going back in time'. \240That period was rife with problems too.

Jim surprises me with the fact that Gomer and Goober were cousins. \240How did I not know that?