Today was another good old regular school based day. With math in the morning we headed to a cute cafe around the corner and sipped cappachinos on the patio while learning about the inverse of quadratics. Then for lunch chiara and decided to go to that Greek place where I had got my salad the day before as they also what chicken gyros. When we got there they were still opening up so we had to wait a bit, therefor we went to the little store next store. They had a bunch of cute little things and I ended up getting a pair of white beach pants for €5. We then went back and got our chicken gyros and they were so good and fresh, we recommended this place to Kathy as an option for dinner one day as a couple others also went and loved it as well, plus it’s fast and cheap as well as delicious. Then it was time for English. After English I was so tired and had some homework so chiara and I chilled, took a power nap, did some school work while having the new season of Atypical on in the background. We then went went down for study hall which we had for an hour before dinner. After study hall we met the group to walk to dinner in the lobby and as soon as we walked down it started pouring rain so we all ran up and got our sweaters or rain jackets. There was some lightning and thunder but it calmed down by the time we started walking. However, when we were about half way it started pouring like I’ve never seen and the thunder was so loud it shook the ground it was kinda scary everyone would jump. We ran and took shelter under these little tents and patio shades. However as I was standing under this little roof thing, from all the rain it suddenly collapsed on us with the bar coming down so we quickly ran over to another tent. The lighting died down a little bit but it was still pouring so we all ran to dinner. But we were all already soaked from head to toe. In total it took about 30 minutes to get to dinner without counting the stops. We were eating at a place called the chicken bar which didn’t have the greatest reviews and was a pre booked dinner so none of us had very high expectations to start yet we were still disappointed. It was honestly the strangest dinner combination ever. It started off with some kind of stale bread with balsamic vinegar and olive oil. We then got a very plain potato omelet with literally just pieces of lettuce on the side. Then we got a quarter chicken which was dry wuth some freezer fries. Then to end it all off we got lemon sorbet which I actually found good, but still such an odd combination. We then proceeded to walk home and went straight to bed which is where I am now. Anyways tomorrow is another school based day so we shall see how that goes.