Colin was not into airplane pictures 😏

Walking through Jacksonville airport. We packed light! Just one backpack for each of us!

The park was empty. \240Easily the least crowded either of us ever remember seeing. \240We headed straight to the Smuggler’s Run ride, snapped a couple of quick Millenium Falcon pics, and reveled in the miniscule wait time.

The ride itself was much what I expected; a suped up version of Mission Space, but it was cool to see Colin piloting the Millenium Falcon and Clark and I operating as gunners. \240We then explored some more of the area with awkward interactions with Storm Troopers, a trip to the Cantina, and desperate pleas from our children to buy various and plentiful Star Wars goodies.

We also basically walked onto Toy Story Mania, the Alien ride, Rockin Rollercoaster, and Tower of Terror!