A few weeks ago, I found the girls had gotten into my lip gloss. \240It was all over the place! On the clothes, the couch, the carpet.
Rosie calls any kind of lip coloring “stick lips,” and is constantly asking for it when she sees me put it on.
A few curse words and a lot of elbow grease later, I got it out of the carpet and the clothes. The poor couch just keeps acquiring more and more colors. Some day it might look kind of tye dye if we keeep up the stains.
Upon the arrival to Grandma’s house in Scottsdale, my stick lips were once again discovered and applied liberally to dresses and faces. Very pretty.
Not twenty four hours later, with my gloss secured in a high place, my mom and I were shocked to discover that more stick lips had been procured. The three little monkeys had discovered a tiny coin purse buried deep in a nearly inaccessible drawer which contained Great Grandma Leavitt’s many tubes of dark red and pink lipstick.
“I put it there because I thought you would never look in that drawer!” Said Grandma. Luckily, the Sneaksters were caught before much beautification had occurred.
Our conclusion? They can smell a good mess to be made. At the very least, they can smell stick lips.